Ariel Rin for CSM19

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Men's Republic Service Tattoo (Starkmanir)


1 kg
Packaged volume:
0.1 m3
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Special Edition Apparel
1 m
0.1 m3


Military service with the Minmatar Republic can take many forms and a Matari's service can be marked by a style of military tattoo that may incorporate specific tribal iconography. Owing to their near-destruction and subsequent hidden existence under the Amarr, the Starkmanir Tribe's tattoo culture has been almost entirely lost and is in the process of being reconstructed by cultural historians and archaeologists. Many Starkmanir do not observe any kind of tattoo culture but those who do, and are eligible, may chose to display the specific Starkmanir variation of Republic service tattoos. Since their return to the Minmatar Republic, the vast majority of the Starkmanir have settled in the large cities or on lands set aside for them to found new towns by the Republic's Urban Management agency. Despite their numbers being low, a significant number of young Starkmanir have followed the martial example of their Brutor Tribe patrons and entered service with military branches such as the Republic Fleet or Republic Command. Starkmanir recruits are valued for being well educated, an ironic consequence of all those of age having been schooled in the Ammatar Mandate while "hidden in plain view" from the Amarr.