All Advanced Destroyers

Bifrost Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Bifrost Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Bifrost Eden's Hunters SKIN
Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
Bifrost Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Bifrost Glacial Drift SKIN
Bifrost Hazard Control SKIN
Bifrost Kybernaut Clade SKIN
The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
Bifrost Liberation Games SKIN
This nanocoating celebrates the Minmatar Liberation Games, with a pattern suggesting the arc of Pator's sunlight over the blue seas of the planet Matar. The symbolism evokes the unity of the tribes as one people born under the sun of Pator on life-giving Matar. The Liberation Games are a celebration of Minmatar freedom, memorial of the past, and reminder that defense of the Seven Tribes is the duty of all.
Bifrost Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
In the icy climes of the Northern Mikramurka on Matar there are many traditional forms of transport that take advantage of the snow and ice fields to be found there. One of the most celebrated is still found as a traditional sport around the seismically active western interior of that region. The "bladeracer" sled competitions are usually held on the relatively gentle slopes of the dormant shield volcanoes typically found in the area. The climate means that the upper reaches of the volcanoes are covered in snow and ice all year round but the lower areas remain rather fertile and are warmed by vents. The consequent profusion of heathers and mosses give the hills and slopes their characteristic purple coloration during the "warm" season.
Bifrost Tronhadar Ink SKIN
Bifrost Valklear Glory SKIN
Confessor Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Confessor Cold Iron SKIN
Confessor Crown and Swords SKIN
"As Holy Amarr marks the end of the third year of the reign of Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite, the Theology Council's Supreme Sobor of Theology affirms the divine inspiration of the Empress's Pax e Kilizhi Do and promulgates it to all who shelter within the embrace of Holy Amarr and the Imperial Rite." – Theology Council notice of the publication of the Pax e Kilizhi Do, or "Peace of the Two Swords", on the third anniversary of Empress Catiz I's coronation. This nanocoating celebrates both the third anniversary of the coronation of Empress Catiz I and the publication of the theological work setting out the doctrine of the Peace of the Two Swords in a new addition to Amarr Scripture titled Pax e Kilizhi Do. The work articulates the vision of Empress Catiz I for the Amarr Empire's future and her invocation of the ancient doctrine that the ruler of the Empire wields the sword of spiritual authority alongside a sword of temporal power.
Confessor Eros Blossom SKIN
Traditional imagery of the petals of a blossom long associated with love and desire adorn the flanks of any ship using this romantically charged nanocoating from the Guardian Angels. Whether those choosing to display this tribute to the Eros Blossom are celebrating a love held close or are seeking another to receive their devotion is left to the observer to decide.
Confessor Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Confessor Glacial Drift SKIN
Confessor Heartsurge SKIN
Noting the success of holoreels starring actors using Impetus's Glamourex neural booster, the Nugoeihuvi Corporation sought to develop a similar product, albeit one placing greater emphasis on boosting base sex appeal rather than a more subtle charismatic charm. The Heartsurge project was farmed out to one of the giant NOH megacorp's many subsidiaries, Bakkomolu Productions, which in turn contracted with a neurotweaker lab based in the Mivora constellation, on the edges of the Forge region. Progress on the development of Heartsurge was so promising that Bakkomolu commissioned the nanodesigner Jovaa Seriazic to produce a series of promotional ship nanocoatings. When Bakkomolu Productions was dissolved following a legal dispute with NOH's corporate rival Wiyrkomi, Nugoeihuvi may have hoped to generate a return from the new Heartsurge booster. Unfortunately, the neurotweaker lab had disappeared leaving behind only a scattering of circumstantial evidence that it was an Angel Cartel front all along. This theory was later confirmed when Heartsurge began to be used by producers of black market holoreel titles linked to the infamous Cartel. For his part, with Bakkomolu's dissolution creating a breach of contract, Jovaa Seriazic made some profit on his nanodesign work by selling the license for the nanocoatings to the Serpentis Corporation.
Confessor Imperial Jubilee SKIN
The jubilee of an Amarr ruler's coronation is a high holiday in the Imperial Calendar and is celebrated across the Amarr Empire. The ancient tradition of flying banners of purple and gold to show loyalty to the Imperial Throne is echoed in these nanocoatings that bear the coronation crest of Empress Catiz I.
Confessor Lavacore Imperial SKIN
The Amarr Empire has been exploiting lava planets for the rich resources to be had from the constant churn of magma for ages past. The vast territories controlled by the Amarr contain hundreds of such planets and the expertise of their planetary extraction engineers in the field of lava planet mining is well known across New Eden. Empress Catiz I's own family, House Tash-Murkon, has considerable interests in the mining industries and is noted for its extensive harvesting of resources from the many lava planets it directly controls through its regional fief. The "Lavacore Imperial" nanocoating is testament to the flaming riches of the Amarr Empire's lava planets and the vast wealth that the Empress herself has derived from such worlds.
