All Faction Frigates

Astero AIR Laboratories SKIN
The Association for Interdisciplinary Research is an independent organization focused heavily on research and development of new technologies across multiple industries. The company has subdivisions that cover everything from combat-oriented technology, industrial and economic endeavors, and exploration-focused pursuits. AIR Laboratories, a subdivision of AIR, is responsible for oversight and management of the AIR Capsuleer Training Program.
Astero Arkombine Arisen SKIN
The Arkombine is a splinter group of disillusioned clone soldiers. Betrayed by the nations they swore to serve they now seek independence and the means to undo what has been done to them. Their ranks are comprised of clone soldiers from all four of the major empires. With the rise of the Deathless Circle and new cloning technology holding out the hope of healing the deepest psychological scars of the old warclones, and catapulting them to new heights, the Arkombine have gathered many old soldiers of the first and second generations of mercenary clones to their ranks. The Arkombine Arisen nanocoating is a dramatic and proud statement of the determination of all warclones to survive, prosper, and rise beyond the persecution and conflict inflicted on them by the imperialist ambitions and militarist adventurism of New Eden's empires and factions.
Astero Aspirant Explorer SKIN
This nanocoating has been developed for New Eden's capsuleer academies as a means of celebrating graduate capsuleers aspiring to a career as an Explorer. Explorers are the cartographers and archaeologists of New Eden. These adventurers delve deep in search of hidden relics, data vaults, and pirate strongholds. With specialist probes explorers can also discover shortcuts allowing fleets to move across the New Eden by way of wormholes. Everyone wants to be friends with a good explorer.
Astero Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Astero Crystal Blast SKIN
Astero Deathglow Hunters SKIN
The substance nicknamed 'Deathglow' can be obtained by refining a rare mineral obtained from asteroids that have been altered by the strange gravitational and electromagnetic effects of certain deadspace pockets lying in the zones between 'shallow', stable deadspace and the truly twisted depths of abyssal deadspace. The Deathglow Hunters are notorious criminals and partake of frenzied rituals using the substance. Recent intelligence suggests the Deathglow gangs are largely affiliated with the Blood Raider Covenant, a development that may indicate a desire on the part of the Blood Raiders to expand their operations into the drugs and boosters trade.
Astero Friendship League SKIN
Alongside their humanitarian and scientific pursuits, the Sisters of EVE are involved in many diplomatic and cultural endeavors aimed at promoting friendship between the disparate peoples of the cluster. The SOE's Friendship League is an organization dedicated to advancing good relations between all societies independently of the political and diplomatic maneuvering of the empires and factions of New Eden. Members of the SOE Friendship League are trained to observe high standards of discretion and impartiality in their work, despite the difficulties often posed by diametrically opposed political, economic, and cultural interests across the empires and worlds of the cluster. The Friendship League is occasionally accused of being a front for less altruistic SOE operations but nothing has ever come to light to definitively tarnish its reputation.
Astero Glacial Drift SKIN
Astero One Eden SKIN
The Sisters of EVE's research and exploration efforts have garnered the organization a sinister reputation in the eyes of capsuleers, and conspiracy theorists, but its Food Relief charity arm has provided succor to billions across New Eden. Donations to Food Relief and other humanitarian projects are collected from all over the cluster and the annual "One Eden" fundraising drive is an important means of boosting the SOE's donation income. To many people in New Eden, the charitable works of the Sisters are their most notable.
Astero Sanctuary SKIN
Astero Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN
The vast reach of the Scope Network's news channels and holonet programs is supported by a large news-gathering operation that supplements its staff reporters with an extensive array of freelance correspondents and partnered news organizations. In a convenient arrangement, the Scope operates a news syndication service that allows its partners' news services to benefit from the huge resources of the Scope and its many correspondents.
Astero Semiotique Superluminal SKIN
Used by elite corporate executives and celebrity brand ambassadors of Semiotique Superluminal, this exclusive nanocoating was designed to mark the launch of the Semiotique Sports brand by one of the biggest players in New Eden's communications and media landscape. Semiotique Superluminal is one of New Eden's largest FTL communications corporations, owned by the reclusive and eccentric trillionaire Lous Chavol, founder of the Scope and an immensely powerful figure in the Gallente Federation's corporate world. From its beginnings as one of the more successful FTL communications companies during the last expansion phase of the Gallente Federation, Semiotique has become a megacorporation that may even rival the titanic Quafe Company for its reach. In recent decades, Semiotique Superluminal has expanded its activities into all manner of technology, media, and entertainment interests. The holocasting and virtuality industries are a major growth area for the corporation, and under its Semiotique Sports brand it has ambitious plans to expand into popular high-tech sports such as Gravball, Mind Clash, spaceship racing, and even the controversial but incredibly lucrative combat sports field.
Astero SOE Blue Cell
Astero SOE Fire Cell
Astero SOE Gold Cell
Astero Spectral Shift SKIN
Astero Yoiul Festival YC121 SKIN
The annual Yoiul Festival celebrates the closing of one year and the start of another in New Eden's universal calendar, as adopted by all the empires 121 years ago at the Yoiul Conference. CONCORD has long sponsored and celebrated the Yoiul Festival and over time it has been adopted and marked as a holiday across the four empires. It is particularly significant for those who make their living in space, whether aboard a spaceship or the many space installations of New Eden.
