Large Collidable Object

'Marginis' Fortizar Wreck
Abaddon Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Abandoned Drill - Ruined
This colossal drill once served a purpose in some forgotten outfit's mining operation. Its technology is long since outdated and its actuators are beyond repair.
Abandoned Imperial Research Station
This old Imperial Research Station sat abandoned in the Onnamon system for over a decade largely untouched beyond occasional intrusions from the Guristas Pirates. This tranquility ended in early YC125 when Caldari Navy forces occupied the facility and drove away the Guristas presence entirely. The State has remained tight lipped about what they hope to gain from occupying this former Imperial facility.
Abandoned Serpentis Booster Laboratory
This advanced booster research facility lies in ruins following a catastrophic incident during a Serpentis Corporation project rumored to be focused on developing a new line of neural boosters capable of interacting with novel nanotechnology. While the secretive and renegade Serpentis Corporation does not discuss its failures in public, it is clear that a considerable disaster overtook this facility. Marker buoys and transmission beacons ward off casual visitors with dire warnings of radiation hazards, toxic chemicals, and rogue nanotechnology. Whatever the nature of the failed project and disaster, the contamination of the site evidently led the Serpentis to simply abandon it and start again elsewhere. Only the ruins of this laboratory remain as a slowly decaying warning of the dangers of researching and manufacturing illicit boosters.
AEGIS Proximity Mine
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-15
AEGIS Proximity Mine
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o100-20
AEGIS Proximity Mine
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o100-10
AEGIS Proximity Mine
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-10
AEGIS Proximity Mine
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-05
AEGIS Security Deep Scanner
AEGIS Security have developed scanning technologies that are capable of detecting and disrupting the cloaking fields of intruders attempting to use stealth to penetrate their facilities. This scanner is even more powerful than the standard model and should be given a very wide berth.
AEGIS Security Scanner
AEGIS Security have developed scanning technologies that are capable of detecting and disrupting the cloaking fields of intruders attempting to use stealth to penetrate their facilities. It would be wise to give these scanners a wide berth.
Ahbazon Stargate Construction Monument
This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Caldari State's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below. Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Niamphera Zelih 2. XJIOPKA 3. Ferocious Hampster 4. KrisoniX Alfrir 5. SandBag777 6. Twinesi Gang 7. el'Hant 8. SeQa 9. Die Quick 10. Shi Davaham Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Triglovian-Clades 2. KekoBan 3. New Eden Department of Industrial Hygiene 4. Skunk Gang 5. KhazaVar
Alliance Tournament Monument
"Throughout history humanity has struggled for survival, fortune and glory. The fight to exceed nature's limits continues but as often the combat is within and between ourselves. While the need to hunt for food is long behind us, and life itself is seldom a daily struggle for survival, we still crave the fearful rush that comes with the imminence of death. There is both terror and majesty in combat: from the steel swords and wooden shields of ancient conflicts; to the hulking masses of kilometers long spacecraft unleashing firepower to equal that of entire planetary wars. No matter the tools, no matter the arena, all clashes of arms meet and fulfill the same purpose: the need to fight, and the determination to win." – Khumat Mebroh, Chief Executive Officer, Independent Gaming Commission
Amarr Abaddon Battleship
The Abaddon class ship is a celestial tool of destruction. It is designed to enter combat from the outset, targeting enemies at range and firing salvo after salvo at them, and to remain intact on the battlefield until every heretic in sight has been torn to shreds.
Amarr Abaddon Battleship
The Abaddon class ship is a celestial tool of destruction. It is designed to enter combat from the outset, targeting enemies at range and firing salvo after salvo at them, and to remain intact on the battlefield until every heretic in sight has been torn to shreds.
Amarr Abaddon Battleship
The Abaddon class ship is a celestial tool of destruction. It is designed to enter combat from the outset, targeting enemies at range and firing salvo after salvo at them, and to remain intact on the battlefield until every heretic in sight has been torn to shreds.
Amarr Aeon Carrier
Ships like the Aeon have been with the Empire for a long time. They have remained a mainstay of Amarr expansion as, hopeful for a new beginning beyond the blasted horizon, whole cities of settlers sojourn from their time-worn homesteads to try their luck on infant worlds. The Aeon represents the largest ship of its kind in the history of the Empire, capable of functioning as a mobile citadel in addition to fielding powerful wings of fighter bombers.
