All Missiles

Skills pertaining to the efficient use of self-propelled warheads

Auto-Targeting Missiles
Skill with auto-targeting missiles. Special: 5% bonus to Auto-Targeting Missiles (light, heavy and cruise) damage per skill level.
Bomb Deployment
Basic operation of bomb delivery systems. 10% reduction of Bomb Launcher reactivation delay per skill level.
Cruise Missile Specialization
Specialist training in the operation of advanced cruise missile launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Cruise Missile Specialization.
Cruise Missiles
Skill at the handling and firing of very large guided missiles. 5% bonus to cruise missile damage per skill level.
Defender Missiles
Skill with anti-bomb missiles. Special: 10% bonus to defender missile max velocity per skill level.
Guided Missile Precision
Skill at precision missile homing. Proficiency at this skill increases the accuracy of a fired missile's exact point of impact, resulting in greater damage to small targets. 5% decrease per level in factor of signature radius for all missile explosions.
Heavy Assault Missile Specialization
Specialist training in the operation of advanced heavy assault missile launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Heavy Assault Missile Specialization.
Heavy Assault Missiles
Skill with heavy assault missiles. Special: 5% bonus to heavy assault missile damage per skill level.
Heavy Missile Specialization
Specialist training in the operation of advanced heavy missile launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Heavy Missile Specialization.
Heavy Missiles
Skill with heavy missiles. Special: 5% bonus to heavy missile damage per skill level.
Light Missile Specialization
Specialist training in the operation of advanced light missile launchers and arrays. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Light Missile Specialization.
Light Missiles
Skill with manually targeted missiles. 5% Bonus to light missile damage per skill level.
Missile Bombardment
Proficiency at long-range missile combat. 10% bonus to all missiles' maximum flight time per level.
Missile Launcher Operation
Basic operation of missile launcher systems. 2% Bonus to missile launcher rate of fire per skill level.
Missile Projection
Skill at boosting missile bay trigger circuits and enhancing guided missiles' ignition systems. 10% bonus to all missiles' maximum velocity per level.
Rapid Launch
Proficiency in operation of missile launchers. 3% bonus to missile launcher rate of fire per level.
Rocket Specialization
Specialist training in the operation of advanced rocket launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Rocket Specialization.
Skill with small short range missiles. Special: 5% bonus to rocket damage per skill level.
Target Navigation Prediction
Proficiency at optimizing a missile's flight path to negate the effects of a target's speed upon the explosion's impact. 10% decrease per level in factor of target's velocity for all missiles.
Torpedo Specialization
Specialist training in the operation of advanced siege launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring Torpedo Specialization.
Skill at the handling and firing of torpedoes. 5% bonus to torpedo damage per skill level.
Warhead Upgrades
Proficiency at upgrading missile warheads with deadlier payloads. 2% bonus to all missile damage per skill level.
XL Cruise Missile Specialization
Specialist training in the operation of advanced XL cruise missile launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring XL Cruise Missile Specialization.
XL Cruise Missiles
Skill at the handling and firing of XL Cruise Missiles. 5% bonus to XL Cruise Missile damage per skill level.
XL Torpedo Specialization
Specialist training in the operation of advanced XL torpedo launchers. 2% bonus per level to the rate of fire of modules requiring XL Torpedo Specialization.
XL Torpedoes
Skill at the handling and firing of XL torpedoes. 5% bonus to XL torpedo damage per skill level.