Astero Yoiul Star SKIN
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place.
Caldari Navy Hookbill Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Caldari Navy Hookbill Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Caldari Navy Hookbill Ghostbird SKIN
In Caldari animistic mythology, the Ghostbirds are heralds of war sweeping down from the mountains on wings of snow flecked with the blood of those who will fall in battle. The imagery of the Ghostbird is very popular among the Caldari military and has become a special totem for pilots of all kinds of warships.
Caldari Navy Hookbill Glacial Drift SKIN
Caldari Navy Hookbill Steel Cardinal SKIN
Caldari Navy Hookbill Versus Blueforce SKIN
Caldari Navy Hookbill Wiyrkomi SKIN
Caldari Navy Hookbill Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers)
Crucifier Navy Issue Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Crucifier Navy Issue Cold Iron SKIN
Crucifier Navy Issue EoM SKIN
Crucifier Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Crucifier Navy Issue Glacial Drift SKIN
Crucifier Navy Issue Oasis of Faith SKIN
"Faith is an oasis from which we must draw in order to live. Like an oasis, faith is a gift from the Lord that must be shared with all. Like an oasis, faith must be used with measure and not wasted. Like an oasis, faith should be at the center of a garden. For it is only in the garden of a just and truthful society, watered by well measured faith, that we may cultivate the spirit of the people." – The Scriptures, Seventh Letter of St. Junip of Aerui
Crucifier Navy Issue Purity of the Throne SKIN
Crucifier Navy Issue Sarum SKIN
Crucifier Navy Issue Spirit SKIN
Cruor Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Cruor Blood Raider Victory SKIN
Cruor Glacial Drift SKIN
Cruor Ironblood SKIN
Cruor Luminae Polaris SKIN
Polar lights are a common sight on many planets across New Eden, varying according to atmospheric conditions, planetary magnetic fields, and the stellar wind of the local star. Many cultures consider these dramatic displays in the skies of their planets to be awe-inspiring and dramatic, and they are the source of much myth and art. In some cases, extreme aurora activity can be a portent of impending disaster, and increased or even extreme stellar activity can indeed wreak havoc on inhabited planets. Even so, the Luminae Polaris nanocoating celebrates the more attractive and inspiring side of these dramatic phenomena.
Cruor Malagrin Marshlight SKIN
The vast low-lying deltas and marshy plains of Luminaire's Western Morthane region have a long and dark history in folklore and in the ancient warring states period of the Gallente home world's past. Inhabitants on the periphery of the Great Morthani Wastes have many legends of spirits of light and flame seen wandering the swamps and several of these are feared as devils and demonic beings. The Western Morthani natives called the most-feared of these spirits the "Boitata", and believed it to be a fiery serpent with a penchant for consuming the eyes of the dead and perhaps even the sinful living. Garouni settlers on the far western edge of the Great Wastes called this legendary demon "Malagrin" and also noted the tendency for livestock drowned in the marshes to attract these eery lights. Military disaster is also a feature of the history of the Great Morthani Wastes. In its epic campaign to overthrow the ancient slaveholder Empire of Morthane, the Garoun Empire made several attempts to bypass the blistering deserts of Southern Morthane by marching armies through the western swamps. The legions of Garoun failed to penetrate the grim marshlands at every try, giving up on the route after an entire army, wracked by disease and starvation was destroyed by Morthani raiders at the south-eastern edge of the great wastes. Some tales are told of lights dancing on the corpses of the lost soldiers of Garoun and this has become part of the Malagrin and Boitata legends on either side of the vast swamps.
Cruor Vampire's Hex SKIN
The Vampire's Hex pattern of nanocoating originated as a livery for the Vampire 6900 range of militarized personal atmospheric flyers made by the Hex Aerodynamix corporation, a subsidiary of the Roden Shipyards industrial conglomerate. Following the success of the company's Angel's Hex promotional campaign, the Vampire's Hex nanocoating was also made available in a spaceship format for certain popular capsuleer vessels.
Daredevil Angel's Hex SKIN
The Angel's Hex pattern of nanocoating originated as a livery for the Angel 4700 range of luxury personal atmospheric flyers made by the Hex Aerodynamix corporation, a subsidiary of the Roden Shipyards industrial conglomerate. In a promotional campaign, relying on the large followings of capsuleers among baseliner populations, the nanocoating was made available in a spaceship format for certain popular capsuleer vessels.
