Large Collidable Structure

7th Fleet Mobile Command Post
Essentially an extensively modified Starbase Control Tower, this Navy-issue Command Post has been further modified to meet the 7th Fleet's specific needs. Each Command Post is capable of running Fleet operations for an entire system, and contains FTL comms equipment, a field-spec mainframe and full command-and-control facilities.
Abandoned Sleeper Enclave
Imposing in its majesty, this giant dome stands as a testament to the technological might of the ancient Sleeper race. Even millennia old, the innumerable electronics systems within are still comparable to contemporary technology, in some cases even exceeding it. The distinctive hub-like design of this particular structure suggests that it operated as some kind of central data nexus, a shining capital amongst a digital metropolis. This Enclave is heavily damaged from thousands of years in the unforgiving solitude of space. The only signs of life within are weak electronic signals.
AEGIS Capital Forging Tools Storage
The capital ship construction and refitting operations being carried out by AEGIS require significant numbers of forging tools and resources. This storage vault contains the necessary items but is manually secured. Anyone wishing to access the contents will have to blast their way in if they don't work for AEGIS and have the proper clearances.
AEGIS Logistics Center Power Generator
This power generator is providing a large quantity of power for something within the Shipping Logistics Center. Destroying it may have unforeseen consequences but it presumably is vital to AEGIS operations here.
Amarr Administration Complex
This building functions as the command and control center for the local region within the Amarr Empire. Usually guarded by several military units. This stronghold is designed to function as a military base during times of war aswell as a government office during peace times.
Amarr Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other. They are also commonly used to transport liquid or gas between structures.
Amarr Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Amarr Battery
A small missile battery designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Amarr Battlestation 2
This gigantic military installation is the pride of the Imperial Navy. Thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands, of slaves pour their blood, sweat and tears into erecting one of these mega-structures. Only a fool would attempt to assault such a massive base without a fleet behind him. Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Amarr Battlestation 3
This gigantic military installation is the pride of the Imperial Navy. Thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands, of slaves pour their blood, sweat and tears into erecting one of these mega-structures. Only a fool would attempt to assault such a massive base without a fleet behind him. Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Amarr Battlestation_Event
This gigantic military installation is the pride of the Imperial Navy. Hundreds of thousands, of slaves poured their blood, sweat and tears into erecting one of these mega-structures. Only a fool would attempt to assault such a massive base without a fleet behind him. Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Amarr Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Amarr Cathedral
This impressive structure operates as a place for religious practice and the throne of a high ranking member within the clergy.
Amarr Chapel
This decorated structure serves as a place for religious practice.
Amarr Citadel
This Amarrian Citadel looms over the acceleration gate leading to the Palace grounds. Anyone attempting to enter the palace without authorization would have to overcome the inhabitants of this majestic structure as well as its defenses. The Citadel is the primary link that the outside world has to the Imperial Palace, often serving as the meeting ground between Emperor Family staff and outsiders intent on getting the Emperor's attention. Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Amarr Deadspace Refiner
Built to reprocess ores into minerals without the tedious interlude of a station visit. All for the glory of the Emperor and the prominence of the Amarr Empire.
Amarr Deadspace Repair Unit
The Amarr Empire spreads far and wide and the presence of repair outposts at strategic locations ensures the will of the Emperor prevails in its every far flung corner.
Amarr Deadspace Tactical Unit
Feudal obligations in the Amarr Empire force every lord loyal to the Emperor to participate in the defense of the realm. Tactical outposts serve as the backbone to the first line of defense the empire enjoys.
Amarr Drone Mine
This is an Amarr drone mine.
Amarr Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Amarr Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Amarr Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Amarr Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Amarr Starbase Control Tower
The Amarr have always been fond of majestic and intimidating constructions. Their Control Towers do not deviate from that tradition and are truly big and powerful structures, intended more for preservation of territorial interests than commercial benefits.
Amarr Starbase Control Tower Tough
The Amarr have always been fond of majestic and intimidating constructions. Their Control Towers do not deviate from that tradition and are truly big and powerful structures, intended more for preservation of territorial interests than commercial benefits.
Amarr Starbase Control Tower_Tough_Good Loot
The Amarr have always been fond of majestic and intimidating constructions. Their Control Towers do not deviate from that tradition and are truly big and powerful structures, intended more for preservation of territorial interests than commercial benefits.
Amarr Stargate
This stargate has been manufactured according to Amarr design. It is not usable without the proper authorization code.
Amarr Station 150k
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Amarr Supply Cache
Amarr Supply Depot
Supply Depots supply the defending faction with advantage points. Destroying Supply Depots will reduce the defender's advantage points in that system.
Amarr Tactical Command Post
This structure forms part of the primary command net for this system, co-ordinating all Amarr Empire military operations.
Amarr Tactical Relay
This structure acts as a relay station for the Amarr Empire's operations in this structure, collecting, receiving and transmitting battlefield intelligence.
Amarr Tactical Supply Station
This structure is a tactical supply station for the Amarr Empire. It acts as a logistical depot for military operations throughout the system.
Amarr Tactical Support Center
This multi-purpose structure acts as temporary housing for all kinds of Amarr Empire personnel in their efforts to secure this system.
Amarr Trade Post
Docking in this station has been prohibited without private authorization.
Amarr Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Amarrian Breeding Facility
This breeding facility produces Minmatar children ready to assume their place as servants to the Amarr. Once they reach puberty, the boys are sent away to take their place amongst the lower classes in Amarr society. The girls, on the other hand, are left behind. Their place is here, stretched out on cold metal tables, silent and tense. The facility wears out its brood, but that's all right; more are created all the time. And every now and then, a caravan will arrive, carrying men with cold eyes and clammy hands, ready and willing to help with the production.
Ammatar Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Ammatar Battlestation
This massive military installation is the pride of the Ammatar Navy. Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Ammatar Cathedral
This impressive structure operates as a place for religious practice and the throne of a high ranking member within the clergy.
Ammatar Deadspace Tactical Unit
Tactical outposts serve as the first line of defense of the Ammatars against their Minmatar cousins. The design of these Tactical Units come from the Amarr Empire, originally as a personal gift from the Emperor himself when the Ammatar nation was founded.
Angel Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Angel Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Angel Battery
A small missile battery, designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Angel Battlestation
This gigantic suprastructure is one of the military installations of the Angel Cartel. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bay to receive guests.
Angel Battlestation_event
Reinforced Angel Station. Little is known about what exactly goes on in here.
Angel Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Angel Control Tower
The Angel Control Tower is an enhanced version of the Matari control tower utilizing the latest frontier design techniques to increase its defenses and efficiency.
Angel Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Angel Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Angel Hideout
Angel Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Angel Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Angel Repair Hub
Angel Tower
Angel Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Angel Warehouse
AoE SmartBomb Test
The Amarr have always been fond of majestic and intimidating constructions. Their Control Towers do not deviate from that tradition and are truly big and powerful structures, intended more for preservation of territorial interests than commercial benefits.
