All Minmatar

Talwar Abyssal Firestorm SKIN
Noting the unusual effects that can be obtained when incorporating Triglavian subroutines and traces of Abyssal materials into nanocoatings, a commercial product that replicates the look of the plasma firestorms that rage in certain Abyssal Deadspace pockets was developed.
Talwar Arkombine Arisen SKIN
The Arkombine is a splinter group of disillusioned clone soldiers. Betrayed by the nations they swore to serve they now seek independence and the means to undo what has been done to them. Their ranks are comprised of clone soldiers from all four of the major empires. With the rise of the Deathless Circle and new cloning technology holding out the hope of healing the deepest psychological scars of the old warclones, and catapulting them to new heights, the Arkombine have gathered many old soldiers of the first and second generations of mercenary clones to their ranks. The Arkombine Arisen nanocoating is a dramatic and proud statement of the determination of all warclones to survive, prosper, and rise beyond the persecution and conflict inflicted on them by the imperialist ambitions and militarist adventurism of New Eden's empires and factions.
Talwar Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Talwar Blue Tiger SKIN
Talwar Deathglow Remnant SKIN
Talwar Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Talwar Fleet Ordnance Spike SKIN
Republic Fleet Ordnance mining and shipping operations are overseen by a technical specialist officer, usually of Spike Lieutenant rank. Republic Fleet Ordnance is responsible for the acquisition of materials crucial to the construction and maintenance of all kinds of equipment used by the fighting forces of the Minmatar Republic. The resource scouts of Republic Fleet Ordnance scour Minmatar space for pockets of useful asteroids and can call upon mining operations to extract any valuable materials they discover.
Talwar Glacial Drift SKIN
Talwar Hazard Control SKIN
Talwar Liberation Games SKIN
This nanocoating celebrates the Minmatar Liberation Games, with a pattern suggesting the arc of Pator's sunlight over the blue seas of the planet Matar. The symbolism evokes the unity of the tribes as one people born under the sun of Pator on life-giving Matar. The Liberation Games are a celebration of Minmatar freedom, memorial of the past, and reminder that defense of the Seven Tribes is the duty of all.
Talwar Republic Fleet SKIN
Talwar Sebiestor SKIN
Talwar Semiotique Sports SKIN
Used on corporate transports and service vessels of Semiotique Superluminal's fleet, this special nanocoating was designed to mark the launch of the Semiotique Sports brand by one of the biggest players in New Eden's communications and media landscape. Semiotique Superluminal is one of New Eden's largest FTL communications corporations, owned by the reclusive and eccentric trillionaire Lous Chavol, founder of the Scope and an immensely powerful figure in the Gallente Federation's corporate world. From its beginnings as one of the more successful FTL communications companies during the last expansion phase of the Gallente Federation, Semiotique has become a megacorporation that may even rival the titanic Quafe Company for its reach. In recent decades, Semiotique Superluminal has expanded its activities into all manner of technology, media, and entertainment interests. The holocasting and virtuality industries are a major growth area for the corporation, and under its Semiotique Sports brand it has ambitious plans to expand into popular high-tech sports such as Gravball, Mind Clash, spaceship racing, and even the controversial but incredibly lucrative combat sports field.
Talwar Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
In the icy climes of the Northern Mikramurka on Matar there are many traditional forms of transport that take advantage of the snow and ice fields to be found there. One of the most celebrated is still found as a traditional sport around the seismically active western interior of that region. The "bladeracer" sled competitions are usually held on the relatively gentle slopes of the dormant shield volcanoes typically found in the area. The climate means that the upper reaches of the volcanoes are covered in snow and ice all year round but the lower areas remain rather fertile and are warmed by vents. The consequent profusion of heathers and mosses give the hills and slopes their characteristic purple coloration during the "warm" season.
