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ESS-NW-45 Reserve Security Key

Inventory group: Commodity > ESS Reserve Bank Keys


0 kg
Packaged volume:
0.1 m3
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Type Info

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Icon ID:
1 m
0.1 m3


This ESS-NW-45 Reserve Security Key is a quadrant security key for Encounter Surveillance System (ESS) reserve banks in the Secure Commerce Commission's North-West Encounter Surveillance Quadrant.

This Reserve Security Key is configured to permit a maximum total of 45 releases of funds after activation.

The SCC defines its North-West Encounter Surveillance Quadrant as encompassing star systems in the following regions:

Branch, Deklein, Pure Blind, Tenal, Tribute, Cloud Ring, Fade, Fountain, The Kalevala Expanse, and Vale of the Silent

Reserve Security Keys are generated and issued at SCC Secure Key Storage facilities. For security, the keys for a given region are generated and issued by facilities located well outside the region. ESS Reserve Keys are single-use only, providing access to one Reserve Bank before their key codes are removed from the access database.

Keyholder officials of the SCC are periodically issued with heavily-encrypted ESS Reserve Keys in order to inspect the integrity of ESS Reserve Banks. The keys also allow a keyholder to trigger a release of funds from the Reserve Bank in the form of Encrypted Bonds. For security purposes, such a release of funds is carried out over a lengthy period of time.

If an SCC Keyholder carries out an inspection as part of their duties the ESS is secured by SCC guard forces. Anyone using the key to effect a security intrusion does so at their own risk.