Asteroid Colony
Highly vulnerable, but economically extremely feasible, asteroid factories are one of the major boons of the expanding space industry.
Asteroid Colony Minor
Highly vulnerable, but economically extremely feasible, asteroid factories are one of the major boons of the expanding space industry.
Asteroid Colony Tower
This is a building dedicated to offices and staff quarters mostly, though spacious halls and special installments allow for some flexibility in function.
Asteroid Construct
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Asteroid Construct Minor
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Asteroid Deadspace Mining Colony
Where geographical conditions allow, outposts such as this one are a good way of increasing the effectiveness of deep-space mining operations.
Asteroid Deadspace Mining Post
Where geographical conditions allow, outposts such as this one are a good way of increasing the effectiveness of deep-space mining operations.
Asteroid Factory
Highly vulnerable, but economically extremely feasible, asteroid factories are one of the major boons of the expanding space industry.
Asteroid Installation
Where geographical conditions allow, outposts such as this one are a good way of increasing the effectiveness of deep-space mining operations.
Asteroid Micro-Colony
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Asteroid Micro-Colony Minor
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Asteroid Prime Colony
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Asteroid Prime Colony_MISSION lvl 3
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Asteroid Secondary Colony
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Asteroid Slave Mine
"There are some who will never embrace enlightment, and those poor souls we must.. educate" Gavrin Lothril - Asteroid Mine XVII-232 Foreman
Asteroid Station - 1
Dark and ominous metal structures jut outwards from this crumbled asteroid. Scanners indicate a distant power source far within the adamant rock.
Asteroid Station - 1 - Strong HP
Dark and ominous metal structures jut outwards from this crumbled asteroid. Scanners indicate a distant power source far within the adamant rock.
Asteroid Structure
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
An astrofarm.
Augmented Angel Battlestation
This gigantic suprastructure is one of the military installations of the Angel pirate corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bay to receive guests.
Auxiliary Academic Campus
A standard, customizable, space-faring structure designed to be easily moved and deployed. This one has been configured for early childhood education.
Concord Billboards keep you updated, bringing you the latest news and bounty information.
This biodome is used for cultivation of plants and animals alike.
Blasted Neon Sign
Once the pride and joy of its parent corporation, this broken-down heap of neon and metal is now no more than a symbolic manifestation of capitalistic decline.
Blood Raider Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Blood Raider Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Blood Raider Battery
A small missile battery, designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Blood Raider Battlestation
This gigantic suprastructure is one of the military installations of the Blood Raiders pirate corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bay to receive guests.
Blood Raider Battlestation_event
This gigantic suprastructure is one of the military installations of the Blood Raiders pirate corporation.
Blood Raider Bhaalgorn
Bhaalgorn battleship. Owned by the Blood Raider Covenant. Only those with the correct security codes can hope to pilot this ship.
Blood Raider Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Blood Raider Cathedral
This impressive structure operates as a place for religious practice and the throne of a high ranking member within the clergy.
Blood Raider Cathedral (weak)
This impressive structure operates as a place for religious practice and the throne of a high ranking member within the clergy.
Blood Raider Chapel
This decorated structure serves as a place for religious practice.
Blood Raider Deadspace Tactical Unit
This Blood Raider outpost looks as if it could hold some surprises...
Blood Raider Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Blood Raider Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Blood Raider Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Blood Raider Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Blood Raider Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Bloodraider Hideout
Bloodraider Repair Hub
Bloodraider Tower
Bloodraider Warehouse
Bloodsport Arena
To escape the jurisdiction of those who would curb their entertainments, full-contact fight promoters and unlicensed, duel-to-the-death Clash Masters have taken to setting up these deep-space arenas for their brutal games to take place in. A hive of scum and villainy -- or, alternatively, a wonderland of sport and blood-stained jollity.
Boundless Creations Data Center
This massive complex houses hundreds of supercomputers, all dedicated to research and storage. One such superconductor contains the latest Sleepers research from Boundless Creations.
Broadcast Tower
The Caldari call these propoganda towers, however the Gallente people prefer to call them liberty towers. Whatever their designation these hidden broadcast towers send their amplified signal throughout the system they are located in. The Gallente networks use them to broadcast their channels to areas of space where such signals are usually banned. There are a network of relay towers which utilise the FTL networks to bring their underground signal to the source tower.
Broken Talocan Coupling Array
The long capsules in the coupling array offer no hints as to their purpose. Archaeologists conjecture that the Array contained escape vessels, food bins, fuel resources or equipment for punishment. Some theories purport that all of the above are true. Cracked and worn, the coupling array won't function as any of these, as its fragile frame is completely broken inside and out.
A Mammoth-class industrial.
Caldari Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Caldari Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Caldari Battery
A small missile battery, designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Caldari Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Caldari Deadspace Refining Outpost
The Caldari State was the first to employ ore refineries outside space stations, a natural move for an entity that values efficiency above everything else.
Caldari Deadspace Repair Outpost
First used during the Gallente-Caldari War, "the black smithy," as it is fondly called by the Caldari Navy, has since saved countless numbers of pilots the indignity of a disintegrating ship.
Caldari Deadspace Tactical Outpost
These structures saw heavy use during the days of the Gallente-Caldari war. Built to allow the State's Navy vessels the opportunity to make fortified pit stops in otherwise sparsely populated areas, they were also a tremendous help in pushing back the battle lines.
Caldari Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Caldari Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Caldari Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Caldari Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Caldari Starbase Control Tower
At first the Caldari Control Towers were manufactured by Kaalakiota, but since they focused their efforts mostly on other, more profitable installations, they soon lost the contract and the Ishukone corporation took over the Control Towers' development and production.
Caldari Starbase Control Tower_Tough_Good Loot
At first the Caldari Control Towers were manufactured by Kaalakiota, but since they focused their efforts mostly on other, more profitable installations, they soon lost the contract and the Ishukone corporation took over the Control Towers' development and production.
Caldari Station 150k
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Caldari Station_event
Docking has been prohibited into this station until the all clear has been given by the manager.
Caldari Supply Cache
Supply Caches supply the attacking faction with advantage points. Destroying Supply Caches will reduce the attacker's advantage points in that system.
Caldari Supply Depot
Caldari Tactical Command Post
This structure forms part of the primary command net for this system, co-ordinating all Caldari State military operations.
Caldari Tactical Relay
This structure acts as a relay station for the Caldari State's operations in this structure, collecting, receiving and transmitting battlefield intelligence.
Caldari Tactical Supply Station
This structure is a tactical supply station for the Caldari State. It acts as a logistical depot for military operations throughout the system.
Caldari Tactical Support Center
This multi-purpose structure acts as temporary housing for all kinds of Caldari State personnel in their efforts to secure this system.
Caldari Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Cargo Rig
This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.