Daredevil Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Daredevil Glacial Drift SKIN
Daredevil Heartsurge SKIN
Noting the success of holoreels starring actors using Impetus's Glamourex neural booster, the Nugoeihuvi Corporation sought to develop a similar product, albeit one placing greater emphasis on boosting base sex appeal rather than a more subtle charismatic charm. The Heartsurge project was farmed out to one of the giant NOH megacorp's many subsidiaries, Bakkomolu Productions, which in turn contracted with a neurotweaker lab based in the Mivora constellation, on the edges of the Forge region. Progress on the development of Heartsurge was so promising that Bakkomolu commissioned the nanodesigner Jovaa Seriazic to produce a series of promotional ship nanocoatings. When Bakkomolu Productions was dissolved following a legal dispute with NOH's corporate rival Wiyrkomi, Nugoeihuvi may have hoped to generate a return from the new Heartsurge booster. Unfortunately, the neurotweaker lab had disappeared leaving behind only a scattering of circumstantial evidence that it was an Angel Cartel front all along. This theory was later confirmed when Heartsurge began to be used by producers of black market holoreel titles linked to the infamous Cartel. For his part, with Bakkomolu's dissolution creating a breach of contract, Jovaa Seriazic made some profit on his nanodesign work by selling the license for the nanocoatings to the Serpentis Corporation.
Daredevil IGC SKIN
Daredevil Spirit SKIN
Daredevil Versus Blueforce SKIN
Daredevil Versus Redforce SKIN
Dramiel Angel's Hex SKIN
The Angel's Hex pattern of nanocoating originated as a livery for the Angel 4700 range of luxury personal atmospheric flyers made by the Hex Aerodynamix corporation, a subsidiary of the Roden Shipyards industrial conglomerate. In a promotional campaign, relying on the large followings of capsuleers among baseliner populations, the nanocoating was made available in a spaceship format for certain popular capsuleer vessels.
Dramiel Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Dramiel Empyrean Outlaws SKIN
In chaos, opportunity. In death, profit. Take what's yours, burn the rest. Capsuleer pirates are among the most feared predators of New Eden’s space lanes, posing a deadly threat to almost any non-capsuleer traffic and a serious problem for all but the most experienced loyalist and law-abiding capsuleers. Capsuleers, the so-called “Empyreans”, are considered a disruptive element by many but the outlaws among them can reach levels of notoriety that are usually the preserve of major corporation or alliance leaders.
Dramiel Eros Blossom SKIN
Traditional imagery of the petals of a blossom long associated with love and desire adorn the flanks of any ship using this romantically charged nanocoating from the Guardian Angels. Whether those choosing to display this tribute to the Eros Blossom are celebrating a love held close or are seeking another to receive their devotion is left to the observer to decide.
Dramiel Glacial Drift SKIN
Dramiel Heartsurge SKIN
Noting the success of holoreels starring actors using Impetus's Glamourex neural booster, the Nugoeihuvi Corporation sought to develop a similar product, albeit one placing greater emphasis on boosting base sex appeal rather than a more subtle charismatic charm. The Heartsurge project was farmed out to one of the giant NOH megacorp's many subsidiaries, Bakkomolu Productions, which in turn contracted with a neurotweaker lab based in the Mivora constellation, on the edges of the Forge region. Progress on the development of Heartsurge was so promising that Bakkomolu commissioned the nanodesigner Jovaa Seriazic to produce a series of promotional ship nanocoatings. When Bakkomolu Productions was dissolved following a legal dispute with NOH's corporate rival Wiyrkomi, Nugoeihuvi may have hoped to generate a return from the new Heartsurge booster. Unfortunately, the neurotweaker lab had disappeared leaving behind only a scattering of circumstantial evidence that it was an Angel Cartel front all along. This theory was later confirmed when Heartsurge began to be used by producers of black market holoreel titles linked to the infamous Cartel. For his part, with Bakkomolu's dissolution creating a breach of contract, Jovaa Seriazic made some profit on his nanodesign work by selling the license for the nanocoatings to the Serpentis Corporation.
Dramiel Luminae Polaris SKIN
Polar lights are a common sight on many planets across New Eden, varying according to atmospheric conditions, planetary magnetic fields, and the stellar wind of the local star. Many cultures consider these dramatic displays in the skies of their planets to be awe-inspiring and dramatic, and they are the source of much myth and art. In some cases, extreme aurora activity can be a portent of impending disaster, and increased or even extreme stellar activity can indeed wreak havoc on inhabited planets. Even so, the Luminae Polaris nanocoating celebrates the more attractive and inspiring side of these dramatic phenomena.
Dramiel Sariel's Flames SKIN
Leader of a cell of renegades that broke away from the Angel Cartel, Sariel struck out on his own at first but quickly managed to gather a band of rogue Angels about him. In the days when he was a lone frigate ace, Sariel rigged up a series of plasma torches along the tusk-like flanks of his Dramiel and embarked on a campaign of terror and raiding. Sariel's prowess with a frigate was no doubt a factor in attracting other rogues to his command and the ranks of "Sariel's Flames" swelled as his reputation filtered through the back-alleys and seediest dives of New Eden. The goals of Sariel and his "Flames" remain obscure but they appear to share with their former Cartel comrades an interest in acquiring ancient technology. This appears to include a special interest in advanced cloning techniques derived from dangerous and illegal archaeological delving. By the standards of academics, or even corporate archaeotechs, such activities are no better than tomb-robbing. As Sariel's Flames make sure to achieve space-superiority over any site they plunder, they are unlikely to be dissuaded by the complaints of the archaeological establishment.
