Ariel Rin for CSM19

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Men's Republic Service Tattoo (Brutor)


1 kg
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0.1 m3
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Special Edition Apparel
1 m
0.1 m3


Military service with the Minmatar Republic can take many forms and a Matari's service can be marked by a style of military tattoo that may incorporate specific tribal iconography. Despite the Amarr occupation's wish to eradicate tattoo culture, and their particularly harsh treatment of many Brutor, the restoration of a Brutor Tribe culture from bits and pieces of surviving knowledge has been extensive. Most Brutor are traditionalist and observe clan and tribal tattoo culture very closely, making it common to see eligible tribe members wearing the specific Brutor variation of Republic service tattoos. As a founding tribe of the Minmatar Republic, and with many clans emphasizing martial culture, the Brutor provide large numbers of personnel to many military branches and paramilitary agencies. Brutor Tribe presence in the Republic Fleet and Republic Command is particularly high but they are readily found throughout security services, militias and law enforcement, such as the Republic Justice Department. Contrary to outsider stereotypes, the Brutor are not only physically capable but also highly intelligent and adaptable, often reaching the heights of senior office in their typically lengthy Republic service careers.