All Sovereignty Structures

Infrastructure Hub
An Infrastructure Hub is the cornerstone of any empire's expansion into nullsec territory. Once online, it allows the owner to cultivate the system it is placed in by applying one of the upgrades available. These upgrades range from simple improvements to a system's financial infrastructure, to defensive upgrades giving the system owner significant advantages. To begin upgrading a star system, deploy the Infrastructure Hub close to a planet and activate an Entosis Link on the IHub until your alliance has full control. You must be a member of a valid Capsuleer alliance to deploy and/or take control of an IHub. A maximum of one IHub may be deployed in any star system. IHubs cannot be deployed in systems under non-Capsuleer Sovereignty. IHubs cannot be deployed in Wormhole space.
QA Infrastructure Hub
This structure does not exist.
QA Sovereignty Blockade Unit
This structure does not exist.
QA Territorial Claim Unit
This structure does not exist.
Sovereignty Blockade Unit
This structure is a relic, designed to interact with obsolete Sovereignty technology. When deployed into space it will be unable to make the necessary network connections and will self-destruct automatically. Major corporations throughout New Eden are engaging in buyback programs to recycle these structures safely.
Territorial Claim Unit
This unit contains a large fluid router array. By establishing an alternate data route to CONCORD networks, it grants de-facto administrative control of the system it's in to its owners. The Territorial Claim Unit declares to all of New Eden that the owning alliance intends to enforce their will upon this star system. Whether other alliances respect and defer to that claim is another question entirely. To declare your alliance's Sovereignty over an unclaimed system, deploy the Territorial Claim Unit close to a planet and activate an Entosis Link on the TCU until your alliance has full control. You must be a member of a valid Capsuleer alliance to deploy and/or take control of a TCU. A maximum of one TCU may be deployed in any star system. TCUs cannot be deployed in systems under non-Capsuleer Sovereignty. TCUs cannot be deployed in Wormhole space.
Test Server Infrastructure Hub