Dramiel Spirit SKIN
Dramiel Versus Blueforce SKIN
Dramiel Versus Redforce SKIN
Federation Navy Comet Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Federation Navy Comet Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Federation Navy Comet Glacial Drift SKIN
Federation Navy Comet Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN
Inner Zone Shipping has increased its internal security forces in the wake of the instability and increased threats to space travel posed by pirate activity, Drifter attacks and the Triglavian invasion. The Inner Zone Vanguard clear shipping routes of likely threats and provide a rapid response should IZS transports be attacked.
Federation Navy Comet Intaki Syndicate SKIN
Federation Navy Comet Kopis Edge SKIN
Federation Navy Comet Luminaire Zenith SKIN
The rays of Luminaire's light shining varicolored through the ancient forests of Gallente Prime at the sun's zenith are evoked by this nanocoating symbolically celebrating the extent of the Gallente Federation's spread across the stars.
Federation Navy Comet Police SKIN
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states. The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire. Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Federation Navy Comet Sapphire Sungrazer SKIN
Federation Navy Comet Spirit SKIN
Federation Navy Comet Versus Redforce SKIN
Garmur Arkombine Arisen SKIN
The Arkombine is a splinter group of disillusioned clone soldiers. Betrayed by the nations they swore to serve they now seek independence and the means to undo what has been done to them. Their ranks are comprised of clone soldiers from all four of the major empires. With the rise of the Deathless Circle and new cloning technology holding out the hope of healing the deepest psychological scars of the old warclones, and catapulting them to new heights, the Arkombine have gathered many old soldiers of the first and second generations of mercenary clones to their ranks. The Arkombine Arisen nanocoating is a dramatic and proud statement of the determination of all warclones to survive, prosper, and rise beyond the persecution and conflict inflicted on them by the imperialist ambitions and militarist adventurism of New Eden's empires and factions.
Garmur Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Garmur Convergence - Nova SKIN
Garmur Ghost's Hex SKIN
The Ghost's Hex pattern of nanocoating originated as a livery for the Ghost 1300 range of economy personal atmospheric flyers made by the Hex Aerodynamix corporation, a subsidiary of the Roden Shipyards industrial conglomerate. Following the success of the company's Angel's Hex promotional campaign, the Ghost's Hex nanocoating was also made available in a spaceship format for certain popular capsuleer vessels.
Garmur Glacial Drift SKIN
Garmur Luminae Polaris SKIN
Polar lights are a common sight on many planets across New Eden, varying according to atmospheric conditions, planetary magnetic fields, and the stellar wind of the local star. Many cultures consider these dramatic displays in the skies of their planets to be awe-inspiring and dramatic, and they are the source of much myth and art. In some cases, extreme aurora activity can be a portent of impending disaster, and increased or even extreme stellar activity can indeed wreak havoc on inhabited planets. Even so, the Luminae Polaris nanocoating celebrates the more attractive and inspiring side of these dramatic phenomena.
Garmur Redclaw Sable SKIN
Mind Clash fans across New Eden were stunned by the upset victory of Kiyria "Redclaw Sable" Okaada at the 100th Worlds Championships in October YC122. Held under heavy security, the event at the Grand Teigjon Resort & Casino in Vellaine saw many of the "Greats" of the Mind Clash world compete. Even so, relative newcomer Okaada saw off the powerful field, capping her first time win of the Caldari State Championships with the Worlds crown. To celebrate the meteoric rise of the new phenomenon, Kiyria Okaada's management commissioned a commemorative nanocoating aimed at the capsuleer market. With capsuleers a significant demographic among the most dedicated Mind Clash fans, the Redclaw Sable nanocoating is expected to be popular with aficionados of the complex, mentally-demanding neuro-holographic sport.
Garmur Triumphant Elite SKIN
Only the most elite pilots of the capsuleer alliances earn a spot in the Independent Gaming Commission's Alliance Tournament, or other top-level spaceship combat events organized or sponsored by the IGC. Those capsuleers who score match victories or other notable achievements can be seen sporting the "Triumphant Elite" nanocoating, specially commissioned by the IGC to celebrate some of the most skilled spaceship combat pilots in New Eden.
Garmur Waschi Uprising 'Combat' SKIN
Garmur Waschi Uprising 'Parade' SKIN
Griffin Navy Issue Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Griffin Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Griffin Navy Issue Forward 4-4 SKIN
PKN Interstellar's public relations team have included entries into the popular ship nanocoating market in their range of celebratory offerings to mark the Jita 4-4 expansion project. The "Forward 4-4" nanocoating is designed to highlight the vital place of Jita 4-4 at the center of New Eden markets, and its important role in driving forward space industry, trade and capsuleer endeavors of all kinds.
Griffin Navy Issue Ghostbird SKIN
In Caldari animistic mythology, the Ghostbirds are heralds of war sweeping down from the mountains on wings of snow flecked with the blood of those who will fall in battle. The imagery of the Ghostbird is very popular among the Caldari military and has become a special totem for pilots of all kinds of warships.