Talwar Triglavian Twilight SKIN
Commissioned in YC121 by CONCORD's own Kjersidur Elladall of the Directive Enforcement Department, these commemorative SKINs serve as a reminder and a badge of honour for those daring Capsuleers who risked all to say "I was there" when the Triglavian Collective breached the boundaries of Abyssal Deadspace and invaded the systems of New Eden. In that year across the Empire-owned systems of the cluster, Conduits from Abyssal Deadspace appeared and carried the forces of the Collective into the comparatively rich and utopian star systems that CONCORD and the DED are sworn to protect. CONCORD will never forget - nor fail to honour - the brave pilots who dedicated their time, their resources and their clones in the fight against the Triglavian menace.
Talwar Tronhadar Ink SKIN
Talwar Valklear Glory SKIN
Thrasher Ace of Podhunters SKIN
"There is no hunting like the hunting of pods, and those who have hunted pods long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." – Ohminen Sin (disputed attribution) The Guristas pride themselves on maintaining the most skilled frigate pilots in any of the pirate organizations of New Eden and their most elite pilots are said to take particular pleasure in the art of catching fleeing capsules.
Thrasher Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Thrasher Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Thrasher Blue Tiger SKIN
Thrasher Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Thrasher Firewall Breach SKIN
Thrasher Fleet Ordnance Spike SKIN
Republic Fleet Ordnance mining and shipping operations are overseen by a technical specialist officer, usually of Spike Lieutenant rank. Republic Fleet Ordnance is responsible for the acquisition of materials crucial to the construction and maintenance of all kinds of equipment used by the fighting forces of the Minmatar Republic. The resource scouts of Republic Fleet Ordnance scour Minmatar space for pockets of useful asteroids and can call upon mining operations to extract any valuable materials they discover.
Thrasher Glacial Drift SKIN
Thrasher Harmonious Ascension SKIN
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers. To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension." – Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Thrasher Hazard Control SKIN
Thrasher Luminaire Zenith SKIN
The rays of Luminaire's light shining varicolored through the ancient forests of Gallente Prime at the sun's zenith are evoked by this nanocoating symbolically celebrating the extent of the Gallente Federation's spread across the stars.
Thrasher Metalbee Minmatar SKIN (Permanent)
Thrasher Nefantar SKIN
Thrasher Republic Fleet SKIN
Thrasher Semiotique Superluminal SKIN
Used by elite corporate executives and celebrity brand ambassadors of Semiotique Superluminal, this exclusive nanocoating was designed to mark the launch of the Semiotique Sports brand by one of the biggest players in New Eden's communications and media landscape. Semiotique Superluminal is one of New Eden's largest FTL communications corporations, owned by the reclusive and eccentric trillionaire Lous Chavol, founder of the Scope and an immensely powerful figure in the Gallente Federation's corporate world. From its beginnings as one of the more successful FTL communications companies during the last expansion phase of the Gallente Federation, Semiotique has become a megacorporation that may even rival the titanic Quafe Company for its reach. In recent decades, Semiotique Superluminal has expanded its activities into all manner of technology, media, and entertainment interests. The holocasting and virtuality industries are a major growth area for the corporation, and under its Semiotique Sports brand it has ambitious plans to expand into popular high-tech sports such as Gravball, Mind Clash, spaceship racing, and even the controversial but incredibly lucrative combat sports field.
Thrasher Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
In the icy climes of the Northern Mikramurka on Matar there are many traditional forms of transport that take advantage of the snow and ice fields to be found there. One of the most celebrated is still found as a traditional sport around the seismically active western interior of that region. The "bladeracer" sled competitions are usually held on the relatively gentle slopes of the dormant shield volcanoes typically found in the area. The climate means that the upper reaches of the volcanoes are covered in snow and ice all year round but the lower areas remain rather fertile and are warmed by vents. The consequent profusion of heathers and mosses give the hills and slopes their characteristic purple coloration during the "warm" season.
Thrasher Thukker Tribe SKIN (30 Days)
Thrasher Tronhadar Ink SKIN
Thrasher Valklear Glory SKIN
Thrasher Zakura Shumyu SKIN
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime. Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens. The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.