Confessor Malagrin Marshlight SKIN
The vast low-lying deltas and marshy plains of Luminaire's Western Morthane region have a long and dark history in folklore and in the ancient warring states period of the Gallente home world's past. Inhabitants on the periphery of the Great Morthani Wastes have many legends of spirits of light and flame seen wandering the swamps and several of these are feared as devils and demonic beings. The Western Morthani natives called the most-feared of these spirits the "Boitata", and believed it to be a fiery serpent with a penchant for consuming the eyes of the dead and perhaps even the sinful living. Garouni settlers on the far western edge of the Great Wastes called this legendary demon "Malagrin" and also noted the tendency for livestock drowned in the marshes to attract these eery lights. Military disaster is also a feature of the history of the Great Morthani Wastes. In its epic campaign to overthrow the ancient slaveholder Empire of Morthane, the Garoun Empire made several attempts to bypass the blistering deserts of Southern Morthane by marching armies through the western swamps. The legions of Garoun failed to penetrate the grim marshlands at every try, giving up on the route after an entire army, wracked by disease and starvation was destroyed by Morthani raiders at the south-eastern edge of the great wastes. Some tales are told of lights dancing on the corpses of the lost soldiers of Garoun and this has become part of the Malagrin and Boitata legends on either side of the vast swamps.
Confessor Oasis of Faith SKIN
"Faith is an oasis from which we must draw in order to live. Like an oasis, faith is a gift from the Lord that must be shared with all. Like an oasis, faith must be used with measure and not wasted. Like an oasis, faith should be at the center of a garden. For it is only in the garden of a just and truthful society, watered by well measured faith, that we may cultivate the spirit of the people." – The Scriptures, Seventh Letter of St. Junip of Aerui
Confessor Purity of the Throne SKIN
Confessor Star Captain SKIN
Confessor Yoiul Star SKIN
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place.
Eris Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Eris Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Eris Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Eris Glacial Drift SKIN
Eris Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN
Inner Zone Shipping has increased its internal security forces in the wake of the instability and increased threats to space travel posed by pirate activity, Drifter attacks and the Triglavian invasion. The Inner Zone Vanguard clear shipping routes of likely threats and provide a rapid response should IZS transports be attacked.
Eris Intaki Syndicate SKIN
Eris Kopis Edge SKIN
Eris Serpentis SKIN
Eris Spirit SKIN
Eris Valimor Legacy SKIN
Flycatcher Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Flycatcher Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Flycatcher Blue Tiger SKIN
Flycatcher Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Flycatcher Ghostbird SKIN
In Caldari animistic mythology, the Ghostbirds are heralds of war sweeping down from the mountains on wings of snow flecked with the blood of those who will fall in battle. The imagery of the Ghostbird is very popular among the Caldari military and has become a special totem for pilots of all kinds of warships.
Flycatcher Glacial Drift SKIN
Flycatcher Kimotoro Eskeitan SKIN
Formally called the "Kimotoro Tivaktikun Sejikiineten Eskeitan", or Kimotoro Defense Zone Executive Guard, most Caldari know the defense force of the home constellation of the State simply as the Kimotoro Eskeitan. A Caldari Navy unit that answers directly to the Chief Executive Panel, the Kimotoro Eskeitan are often seen performing ceremonial duties in their splendidly caparisoned combat vessels, such as on occasions like the Caldari State Workers Union Day. For all the decoration and pomp of their most visible appearances, the Kimotoro Eskeitan are one of the most elite forces in the Caldari State's military and form an essential component of the defensive arrangements of the Caldari home systems.
Flycatcher Malagrin Marshlight SKIN
The vast low-lying deltas and marshy plains of Luminaire's Western Morthane region have a long and dark history in folklore and in the ancient warring states period of the Gallente home world's past. Inhabitants on the periphery of the Great Morthani Wastes have many legends of spirits of light and flame seen wandering the swamps and several of these are feared as devils and demonic beings. The Western Morthani natives called the most-feared of these spirits the "Boitata", and believed it to be a fiery serpent with a penchant for consuming the eyes of the dead and perhaps even the sinful living. Garouni settlers on the far western edge of the Great Wastes called this legendary demon "Malagrin" and also noted the tendency for livestock drowned in the marshes to attract these eery lights. Military disaster is also a feature of the history of the Great Morthani Wastes. In its epic campaign to overthrow the ancient slaveholder Empire of Morthane, the Garoun Empire made several attempts to bypass the blistering deserts of Southern Morthane by marching armies through the western swamps. The legions of Garoun failed to penetrate the grim marshlands at every try, giving up on the route after an entire army, wracked by disease and starvation was destroyed by Morthani raiders at the south-eastern edge of the great wastes. Some tales are told of lights dancing on the corpses of the lost soldiers of Garoun and this has become part of the Malagrin and Boitata legends on either side of the vast swamps.
Flycatcher Matigu Seabeast SKIN
Flycatcher Raata Sunset SKIN
Flycatcher State Police SKIN
The Caldari State Police is one of the few law enforcement organizations that conducts operations across Caldari territory, working alongside Caldari Customs and the Business Tribunal Audit & Investigation Branch, known as the "Audit Tribunes". Originating as the planetary police force of Caldari Prime, during the period of Caldari membership of the Federation, the Caldari Police Guards played a key role in evacuating millions during the Caldari-Gallente War. This guaranteed the continued existence of the agency as the Caldari State Police, even in the new Caldari order of a fully corporate state.
