Pashanai Bombing Monument

 Type ID46770
Volume0 m3
Mass0 kg
Capacity0 m3
Type Info
Type ID46770
Graphic ID21862
Sound ID20804
Group IDLarge Collidable Object [226]
Faction Nameamarrbase


This monument honors the thousands of martyrs who lost their lives in the brutal terrorist attack against this station in YC112, including esteemed high officials of both the Ministry of War and the Theology Council.

These dedicated servants of the Empire were slain by a cowardly bombing orchestrated by the so-called "Bloody Hands of Matar" terrorist organization.

Let this monument and the fully repaired Ministry of War station stand as testaments to the resilience of the Holy Amarr Empire and as a commitment to bring the Empress's justice to all those who would seek to harm the Empire and its subjects.