Griffin Navy Issue Glacial Drift SKIN
Griffin Navy Issue Spirit SKIN
Griffin Navy Issue Steel Cardinal SKIN
Griffin Navy Issue Wiyrkomi SKIN
Griffin Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers)
Heron Navy Issue Awakening YC125 SKIN
In YC105, they awoke again and for the first time. They fought to make their mark amongst the stars, and not even death could keep them from their destiny. Capsuleers of New Eden, come together and honor their legacy, their legend. Join us in lighting up the skies for twenty years of awakenings, and all the awakenings still to come. - Anonymous Announcement of Capsuleer Awakening YC125
Heron Navy Issue Semiotique Superluminal SKIN
Used by elite corporate executives and celebrity brand ambassadors of Semiotique Superluminal, this exclusive nanocoating was designed to mark the launch of the Semiotique Sports brand by one of the biggest players in New Eden's communications and media landscape. Semiotique Superluminal is one of New Eden's largest FTL communications corporations, owned by the reclusive and eccentric trillionaire Lous Chavol, founder of the Scope and an immensely powerful figure in the Gallente Federation's corporate world. From its beginnings as one of the more successful FTL communications companies during the last expansion phase of the Gallente Federation, Semiotique has become a megacorporation that may even rival the titanic Quafe Company for its reach. In recent decades, Semiotique Superluminal has expanded its activities into all manner of technology, media, and entertainment interests. The holocasting and virtuality industries are a major growth area for the corporation, and under its Semiotique Sports brand it has ambitious plans to expand into popular high-tech sports such as Gravball, Mind Clash, spaceship racing, and even the controversial but incredibly lucrative combat sports field.
Imicus Navy Issue Semiotique Superluminal SKIN
Used by elite corporate executives and celebrity brand ambassadors of Semiotique Superluminal, this exclusive nanocoating was designed to mark the launch of the Semiotique Sports brand by one of the biggest players in New Eden's communications and media landscape. Semiotique Superluminal is one of New Eden's largest FTL communications corporations, owned by the reclusive and eccentric trillionaire Lous Chavol, founder of the Scope and an immensely powerful figure in the Gallente Federation's corporate world. From its beginnings as one of the more successful FTL communications companies during the last expansion phase of the Gallente Federation, Semiotique has become a megacorporation that may even rival the titanic Quafe Company for its reach. In recent decades, Semiotique Superluminal has expanded its activities into all manner of technology, media, and entertainment interests. The holocasting and virtuality industries are a major growth area for the corporation, and under its Semiotique Sports brand it has ambitious plans to expand into popular high-tech sports such as Gravball, Mind Clash, spaceship racing, and even the controversial but incredibly lucrative combat sports field.
Imperial Navy Slicer Ardishapur SKIN
Imperial Navy Slicer Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Imperial Navy Slicer Cold Iron SKIN
Imperial Navy Slicer Crown and Swords SKIN
"As Holy Amarr marks the end of the third year of the reign of Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite, the Theology Council's Supreme Sobor of Theology affirms the divine inspiration of the Empress's Pax e Kilizhi Do and promulgates it to all who shelter within the embrace of Holy Amarr and the Imperial Rite." – Theology Council notice of the publication of the Pax e Kilizhi Do, or "Peace of the Two Swords", on the third anniversary of Empress Catiz I's coronation. This nanocoating celebrates both the third anniversary of the coronation of Empress Catiz I and the publication of the theological work setting out the doctrine of the Peace of the Two Swords in a new addition to Amarr Scripture titled Pax e Kilizhi Do. The work articulates the vision of Empress Catiz I for the Amarr Empire's future and her invocation of the ancient doctrine that the ruler of the Empire wields the sword of spiritual authority alongside a sword of temporal power.
Imperial Navy Slicer EoM SKIN
Imperial Navy Slicer Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Imperial Navy Slicer Glacial Drift SKIN
Imperial Navy Slicer Imperial Police SKIN
The Imperial Inquisitorial Police (IIP) are one of the key law enforcement divisions of the Amarr Ministry of Internal Order, focused primarily on maintaining law and order in direct holdings of the Imperial Throne, and any territories not coming under the direct jurisdiction of the six Royal Houses and their own police guards. Inevitably, given the complex, endlessly-shifting politics and webs of relationships between the Throne, Royal Houses, and their various vassals, there are any number of situations where the Ministry of Internal Order has some valid interest or mandate to intervene. Outright situations of unrest or flagrant criminality are often dealt with by the Ministry's feared Order Paladins, a paramilitary force given to act first and ask questions later. When investigation or a somewhat lighter touch is required the Imperial Inquisitorial Police are usually sent in. Given the delicacy of many situations involving space stations and space industrial colonies, the IIP are the preferred option in such locations, with special investigation units travelling extensively throughout the Amarr Empire.