Amarr Aeon Carrier
Ships like the Aeon have been with the Empire for a long time. They have remained a mainstay of Amarr expansion as, hopeful for a new beginning beyond the blasted horizon, whole cities of settlers sojourn from their time-worn homesteads to try their luck on infant worlds. The Aeon represents the largest ship of its kind in the history of the Empire, capable of functioning as a mobile citadel in addition to fielding powerful wings of fighter bombers.
Amarr Apocalypse Battleship
In days past, only those in high favor with the Emperor could hope to earn the reward of commanding one of the majestic and powerful Apocalypse class battleships. In latter years, even though now in full market circulation, these golden, metallic monstrosities are still feared and respected as enduring symbols of Amarrian might.
Amarr Apocalypse Battleship
An Amarr Apocalypse vessel.
Amarr Apocalypse Battleship
In days past, only those in high favor with the Emperor could hope to earn the reward of commanding one of the majestic and powerful Apocalypse class battleships. In latter years, even though now in full market circulation, these golden, metallic monstrosities are still feared and respected as enduring symbols of Amarrian might.
Amarr Apostle Force Auxiliary
"Her Imperial Majesty's life will stand eternal as an example for all who live truly and rightly within the embrace of Holy Amarr. The martyrdom of Empress Jamyl I was inflicted with base treachery but its lasting effect will be the inspiration of a thousand generations down the ages." - excerpt from the Funeral Oration on the Passing of Empress Jamyl I by High Chaplain Kalefa Sufrin an-Kador, YC117.09.20 Following the assassination by a Drifter strikeforce of Empress Jamyl I while she was aboard an Avatar-class Titan in late August YC117, there was a period of soul-searching and close scrutiny of capital ship doctrines by the Imperial Navy's staff officers. It was soon realized that lack of experience in capital ship warfare had left fleet doctrines lagging behind the tactics of capsuleers fighting in the Outer Regions. From this realization was born the concept of the Force Auxiliary capital ship, a vessel dedicated to ensuring the survival of more combat- and command-oriented capital ships such as Carriers and Titans. The Apostle-class Force Auxiliary was commissioned in memory of Empress Jamyl I and is richly decorated in token of this dedication.
Amarr Apostle Force Auxiliary
"Her Imperial Majesty's life will stand eternal as an example for all who live truly and rightly within the embrace of Holy Amarr. The martyrdom of Empress Jamyl I was inflicted with base treachery but its lasting effect will be the inspiration of a thousand generations down the ages." - excerpt from the Funeral Oration on the Passing of Empress Jamyl I by High Chaplain Kalefa Sufrin an-Kador, YC117.09.20 Following the assassination by a Drifter strikeforce of Empress Jamyl I while she was aboard an Avatar-class Titan in late August YC117, there was a period of soul-searching and close scrutiny of capital ship doctrines by the Imperial Navy's staff officers. It was soon realized that lack of experience in capital ship warfare had left fleet doctrines lagging behind the tactics of capsuleers fighting in the Outer Regions. From this realization was born the concept of the Force Auxiliary capital ship, a vessel dedicated to ensuring the survival of more combat- and command-oriented capital ships such as Carriers and Titans. The Apostle-class Force Auxiliary was commissioned in memory of Empress Jamyl I and is richly decorated in token of this dedication.
Amarr Arbitrator Cruiser
Amarr Archon Carrier
The Archon was commissioned by the Imperial Navy to act as a personnel and fighter carrier. The order to create the ship came as part of a unilateral initative issued by Navy Command in the wake of Emperor Kor-Azor's assassination. Sporting the latest in fighter command interfacing technology and possessing characteristically strong defenses, the Archon is a powerful aid in any engagement.
Amarr Archon Carrier
The Archon was commissioned by the Imperial Navy to act as a personnel and fighter carrier. The order to create the ship came as part of a unilateral initative issued by Navy Command in the wake of Emperor Kor-Azor's assassination. Sporting the latest in fighter command interfacing technology and possessing characteristically strong defenses, the Archon is a powerful aid in any engagement.
Amarr Armageddon Battleship
An Amarr Armageddon vessel.
Amarr Armageddon Battleship
An Amarr Armageddon vessel.
Amarr Augoror Cruiser
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Amarr Empire the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Augoror. The Augoror-class cruiser is one of the old warhorses of the Amarr Empire, having seen action in both the Jovian War and the Minmatar Rebellion. Like most Amarr vessels, the Augoror depended first and foremost on its resilience and heavy armor to escape unscathed from unfriendly encounters. After its overhaul, it had some of the armor stripped off to make room for equipment allowing it to focus on the armor of other vessels, along with energy transfers.