Flycatcher Steel Cardinal SKIN
Flycatcher Wiyrkomi SKIN
Flycatcher Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers)
Hecate Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Hecate Caille Neon SKIN
The permanently crowded streets of Caille are lit by uncounted kilometers of neon lighting by night. Indeed, some sections of the cultural capital of the Gallente Federation are so deep within the canyon-like avenues of the Caille megalopolis that they are streaked through with neon colours at every hour of the day. This pattern is seen in many Gallente cities but Caille remains the most astonishing example in the Federation. The Caille Neon nanocoating echoes and celebrates the glowing vibrancy of Federation streetlife, providing a striking livery option for pilots of Gallente ships.
Hecate Dos Rouvenor's Bequest SKIN
King Doule dos Rouvenor III of the Garoun Empire is considered by many Gallente to be one of the essential figures in the historical developments that led to the eventual emergence of a democratic world state on Gallente Prime. The ideals of the individualistic philosophy that Doule dos Rouvenor III championed during his 36-year rule of the Garoun Empire survived that nation's collapse over a century after his death. Those early notions of personal and political freedom flowed out of the Age of Rouvenor and informed the development of a democratic federal union on Gallente Prime that was to become an interstellar empire in the shape of the Gallente Federation. Doule dos Rouvenor III's bequest of an individualistic philosophy emphasizing personal freedom is celebrated by a unique nanocoating that recalls the ancient heraldic colors of the House of dos Rouvenor. King Doule dos Rouvenor, Third of His Name, is specially marked on this nanocoating with the bold regnal number 'III', while banners bearing the emblem of the Gallente Federation complete this epic celebration of a Gallente hero.
Hecate Empyrean Dragons SKIN
Calling forth the power and wisdom of heavenly creatures from Jin-Mei mythology, this nanocoating is a symbolic celebration of the awesome capabilities and reach of the capsuleer pilots of New Eden.
Hecate Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Hecate Glacial Drift SKIN
Hecate Glittering Dream SKIN
The Glittering Dream nightclub is one of the most famous venues situated on Caille's astounding Crystal Boulevard, noted for the exclusivity of its clientele as much as for an architecture that triples down on the synthetic diamond setting of the boulevard it sits on. A major tourist attraction, the sparkling slabs of the Crystal Boulevard obscure a deep, dark purpose as beneath it lies the continuity of government and military command bunker complex for the planet of Gallente Prime. Similarly, the towering triple helix spire of the Glittering Dream nightclub, fashioned without and within from expensive crystalline carbonides, appears to be just a high-class nightclub. Here though is where the political, military, business and even criminal elite of Luminaire meet to discuss their most secret affairs in assurance of privacy and confidentiality.
Hecate Heartsurge SKIN
Noting the success of holoreels starring actors using Impetus's Glamourex neural booster, the Nugoeihuvi Corporation sought to develop a similar product, albeit one placing greater emphasis on boosting base sex appeal rather than a more subtle charismatic charm. The Heartsurge project was farmed out to one of the giant NOH megacorp's many subsidiaries, Bakkomolu Productions, which in turn contracted with a neurotweaker lab based in the Mivora constellation, on the edges of the Forge region. Progress on the development of Heartsurge was so promising that Bakkomolu commissioned the nanodesigner Jovaa Seriazic to produce a series of promotional ship nanocoatings. When Bakkomolu Productions was dissolved following a legal dispute with NOH's corporate rival Wiyrkomi, Nugoeihuvi may have hoped to generate a return from the new Heartsurge booster. Unfortunately, the neurotweaker lab had disappeared leaving behind only a scattering of circumstantial evidence that it was an Angel Cartel front all along. This theory was later confirmed when Heartsurge began to be used by producers of black market holoreel titles linked to the infamous Cartel. For his part, with Bakkomolu's dissolution creating a breach of contract, Jovaa Seriazic made some profit on his nanodesign work by selling the license for the nanocoatings to the Serpentis Corporation.
Hecate Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN
Inner Zone Shipping has increased its internal security forces in the wake of the instability and increased threats to space travel posed by pirate activity, Drifter attacks and the Triglavian invasion. The Inner Zone Vanguard clear shipping routes of likely threats and provide a rapid response should IZS transports be attacked.