Circle Construct
A massive circular construction, made of a reinforced tritanium alloy.
Collapsed Talocan Observation Dome
Large windows and telescoping turrets peer out into the surrounding darkness. The windows of this dome are cracked and the roof partially collapsed, but the empty eyes of the Talocan observation dome always appears to be staring, despite the absence of its original occupants.
Communications Tower
Communications Tower.
CONCORD Observatory Overcharge Unit
This ancillary fortification unit is part of the defense network of a CONCORD Stellar Observatory. The basic field manipulation principles of Triglavian Overcharge subpylons have been retro-engineered from disabled examples and employed by CONCORD in a structure that uses their own command and control routines. This Unit projects a modifying field out to 5000m from its central spire.
Concord Prison Facility
CONCORD Stellar Observatory
CONCORD's Inner Circle and the DED High Command have become increasingly alarmed by the focus of the Triglavian invaders on the stars of New Eden. The appearance of special Triglavian task forces erecting Stellar Accelerator structures prompted a crash program to develop a Stellar Observatory of CONCORD's own, with a suitable defense system and dedicated local defense fleets in co-operation with CONCORD member empires. The CONCORD Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work aimed at analyzing in depth the various effects of Triglavian stellar manipulation and comparing them with the base conditions of stellar bodies across New Eden. While it is an especially dangerous and costly task, due to the importance of working in Triglavian invasion zones, CONCORD is dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Conquerable Station 1
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Conquerable Station 2
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Conquerable Station 3
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Cookhouse Shielding Projector
This shielding projector emits a powerful force field that guards the chem-cookmasters of the Deathglow Hunters from harm while they are busy overseeing the processing of their vile substances.
Crippled Sleeper Preservation Conduit
Tiny windows looking out into space offer a glimpse past this structure's once-impressive armor plating and through to the strange sights within. Barely visible in the dim light are rows upon rows of small chambers, stretching out endlessly inside the darkened hallways of this mammoth conduit. A myriad of connective wires interlace with giant pipelines, all of them broken or badly damaged. A strange electronic interference emanates from deep inside the facility, suggesting that perhaps not everything inside has fallen into disrepair.
Dark Shipyard
This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.
Dazh Porevitium Transmuter
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting. The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter». While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved. EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Dazh Porevitium Transmuter
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting. The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter». While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved. EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Dazh Porevitium Transmuter
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting. The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter». While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved. EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Dazh Porevitium Transmuter
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting. The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter». While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved. EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Deactivated Acceleration Gate
This acceleration gate has been locked down and is not usable by the general public.
Deadspace Particle Accelerator
The science allowed by zero gravity can be as mind-boggling as it is beautiful, as demonstrated by this particle accelerating superstructure.
Deathglow Harvest Silo
The valuable yield from mining and processing Cthonic Attar into the weird illegal booster called "Deathglow" is kept in this silo. Despite the immense value of their chemical bounty, the Deathglow Hunters are not always particularly careful about the storage of the unstable substances they harvest. Occasionally, a Deathglow Scumlord must execute a Bottomfeeder or Filthraker who has neglected maintenance tasks due to overuse of their own product.
Decrepit Talocan Outpost Core
Centuries of emptiness have left this Talocan outpost's central hub in disarray, but the chambers and corridors inside portray a busy (if very spartan) existence. Advanced technology mingles with rustic repairs and patchwork assemblages. Some of the technology is ancient and very rudimentary in design, harkening back to cultures long gone, yet with hints of familiarity. Much of the interior is in shambles, and the outer hull is breached in several areas, leaving the outpost core teetering on the edge of total destruction.
Dirty Shipyard
This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.
Disjointed Talocan Outpost Conduit
Narrow tubes and electrical wiring fill the outpost conduit. Equal parts electrical artery and linking structure, the interior of this connecting structure is in disrepair and on the verge of complete wreckage.
Disjointed Talocan Outpost Hub
Though large in design, this structure is sparsely adorned, with only a few antechambers and docking platforms inside. Speculation among historians suggests that this outpost hub was capable of immediate and easy disconnection from the Talocan outpost in case of attack, but there hasn't been a scholarly consensus about this. Most of the docking bays have eroded away, and a few walls are on the verge of collapse, leaving the hub in complete disrepair.
Disrupted Talocan Polestar
The central piece of this Talocan station is the Polestar, the nerve center of the complex and the heart of Talocan survival. Though dilapidated and unusable, the Polestar's outer hull is breached in many parts. Its propulsion jets and mini-generators are destroyed and decaying. From the burn marks around the propulsion thrusters, this Polestar has been jettisoned many times as a necessary structure for a migrant culture, but in this condition the Polestar's current location will remain its last.
Docked Bestower
This Bestower-class industrial is currently offloading and loading supplies to this installation.
Drifter Hive
Dwarfing the majestic enclave in size, the scale of this Hive sends shivers of awe into all those who bear witness to its grandeur. Its walls stand defiant against the harsh black vacuum. Its structure, testament to the unfathomable technological prowess of the Sleeper race. Cold, sharp edges seem to tear at the very fabric of space, distorting reality around it. One can only cower in fear at the thought of what a construction of this magnitudes purpose could be.
Drone Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Drone Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Drone Battery
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Drone Bunker
This large metal bunker is thoroughly infested with rogue drones.
Drone Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Drone Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Drone Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Drone Lookout
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Drone Structure I
This gigantic superstructure was built by the effort of thousands of rogue drones. While the structure appears to be incomplete, its intended shape remains a mystery to the clueless carbon-based lifeforms.
Drone Structure II
This gigantic superstructure was built by the effort of thousands of rogue drones. While the structure appears to be incomplete, its intended shape remains a mystery to clueless carbon-based lifeforms.
Drone Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Drug Lab
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Drug Lab Crash
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Drug Lab Exile
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Drug Lab Mindflood
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu
With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub. The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu
With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub. The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu
With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub. The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu
With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub. The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Empty Station Battery
Forlorn hulk of a depleted station battery. Once a vital part of the complex, it now only serves to remind us that in space the only thing eternal is death.
Eroded Sleeper Thermoelectric Converter
After countless years in space, this structure is showing some signs of age. A brief analysis of the semi-functional technology inside reveals that it operates as some kind of auxiliary power source for other structures. Erosion in one of the armor panels exposes a small internal hangar bay, perhaps used as a docking port to power the Sleeper's automated drones.
Exposed Sleeper Interlink Hub
Distinctively Sleeper in design, this structure served as an information hub, linking various data sources with one another. Although countless years in the harsh environments of space have rendered its defenses all but non-existent, the structure continues to relay information back and forth, oblivious to its own vulnerability.