Imperial Navy Slicer Oasis of Faith SKIN
"Faith is an oasis from which we must draw in order to live. Like an oasis, faith is a gift from the Lord that must be shared with all. Like an oasis, faith must be used with measure and not wasted. Like an oasis, faith should be at the center of a garden. For it is only in the garden of a just and truthful society, watered by well measured faith, that we may cultivate the spirit of the people." – The Scriptures, Seventh Letter of St. Junip of Aerui
Imperial Navy Slicer Purity of the Throne SKIN
Imperial Navy Slicer Sarum SKIN
Imperial Navy Slicer Versus Blueforce SKIN
Magnate Navy Issue Ironblood SKIN
Magnate Navy Issue Order of Tetrimon SKIN
Magnate Navy Issue Sanguinary Savant SKIN
Among their people, the practice of identifying and deifying savants has been part of Sani Sabik life for over a thousand years, but has in more recent times taken a back seat as the Blood Raiders in particular have widened their pursuits to the acquisition, inspection, and manipulation of blood, with this becoming their core focus. The only remaining echoes of the lauding of savants are in the near worship of Omir Sarikusa and in the unstated but general belief among the Sani Sabik that each and every one of them is a savant of New Eden, having all in one way or another been the beneficiaries of the blood rituals.
Magnate Navy Issue Semiotique Superluminal SKIN
Used by elite corporate executives and celebrity brand ambassadors of Semiotique Superluminal, this exclusive nanocoating was designed to mark the launch of the Semiotique Sports brand by one of the biggest players in New Eden's communications and media landscape. Semiotique Superluminal is one of New Eden's largest FTL communications corporations, owned by the reclusive and eccentric trillionaire Lous Chavol, founder of the Scope and an immensely powerful figure in the Gallente Federation's corporate world. From its beginnings as one of the more successful FTL communications companies during the last expansion phase of the Gallente Federation, Semiotique has become a megacorporation that may even rival the titanic Quafe Company for its reach. In recent decades, Semiotique Superluminal has expanded its activities into all manner of technology, media, and entertainment interests. The holocasting and virtuality industries are a major growth area for the corporation, and under its Semiotique Sports brand it has ambitious plans to expand into popular high-tech sports such as Gravball, Mind Clash, spaceship racing, and even the controversial but incredibly lucrative combat sports field.
Maulus Navy Issue Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Maulus Navy Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Maulus Navy Issue Glacial Drift SKIN
Maulus Navy Issue Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN
Inner Zone Shipping has increased its internal security forces in the wake of the instability and increased threats to space travel posed by pirate activity, Drifter attacks and the Triglavian invasion. The Inner Zone Vanguard clear shipping routes of likely threats and provide a rapid response should IZS transports be attacked.
Maulus Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN
Maulus Navy Issue Kopis Edge SKIN
Maulus Navy Issue Luminaire Rising SKIN
The blazing orange-gold dawn of Luminaire over the mountains of Gallente Prime shines from this nanocoating celebrating the birth of the Gallente Federation on its ancient home planet.
Maulus Navy Issue Sapphire Sungrazer SKIN
Maulus Navy Issue Spirit SKIN
Probe Fleet Issue Semiotique Superluminal SKIN
Used by elite corporate executives and celebrity brand ambassadors of Semiotique Superluminal, this exclusive nanocoating was designed to mark the launch of the Semiotique Sports brand by one of the biggest players in New Eden's communications and media landscape. Semiotique Superluminal is one of New Eden's largest FTL communications corporations, owned by the reclusive and eccentric trillionaire Lous Chavol, founder of the Scope and an immensely powerful figure in the Gallente Federation's corporate world. From its beginnings as one of the more successful FTL communications companies during the last expansion phase of the Gallente Federation, Semiotique has become a megacorporation that may even rival the titanic Quafe Company for its reach. In recent decades, Semiotique Superluminal has expanded its activities into all manner of technology, media, and entertainment interests. The holocasting and virtuality industries are a major growth area for the corporation, and under its Semiotique Sports brand it has ambitious plans to expand into popular high-tech sports such as Gravball, Mind Clash, spaceship racing, and even the controversial but incredibly lucrative combat sports field.
Republic Fleet Firetail AIR Laboratories SKIN
The Association for Interdisciplinary Research is an independent organization focused heavily on research and development of new technologies across multiple industries. The company has subdivisions that cover everything from combat-oriented technology, industrial and economic endeavors, and exploration-focused pursuits. AIR Laboratories, a subdivision of AIR, is responsible for oversight and management of the AIR Capsuleer Training Program.
Republic Fleet Firetail Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Republic Fleet Firetail Brutor SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Dawn of Liberation SKIN
The Great Rebellion was the dawn of liberation for the Minmatar tribes that once lived almost entirely under the dominion of the Amarr. When the slave revolt broke out in 20 BYC (AD 23216), it stunned an Amarr Empire already reeling from the shock of their defeat by the Jovian fleet at the Battle of Vak'Atioth. The Minmatar that rose up were quickly able to cut a swathe through the territories surrounding the Matari home worlds, aided by groups of free Minmatar who had long operated as guerilla fighters both planet-side and in space. The Minmatar Republic was founded by four of the great tribes and was invited to join in the foundation of CONCORD in 3 BYC. By the end of YC 111, the Nefantar, Starkmanir and Thukker Tribes had rejoined their Brutor, Krusual, Sebiestor and Vherokior brothers and sisters in the Minmatar's Tribal Republic.