Hecate Kopis Edge SKIN
Hecate Malagrin Marshlight SKIN
The vast low-lying deltas and marshy plains of Luminaire's Western Morthane region have a long and dark history in folklore and in the ancient warring states period of the Gallente home world's past. Inhabitants on the periphery of the Great Morthani Wastes have many legends of spirits of light and flame seen wandering the swamps and several of these are feared as devils and demonic beings. The Western Morthani natives called the most-feared of these spirits the "Boitata", and believed it to be a fiery serpent with a penchant for consuming the eyes of the dead and perhaps even the sinful living. Garouni settlers on the far western edge of the Great Wastes called this legendary demon "Malagrin" and also noted the tendency for livestock drowned in the marshes to attract these eery lights. Military disaster is also a feature of the history of the Great Morthani Wastes. In its epic campaign to overthrow the ancient slaveholder Empire of Morthane, the Garoun Empire made several attempts to bypass the blistering deserts of Southern Morthane by marching armies through the western swamps. The legions of Garoun failed to penetrate the grim marshlands at every try, giving up on the route after an entire army, wracked by disease and starvation was destroyed by Morthani raiders at the south-eastern edge of the great wastes. Some tales are told of lights dancing on the corpses of the lost soldiers of Garoun and this has become part of the Malagrin and Boitata legends on either side of the vast swamps.
Hecate Ruby Sungrazer SKIN
Hecate Sapphire Sungrazer SKIN
Hecate Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN
The vast reach of the Scope Network's news channels and holonet programs is supported by a large news-gathering operation that supplements its staff reporters with an extensive array of freelance correspondents and partnered news organizations. In a convenient arrangement, the Scope operates a news syndication service that allows its partners' news services to benefit from the huge resources of the Scope and its many correspondents.
Hecate Serpentis SKIN
Hecate Spirit SKIN
Hecate Yoiul Star SKIN
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place.
Heretic Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Heretic Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Heretic Cold Iron SKIN
Heretic EoM SKIN
Heretic Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Heretic GalNet StreamCast Unit SKIN
The GalNet StreamCast Unit is a special program of the GalNet Association, the grouping of interstellar organizations, corporations and empire representatives that oversees the standards and protocols of the interstellar GalNet. GalNet StreamCast Unit operates ships or sponsors independent pilots to provide public access audio-visual and holographic data for use in GalNet programming. GalNet StreamCast Unit channels also host a variety of independent program-makers and work to give access and support to those citizens of New Eden wishing to broadcast using the streaming protocols of the interstellar GalNet.
Heretic Glacial Drift SKIN
Heretic Imperial Jubilee SKIN
The jubilee of an Amarr ruler's coronation is a high holiday in the Imperial Calendar and is celebrated across the Amarr Empire. The ancient tradition of flying banners of purple and gold to show loyalty to the Imperial Throne is echoed in these nanocoatings that bear the coronation crest of Empress Catiz I.
Heretic Lavacore Imperial SKIN
The Amarr Empire has been exploiting lava planets for the rich resources to be had from the constant churn of magma for ages past. The vast territories controlled by the Amarr contain hundreds of such planets and the expertise of their planetary extraction engineers in the field of lava planet mining is well known across New Eden. Empress Catiz I's own family, House Tash-Murkon, has considerable interests in the mining industries and is noted for its extensive harvesting of resources from the many lava planets it directly controls through its regional fief. The "Lavacore Imperial" nanocoating is testament to the flaming riches of the Amarr Empire's lava planets and the vast wealth that the Empress herself has derived from such worlds.
Heretic Oasis of Faith SKIN
"Faith is an oasis from which we must draw in order to live. Like an oasis, faith is a gift from the Lord that must be shared with all. Like an oasis, faith must be used with measure and not wasted. Like an oasis, faith should be at the center of a garden. For it is only in the garden of a just and truthful society, watered by well measured faith, that we may cultivate the spirit of the people." – The Scriptures, Seventh Letter of St. Junip of Aerui
Heretic Purity of the Throne SKIN
Heretic Raata Sunset SKIN
Jackdaw Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Jackdaw Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Jackdaw GalNet StreamCast Unit SKIN
The GalNet StreamCast Unit is a special program of the GalNet Association, the grouping of interstellar organizations, corporations and empire representatives that oversees the standards and protocols of the interstellar GalNet. GalNet StreamCast Unit operates ships or sponsors independent pilots to provide public access audio-visual and holographic data for use in GalNet programming. GalNet StreamCast Unit channels also host a variety of independent program-makers and work to give access and support to those citizens of New Eden wishing to broadcast using the streaming protocols of the interstellar GalNet.
Jackdaw Ghostbird SKIN
In Caldari animistic mythology, the Ghostbirds are heralds of war sweeping down from the mountains on wings of snow flecked with the blood of those who will fall in battle. The imagery of the Ghostbird is very popular among the Caldari military and has become a special totem for pilots of all kinds of warships.
Jackdaw Glacial Drift SKIN
Jackdaw Heartsurge SKIN
Noting the success of holoreels starring actors using Impetus's Glamourex neural booster, the Nugoeihuvi Corporation sought to develop a similar product, albeit one placing greater emphasis on boosting base sex appeal rather than a more subtle charismatic charm. The Heartsurge project was farmed out to one of the giant NOH megacorp's many subsidiaries, Bakkomolu Productions, which in turn contracted with a neurotweaker lab based in the Mivora constellation, on the edges of the Forge region. Progress on the development of Heartsurge was so promising that Bakkomolu commissioned the nanodesigner Jovaa Seriazic to produce a series of promotional ship nanocoatings. When Bakkomolu Productions was dissolved following a legal dispute with NOH's corporate rival Wiyrkomi, Nugoeihuvi may have hoped to generate a return from the new Heartsurge booster. Unfortunately, the neurotweaker lab had disappeared leaving behind only a scattering of circumstantial evidence that it was an Angel Cartel front all along. This theory was later confirmed when Heartsurge began to be used by producers of black market holoreel titles linked to the infamous Cartel. For his part, with Bakkomolu's dissolution creating a breach of contract, Jovaa Seriazic made some profit on his nanodesign work by selling the license for the nanocoatings to the Serpentis Corporation.