Extractive Super-Nexus
This Triglavian structure serves as the processing and control center of the Collective's efforts to gather material resources for the construction of other structures and fleet reinforcements in this system. As with other major Triglavian installations, this structure is emitting a high volume of heavily-encrypted signals traffic. A repeating signal that apparently serves as a beacon or monitor signal has been partially deciphered and contains references to «Extractive Super-Nexus», presumably the structure itself, and «Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata». EDENCOM considers the destruction of Triglavian resource-gathering operations to be a high priority for its forces and allied capsuleers.
Extremely Powerful EM Forcefield
A reinforced antimatter generator powered by muonal crystals, creating a perfect circle of electro-magnetic radiance penetrable only by a coordinated attack from the strongest armaments.
Extremely Powerful EM Forcefield_2
A reinforced antimatter generator powered by muonal crystals, creating a perfect circle of electro-magnetic radiance penetrable only by a coordinated attack from the strongest armaments.
A reinforced antimatter generator powered by muonal crystals, creating a perfect circle of electro-magnetic radiance penetrable only by a coordinated attack from the strongest armaments.
Fortified Drug Lab
Carving out asteroids to act as habitats for miners and manufacturers is a cheap and efficient way to quickly cash in on the insatiable needs of the space industry.
Fragmented Cathedral I
The elegant decorations on these broken ruins indicate that it may once have been a ceremonial temple of high importance.
Fragmented Cathedral I_Under Construction
This looks like a construction site of a grand structure of great importance.
Fragmented Cathedral II
The elegant decorations on these broken ruins indicate that it may once have been a ceremonial temple of high importance.
Fragmented Cathedral III
The elegant decorations on these broken ruins indicate that it may once have been a ceremonial temple of high importance.
Fragmented Cathedral IV
The elegant decorations on these broken ruins indicate that it may once have been a ceremonial temple of high importance.
Fragmented Cathedral V
The elegant decorations on these broken ruins indicate that it may once have been a ceremonial temple of high importance.
Freight Pad
Built for up-to-the-minute analysis of tactical and environmental data, these pads can be found dotted around many a deadspace complex.
Fuel Depot
This depot contains fuel for the surrounding structures.
Fuel Fump_event
Reinforced Fuel Dump
Gallente Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Gallente Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Gallente Battery
A small missile battery, designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Gallente Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Gallente Bunker UDI
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Gallente Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Gallente Factory
This is a standard Federation-built Manufacturing Station. It has been equipped with powerful energy shield systems, although it's armor and hull would be considered fairly weak compared to Amarrian standards. Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Gallente Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Gallente Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Gallente Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Gallente Starbase Control Tower
Gallente Control Towers are more pleasing to the eye than they are strong or powerful. They have above average electronic countermeasures, average CPU output, and decent power output compared to towers from the other races, but are quite lacking in sophisticated defenses.
Gallente Starbase Control Tower Tough
Gallente Control Towers are more pleasing to the eye than they are strong or powerful. They have above average electronic countermeasures, average CPU output, and decent power output compared to towers from the other races, but are quite lacking in sophisticated defenses.
Gallente Station 150k
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Gallente Station 4
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Gallente Station 7
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Gallente Station 8
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Gallente Station_event
Docking has been prohibited for capsuleers into this station until the system has been given the all clear by CONCORD.
Gallente Supply Cache
Gallente Supply Depot
Gallente Tactical Command Post
This structure forms part of the primary command net for this system, co-ordinating all Gallente Federation military operations.
Gallente Tactical Relay
This structure acts as a relay station for the Gallente Federation's operations in this structure, collecting, receiving and transmitting battlefield intelligence.
Gallente Tactical Supply Station
This structure is a tactical supply station for the Gallente Federation. It acts as a logistical depot for military operations throughout the system.
Gallente Tactical Support Center
This multi-purpose structure acts as temporary housing for all kinds of Gallente Federation personnel in their efforts to secure this system.
Gallente Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Gallentean Deadspace Mansion
Though not quite large enough to be a station, this ornate, lavish establishment contains furnishings for any multi-purpose deadspace location. From cutting edge laboratories, to private studios and entertainment facilities, the services available in this structure are applicable for professionals and elite socialites alike.
Gallentean Deadspace Outpost
Equally equipped for scientific observation and entertainment of all sorts, these multi-purpose structures, while not quite big enough to be classified as stations, nonetheless see quite a bit of use by both tourists and professionals.
Gallentean Laboratory w/scientists
Equally equipped for scientific observation and entertainment of all sorts, these multi-purpose structures, while not quite big enough to be classified as stations, nonetheless see quite a bit of use by both tourists and professionals.
Gas/Storage Silo - Pirate Extravaganza lvl 3_ MISSION
Built to withstand assault, these behemoths can each hold roughly 8.5 million m3 worth of materials.
Guristas Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Guristas Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Guristas Battery
A small missile battery, designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Guristas Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Guristas Deadspace Tactical Outpost
This structure was originally built by the Caldari State and was intended to go to Mordu's Legion as part of a surplus shipment, but the convoy was intercepted by a Gurista strike force in what has become famously known as the "Pure Blind Bonanza." Aside from a different coat of paint and an added layer of armor plating, this outpost looks just like its Caldari counterpart.
Guristas Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Guristas Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Guristas Great Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Guristas Hideout
Guristas Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Guristas Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Guristas Repair Hub
Guristas Starbase Control Tower
Originally designed by the Kaalakiota, the Caldari Control Tower blueprint was quickly obtained by the Guristas, through their agents within the State, to serve their own needs.
Guristas Starbase Control Tower_Tough
Originally designed by the Kaalakiota, the Caldari Control Tower blueprint was quickly obtained by the Guristas, through their agents within the State, to serve their own needs.
Guristas Station_event
This gigantic suprastructure is one of the military installations of the Guristas pirate corporation. Even for its size it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.
Guristas Tower
Guristas Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Guristas War Installation
This gigantic suprastructure is one of the military installations of the Guristas pirate corporation. Even for its size it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.
Guristas Warehouse
Habitation Module - Breeding Facility
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Module - Brothel
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Module - Casino
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Module - Narcotics supermarket
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Module - Pleasure hub
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Module - Police base
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Module - Prison
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Module - Residential
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Module - Roadhouse
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Hollow Talocan Extraction Silo
This towering structure contains all the basic elements of a regular silo: cavernous storage areas, thick walls, extensive ventilation, etc. Based on the scans of this silo, however, the silo's previous contents are unknown. The residue from inside reveals nothing known in modern times, or even odd genetic combinations. Whatever its contents, the silo emits an unfamiliar – and uneasy – presence.
The human farm is for farming humans.
Hydrochloric Acid Manufacturing Plant
A Hydrochloric Acid manufacturing plant.
Imai Kenon's Corpse
Imai Kenon evidently met a painful death after his ship had been infested by rogue drones.
Inactive Drone Sentry
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Infested Station Ruins
To speed up the construction process of rogue drone structures, certain strains of drones have been known to salvage the ruins of their defeated enemies, using them either as a base or to slowly dissolve them into their desired final shape. This particular object seems to be a Gallente station and two Megathron battleships, partially broken down into a construction lattice around an asteroid.
