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Stratios Friendship League SKIN

Market group: Ship SKINs > Cruisers > Faction Cruisers > Pirate Faction
Inventory group: SKINs > Permanent SKIN


Packaged volume:
0.01 m3
Portion size:

Type Info

Type ID:
Market group ID:
Pirate Faction
Race ID:
1 m
0.01 m3


Alongside their humanitarian and scientific pursuits, the Sisters of EVE are involved in many diplomatic and cultural endeavors aimed at promoting friendship between the disparate peoples of the cluster. The SOE's Friendship League is an organization dedicated to advancing good relations between all societies independently of the political and diplomatic maneuvering of the empires and factions of New Eden.

Members of the SOE Friendship League are trained to observe high standards of discretion and impartiality in their work, despite the difficulties often posed by diametrically opposed political, economic, and cultural interests across the empires and worlds of the cluster. The Friendship League is occasionally accused of being a front for less altruistic SOE operations but nothing has ever come to light to definitively tarnish its reputation.