AEGIS Security Stasis GunStar
As the command division of EDENCOM, AEGIS has access to the GunStar sentry tower designs developed for the New Eden Common Defense Initiative by the Upwell Consortium. AEGIS Security has deployed a number of GunStars throughout its security facilities. These sentry towers are very dangerous and should be avoided.
Charged by EDENCOM's Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir to develop a potent defense platform to aid in the fortification of New Eden's star systems, the Upwell Consortium collaborated with a number of the core empires' key weapons development corporations and came up with the GunStar. Heavily shielded and armored, and bristling with enough weapons to rival top-of-the-line battleships, the EDENCOM GunStar is deployed throughout New Eden to bolster the defenses of star systems.