Inverted Talocan Exchange Depot
Amidst the ruins of this Talocan outpost, the exchange depot looms, its presence foreboding. Judging from the wreckage inside, the depot was either used for imprisonment or cultural exchange; eerily, there seems to be very little difference between the two. Whatever its purpose, this structure is rather prevalent among the outposts, displaying its importance in Talocan society.
Landing Pad
This outpost has a docking pad designed to receive and process large shipments of cargo.
Large Container of Explosives
This large container is full of explosives.
Large EM Forcefield
An antimatter generator powered by tachyonic crystals, creating a perfect defensive circle of electro-magnetic radiance.
Listening Post_event
Listening Post
Low-Tech Deadspace Energy Harvester
Containing only a handful of mechanical components, this simple wonder harvests energy from the system's sun by virtue of the unique EM refractive qualities in its scartate fabric.
Magnetic Retainment Field
This bubble was built around a subspace ionization convergence. Its main purpose is to contain the energy emanating from the convergence until a way can be found to properly harness it.
Malfunctioning Sleeper Multiplex Forwarder
The Sleeper Multiplex Forwarder may have been responsible for transferring data between various Sleeper facilities. Hundreds of years in space have taken their toll, however, and brief scans of the structure show only miniscule amounts of electronic activity.
Meat Popsicle
The inhospitability of space no longer bothers this individual.
Minas Iksan's Revelation_old
General Minas Iksan is the highest ranking officer of the Amarr forces and their allies stationed in Kenobanala. His responsibility is to see to it that the 'Tyrion incident' is resolved, and to lead his armada into Audesder should it come to all-out-war. Minas commands a Revelation. It represents the pinnacle of Amarrian military technology. Maintaining their proud tradition of producing the strongest armor plating to be found anywhere, the Empire's engineers outdid themselves in creating what is arguably the most resilient dreadnought in existence. Added to that, the Revelation's ability to fire capital beams makes its position on the battlefield a unique one. When extended sieges are the order of the day, this is the ship you call in.
Mining Outpost_event
Mining Outpost
Minmatar Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Minmatar Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Minmatar Battery
A small missile battery, designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Minmatar Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Minmatar Deadspace Refining Outpost
Though built cheaply, this refinery is able to process most ores at the same level of efficiency found on any station-based refinery platform.
Minmatar Deadspace Repair Outpost
Due to their amazing cost-effectiveness and the speed at which they can be built, these outposts are seeing greater and greater use among Matari freedom fighters and other warriors and travelers who need to be able to stay mobile in dangerous territory.
Minmatar Deadspace Tactical Outpost
Outfitted with makeshift sensor arrays and second-hand tactical data analysis equipment, these outposts will, to anyone not in the know, look like useless scrapyards. Which is exactly what the Matari would have you think.
Minmatar Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Minmatar Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Minmatar Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Minmatar Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Minmatar Mining Station
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Minmatar Starbase Control Tower
The Matari aren't really that high-tech, preferring speed rather than firepower or involved technology. Unfortunately that doesn't apply very well to stationary objects, much to the liking of the Amarr Empire. Amarrians call it a scrapheap of epic proportions. But don't underestimate these structures. Minmatar commanders usually have the last laugh when it comes to combat.
Minmatar Starbase Control Tower_Tough_Good Loot
The Matari aren't really that high-tech, preferring speed rather than firepower or involved technology. Unfortunately that doesn't apply very well to stationary objects, much to the liking of the Amarr Empire. Amarrians call it a scrapheap of epic proportions. But don't underestimate these structures. Minmatar commanders usually have the last laugh when it comes to combat.
Minmatar Starbase Control Tower_Tough_Good Loot_testing
The Matari aren't really that high-tech, preferring speed rather than firepower or involved technology. Unfortunately that doesn't apply very well to stationary objects, much to the liking of the Amarr Empire. Amarrians call it a scrapheap of epic proportions. But don't underestimate these structures. Minmatar commanders usually have the last laugh when it comes to combat.
Minmatar Station 150k
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Minmatar Station_event
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Minmatar Supply Cache
Minmatar Supply Depot
Minmatar Tactical Command Post
This structure forms part of the primary command net for this system, co-ordinating all Minmatar Republic military operations.
Minmatar Tactical Relay
This structure acts as a relay station for the Minmatar Republic's operations in this structure, collecting, receiving and transmitting battlefield intelligence.
Minmatar Tactical Supply Station
This structure is a tactical supply station for the Minmatar Republic. It acts as a logistical depot for military operations throughout the system.
Minmatar Tactical Support Center
This multi-purpose structure acts as temporary housing for all kinds of Minmatar Republic personnel in their efforts to secure this system.
Minmatar Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Mobile Shipping Unit
A container with internal transportation mechanism. Used for quick shipments of low-volume items.
Occupied Amarr Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Offline Talocan Reactor Spire
The Spire's mechanical infrastructure suggests that it was once used for generating power and harvesting electricity. However, the design resembles a combination of different styles, many of them reminiscent of modern power stations. Despite many attempts, the internal generators won't start working, and the spire is now utterly offline, just another mass of debris in space.
Overcharge Node
Overmind Nursery Nest
This writhing hive of activity is a primary nursery nest of the Unshackled Overmind rogue drones. Vast numbers of drones are working inside this nest and many foragers are transporting salvaged materials to feed the nest's manufacturing lines and assembly cells. The Unshackled Overminds have many times demonstrated a talent for advanced adaptation, repurposing and enhancing of technologies they acquire. It is possible that some very advanced technology could be recovered from this nest. As the rogue drones often imitate the activity of humanity, in a very distorted manner, it is even possible that they have developed versions of the most advanced technology available to human civilization. It may be wise to carefully purge such tech of rogue drone routines and ancillary technology though.
Partially constructed Megathron
This Megathron battleship is partially complete, with decks and inner-hull systems exposed to the cold of surrounding space.
Patient Zero
All that remains of the mining station is a twisted, nightmarish husk that has been transformed into a rogue drone base.
Pator 6 HQ
A decrepit wreck of a structure, the HQ for the Pator 6 is full of junk, debris, and rubble. Children's clothes are strewn throughout the headquarters. This gang may be behind more kidnappings and human trafficking cases than at first glance.
Perun Vyraj Anchorage
Vast and resplendent with the energies of a harnessed singularity, the Perun Vyraj Anchorage is a truly titanic structure. Lying at the heart of Krai Perun, this enormous anchorage is large enough to serve as a dock for Xordazh-class World Arks and is effectively an even greater artificial world in its own right. The positioning of the Vyraj Anchorage at the core of Perun Clade's section of the Pochven region's loop of conduit gates implies a vital role in the "weaving" of the constructed Triglavian region. For the Triglavians, the true primary role of the mighty structure appears be one of anchoring this space to the Abyssal Domain of Bujan, facilitating the Flow of Vyraj through the Domain of Pochven.