Jackdaw Octopus Orange Flight SKIN
The Caldari Navy's 37th (Octopus) Squadron has a long and storied history stretching back to the Caldari-Gallente War that led to independence for the Caldari State. Originally a frigate squadron established during the war, the 37th is notable as a capsuleer unit within the Caldari Navy. Octopus Squadron's "Orange Flight" is an outgrowth of the older "Red Flight" after reorganization of this elite capsuleer squadron. The Orange Flight operates advanced missile cruisers in the heavy assault role, providing devastating and flexible long-range firepower to the 37th.
Jackdaw Octopus Red Flight SKIN
The Caldari Navy's 37th (Octopus) Squadron has a long and storied history stretching back to the Caldari-Gallente War that led to independence for the Caldari State. One of the original frigate squadrons established during the war, the 37th is notable as a capsuleer unit within the Caldari Navy. Octopus Squadron's "Red Flight" later became famous as a missile strike unit using Kestrel-class frigates. In recent years, the Octopus Red Flight has been upgraded to a flight of missile cruisers and, together with the rest of the 37th, is a frontline unit of the Caldari Navy.
Jackdaw Quantum Potential SKIN
The Caldari State was relatively late in developing the Jackdaw, its entry into the class of tactical multi-role destroyers based on Sleeper technology. Rumors have swirled for years that a secret project, allegedly called "The Kirjuufuishuan Experiment", attempted to marry quantum electrodynamic principles with the Sleeper-derived tech, only to end in disaster and the mysterious disappearance of a prototype Jackdaw with all hands. Whatever the truth of the matter, the "Quantum Potential" combination nanocoating and modification is the product of the more radical, underground scene in the Caldari subculture of customizing spaceships. The arcing electrical adaptation of the tactical nanolattice surfaces is sure to draw attention to the pilot of a Jackdaw furnished with this nanocoating.
Jackdaw Steel Cardinal SKIN
Jackdaw Union Day Executive SKIN
The Caldari State Workers Union is the single official workers organization that operates on a pan-state basis and is affiliated to by the workers organizations of all of the "Big 8" megacorps of the Caldari State. The State Workers Union concerns itself primarily with promoting good inter-megacorp relations between workers below the executive level throughout the Caldari State. A major portion of its work involves running vacation trips for working families that wish to experience the variety of Caldari society as expressed in different megacorporations. The highlight of the calendar for many Caldari workers is the Caldari Executive Panel mandated State Workers Union Day, one of the few universally observed public holidays in the State. Promotion of the virtues of honestly earned leisure time is exemplified in a special nanocoating that celebrates Union Day, with the proceeds going to the State Workers Union Orphans Apprenticeship Fund.
Jackdaw Vitalshift EGO SKIN
[Incoming commercial broadcast...] Put your finger on the pulse with Ishukone's Vitalshift EGO nanocoating conversion package, featuring the latest Electro-Graphic Overlay personality and vitals display technology. EGO technology brings the link between capsuleer and machine out of the shadows, and into the light. Feel the speed of warp, witness the tension of battle, watch your enemies explode with envy. The Vitalshift from Ishukone. Feel the pulse, see the future.
Jackdaw Yoiul Festival YC121 SKIN
The annual Yoiul Festival celebrates the closing of one year and the start of another in New Eden's universal calendar, as adopted by all the empires 121 years ago at the Yoiul Conference. CONCORD has long sponsored and celebrated the Yoiul Festival and over time it has been adopted and marked as a holiday across the four empires. It is particularly significant for those who make their living in space, whether aboard a spaceship or the many space installations of New Eden.
Jackdaw Yoiul Star SKIN
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place.
Jackdaw Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers)
Magus Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Magus Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Magus Glacial Drift SKIN
Magus Glittering Dream SKIN
The Glittering Dream nightclub is one of the most famous venues situated on Caille's astounding Crystal Boulevard, noted for the exclusivity of its clientele as much as for an architecture that triples down on the synthetic diamond setting of the boulevard it sits on. A major tourist attraction, the sparkling slabs of the Crystal Boulevard obscure a deep, dark purpose as beneath it lies the continuity of government and military command bunker complex for the planet of Gallente Prime. Similarly, the towering triple helix spire of the Glittering Dream nightclub, fashioned without and within from expensive crystalline carbonides, appears to be just a high-class nightclub. Here though is where the political, military, business and even criminal elite of Luminaire meet to discuss their most secret affairs in assurance of privacy and confidentiality.
