Oceanic Microorganisms Extractor
Inventory group: Planetary Industry > Extractors
- 0 m3
Planetary Interaction
Cycle Time:
- 5m
Extraction Quantity:
- 1000
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceOther
Power Load:
- 800 MW
CPU Load:
- 200 tf
Type Info
- Type ID:
- 2451
- Base price:
- 45.00k ISK
- Graphic ID:
- 4549
- Group ID:
- Extractors
- Published:
- true
- Radius:
- 1 m
Centuries of aquatic life and plant growth typically blanket ocean worlds' floors with a thick layer of valuable biomass. When properly cultivated, harvested, and refined, the applications of such material range anywhere from food production and medical application to more esoteric functions, such as genetic enhancements and super-resilient textiles. The facility itself includes both a processing plant, which filters and compresses the material; and a roving collector, which is little more than a series of churning scoops and a powerful pumping mechanism connected to the facility via flexible conduit.