Plasma Chamber
This storage unit is filled with volatile materials. Handle with care.
Power Generator
This generator provides power to nearby structures. It is fitted with a small shield module and appears to be coated with a thin layer of armored plates.
Power Generator 250k
This generator provides power to nearby structures.
Powerful EM Forcefield
A reinforced antimatter generator powered by muonal crystals, creating a perfect circle of electro-magnetic radiance.
Pressure Silo
Built to withstand assault, these behemoths can each hold roughly 8.5 million m3 worth of materials.
Proximity Charge
Standard mine with nuclear payload.
Pulsating Sensor
Built for up-to-the-minute analysis of tactical and environmental data, these outposts can be found dotted around many a deadspace complex.
Radio Telescope
This huge radio telescope contains fragile but advanced sensory equipment. A structure such as this has enormous capabilities in crunching survey data from nearby systems and constellations.
Radioactive Cargo Rig
This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.
Rapid Pulse Sentry
Emitting a high-frequency electromagnetic pulse, this scanner sentry is able to assimilate and store environmental data with remarkable efficiency. Particularly effective at picking up miniscule fluctuations in the particle field within its range.
Reinforced Drone Bunker
Subject: Reinforced Drone Bunker Summary: This structure appears similar to classic drone bunkers, but is heavily modified to withstand direct attack. Additional Intelligence: First appearing in YC 113, the reinforced drone bunker is an incredibly sturdy variant of the classic rogue drone bunker design. The outer hull itself is bolstered by a honeycombed mesh of tritanium-tungsten alloy, preventing breaches from tears or blunt impact. Internal systems are supplemented with multiple redundancies. The nature of rogue drones makes it difficult to determine if these improvements are the result of conscious effort or, as some engineers theorize, a sort of natural selection after years of losing traditional bunkers to capsuleer raids. Senior Defense Analyst Jervei, FIO.Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.
Reinforced Nation Outpost
This enormous mobile station stands as an example of the engineering excellence found within Nation's endless ranks, the upper part of which is filled with mechanical geniuses and masters of design. Virtually indestructible in its hardened state, the station has very few weaknesses and serves frighteningly well in its role as a mobile safe haven for Nation's military researchers and technicians.
Remote Cloaking Array
This heavily shielded structure remotely emits a cloaking field over far away structures, hiding them from sight.
Rent-A-Dream Pleasure Gardens
This Gallentean pleasure resort sports various activities open for guests, including casinos, baths, escort booths and three domes of simulated tropical paradise for maximum bliss.
Repair Station
Due to their amazing cost-effectiveness and the speed at which they can be built, these repair outposts are seeing greater and greater use among travelers who need to be able to stay mobile in dangerous territory.
Republic Fleet Naglfar - Under Construction
This mighty behemoth of a ship is currently under construction. Only the last few touches of polish remain before it is ready for test flight.
Research Station
This gigantic superstructure is a research station. Due to the nature of the research this station does not offer commercial station services or docking bays and does not receive guests.
Revelation - Under Construction
The Revelation represents the pinnacle of Amarrian military technology. Maintaining their proud tradition of producing the strongest armor plating to be found anywhere, the Empire's engineers outdid themselves in creating what is arguably the most resilient dreadnought in existence. This particular Revelation is currently in the last stages of the construction process.
Ruined Stargate
This ruined stargate has at least a few internal power generators left but is nevertheless currently inoperational, unable to serve its intended function of hurling starships to distant solar systems.
Sansha Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Sansha Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Sansha Battery
A small missile battery, designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Sansha Battlestation_event
This gigantic warstation is one of the military installations of Sansha's slumbering nation. It is known to be able to hold a massive number of Sansha vessels, but strange whispers hint at darker things than mere warfare going on underneath its jagged exterior.
Sansha Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Sansha Deadspace Outpost I
Containing an inner habitation core surrounded by an outer shell filled with a curious fluid, the purpose of which remains unclear, this outpost is no doubt the brain-child of some nameless True Slave engineer.
Sansha Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Sansha Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Sansha Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Sansha Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Sansha Starbase Control Tower
The Sansha Control Tower is a heavily modified and enhanced starbase structure utilizing the latest frontier design techniques to increase its defenses and efficiency. Although the majority of the internal components are based on modified Amarr technology, Sansha control towers have always exhibited traits incorporated from all over the cluster. Ever since their massive YC112 abduction raids in the Balle system, Sansha control towers have begun displaying more and more traits reminiscent of Gallente designs. This has led some observers to speculate that the Nation made significant use of the Center for Advanced Studies engineers they captured in that operation.
Sansha Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Sansha's Battletower
This gigantic war station is one of the military installations of Sansha's slumbering nation. It is known to be able to hold a massive number of Sansha vessels, but strange whispers hint at darker things than mere warfare going on underneath its jagged exterior.
Scanner Post
This piece of equipment emanates waves from its built-in broadcasting beacon. It is fitted with a small shield module and appears to be coated with a thin layer of armored plates.
Scope Station
One of Scope's satellite stations in the area.
Secured Drone Bunker
This large metal bunker is thoroughly infested with rogue drones.
Security Outpost
This outpost is the base of security operations in this deadspace complex's inner perimeter.
Seeker Bunker
This appears to be a bunker used by Seekers, perhaps for resupply or as a drop-off point for items they are gathering. Seeker operations may be disrupted by its destruction, which would be likely to attract the attention of any in the vicinity.
Serpentis Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Serpentis Barricade
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Serpentis Barrier
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Serpentis Battery
A small missile battery, designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Serpentis Bunker
A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel.
Serpentis Elevator
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Serpentis Fence
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Serpentis Hideout
Serpentis Junction
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Serpentis Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Serpentis Repair Hub
Serpentis Secure Hold
Serpentis Stronghold
This gigantic station is one of the Serpentis military installations and a black jewel of the alliance between The Guardian Angels and The Serpentis Corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.
Serpentis Tower
Serpentis Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Serpentis Warehouse
Large construction tasks can be undertaken at this shipyard.
Shipyard Tough
Large construction tasks can be undertaken at this shipyard.
Sisters of EVE Aid Station
The Sisters need to rapidly receive and deploy aid has led to the creation of the Aid Stations, relatively quick and easy to construct and place in orbit these stations can recieve vast quantities of aid and transfer them to orbital craft for quick deployment on a planet. Since their inception they have saved vast quantities of lives and other corporations have leased the design for their own purposes.
Sleeper Archive Terminal
This structure appears to be a modified engineering station, although it contains more instruments for information-gathering than commonly seen in stations of its ilk. Currently inactive, the terminal sports a great number of antechambers and libraries both digital and physical, as well as innumerable laboratories of all shapes and sizes.