Amarr Avatar Titan
Casting his sight on his realm, the Lord witnessed The cascade of evil, the torrents of war. Burning with wrath, He stepped down from the Heavens To judge the unworthy, To redeem the pure. -The Scriptures, Revelation Verses 2:12
Amarr Avatar Titan
An Amarr Avatar class vessel.
Amarr Avatar Titan (copy)
Casting his sight on his realm, the Lord witnessed The cascade of evil, the torrents of war. Burning with wrath, He stepped down from the Heavens To judge the unworthy, To redeem the pure. -The Scriptures, Revelation Verses 2:12 (copy)
Amarr Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Amarr Battlestation Ruins
Amarr Battlestation Ruins
Amarr Bestower Hauler
The Bestower has for decades been used by the Empire as a slave transport, shipping human labor between cultivated planets in Imperial space. As a proof to how reliable this class has been through the years, the Emperor himself has used an upgraded version of this very same class as transports for the Imperial Treasury. The Bestower has very thick armor and large cargo space.
Amarr Carrier Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Amarr Coercer Destroyer
Noticing the alarming increase in Minmatar frigate fleets, the Imperial Navy made its plans for the Coercer, a vessel designed specifically to seek and destroy the droves of fast-moving frigate rebels.
Amarr Commercial Station Ruins
Amarr Component Deposit Yard
Amarr Crucifier Frigate
The Crucifier was first designed as an explorer/scout, but the current version employs the electronic equipment originally intended for scientific studies for more offensive purposes. The Crucifier's electronic and computer systems take up a large portion of the internal space leaving limited room for cargo or traditional weaponry.
Amarr Dreadnought Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Amarr Executioner Frigate
The Executioner is another newly commissioned ship of the Amarr Imperial Navy. The Executioner was designed specially to counter the small, fast raider frigates of the Minmatar Republic; thus it is different from most Amarr ships in favoring speed over defenses. With the Executioner, the Amarrians have expanded their tactical capabilities on the battlefield.
Amarr Factory Outpost
Generally utilized in deep space scenarios, Amarr Factory Outposts are structures dedicated to the swift and efficient manufacture of ships and modules. These outposts are most often built, maintained and owned by capsuleer organizations.
Amarr Force Auxiliary Wreck
A wrecked Apostle Force Auxiliary vessel.
Amarr Freighter Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Amarr Frigate Impairor
The Impairor-class corvette has been mass-produced by the Amarr Empire for decades. It is the most common space vessel sighted within the Amarrian boundaries, and is used both as a basic trade vessel and as a small-scale slave transport.
Amarr Frigate Navy Issue Slicer
The Slicer is the Imperial Navy's pride and joy, and one of its biggest weapons in the continual fight against Matari insurgents. Boasting tremendous range and versatility in equipment fittings, a great deal of armor strength and a powerful capacitor, the skilled Slicer pilot is able to take out most frigates with ease.
Amarr Harbinger Battlecruiser
Right from its very appearance on a battlefield, the Harbinger proclaims its status as a massive weapon, a laser burning through the heart of the ungodly. Everything about it exhibits this focused intent, from the lights on its nose and wings that root out the infidels, to the large number of turreted high slots that serve to destroy them. Should any heathens be left alive after the Harbinger's initial assault, its drones will take care of them.
Amarr Inquisitor Frigate
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Amarr Empire, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor was originally an example of how the Amarr Imperial Navy modeled their design to counter specific tactics employed by the other empires. After its redesign, it was exclusively devoted to the role of a support frigate, and its formerly renowned missile capabilities gave way to a focus on remote armor repair.
Amarr Magnate Frigate
This Magnate-class frigate is one of the most decoratively designed ship classes in the Amarr Empire, considered to be a pet project for a small, elite group of royal ship engineers for over a decade. The frigate's design has gone through several stages over the past decade, and new models of the Magnate appear every few years. The most recent versions of this ship – the Silver Magnate and the Gold Magnate – debuted as rewards in the Amarr Championships in YC105, though the original Magnate design is still a popular choice among Amarr pilots.
Amarr Maller Cruiser
Quite possibly the toughest cruiser in the galaxy, the Maller is a common sight in Amarrian Imperial Navy operations. It is mainly used for military duty, although a few can be found in the private sector acting as escort ships for very important dispatches.
Amarr Maller Cruiser
Quite possibly the toughest cruiser in the galaxy, the Maller is a common sight in Amarrian Imperial Navy operations. It is mainly used for military duty, although a few can be found in the private sector acting as escort ships for very important dispatches.
