All Caldari

Minokawa Biosecurity Responders SKIN
CONCORD Biosecurity Responders are available to be dispatched on emergency call to any space stations, orbital infrastructure or other space-industrial locations in response to disease and pathogen outbreaks of all kinds. The challenges of maintaining biosecurity against infectious pathogens and other disease vectors in space-based infrastructure are multiplied by the cosmopolition and highly-interconnected nature of New Eden's space industry and trade networks. This long-recognised problem was for many decades dealt with by the empires, nations and corporations of New Eden in a rather piecemeal fashion, with disputes over jurisdiction and differing standards commonly arising. Following the Kyonoke Crisis of YC119, and the passage of the interstellar "Hope for All Act", CONCORD established Biosecurity Response Teams, and began to build up its capacity and expertise in the fields of epidemiology and disease management. To that end, CONCORD reached out to partners such as the University of Caille's Department of Epidemiology, Hedion University's School of Medicine, the Sisters of EVE, and the Society of Conscious Thought. Biosecurity Responders are a vital link in any effort to isolate and analyze infectious pathogens spreading through New Eden's space infrastructure, and crucially to prevent spread to planetary populations. Research to develop effective biosecurity methods, treatments and pathogen controls rely on the field research and data provided by the Biosecurity Reponse Teams.
Minokawa Blue Tiger SKIN
Minokawa Capsuleer Elite XV SKIN
The Capsuleers are considered an elite group across New Eden and this gilded nanocoating marks that status on Capsuleer Day XV. The YC120 celebrations are the 15th anniversary of the dawn of the Capsuleer Age and the opening up of New Eden's frontiers by immortal clone space pilots. Capsuleer Day XV is a moment for celebration of "The Elite" across New Eden.
Minokawa Capsuleer Elite XX SKIN
The Capsuleers are considered an elite group across New Eden and this vibrant nanocoating marks that status on Capsuleer Day XX. The YC125 celebrations are the 20th anniversary of the dawn of the Capsuleer Age and the opening up of New Eden's frontiers by immortal clone space pilots. Capsuleer Day XX is a moment for celebration of "The Elite" across New Eden.
Minokawa Exoplanets Hunter SKIN
Minokawa Frontier Safeguarder SKIN
The DED's Reserve Frontier Safeguard service, commonly known as the RFS or "Safeguarders", has its origins in a lowsec/nullsec frontier patrol operated using reservists from the member states of CONCORD. The RFS originally provided a security patrol presence in lowsec systems with planetary colonies and other orbital settlements. Since the expansion of CONCORD's mandate and permanent DED fleet capacity in YC105, the RFS has evolved into an organization focused on providing disaster relief to colonies across lowsec space. The ships of the Frontier Safeguard carry specialized personnel and equipment prepared to deal with all manner of environmental hazards. The RFS will respond to emergencies involving such challenges as super cyclones, tsunamis, continental wildfires, global duststorms, and seismic and volcanic events. Their specialized shuttles and dropsuited Safeguarders will unhesitatingly deploy from orbit into some of the most dangerous and remote environmental disaster zones in New Eden. Still funded by the CONCORD Assembly and staffed by reservists from the member empires, the Safeguarders are a welcome sight for any remote settlement desperately in need of their aid.
Minokawa Ghostbird SKIN
In Caldari animistic mythology, the Ghostbirds are heralds of war sweeping down from the mountains on wings of snow flecked with the blood of those who will fall in battle. The imagery of the Ghostbird is very popular among the Caldari military and has become a special totem for pilots of all kinds of warships.
Minokawa Glacial Drift SKIN
Minokawa Kimotoro Eskeitan SKIN
Formally called the "Kimotoro Tivaktikun Sejikiineten Eskeitan", or Kimotoro Defense Zone Executive Guard, most Caldari know the defense force of the home constellation of the State simply as the Kimotoro Eskeitan. A Caldari Navy unit that answers directly to the Chief Executive Panel, the Kimotoro Eskeitan are often seen performing ceremonial duties in their splendidly caparisoned combat vessels, such as on occasions like the Caldari State Workers Union Day. For all the decoration and pomp of their most visible appearances, the Kimotoro Eskeitan are one of the most elite forces in the Caldari State's military and form an essential component of the defensive arrangements of the Caldari home systems.
Minokawa Matigu Seabeast SKIN
Minokawa Raata Sunset SKIN
Minokawa Steel Cardinal SKIN
Minokawa Yoiul Festival YC121 SKIN
The annual Yoiul Festival celebrates the closing of one year and the start of another in New Eden's universal calendar, as adopted by all the empires 121 years ago at the Yoiul Conference. CONCORD has long sponsored and celebrated the Yoiul Festival and over time it has been adopted and marked as a holiday across the four empires. It is particularly significant for those who make their living in space, whether aboard a spaceship or the many space installations of New Eden.
Minokawa Yoiul Star SKIN
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place.
Minokawa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers)