Inter-Galactic Media Report - The Audesder Incident (1 of 3)

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0.1 m3
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1 m
0.1 m3


Minmatar pioneers recently discovered an ancient Nefantar holy site within Audesder which was thought to have been lost forever during the Rebellion. It is the burial place of the long-dead Nefantar prophet, Tyrion Plethar, the first Minmatar priest of the Amarrian religion, as well as hundreds of other priests and saints. It so happens that this holy site is located inside a giant space ship, still intact despite many years of neglect, and incredibly the crew was found still alive, albeit in a cryogenic state.

Originally this holy site was located in Hjoramold XII which now resides in Minmatar Republic space. During the great Rebellion, the Nefantar government on the planet had given up all hope of defending their solar system against the massive rebel forces headed their way. The neighboring constellations had already fallen and it was only a matter of time before their own fell into the hands of their enemies. So they decided upon a drastic plan to save the holiest site located within Nefantar space, the burial place of Tyrion Plethar.

The plan was to transfer as much of the holy site, buildings and all, into a giant space ship, renamed to the ‘Pletharian', which would in turn fly towards the Amarr Empire, where it would most assuredly be kept safe. The ship had originally been built by Amarrian engineers to be a mobile outpost of sorts, but was the only available vessel that could carry the massive buildings which were part of the burial site.

Loading the burial site onto the ship took a matter of days, although it was quite a hasty procedure and resulted in a number of mishaps, where a number of the buildings were damaged and one even completely destroyed as it toppled from the cranes used to elevate it from the ground. But eventually the majority of the buildings had been painstakingly transferred into the space ship. It was then that the rebels attacked, appearing out of nowhere and quickly descended upon the meager Nefantar defenses,.

But even though the defenders were no match for the incoming Minmatar armada, they still bought the Pletharian enough time to set off on its course towards Amarr Space. The only problem was, it was too massive to use the stargate. It had been brought to the system in parts and assembled, but in its current state there was no way it could access the stargate out of Hjoramold. So they had to manually fly it through the vastness of space, without any jump-drive capability.

The destination was Audesder, a solar-system heavily fortified with Amarr forces. At the time the Nefantar government in Hjormold believed that it was impossible for the rebels to advance far enough to conquer Audesder. Ironically this system was one of the last to be taken during the later stages of the rebellion.