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Markee Dragon »


Category: Ship
AvalancheTech I40,000 HP20,000 HP80,000 HP10,000 MW500 tf3,500 GJ6336
Bowhead26,400 HP18,000 HP60,000 HP1,350 MW215 tf3,900 GJ33
CharonTech I60,000 HP18,000 HP93,000 HP3 MW1 tf3,500 GJ3
FenrirTech I57,600 HP26,400 HP78,000 HP3 MW1 tf3,000 GJ3
ObeliskTech I16,800 HP48,000 HP132,000 HP3 MW1 tf3,500 GJ3
ProvidenceTech I12,000 HP55,200 HP120,000 HP3 MW1 tf3,750 GJ3