All Standard Haulers

Built for the transportation of vast amounts of cargo.

The Badger-class hauler is the main light cargo-carrier for the Caldari State, particularly for long, arduous trade runs. Its large size and flexible defenses make it perfectly equipped for those tasks, although the Caldari seldom let it roam alone.
The Bestower has for decades been used by the Empire as a slave transport, shipping human labor between cultivated planets in Imperial space. As a proof to how reliable this class has been through the years, the Emperor has used an upgraded version of this very same class as transports for the Imperial Treasury. The Bestower has very thick armor and large cargo space.
Aside from being endowed with the usual carrying capabilities of haulers, the Epithal possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is equipped with sealed sub-chambers capable of maintaining hospitable environments for practically any kind of organism or entity, from biocells to viral agents, and is meant solely for ferrying planetary commodities. The Epithal was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.
Aside from being endowed with the usual carrying capabilities of haulers, the Hoarder possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is a static-free, blast-proof chamber, and as such is meant to be dedicated solely to ferrying consumable charges of all kinds, including ammunition, missiles, capacitor charges, nanite paste and bombs.
Iteron Mark V
This lumbering giant is the latest and last iteration in a chain of haulers. It is the only one to retain the original "Iteron"-class callsign, but while all the others eventually evolved into specialized versions, the Iteron Mk. V still does what haulers do best: Transporting enormous amounts of goods and commodities between the stars.
Aside from being endowed with the usual carrying capabilities of haulers, the Kryos possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is equipped with precise temperature and pressure controls, and is dedicated solely to ferrying minerals. The Kryos was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.
The Mammoth is the largest hauler in the Minmatar Republic's light cargo ship fleets. It was designed with aid from the Gallente Federation, making the Mammoth both large and powerful yet also nimble and technologically advanced. A very good buy.
Aside from being endowed with the usual carrying capabilities of haulers, the Miasmos possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is equipped with sealed, temperature-controlled vats, and is meant solely for ferrying all types of interstellar ore: ice, gasses and asteroids. The Miasmos was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.
Originally set to sail under the guise of "Iteron", this new iteration of an old and stalwart hauler is fast and reliable. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries due to its low price and ability to be fitted in myriad different ways. Despite its speed and resilience, however, it may need to be guarded while in particularly unfriendly territories, which is why it has also been outfitted with a drone bay for extra protection.
The Noctis marks Outer Ring Excavations' entry into the lucrative bulk salvaging market with capabilities far beyond standard haulers. Building on their successes integrating Marauder-class tractor technology into the Orca command platform, and innovations in automated salvaging technology, they designed a compact, affordable wreck recovery solution.A refined version of the successful limited-run Primae design made the perfect hull to house this new equipment, as its salvaging heritage and advanced sensor suites complement and enhance the new technologies. The increased sensor footprint of the new vessel is more than compensated for by its incredible efficiency at retrieving and reclaiming wreckage.The Noctis can fit up to five Salvage Drones, further enhancing its salvaging capabilities.
The Sigil is a recent ship from Viziam based on an old slave transport design.
The Squall-class hauler was first commissioned from ORE by Upwell to aid in their nullsec colonization efforts. Building on ORE's recent advances in compression technology and their experience with large specialized cargoholds, the Squall has been outfitted with a Infrastructure Hold capable of storing many items produced by Upwell, such as structures, service modules, sovereignty infrastructure, planetary infrastructure, and deployables. Additionally, the hold also contains several sealed subchambers, allowing it to safely transport and maintain suitable environments for almost any kind of Reagent, Organism or Entity. With Upwell shipping lanes facing new increasing threats from the emergence of The Deathless Circle and rising pirate activity in YC125, Mordu's Legion was brought onboard as a co-designer, outfitting the Squall with an array of missile defenses. Despite being a Hauler, the Squall is capable of deterring most small pirate raiding and scouting fleets without an escort.
The Tayra, an evolution of the old Badger Mark II hauler, focuses entirely on reaching the highest potential capacity that Caldari engineers can manage in a standard cargo carrier.
The Wreathe is an old hauler of the Minmatar Republic and one of the oldest ship designs still in use. The design of the Wreathe is very plain, which is the main reason for its longevity, but it also makes the ship incapable of handling anything but the most mundane tasks.