
Ferrying passengers can give a nice profit

Elite Slaves
Slavery has always been a questionable industry, favored by the Amarr Empire and detested by the Gallente Federation. These elite slaves are exceptionally well suited for physical labor.
Exotic Dancers, Female
Exotic dancing is considered an art form, even though not everyone might agree. Exposing the flesh in public places may be perfectly acceptable within the Federation, but in the Amarr Empire it's considered a grave sin and a sign of serious deviancy.
Exotic Dancers, Male
Exotic dancing is considered an art form, even though not everyone might agree. Exposing the flesh in public places may be perfectly acceptable within the Federation, but in the Amarr Empire it's considered a grave sin and a sign of serious deviancy.
The Fedo is an omnivorous, sponge-like creature. It has reddish skin and numerous small claw-like tentacles which it uses to move around and protect itself. A primitive being, the Fedo's method of eating and absorbing nutrition is slow and inefficient. This means that food stays for a long time in the Fedo's body, and will most often have rotted or turned foul before the animal passes it out of its system. The Fedos eject fumes from their body which, for the reasons explained above, have a most horrible odor. The Fedos possess a fantastic sense of smell and so use these fumes to communicate with each other; they are however both blind and deaf, having no eyes or ears. The mouth is located on the underside of the beast, and the Fedo feeds by positioning itself over the food and lowering itself down on it.
Freed Slaves
Slaves recently released from the clutches of Amarrian slavelords.
Freedom Fighters
Freedom Fighters have dedicated their life to freeing those who have been enslaved by the Amarr Empire, Khanid Kingdom or various pirate factions. Their purpose is to bring freedom and equality to the population of the galaxy. But although their ultimate goal may be noble, their methods are often not approved by the Minmatar authorities, nor their allies the Gallente Federation. Their opponents call them terrorists, and they have been banned from the Caldari State due to the State's historical relationship with the Khanid Kingdom.
In most societies there are those who, for various reasons, live a life considered below the living standards of the normal citizen. These people are sometimes called tramps, beggars, drifters, vagabonds or homeless. They are especially common in the ultra-capitalistic Caldari State, but are also found elsewhere in most parts of the galaxy.
The janitor is the person who is in charge of keeping the premises of a building (as an apartment or office) clean, tends the heating system, and makes minor repairs.
An elite type of foot soldier, originally bred from Minmatar slaves by the Amarr Empire. Raised from birth to become soldiers, they serve the Empire, Khanid Kingdom and Ammatar well, although always kept on a tight leash.
Kidnapped ORE Researcher
Kidnapped by Angel Cartel raiders when the ruthless criminal organization hijacked an ORE Rorqual-class capital ship being used to develop and test materials compression technology, this individual remains traumatized by the experience and distrustful despite being liberated from pirate hands. ORE has declared that they will provide a reward of 1 billion ISK to any capsuleers that return one of their researchers alive and well to one of their stations in the Outer Ring region. Kidnapped ORE Researchers can be returned to the ORE corporation by being traded through market buy orders at any of the four stations operated by ORE.
When war breaks out, the demand for transporting military personnel on site can exceed the grasp of the military organization. In these cases, the aid from non-military spacecrafts is often needed.
When wars and epidemics break out, people flee from their homes, forming massive temporary migrations.
Science Graduates
People that have recently graduated with a degree in science at an acknowledged university.
Slavers thrive in the lawless areas of the galaxy, and in the Amarrian territories which view the slave business as a legal profession. Some slavers are notorious for their brutality and lack of morals, and will attack remote settlements without hesitation to capture innocent victims to be sold on the black market. The Minmatar Republic has been especially keen on setting bounties on all slave traders, as they bear a deep resentment and hatred towards slavery.
Slaver Hound
The slaver hound is a native animal of Syrikos V and has been bred by the Amarrians from the time they first settled the planet more than a millennium ago. The favorable experience of employing the slaver hound as a guard animal has led to it being exported from Syrikos V to most other Amarrian agricultural planets and even some industrial and mining ones as well. In recent years, the slaver hound has become fashionable among Amarrians as a pet for those willing to risk its often murderous nature; slaver hounds can become extremely loyal and devoted to their owners if handled with care.
Slavery has always been a questionable industry, favored by the Amarr Empire and detested by the Gallente Federation.
The need for tasting other cultures and seeing new worlds is unquenchable among the well-off citizens of the universe.