All Orbitals

Customs Office
Orbital Customs Offices are the primary points of contact between planetary and interplanetary economies. These facilities, resembling massive hangars in space, provide high-volume, high-frequency cargo transport services between a planet's surface and orbit. Excerpt from the Amarr Prime Customs Agency regulations, section 17, subsection 4, paragraph 8: The following items may only be imported or exported with the express prior approval of the Imperial Underscrivener for Commercial Affairs: Narcotic substances; handheld firearms; slaver hounds (except as personal property); Mindflood; live insects; ungulates; Class 1 refrigerants and aerosols; forced laborers/personal slaves (or other sapient livestock); animal germ-plasm; biomass of human origin; xenobiotics; walnuts.
Customs Office Gantry
A rigid scaffold equipped with stabilizing thrusters and microgravity fabrication facilities, this gantry is designed for the erection of large, stationary structures in the orbit of planetary bodies. This model provides the skeleton for an orbital Customs Office. Note: In an effort to reduce waste, the gantry will be consumed during construction and its materials will be incorporated into the new structure.
InterBus Customs Office
Orbital Customs Offices are the primary points of contact between planetary and interplanetary economies. These facilities, resembling massive hangars in space, provide high-volume, high-frequency cargo transport services between a planet's surface and orbit. Excerpt from the Amarr Prime Customs Agency regulations, section 17, subsection 4, paragraph 8: The following items may only be imported or exported with the express prior approval of the Imperial Underscrivener for Commercial Affairs: Narcotic substances; handheld firearms; slaver hounds (except as personal property); Mindflood; live insects; ungulates; Class 1 refrigerants and aerosols; forced laborers/personal slaves (or other sapient livestock); animal germ-plasm; biomass of human origin; xenobiotics; walnuts.
Ion Cannon
Effectively a gigantic powerplant strapped to an enormous, fragile tube of superconductors which have been wrapped into a polytoroidal synchrotron. Given sufficient charging time, it is capable of accelerating a cloud of ionized particles to energies in the 5.5- to 7.2-ZeV range. When precisely targeted by properly-equipped ground forces, this platform can deliver devastating, high-precision space-to-ground artillery support. Corporal, be advised, strike co-ordinates received, splash inbound. Please remain well clear of the blast zone... - Squad Activity Recorder A51781V, final message received; location classified
Orbital Command Center
Orbital Command Centers provide the basic communication, command & control facilities necessary to integrate a planetary society and economy into an interstellar community. They serve as bases from which power can be projected into the local area, as well as hubs of economic activity. However, they lack the power plants, drydocks and other facilities necessary to qualify as full, starship-capable Outposts. Elyse: Wait, are you the kid from Oursulaert who steals drones and sets holders' robes on fire? (pause) I'm on a crew with Gallente's Most Wanted? Thaddeus: Is there going to be a problem? Elyse: Hell no, this is going to be the best shift ever! - Excerpt from S1E3 of the smash hit holoseries, "The OCC"
Orbital Skyhook
The Orbital Skyhook stands as the Upwell Consortium's pinnacle achievement in advancing colonization and space infrastructure technology. Harnessing cutting-edge materials science and technology from member corporations and innovative R&D programs, Upwell has brought these marvels to life in record time. These skyhooks exhibit significantly heightened efficiency in construction, maintenance, and the transportation of resources from surface to orbit. When established, they streamline the transfer of power, workforce, and reagents from planets to orbital facilities and beyond. Tailored variants cater to the diverse environments of different planets, featuring specialized features such as long-range tractor beams for workforces on temperate, ocean, and barren planets, packaging facilities for ice and lava planets' reagents, and power collection platforms for gas, plasma, and storm planets. However, managers are advised that such structures may inadvertently attract unsavory elements, such as pirates, due to their strategic importance and valuable cargo.