Magus Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN
Inner Zone Shipping has increased its internal security forces in the wake of the instability and increased threats to space travel posed by pirate activity, Drifter attacks and the Triglavian invasion. The Inner Zone Vanguard clear shipping routes of likely threats and provide a rapid response should IZS transports be attacked.
Magus Kopis Edge SKIN
Magus Serpentis SKIN
Magus Spirit SKIN
Magus Valimor Legacy SKIN
Pontifex Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Pontifex Cold Iron SKIN
Pontifex Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Pontifex Glacial Drift SKIN
Pontifex Ironblood SKIN
Pontifex Oasis of Faith SKIN
"Faith is an oasis from which we must draw in order to live. Like an oasis, faith is a gift from the Lord that must be shared with all. Like an oasis, faith must be used with measure and not wasted. Like an oasis, faith should be at the center of a garden. For it is only in the garden of a just and truthful society, watered by well measured faith, that we may cultivate the spirit of the people." – The Scriptures, Seventh Letter of St. Junip of Aerui
Pontifex Order of Tetrimon SKIN
Pontifex Purity of the Throne SKIN
Pontifex Raata Sunset SKIN
Pontifex Star Captain SKIN
Sabre Aurora Universalis SKIN
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another.
Sabre Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Sabre Blue Tiger SKIN
Sabre Chainbreaker Khumaak SKIN
An instrument of liberation, most strikingly known as a weapon to crush the heads of slavers and a tool to break the chains of slaves, the Khumaak is celebrated as the symbol of the Great Rebellion and Minmatar freedom from Amarr domination. The Khumaak (literally "Hand of Maak") is a replica of an ancient Amarrian relic used over 400 years ago by the Minmatar slave Drupar Maak to kill his master, Arkon Ardishapur, on Arzad II. The legend says that Maak was inspired in his struggle for freedom by a vision of Holder Arzad, an Amarr noble who had treated his Starkmanir subjects with dignity. Arzad is said to have told Maak: "The fire in our hearts burns for salvation, redemption, and grace. May the Word of God grant you the courage to save yourself and your people." Maak's killing of the Ardishapur heir sparked a revolt on Arzad II, also known as Starkman Prime. The slaying of Arkon Ardishapur was met with the brutal crushing of the revolt and almost total annihilation of the Starkmanir Tribe by orbital bombardment. The Starkmanir Rebellion preceded the Great Rebellion by over 250 years but its impact is held by historians to have been a major factor in the development of the underground slave movements that would ultimately fight for their freedom in 20 BYC (AD 23216).
Sabre Cordite Blossom SKIN
Released as a tribute to a renowned Imperial Armaments weapons designer who was lost in battle during live field testing in mid YC120, this nanocoating was produced in limited numbers for just eight hulls that have drawn influence (either directly or more controversially) from his highly successful design work over the years. The fade from deep black to vibrant yellow pays homage to the color produced by Standard frequency crystals, which are used in weapons testing to form a baseline damage profile for prototype energy turrets. The nanocoating is also adorned with a crest of crimson roses, the symbol of the Imperial house to which he belonged. Among the hulls that this nanocoating was commissioned for is the Punisher, the staple anti-frigate and fighter patrol platform of the Imperial Navy, which is widely regarded as one of the finest examples of a light turret-based weapons platform ever designed. “To serve your craft with such skill and tenacity is worthy of the deepest reverence. To pour your very heart and soul into your work is truly divine.” Kefsooda Arkih, - CEO, Imperial Armaments.
Sabre Eros Blossom SKIN
Traditional imagery of the petals of a blossom long associated with love and desire adorn the flanks of any ship using this romantically charged nanocoating from the Guardian Angels. Whether those choosing to display this tribute to the Eros Blossom are celebrating a love held close or are seeking another to receive their devotion is left to the observer to decide.
Sabre Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Sabre GalNet StreamCast Unit SKIN
The GalNet StreamCast Unit is a special program of the GalNet Association, the grouping of interstellar organizations, corporations and empire representatives that oversees the standards and protocols of the interstellar GalNet. GalNet StreamCast Unit operates ships or sponsors independent pilots to provide public access audio-visual and holographic data for use in GalNet programming. GalNet StreamCast Unit channels also host a variety of independent program-makers and work to give access and support to those citizens of New Eden wishing to broadcast using the streaming protocols of the interstellar GalNet.
Sabre Glacial Drift SKIN
Sabre Hazard Control SKIN
Sabre In Rust We Trust SKIN
This special nanocoating mimics a layer of oxidation products on the surface of the ship it is applied to for decorative effect. The allusion to used and repurposed ships from the early days of rebellion and subsequently the Republic's fleets celebrates the early days of Minmatar spaceship design and the considerable combat effectiveness of such craft. For many years past, Minmatar spaceship technology has developed to a high level with modern and powerful ships supplanting older designs, which themselves have been upgraded and improved many times over. Even so, the old slogan "In Rust We Trust" has the power to evoke pride and memories of the glory days of Minmatar guerilla warfare and liberation.