Amarr Military Station Ruins
Amarr Mining Station Ruins
Amarr Navy Research Station
Amarr Omen Cruiser
The Omen is a stereotypical example of the Amarrian School of thinking when it comes to ship design: thick armor and hard hitting lasers. Advancements in heat dissipation allow the Omen to fire its lasers faster than other ships without this technology.
Amarr Prophecy Battlecruiser
The Prophecy is built on an ancient Amarrian warship design dating back to the earliest days of starship combat. Originally intended as a full-fledged battleship, it was determined after mixed fleet engagements with early prototypes that the Prophecy would be more effective as a slightly smaller, more mobile form of artillery support.
Amarr Prophecy Battlecruiser
The Prophecy is built on an ancient Amarrian warship design dating back to the earliest days of starship combat. Originally intended as a full-fledged battleship, it was determined after mixed fleet engagements with early prototypes that the Prophecy would be more effective as a slightly smaller, more mobile form of artillery support.
Amarr Prorator Hauler
Convoys are a common sight in the universe of EVE, ferrying goods from one place to another.
Amarr Providence Freighter
Even though characteristically last in the race to create a working prototype of new technology, the Empire's engineers spared no effort in bringing the Providence into the world. While the massive potential for profit from the capsuleer market is said to have been what eventually made the stolid Empire decide to involve themselves in the freighter business, their brainchild is by no means the runt of the litter; the Providence is one of the sturdiest freighters out there.
Amarr Providence Freighter
Even though characteristically last in the race to create a working prototype of new technology, the Empire's engineers spared no effort in bringing the Providence into the world. While the massive potential for profit from the capsuleer market is said to have been what eventually made the stolid Empire decide to involve themselves in the freighter business, their brainchild is by no means the runt of the litter; the Providence is one of the sturdiest freighters out there.
Amarr Providence Freighter
Even though characteristically last in the race to create a working prototype of new technology, the Empire's engineers spared no effort in bringing the Providence into the world. While the massive potential for profit from the capsuleer market is said to have been what eventually made the stolid Empire decide to involve themselves in the freighter business, their brainchild is by no means the runt of the litter; the Providence is one of the sturdiest freighters out there.
Amarr Punisher Frigate
The Amarr Imperial Navy has been upgrading many of its ships in recent years and adding new ones. The Punisher is one of the most recent ones and considered by many to be the best Amarr frigate in existence. As witnessed by its heavy armaments, the Punisher is mainly intended for large-scale military operations, acting in coordination with larger military vessels, but it is more than powerful enough for solo operations.
Amarr Refining Outpost
Amarr Repair Outpost
Amarr Research Station Ruins
Amarr Revelation Dreadnaught
The Revelation represents the pinnacle of Amarrian military technology. Maintaining their proud tradition of producing the strongest armor plating to be found anywhere, the Empire's engineers outdid themselves in creating what is arguably the most resilient dreadnought in existence. Added to that, the Revelation's ability to fire capital beams makes its position on the battlefield a unique one. When extended sieges are the order of the day, this is the ship you call in.
Amarr Revelation Dreadnought
The Revelation represents the pinnacle of Amarrian military technology. Maintaining their proud tradition of producing the strongest armor plating to be found anywhere, the Empire's engineers outdid themselves in creating what is arguably the most resilient dreadnought in existence. Added to that, the Revelation's ability to fire capital beams makes its position on the battlefield a unique one. When extended sieges are the order of the day, this is the ship you call in.
Amarr Revelation Dreadnought
A Revelation Dreadnought.
Amarr Revelation Dreadnought
The Revelation represents the pinnacle of Amarrian military technology. Maintaining their proud tradition of producing the strongest armor plating to be found anywhere, the Empire's engineers outdid themselves in creating what is arguably the most resilient dreadnought in existence. Added to that, the Revelation's ability to fire capital beams makes its position on the battlefield a unique one. When extended sieges are the order of the day, this is the ship you call in.
Amarr Sigil Hauler
A recent ship from Viziam. Based on a old slave transport design.
Amarr Starbase Control Tower
The Amarr have always been fond of majestic and intimidating constructions. Their Control Towers do not deviate from that tradition and are truly big and powerful structures, intended more for preservation of territorial interests than commercial benefits.
Amarr Station
Amarr Supercarrier Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Amarr Tactical Outpost
Amarr Titan Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Amarr Tormentor Frigate
The Tormentor has been in service for many decades, mainly as a mining ship. It is not big enough to cut it as a battle frigate, but as with most Amarr ships its strong defenses make it a tough opponent to crack. Exactly for this and the way it seems to be curling up on itself has given the Tormentor-class the nickname 'Armadillo'.
