Navigation Structures

Ansiblex Jump Gate
Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as the successor and improvement over starbase jump bridges, the Ansiblex Jump Gate is the flagship of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line. The Ansiblex enables point-to-point FTL travel even for ships that lack their own jump drives, and a matched pair of gates provides a transport connection between two star systems within its operational range, using stabilized spatiotemporal tunneling. The Ansiblex makes a large number of improvements over the older jump bridge portal devices, and incorporates some elements of Triglavian Collective space-time conduit technology in its workings. Each Ansiblex Jump Gate structure is automatically equipped with one Standup Conduit Generator I service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains a sovereignty hub with the Advanced Logistics Network upgrade active. May not be deployed within 500km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of one Jump Gate may be deployed per system.
Pharolux Cyno Beacon
Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as a successor and improvement over starbase cynosural generator arrays, the Pharolux Cyno Beacon is a key element of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line. The Pharolux provides a stationary cynosural beacon on to which jump-capable vessels can lock their drives and make FTL jumps, safe in the knowledge of a stable connection in a presumably secure location. The Upwell Consortium has made certain improvements but the base technology used in the Pharolux is essentially the tried and true cynosural beacon device. Each Pharolux Cyno Beacon structure is automatically equipped with one Standup Cynosural Field Generator I service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains a sovereignty hub with the Cynosural Navigation upgrade active. May not be deployed within 200km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of one Cyno Beacon structure may be deployed per system.
Tenebrex Cyno Jammer
Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as a successor and improvement over starbase cynosural system jammers, the Tenebrex Cyno Jammer is a vital part of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line. As with established, large-scale cynosural jamming technology, the Tenebrex creates a system-wide inhibitor field which prevents cynosural generators, except covert cynosural generators, from functioning. With cynosural jamming an important element of strategic warfare, the Tenebrex incorporates certain improvements on the basic cyno jamming technology that it uses. Each Tenebrex Cyno Jammer structure is automatically equipped with one Standup Cynosural System Jammer I service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains a sovereignty hub with the Cynosural Suppression upgrade active. May not be deployed within 500km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of three Cyno Jammer structures may be deployed per system, and only one such structure may have its service module activated at any given time.