Sabre Justice SKIN
Sabre Permaband - Warp to the Dance Floor SKIN
Permaband's debut performance of "Warp to the Dance Floor" was at the YC118 gathering of capsuleers at the Grand Tiegjon Casino in Villaine. The number was a storming success and became a crowd-pleaser beyond capsuleer audience and in dance clubs across New Eden. Pioneers of the "Thukk Rokk" musical subculture, the members of Permaband have been touring far and wide across New Eden for decades. With its roots in the nomadic Thukker Tribe serving it well on tour, the band has become something of an institution on the capsuleer music scene, playing to the spaceship pilot elite at their exclusive gatherings around the world of New Eden.
Sabre Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
In the icy climes of the Northern Mikramurka on Matar there are many traditional forms of transport that take advantage of the snow and ice fields to be found there. One of the most celebrated is still found as a traditional sport around the seismically active western interior of that region. The "bladeracer" sled competitions are usually held on the relatively gentle slopes of the dormant shield volcanoes typically found in the area. The climate means that the upper reaches of the volcanoes are covered in snow and ice all year round but the lower areas remain rather fertile and are warmed by vents. The consequent profusion of heathers and mosses give the hills and slopes their characteristic purple coloration during the "warm" season.
Sabre Tronhadar Ink SKIN
Sabre Valklear Glory SKIN
Stork Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Stork Blue Tiger SKIN
Stork Caldari Union Day SKIN
The Caldari State Workers Union is the single official workers organization that operates on a pan-state basis and is affiliated to by the workers organizations of all of the "Big 8" megacorps of the Caldari State. The State Workers Union concerns itself primarily with promoting good inter-megacorp relations between workers below the executive level throughout the Caldari State. A major portion of its work involves running vacation trips for working families that wish to experience the variety of Caldari society as expressed in different megacorporations. The highlight of the calendar for many Caldari workers is the Caldari Executive Panel mandated State Workers Union Day, one of the few universally observed public holidays in the State. Promotion of the virtues of honestly earned leisure time is exemplified in a special nanocoating that celebrates Union Day, with the proceeds going to the State Workers Union Orphans Apprenticeship Fund.
Stork Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Stork Ghostbird SKIN
In Caldari animistic mythology, the Ghostbirds are heralds of war sweeping down from the mountains on wings of snow flecked with the blood of those who will fall in battle. The imagery of the Ghostbird is very popular among the Caldari military and has become a special totem for pilots of all kinds of warships.
Stork Glacial Drift SKIN
Stork Guristas SKIN
Stork Kimotoro Eskeitan Commander SKIN
Command vessels of the Kimotoro Eskeitan carry Caldari State officers with broad authority to take command of any forces operating within the Kimotoro Defense Zone. This emergency authority has been delegated directly to Kimotoro Eskeitan commanders by the Chief Executive Panel, ensuring that all corporate security forces and militia units will obey the orders of the defense zone guards. Formally called the "Kimotoro Tivaktikun Sejikiineten Eskeitan", or Kimotoro Defense Zone Executive Guard, most Caldari know the defense force of the home constellation of the State simply as the Kimotoro Eskeitan. A Caldari Navy unit that answers directly to the Chief Executive Panel, the Kimotoro Eskeitan are often seen performing ceremonial duties in their splendidly caparisoned combat vessels, such as on occasions like the Caldari State Workers Union Day. For all the decoration and pomp of their most visible appearances, the Kimotoro Eskeitan are one of the most elite forces in the Caldari State's military and form an essential component of the defensive arrangements of the Caldari home systems.
Stork Matigu Seabeast SKIN
Stork Steel Cardinal SKIN
Stork Union Day Executive SKIN
The Caldari State Workers Union is the single official workers organization that operates on a pan-state basis and is affiliated to by the workers organizations of all of the "Big 8" megacorps of the Caldari State. The State Workers Union concerns itself primarily with promoting good inter-megacorp relations between workers below the executive level throughout the Caldari State. A major portion of its work involves running vacation trips for working families that wish to experience the variety of Caldari society as expressed in different megacorporations. The highlight of the calendar for many Caldari workers is the Caldari Executive Panel mandated State Workers Union Day, one of the few universally observed public holidays in the State. Promotion of the virtues of honestly earned leisure time is exemplified in a special nanocoating that celebrates Union Day, with the proceeds going to the State Workers Union Orphans Apprenticeship Fund.
