Sovereignty Hub Anomaly Detection Upgrades

Isogen Prospecting Array 1
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing isogen-rich asteroids belts.
Isogen Prospecting Array 2
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing isogen-rich asteroids belts. This variant will discover new asteroid belts at a faster rate than its base version.
Major Threat Detection Array 1
This array detects combat anomalies that contain some of the toughest hostiles in null security space, making it an excellent sovereignty hub upgrade for experienced combat pilots.
Major Threat Detection Array 2
This array detects combat anomalies that contain some of the toughest hostiles in null security space, making it an excellent sovereignty hub upgrade for experienced combat pilots. This variant has a faster detection capability for new anomalies compared to its base version.
Major Threat Detection Array 3
This array detects combat anomalies that contain some of the toughest hostiles in null security space, making it an excellent sovereignty hub upgrade for experienced combat pilots. This variant detects new anomalies faster than the base and upgraded versions.
Megacyte Prospecting Array 1
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing megacyte-rich asteroids belts.
Megacyte Prospecting Array 2
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing megacyte-rich asteroids belts. This variant will discover new asteroid belts at a faster rate than its base version.
Mexallon Prospecting Array 1
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing mexallon-rich asteroids belts.
Mexallon Prospecting Array 2
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing mexallon-rich asteroids belts. This variant will discover new asteroid belts at a faster rate than its base version.
Minor Threat Detection Array 1
Detecting combat anomalies containing hostiles of modest strength, this array is ideal for giving up-and-coming combat pilots a way to prove their worth.
Minor Threat Detection Array 2
Detecting combat anomalies containing hostiles of modest strength, this array is ideal for giving up-and-coming combat pilots a way to prove their worth. This variant has a faster detection capability for new anomalies compared to its base version.
Minor Threat Detection Array 3
Detecting combat anomalies containing hostiles of modest strength, this array is ideal for giving up-and-coming combat pilots a way to prove their worth. This variant detects new anomalies faster than the base and upgraded versions.
Nocxium Prospecting Array 1
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing nocxium-rich asteroids belts.
Nocxium Prospecting Array 2
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing nocxium-rich asteroids belts. This variant will discover new asteroid belts at a faster rate than its base version.
Placeholder Sov Hub Upgrade 1
Placeholder Sov Hub Upgrade 2
Placeholder Sov Hub Upgrade 3
This array identifies pirate anomalies for combat pilots with various levels of experience. This variant detects new anomalies faster than the base and upgraded versions.
Placeholder Sov Hub Upgrade 4
Pyerite Prospecting Array 1
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing pyerite-rich asteroids belts.
Pyerite Prospecting Array 2
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing pyerite-rich asteroids belts. This variant will discover new asteroid belts at a faster rate than its base version.
Tritanium Prospecting Array 1
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing tritanium-rich asteroids belts.
Tritanium Prospecting Array 2
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing tritanium-rich asteroids belts. This variant will discover new asteroid belts at a faster rate than its base version.
Zydrine Prospecting Array 1
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing zydrine-rich asteroids belts.
Zydrine Prospecting Array 2
This array locates additional ore resources in a system, prioritizing nocxium-rich asteroids belts. This variant will discover new asteroid belts at a faster rate than its base version.