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Angel Cargo Concealment Unit Remains

Inventory group: Commodity > Miscellaneous


1 kg
Packaged volume:
0.1 m3
Portion size:

Type Info

Type ID:
Base price:
4.00m ISK
Group ID:
Icon ID:
1 m
0.1 m3


This appears to be the remains of a piece of high-tech black market smuggling equipment, the design of which is thought to have originated from the Satori-Horigu Epistemics corporation. It can electronically conceal contraband items stored within and digitally alter their signatures making them appear as regular, mundane, legal cargo - rendering the illicit contents undetectable by even the most powerful ship and cargo scanners employed by customs and law enforcement agencies in the cluster.

Attempting to reverse engineer this item could lead to several clues as to what was smuggled within and how the device operates, although the high-level of encryption and damage means that only a specialized facility is likely to find any value or success in accomplishing this.

The Amarr Empire will reward Capsuleers who bring this item to their Imperial Counter-Insurgency Outpost located in the
Mehatoor solarsystem.

The Minmatar Republic will reward Capsuleers who bring this item to their Republic Counter-Insurgency Outpost located in the
Amo solarsystem.