Starbase Charters

The required licenses to operate starbases within the borders of the empires

Amarr Empire Starbase Charter
An electronic charter code issued by the Amarr Empire which permits the bearer to use a starbase around a moon in Amarr Empire sovereign space for 1 hour. The code is stored on tamperproof chips which must be inserted into the starbase control tower.
Ammatar Mandate Starbase Charter
An electronic charter code issued by the Ammatar Mandate which permits the bearer to use a starbase around a moon in Mandate sovereign space for 1 hour. The code is stored on tamperproof chips which must be inserted into the starbase control tower.
Caldari State Starbase Charter
An electronic charter code issued by the Caldari State which permits the bearer to use a starbase around a moon in State sovereign space for 1 hour. The code is stored on tamperproof chips which must be inserted into the starbase control tower.
Gallente Federation Starbase Charter
An electronic charter code issued by the Gallente Federation which permits the bearer to use a starbase around a moon in Federation sovereign space for 1 hour. The code is stored on tamperproof chips which must be inserted into the starbase control tower.
Khanid Kingdom Starbase Charter
An electronic charter code issued by the Khanid Kingdom which permits the bearer to use a starbase around a moon in Kingdom sovereign space for 1 hour. The code is stored on tamperproof chips which must be inserted into the starbase control tower.
Minmatar Republic Starbase Charter
An electronic charter code issued by the Minmatar Republic which permits the bearer to use a starbase around a moon in Republic sovereign space for 1 hour. The code is stored on tamperproof chips which must be inserted into the starbase control tower.