Lava Extractor Control Unit
Inventory group: Planetary Industry > Extractor Control Units
- 0 m3
Planetary Interaction
Cycle Time:
- 5m
Extraction Quantity:
- 1000
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceOther
Power Load:
- 2,600 MW
CPU Load:
- 400 tf
Extractor head CPU:
- 110 tf
Extractor head Power:
- 550 MW
Type Info
- Type ID:
- 3062
- Base price:
- 45.00k ISK
- Graphic ID:
- 4552
- Group ID:
- Extractor Control Units
- Published:
- true
- Radius:
- 1 m
This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.