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NEO YC 114: The HUNS


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0.01 m3
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NEO YC 114 Team Cards
1 m
0.01 m3


One of twenty-seven different cards created for the first ever New Eden Open tournament of YC 114. While not the first ever capsuleer tournament it was the first of its kind to be sponsored by a private media organization and broadcast to a much larger audience. It was also set a new benchmark for prizes in a capsuleer tournament. The New Eden Open broke the tradition of previous capsuleer tournaments by allowing teams to form at will, without the need to be bound to the same alliance. This card represents the following team and sponsor: <font color="0xff00CC00">Team Name:</font> The HUNS <font color="0xff00CC00">Sponsor Name:</font> No team sponsor. <font size="14" color="0xff0099FF"><b>Team Captain:</b></font> Justice forHungary <font size="14" color="0xff0099FF"><b>Team Members:</b></font> Brinn Yerdola Bubba12 Deesnow dlui DonatxAK47 Feitosa Fistandilus Humor Harold Isanoe nothwood Jim Turner KAaaffe Kard Fater Kunos01 Leah Hun Mistress Ice Onexis pongi Pr3t0r Shonion Terios Corvalis The HALAL Tusko Hopkins Yago Yuhn <i>Can you collect them all?</i>