Republic Fleet Firetail Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Freedom's Revolution SKIN
For the Minmatar people the Great Rebellion was the founding revolutionary event that set them on the path to freedom in their Tribal Republic. The Freedom's Revolution nanocoating celebrates that struggle for freedom, the lives lost and the great gains made by the Minmatar. While Liberation Day is a grand celebration of the day freedom was achieved for billions of Minmatar, it is also a day of remembrance of those Matari who still languish as slaves in the Amarr Empire, Khanid Kingdom, and the lawless reaches of New Eden.
Republic Fleet Firetail Glacial Drift SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Justice SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Krusual SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Liberation Games SKIN
This nanocoating celebrates the Minmatar Liberation Games, with a pattern suggesting the arc of Pator's sunlight over the blue seas of the planet Matar. The symbolism evokes the unity of the tribes as one people born under the sun of Pator on life-giving Matar. The Liberation Games are a celebration of Minmatar freedom, memorial of the past, and reminder that defense of the Seven Tribes is the duty of all.
Republic Fleet Firetail Nefantar SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Sebiestor SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
In the icy climes of the Northern Mikramurka on Matar there are many traditional forms of transport that take advantage of the snow and ice fields to be found there. One of the most celebrated is still found as a traditional sport around the seismically active western interior of that region. The "bladeracer" sled competitions are usually held on the relatively gentle slopes of the dormant shield volcanoes typically found in the area. The climate means that the upper reaches of the volcanoes are covered in snow and ice all year round but the lower areas remain rather fertile and are warmed by vents. The consequent profusion of heathers and mosses give the hills and slopes their characteristic purple coloration during the "warm" season.
Republic Fleet Firetail Starkmanir SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Thukker Tribe SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Versus Redforce SKIN
Republic Fleet Firetail Vherokior SKIN
Skybreaker AEGIS Police SKIN
The Authority for Emergency Interdiction and Security (AEGIS) was originally set up as a response to shipping losses to pirates and other emergent threats, but during the Triglavian Invasions the security organization became a major element of planetary and space station defense efforts by EDENCOM. The AEGIS Security Police (ASP) operate across New Eden and are used to secure and police orbital facilities and planetary defense networks controlled by EDENCOM. AEGIS Security Police also have an important role in investigating crimes and arbitrating disputes between the disparate interstellar forces that make up the military units operating under the EDENCOM mission. Increasingly, as the core empires look to their own internal security concerns and military-industrial strategic agendas, the AEGIS Security Police have supported the work of AEGIS Commandos and EDENCOM Anti-Warclone Units, as well as securing vital Upwell Consortium facilities constructing fortification equipment.
Skybreaker Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Skybreaker Bluestar Defenders SKIN
Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion.
Skybreaker Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
As celebrations unfold for the 21st anniversary of the Capsuleer Age, a looming threat emerges from Abyssal Deadspace. The conflict between the Triglavian Collective and the Drifters spills into New Eden, prompting the Society of Conscious Thought to enlist Capsuleers to act on their behalf. This nanocoating, intricately crafted by the SoCT, serves as a distinctive adornment for those who bravely stepped up for the frontier in Y126.
Skybreaker EDENCOM Victory SKIN
This nanocoating was designed to serve as a suitable reward for those pilots displaying skill in open tournaments sponsored by the EDENCOM defensive alliance. The design was approved by Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir herself and is intended to "celebrate the noble sacrifices made by the defenders of New Eden." EDENCOM's public communications and propaganda department planned a number of programs to bolster recruitment in the event the Triglavian Invasion campaigns continued for many years. In the event, the success of EDENCOM saved nearly 150 systems from Triglavian attacks, fortifying over 50 in the face of sustained invasion efforts. The formation of Pochven effectively ended the invasion war but EDENCOM found itself facing continued raiding by Triglavian forces. EDENCOM forces also continued efforts to bolster resistance movements within Pochven, supporting a case for continued propaganda and communication efforts.
Succubus Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Succubus Ghost's Hex SKIN
The Ghost's Hex pattern of nanocoating originated as a livery for the Ghost 1300 range of economy personal atmospheric flyers made by the Hex Aerodynamix corporation, a subsidiary of the Roden Shipyards industrial conglomerate. Following the success of the company's Angel's Hex promotional campaign, the Ghost's Hex nanocoating was also made available in a spaceship format for certain popular capsuleer vessels.
Succubus Glacial Drift SKIN
Succubus Luminae Polaris SKIN
Polar lights are a common sight on many planets across New Eden, varying according to atmospheric conditions, planetary magnetic fields, and the stellar wind of the local star. Many cultures consider these dramatic displays in the skies of their planets to be awe-inspiring and dramatic, and they are the source of much myth and art. In some cases, extreme aurora activity can be a portent of impending disaster, and increased or even extreme stellar activity can indeed wreak havoc on inhabited planets. Even so, the Luminae Polaris nanocoating celebrates the more attractive and inspiring side of these dramatic phenomena.
