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Category: Interstellar
Abyss Demo Effect Beacon (Do not translate)
Anti-Tachyon Cloud
Boundary bubble scalable
Large Bioluminescence Cloud
Large Caustic Cloud
Large Filament Cloud
Large Proving Tachyon Cloud
Medium Bioluminescence Cloud
Medium Caustic Cloud
Medium Filament Cloud
Proving April 1st Chaos Bonus A (Do not translate)
Proving April 1st Chaos Bonus B (Do not translate)
Proving April 1st Chaos Bonus C (Do not translate)
Proving April 1st Chaos Bonus D (Do not translate)
Proving Capsuleer Day 2022 Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving CH2022 Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Damage, HP, and Overheating Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Damage, HP, Prop Mod and Overheating Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Frigate Frenzy Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Gala 2022 Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Heat Damage and Afterburner Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Heat Damage Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving HP, Remote Rep Impedance, and Overheating Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Hunt Missile Damage Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Overload and Turret and Missile Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Overload and Turret Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Overload Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Overload Bonus with Turret Falloff Bonus and Optimal Penalty (Do not translate)
Proving Special FFA Beacon (Do not translate)
Proving Turret Damage Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Velocity Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Venture Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Web Range Bonus (Do not translate)
Proving Web Strength Bonus (Do not translate)
Small Bioluminescence Cloud
Small Caustic Cloud
Small Filament Cloud
Small Tachyon Cloud
Union Day Frigate Weapon Bonuses (Do not translate)
Unknown Space Boundary
Unstable Abyssal Depths