Stork Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers)
Svipul Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Svipul Chainbreaker Khumaak SKIN
An instrument of liberation, most strikingly known as a weapon to crush the heads of slavers and a tool to break the chains of slaves, the Khumaak is celebrated as the symbol of the Great Rebellion and Minmatar freedom from Amarr domination. The Khumaak (literally "Hand of Maak") is a replica of an ancient Amarrian relic used over 400 years ago by the Minmatar slave Drupar Maak to kill his master, Arkon Ardishapur, on Arzad II. The legend says that Maak was inspired in his struggle for freedom by a vision of Holder Arzad, an Amarr noble who had treated his Starkmanir subjects with dignity. Arzad is said to have told Maak: "The fire in our hearts burns for salvation, redemption, and grace. May the Word of God grant you the courage to save yourself and your people." Maak's killing of the Ardishapur heir sparked a revolt on Arzad II, also known as Starkman Prime. The slaying of Arkon Ardishapur was met with the brutal crushing of the revolt and almost total annihilation of the Starkmanir Tribe by orbital bombardment. The Starkmanir Rebellion preceded the Great Rebellion by over 250 years but its impact is held by historians to have been a major factor in the development of the underground slave movements that would ultimately fight for their freedom in 20 BYC (AD 23216).
Svipul Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Svipul Firewall Breach SKIN
Svipul Freedom's Revolution SKIN
For the Minmatar people the Great Rebellion was the founding revolutionary event that set them on the path to freedom in their Tribal Republic. The Freedom's Revolution nanocoating celebrates that struggle for freedom, the lives lost and the great gains made by the Minmatar. While Liberation Day is a grand celebration of the day freedom was achieved for billions of Minmatar, it is also a day of remembrance of those Matari who still languish as slaves in the Amarr Empire, Khanid Kingdom, and the lawless reaches of New Eden.
Svipul Glacial Drift SKIN
Svipul Hazard Control SKIN
Svipul Heartsurge SKIN
Noting the success of holoreels starring actors using Impetus's Glamourex neural booster, the Nugoeihuvi Corporation sought to develop a similar product, albeit one placing greater emphasis on boosting base sex appeal rather than a more subtle charismatic charm. The Heartsurge project was farmed out to one of the giant NOH megacorp's many subsidiaries, Bakkomolu Productions, which in turn contracted with a neurotweaker lab based in the Mivora constellation, on the edges of the Forge region. Progress on the development of Heartsurge was so promising that Bakkomolu commissioned the nanodesigner Jovaa Seriazic to produce a series of promotional ship nanocoatings. When Bakkomolu Productions was dissolved following a legal dispute with NOH's corporate rival Wiyrkomi, Nugoeihuvi may have hoped to generate a return from the new Heartsurge booster. Unfortunately, the neurotweaker lab had disappeared leaving behind only a scattering of circumstantial evidence that it was an Angel Cartel front all along. This theory was later confirmed when Heartsurge began to be used by producers of black market holoreel titles linked to the infamous Cartel. For his part, with Bakkomolu's dissolution creating a breach of contract, Jovaa Seriazic made some profit on his nanodesign work by selling the license for the nanocoatings to the Serpentis Corporation.
Svipul In Rust We Trust SKIN
This special nanocoating mimics a layer of oxidation products on the surface of the ship it is applied to for decorative effect. The allusion to used and repurposed ships from the early days of rebellion and subsequently the Republic's fleets celebrates the early days of Minmatar spaceship design and the considerable combat effectiveness of such craft. For many years past, Minmatar spaceship technology has developed to a high level with modern and powerful ships supplanting older designs, which themselves have been upgraded and improved many times over. Even so, the old slogan "In Rust We Trust" has the power to evoke pride and memories of the glory days of Minmatar guerilla warfare and liberation.
Svipul Malagrin Marshlight SKIN
The vast low-lying deltas and marshy plains of Luminaire's Western Morthane region have a long and dark history in folklore and in the ancient warring states period of the Gallente home world's past. Inhabitants on the periphery of the Great Morthani Wastes have many legends of spirits of light and flame seen wandering the swamps and several of these are feared as devils and demonic beings. The Western Morthani natives called the most-feared of these spirits the "Boitata", and believed it to be a fiery serpent with a penchant for consuming the eyes of the dead and perhaps even the sinful living. Garouni settlers on the far western edge of the Great Wastes called this legendary demon "Malagrin" and also noted the tendency for livestock drowned in the marshes to attract these eery lights. Military disaster is also a feature of the history of the Great Morthani Wastes. In its epic campaign to overthrow the ancient slaveholder Empire of Morthane, the Garoun Empire made several attempts to bypass the blistering deserts of Southern Morthane by marching armies through the western swamps. The legions of Garoun failed to penetrate the grim marshlands at every try, giving up on the route after an entire army, wracked by disease and starvation was destroyed by Morthani raiders at the south-eastern edge of the great wastes. Some tales are told of lights dancing on the corpses of the lost soldiers of Garoun and this has become part of the Malagrin and Boitata legends on either side of the vast swamps.
Svipul Snowline Bladeracer SKIN
In the icy climes of the Northern Mikramurka on Matar there are many traditional forms of transport that take advantage of the snow and ice fields to be found there. One of the most celebrated is still found as a traditional sport around the seismically active western interior of that region. The "bladeracer" sled competitions are usually held on the relatively gentle slopes of the dormant shield volcanoes typically found in the area. The climate means that the upper reaches of the volcanoes are covered in snow and ice all year round but the lower areas remain rather fertile and are warmed by vents. The consequent profusion of heathers and mosses give the hills and slopes their characteristic purple coloration during the "warm" season.