Succubus True Deliverance SKIN
For too long have you been allowed to live in fear. For too long have you thought, "If the Nation comes, we will run, and we will hide, and we will be safe." Let it be known that there is no such thing as "safe." There is only deliverance, or annihilation. – recording recovered from station wreckage. Speaker identified as former True Citizen, Cornelius Sedek, now leader of the Vimoksha Chorus.
Vigil Fleet Issue Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Vigil Fleet Issue Dawn of Liberation SKIN
The Great Rebellion was the dawn of liberation for the Minmatar tribes that once lived almost entirely under the dominion of the Amarr. When the slave revolt broke out in 20 BYC (AD 23216), it stunned an Amarr Empire already reeling from the shock of their defeat by the Jovian fleet at the Battle of Vak'Atioth. The Minmatar that rose up were quickly able to cut a swathe through the territories surrounding the Matari home worlds, aided by groups of free Minmatar who had long operated as guerilla fighters both planet-side and in space. The Minmatar Republic was founded by four of the great tribes and was invited to join in the foundation of CONCORD in 3 BYC. By the end of YC 111, the Nefantar, Starkmanir and Thukker Tribes had rejoined their Brutor, Krusual, Sebiestor and Vherokior brothers and sisters in the Minmatar's Tribal Republic.
Vigil Fleet Issue Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Vigil Fleet Issue Glacial Drift SKIN
Vigil Fleet Issue Justice SKIN
Vigil Fleet Issue Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
In the icy climes of the Northern Mikramurka on Matar there are many traditional forms of transport that take advantage of the snow and ice fields to be found there. One of the most celebrated is still found as a traditional sport around the seismically active western interior of that region. The "bladeracer" sled competitions are usually held on the relatively gentle slopes of the dormant shield volcanoes typically found in the area. The climate means that the upper reaches of the volcanoes are covered in snow and ice all year round but the lower areas remain rather fertile and are warmed by vents. The consequent profusion of heathers and mosses give the hills and slopes their characteristic purple coloration during the "warm" season.
Vigil Fleet Issue Spirit SKIN
Worm Ace of Podhunters SKIN
"There is no hunting like the hunting of pods, and those who have hunted pods long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." – Ohminen Sin (disputed attribution) The Guristas pride themselves on maintaining the most skilled frigate pilots in any of the pirate organizations of New Eden and their most elite pilots are said to take particular pleasure in the art of catching fleeing capsules.
Worm Aetheric Raiders SKIN
Rumors of pirate groups infiltrating Abyssal Deadspace have grown in volume since the way to those strange regions of space was opened to New Eden's pilots. One persistent tale has the Guristas pirates raiding down from New Eden to fight extensive battles against Triglavian fleets deep in the very heart of the abyss. Whether the tales of vast clashes in the dark depths of Abyssal Deadspace are true or impossible exaggerations of the kind often heard in the dives frequented by piratical scum remains to be seen.
Worm Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Worm Empyrean Outlaws SKIN
In chaos, opportunity. In death, profit. Take what's yours, burn the rest. Capsuleer pirates are among the most feared predators of New Eden’s space lanes, posing a deadly threat to almost any non-capsuleer traffic and a serious problem for all but the most experienced loyalist and law-abiding capsuleers. Capsuleers, the so-called “Empyreans”, are considered a disruptive element by many but the outlaws among them can reach levels of notoriety that are usually the preserve of major corporation or alliance leaders.
Worm Glacial Drift SKIN
Worm Helmatt's Harriers SKIN
One of the Guristas Pirates most notorious and brash combat pilots, Lucash Helmatt has carved out a spot for himself as a key leader of Guristas raids on the forces of law and order. Helmatt's personal wing of raiders, the Harriers, is feared far-and-wide across the systems bordering the Guristas territories in nullsec. In his typical style, Lucash had all Helmatt's Harriers ships painted in bright and disruptive yellow and black with an eye to intimidation and maintaining his personal notoriety. The Harriers are also notable for harboring a large number of combat pilots originating from other pirate and crime organizations across New Eden. Helmatt himself has a long and brutal career in the Angel Cartel before defecting to the Guristas, and he has built the Harriers out of a ragtag band of cut-throats and wolfs-heads no less ruthless, violent and rapacious.
Worm Hostile Takeover SKIN
Worm Luminae Polaris SKIN
Polar lights are a common sight on many planets across New Eden, varying according to atmospheric conditions, planetary magnetic fields, and the stellar wind of the local star. Many cultures consider these dramatic displays in the skies of their planets to be awe-inspiring and dramatic, and they are the source of much myth and art. In some cases, extreme aurora activity can be a portent of impending disaster, and increased or even extreme stellar activity can indeed wreak havoc on inhabited planets. Even so, the Luminae Polaris nanocoating celebrates the more attractive and inspiring side of these dramatic phenomena.
Worm Vampire's Hex SKIN
The Vampire's Hex pattern of nanocoating originated as a livery for the Vampire 6900 range of militarized personal atmospheric flyers made by the Hex Aerodynamix corporation, a subsidiary of the Roden Shipyards industrial conglomerate. Following the success of the company's Angel's Hex promotional campaign, the Vampire's Hex nanocoating was also made available in a spaceship format for certain popular capsuleer vessels.
Worm Versus Redforce SKIN