Clone Soldier Trainer Tag
Market group: Trade Goods > Security Tags
Inventory group: Commodity > Security Tags
- 0 m3
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceOther
Processing Fee:
- 3.00m ISK
Type Info
- Type ID:
- 33138
- Base price:
- 1.50m ISK
- Group ID:
- Security Tags
- Icon ID:
- 21028
- Market group ID:
- Security Tags
- Published:
- true
- Radius:
- 1 m
- Volume:
- 0.1 m3
This tag came from a pirate who had been negotiating combat contracts for pirate-trained clone soldiers.
Given the extraordinary dangers that result from clone soldiers, CONCORD has taken a firm stance against anyone involved with them, and will award a security status boost to the person who brings in these tags. They may be handed in at station Security Offices in low-security space.