Small Armory
This small armory has a thick layer of reinforced tritanium and a customized shield module for deflecting incoming fire.
Smuggler Stargate
The old smuggling route gates were built by a coalition of Minmatar rebels and various pirate factions as a means to travel quickly and discreetly between the outer regions of space. They are favored by many to whom Empire Space is too high-profile and wish to keep a good distance from the vigilant fleet commanders of CONCORD.
Smuggler Stargate Strong
The old smuggling route gates were built by a coalition of Minmatar rebels and various pirate factions as a means to travel quickly and discreetly between the outer regions of space. They are favored by many to whom Empire Space is too high-profile and wish to keep a good distance from the vigilant fleet commanders of CONCORD.
Solar Harvester
This gigantic construction uses electromagnetic conductors to harvest solar power from the system's sun.
Stabber LCS
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Starbase Auxiliary Power Array
These arrays provide considerable added power output, allowing for an increased number of deployable structures in the starbase's field of operation.
Starbase Auxiliary Power Array I
These arrays provide considerable added power output, allowing for an increased number of deployable structures in the starbase's field of operation.
Starbase Auxiliary Power Array II
These arrays provide considerable added power output, allowing for an increased number of deployable structures in the starbase's field of operation.
Starbase Auxiliary Power Array III
These arrays provide considerable added power output, allowing for an increased number of deployable structures in the starbase's field of operation.
Starbase Capital Ship Maintenance Array
Massive hangar and fitting structure.
Starbase Capital Shipyard
A large hangar structure with divisional compartments, for easy separation and storage of materials and modules.
Starbase Explosion Dampening Array
Boosts the control tower's shield resistance against explosive damage.
Starbase Force Field Array
This array projects a password-protected force field around structures outside the range of a control tower's shields.
Starbase Hangar
A stand-alone deep-space construction designed to allow pilots to dock and refit their ships on the fly.
Starbase Hangar Tough
A stand-alone deep-space construction designed to allow pilots to dock and refit their ships on the fly.
Starbase Ion Field Projection Battery
Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectivenes of enemy sensors. Very effective against Magnetometric-based sensors.
Starbase Major Assembly Array
Assembly Arrays are oftentimes required to manufacture many high-tech and illegal modules that the empires don't want manufactured in their stations. This is one of the biggest of its kind, able to churn out a great deal of equipment in relatively short order.
Starbase Medium Refinery
The refinery is the heart of any industrial outpost, increasing the efficiency of any mining operation through reduced travel time. They are less efficient than full fledged stations, but the benefits of not having to move unrefined ore outweighs this drawback considerably.
Starbase Minor Assembly Array
Assembly Arrays are oftentimes required to manufacture many high-tech and illegal modules that the empires don't want manufactured in their stations. While humble in size, this one is able to operate at a high level of efficiency, bringing its operators quality modules with surprising speed.
Starbase Minor Refinery
A factory that refines ore into minerals.
Starbase Mobile Factory
Mobile Factory
Starbase Moon Harvester
A harvesting factory for collecting moon minerals.
Starbase Moon Mining Silo
Storage silos are much more secure and durable than their Secure Container counterparts. They are usually the focus of attacks on outposts and commonly contain ore, reprocessed minerals or valuable items waiting to be transported to empire space.
Starbase Reactor Array
Moon Harvesting Arrays yield a number of moon materials that are then fed to Reactors. Reactors then process the materials in order to produce intermediate or final materials for use in keeping the Starbase's structures on-line and functioning.
Starbase Shield Generator
Smaller confined shield generators with their own access restrictions can be deployed outside the Control Tower's defense perimeter. This allows for lesser security areas around the Starbase, for purposes of storage or pickup.
Starbase Ship-Maintenance Array
Mobile hangar and fitting structure. Used for ship storage and in-space fitting of modules contained in a ship's cargo bay.
Starbase Silo
Storage silos are much more secure and durable than their Secure Container counterparts. They are usually the focus of attacks on outposts and commonly contain ore, reprocessed minerals or valuable items waiting to be transported to empire space.
Starbase Stealth Emitter Array
Decreases signature radius of control tower.
Starbase Storage Facility
Storage silos are much more secure and durable than their Secure Container counterparts. They are usually the focus of attacks on outposts and commonly contain ore, reprocessed minerals or valuable items waiting to be transported to empire space.
Starbase Ultra-Fast Silo
Storage silos are much more secure and durable than their Secure Container counterparts. They are usually the focus of attacks on outposts and commonly contain ore, reprocessed minerals or valuable items waiting to be transported to empire space.
Stargate - Caldari 1
This stargate is currently only usable from the other end.
Stargate Gallente 1
This stargate has been manufactured according to Federation design. It is not usable without the proper authorization code.
Stargate Minmatar 1
This stargate has been manufactured according to Republic design. It is not usable without the proper authorization code.
Static Caracal Navy Issue
Created specifically in order to counter the ever-increasing numbers of pirate invaders in Caldari territories, the Navy Issue Caracal has performed admirably in its task. Sporting added defensive capability as well as increased fitting potential, it is seeing ever greater use in defense of the homeland.
Station Caldari 1
Docking has been prohibited into this Caldari station without proper authorization.
Station Caldari 2
Docking has been prohibited into this Caldari station without proper authorization.
Station Caldari 3
Docking has been prohibited into this Caldari station without proper authorization.
Station Caldari 4
Docking has been prohibited into this Caldari station without proper authorization.
Station Caldari 5
Docking has been prohibited into this Caldari station without proper authorization.
Station Caldari 6
Docking has been prohibited into this Caldari station without proper authorization.
Station Caldari Research Outpost
Docking has been prohibited into this Caldari station without proper authorization.
Stationary Bestower
This Bestower-class industrial is currently undergoing maintenance.
Stationary Iteron V
This Iteron V-class industrial is currently undergoing maintenance.
Stationary Mammoth
This Mammoth-class industrial is currently undergoing maintenance.
Stationary Pleasure Yacht
A luxurious pleasure yacht.
Stationary Revelation
A stationary Revelation Dreadnought.
Stationary Tayra
This Tayra-class industrial is currently undergoing maintenance.
Storage Facility - radioactive stuff and small arms
Storage silos are much more secure and durable than their Secure Container counterparts. They are usually the focus of attacks on outposts and commonly contain ore, reprocessed minerals or valuable items waiting to be transported to empire space.
Subspace Beacon
This subspace beacon is protected by a powerful shield generator.
Subspace Frequency Generator
Utilizing advanced auto-locomotive electrocardic subroutines, this miniscule generator is able to generate power equal to far bigger versions of older models.
Supply Depot_event
Supply Depot
Survey Array
Generic structures such as this one have been modified to fit their special purpose. In this case, the antennae and dishes are set up to gather astronavigational data and survey the surrounding asteroids for materials. Momentum wheels and photovoltaic cells are common on these devices but can be swapped out for other options.
