Amarr Propulsion Subsystems

Amarr propulsion subsystems.

Legion Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers
Constructed from hard yet lightweight fullerene polymers, these intercalated fibers boost the speed and agility of a starship without compromising its structural resilience. Even though basic nanofibers have existed for hundreds of years, the integration of various Sleeper-based salvage and other polymers takes the technology to a completely new level of modularity. This has allowed the same centuries-old technology to be ported over to the new Tech III paradigm.
Legion Propulsion - Interdiction Nullifier
Dubbed the “interdiction nullifier” by the Guristas, who suffered its first introduction on the battlefield, this subsystem integrates and improves the performance of interdiction nullifier modules. The origins of the first “nullifier” designs are shrouded in mystery, but the subsystem's initial production of is thought to have taken place soon after the wormhole openings, and well before the technology became widespread knowledge. Not long after the first Tengu were designed, the Caldari Navy intercepted emergency transmissions from Guristas fleets across Venal, Tenal and Vale of the Silent. All of the reports made mention of Loki-class vessels slipping past defensive deployments and into core Guristas territory despite all efforts to stop the ships or slow them down. Following these reports, rumors spread that other groups began to discover and implement this extraordinary new technology, and yet of all the factions that leapt upon the opportunity, none were so eager or ruthless in their own race to capitalize as the independent capsuleer and pirate organizations that make the nullsec frontiers their home.
Legion Propulsion - Wake Limiter
This subsystem limits the wake left behind by a starship's afterburner or microwarpdrive, allowing a pilot to maintain a lowered signature radius while still moving at high speed. The underlying design is based on the same technology used by smaller Sleeper drones and empire-produced Interceptors. Although the engineering processes behind wake limiters have existed for quite some time in the empires, their application in modular subsystems has only become a possibility after fullerene polymers became more widely available.