Ice Microorganisms Extractor
Inventory group: Planetary Industry > Extractors
- 0 m3
Planetary Interaction
Cycle Time:
- 5m
Extraction Quantity:
- 1000
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceOther
Power Load:
- 800 MW
CPU Load:
- 200 tf
Type Info
- Type ID:
- 2432
- Base price:
- 45.00k ISK
- Graphic ID:
- 4552
- Group ID:
- Extractors
- Published:
- true
- Radius:
- 1 m
Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefiting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of microorganisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.