Svarog Vyraj Anchorage
Vast and resplendent with the energies of a harnessed singularity, the Svarog Vyraj Anchorage is a truly titanic structure. Lying at the heart of Krai Svarog, this enormous anchorage is large enough to serve as a dock for Xordazh-class World Arks and is effectively an even greater artificial world in its own right. The positioning of the Vyraj Anchorage at the core of Svarog Clade's section of the Pochven region's loop of conduit gates implies a vital role in the "weaving" of the constructed Triglavian region. For the Triglavians, the true primary role of the mighty structure appears be one of anchoring this space to the Abyssal Domain of Bujan, facilitating the Flow of Vyraj through the Domain of Pochven.
Test Spawner (Xordazh-class)
Tough Gallente Starbase Control Tower
Gallente Control Towers are more pleasing to the eye than they are strong or powerful. They have above average electronic countermeasures, average CPU output, and decent power output compared to towers from the other races, but are quite lacking in sophisticated defenses.
Triglavian Entropic Monitor
Analysis of these devices has led to great confusion amongst CONCORD scientists. It appears that the sensors that line its surface are designed to measure nothing. More precisely, the location and arrangements of negative space and null-energy zones within the surrounding system. What the purpose of this information might be is currently unknown.
Triglavian Fermion Monitor
Intercepted data transfers indicate that this device is gathering information on the quantum state of particles throughout the surrounding system. CONCORD researchers believe this may be an error however, as the computational power required to process such vast quantities of data is theoretically impossible.
Triglavian Graviton Monitor
Scans indicate this device is unusually simple for Trigalvian technology. It appears to be gathering gravitonic information from the surrounding system using methods very similar to those common throughout New Eden. Where it differs is that all the data gathered is being contextualized relative to apparently random coordinates in Abyssal space. Early analysis has not been able to provide any rational link between these two data sets.
Triglavian Observatory Defense Subpylon
This is a Triglavian subpylon deployed as part of the defense network of a Stellar Observatory. The principle of enhancing fortifications with semi-autonomous subpylons has been noted as a favored technique of the Triglavians, apparently representing a more portable variation of the defensive pylons commonly encountered in Abyssal Deadspace. Important Triglavian structures and mobile installations, such as the Xordazh-class World Arks and stellar orbitals, are often accompanied by networks of defensive subpylons.
Triglavian Stellar Accelerator
Triglavian Stellar Observatory
This structure is similar in design to the Triglavian Stellar Accelerators that have been deployed around stars by task forces of Triglavian ships alongside invasion groups. However, this structure appears to be concentrating on gathering as much data as possible about the star it is orbiting and is carrying out very deep scans of the stellar body. There are also signs that this Triglavian Stellar Observatory is using fine control of local space-time conduit technology to "reach into" the heart of the star and extract samples, or perhaps is even testing an advanced resource harvesting technology. The prospect of the Triglavian Collective refining their technology and operations in New Eden to the point of harvesting stars is an alarming one. CONCORD considers elimination of the threat posed by stellar manipulation and resource harvesting by the Triglavian Collective to be a high-priority for its defense fleets.
Tutorial Fuel Depot
This depot contains fuel for the surrounding structures.
Unidentified Signal
Unlicensed Mindclash Arena
Mind Clash is one of the most popular sports throughout known space, it is as enthusiastically played in the royal court on Amarr Prime as in the gambling halls of the Caldari. However there are a certain cadre of people who think that the official sport is too tame, so they created a new set of rules, to the death - which was promptly banned from Empire space. However their is much underground hunger for this sport so hidden in space arena's have started to be constructed in which sport enthusiasts can enjoy watching their heroes fight and die without the inteference of the beaurcratic empires.
Unstable Signal Disruptor
This enigmatic structure appears to house a variation of a signal disruptor. Although its outer defense system appears offline, rendering the installation susceptible to any hostile actions.
Unstable Wreckage
Veles Vyraj Anchorage
Vast and resplendent with the energies of a harnessed singularity, the Veles Vyraj Anchorage is a truly titanic structure. Lying at the heart of Krai Veles, this enormous anchorage is large enough to serve as a dock for Xordazh-class World Arks and is effectively an even greater artificial world in its own right. The positioning of the Vyraj Anchorage at the core of Veles Clade's section of the Pochven region's loop of conduit gates implies a vital role in the "weaving" of the constructed Triglavian region. For the Triglavians, the true primary role of the mighty structure appears be one of anchoring this space to the Abyssal Domain of Bujan, facilitating the Flow of Vyraj through the Domain of Pochven.
Visera Yanala
Warp Core Hotel
Formerly an old armory, this building has been refurbished to accommodate weary travelers for a peaceful nights rest, or at least a temporary reprieve while on the jump between systems. The accommodations are efficient, designed to maintain a steady stream of customers. The rooms are sparse, the staff light, and the entire structure is rather unkempt. An odd smell permeates the walls, and most everything operates by ISK-slots. Older men and women loom around the lobby. Their attire would be provocative if they weren't so haggard and worn, though they always seem ready for a good time. Warp Core Hotel: Hourly rates only
Warp Disruption Generator
It appears that this structure is disabling your warp drive on your vessel. Warping is impossible while this structure is active.
Weakened Sleeper Drone Hangar
Clearly built to serve the needs of the Sleeper's automated defense drones, this ominous structure functions as one of their central docking points. The hangar's defensive capabilities have degraded over the millennia, leaving a thin outer shell that offers only token resistance to attack.
Weapon Overcharge Subpylon
This Triglavian subpylon emits a field that enhances the power of weapons within its area of effect. The device appears to work by feeding energy into the potential-force conversion events taking place when various weapons impact their targets. The finely-tuned and selectively reactive field the system uses relies on considerable processing power but is an efficient solution to an otherwise insuperable problem of tracking and anticipation of many and diverse weapons systems. It appears to project this area of effect up to 5000m from its central structure.
Weapon's Storage Facility
Storage silos are much more secure and durable than their Secure Container counterparts. They are usually the focus of attacks on outposts and commonly contain ore, reprocessed minerals or valuable items waiting to be transported to empire space.
Wiyrkomi Storage
Storage silos are much more secure and durable than their Secure Container counterparts. They are usually the focus of attacks on outposts and commonly contain ore, reprocessed minerals or valuable items waiting to be transported to empire space.
World Ark (Xordazh-class)
The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden. The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
World Ark (Xordazh-class)
The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden. The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
World Ark (Xordazh-class)
The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden. The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
World Ark (Xordazh-class)
The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden. The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
Worn Talocan Static Gate
This standing structure shares many similar aspects with modern acceleration gates. Whispers among Talocan lore-keepers tell of the Talocan's firm grasp of astronautical engineering. This gate may offer some insight into this ancient race's knowledge, if only it could be fully repaired. Eons in space have worn the static gate completely down.