All Amarr

Ark Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Ark Cold Iron SKIN
Ark Crown and Swords SKIN
"As Holy Amarr marks the end of the third year of the reign of Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite, the Theology Council's Supreme Sobor of Theology affirms the divine inspiration of the Empress's Pax e Kilizhi Do and promulgates it to all who shelter within the embrace of Holy Amarr and the Imperial Rite." – Theology Council notice of the publication of the Pax e Kilizhi Do, or "Peace of the Two Swords", on the third anniversary of Empress Catiz I's coronation. This nanocoating celebrates both the third anniversary of the coronation of Empress Catiz I and the publication of the theological work setting out the doctrine of the Peace of the Two Swords in a new addition to Amarr Scripture titled Pax e Kilizhi Do. The work articulates the vision of Empress Catiz I for the Amarr Empire's future and her invocation of the ancient doctrine that the ruler of the Empire wields the sword of spiritual authority alongside a sword of temporal power.
Ark Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Ark Glacial Drift SKIN
Ark Imperial Jubilee SKIN
The jubilee of an Amarr ruler's coronation is a high holiday in the Imperial Calendar and is celebrated across the Amarr Empire. The ancient tradition of flying banners of purple and gold to show loyalty to the Imperial Throne is echoed in these nanocoatings that bear the coronation crest of Empress Catiz I.
Ark Oasis of Faith SKIN
"Faith is an oasis from which we must draw in order to live. Like an oasis, faith is a gift from the Lord that must be shared with all. Like an oasis, faith must be used with measure and not wasted. Like an oasis, faith should be at the center of a garden. For it is only in the garden of a just and truthful society, watered by well measured faith, that we may cultivate the spirit of the people." – The Scriptures, Seventh Letter of St. Junip of Aerui
Ark Purity of the Throne SKIN
Ark Raata Sunset SKIN
Ark Sanguinary Savant SKIN
Among their people, the practice of identifying and deifying savants has been part of Sani Sabik life for over a thousand years, but has in more recent times taken a back seat as the Blood Raiders in particular have widened their pursuits to the acquisition, inspection, and manipulation of blood, with this becoming their core focus. The only remaining echoes of the lauding of savants are in the near worship of Omir Sarikusa and in the unstated but general belief among the Sani Sabik that each and every one of them is a savant of New Eden, having all in one way or another been the beneficiaries of the blood rituals.
Ark Star Captain SKIN
Ark Yoiul Festival YC121 SKIN
The annual Yoiul Festival celebrates the closing of one year and the start of another in New Eden's universal calendar, as adopted by all the empires 121 years ago at the Yoiul Conference. CONCORD has long sponsored and celebrated the Yoiul Festival and over time it has been adopted and marked as a holiday across the four empires. It is particularly significant for those who make their living in space, whether aboard a spaceship or the many space installations of New Eden.
Ark Yoiul Star SKIN
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place.