Amarr Trade Post
Docking in this station has been prohibited without private authorization.
Amarr Trade Station Ruins
Amarrian Amphitheatre
Since the first days of the empire, Holders have held tournaments to celebrate their rule and entertain commoners. This amphitheater continues that proud tradition.
Ammatar Fleet Security Cordon Outpost
The Amarr Empire and Ammatar Mandate have established a number of outposts at key positions on or close to the borders with the Minmatar Republic and Great Wildlands. The Imperial Ministry of War's defensive doctrine establishes a security cordon that mixes border posts with security posts set back at key locations. This Imperial Security Cordon Outpost is the responsibility of the Ammatar Fleet.
Ammatar Holy Dome
This shrine entombs someone of significant standing within the Amarr/Ammatar religion.
Angel Fence
A fence.
Angel Laundering Facility
This Angel Cartel facility has been set up by the insurgent forces of the Malakim Zealots to function as a depot to receive stolen goods and launder them on into the grey and black markets. The smuggling network of the Deathless Circle is no doubt assisting in this effort and taking a suitable cut. Capsuleer members of the Malakim Zealots will be able to hand in certain items acquired from corporate facilities and security forces in exchange for suitable recompense.
Apocalypse Bow
This Apocalypse-class battleship has been torn in half; the bow section is largely intact, although there are no obvious signs of life.
Apocalypse Stern
This Apocalypse-class battleship has been torn in half; while the stern appears to be maintaining structural integrity, the obvious signs of reactor breaches make it very unlikely that anyone is left alive inside.
Apocalypse Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Executions Mon-Sat at High Noon. Closed Sundays. Hang'em High T-Shirts for sale in the back. Ask for Wendy.
Armageddon Bow
With its spine snapped and large areas of its armor stripped away, this Armageddon must have been subjected to massive amount of damage.
Armageddon Stern
Despite the obvious absence of a front end, this section of wreck appears largely intact at first glance. A more detailed scan though reveals deep fractures throughout the structure, betraying the titanic stresses it has been subjected to.
Armageddon Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Ashes Sympathizer's Clan Commons
The primary structure and heart of a Minmatar clan holding. It is a common space where the clan comes together to hold clan assemblies, work, play, share their history, and educate their children. The clan that makes their home here and have painted this structure in the colors of the Ashes of Turnur in sympathy with this new rebellious group.
Asteroid Colony - Factory
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Colony - Flat Hulk
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Colony - High & Massive
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Colony - High & Medium Size
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Colony - Medium Size
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Colony - Refinery
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Colony - Small & Flat
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Colony - Small Tower
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Colony - Wedge Shape
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Asteroid Mining Post
Asteroid Station - Dark and Spiky
Dark and ominous metal structures jut outwards from this crumbled asteroid. Scanners indicate a distant power source far within the adamant rock.
Astrahus Citadel
Citadel Class: Astrahus Manufacturer: Upwell Consortium Manufactured in YC-118 by the Upwell Consortium with great assistance from capsuleers. The Upwell Consortium and its known affiliates wish to specifically thank Naava Edios, for going above and beyond all limits and expectations to make these dreams become a reality. The following capsuleers have earned an Astrahus blueprint copy for services rendered to the Upwell Consortium: Aeris Cuprum Marionne Ruth Maude Shinron Sakai The following capsuleer has earned a Fortizar blueprint copy for services rendered to the Upwell Consortium: Dzen Avi
Astrahus Citadel
An Astrahus class Citadel. Built by the Upwell Consortium.
Astrahus Construction
Citadel Class: Astrahus Manufacturer: Upwell Consortium Here stands one of the first five Citadel-class structures constructed in New Eden. Manufactured in YC-118 by the Upwell Consortium with great assistance from capsuleers. The Upwell Consortium and its known affiliates wish to specifically thank Naava Edios, for going above and beyond all limits and expectations to make these dreams become a reality. The following capsuleers have earned an Astrahus blueprint copy for services rendered to the Upwell Consortium: Aeris Cuprum Marionne Ruth Maude Shinron Sakai The following capsuleer has earned a Fortizar blueprint copy for services rendered to the Upwell Consortium: Dzen Avi
Astrahus Wreck
The smoldering remains of an Astrahus class citadel.
Astro Farm
The empty hull of an astro farm. Though it was abandoned long ago it's still in good shape. Maybe one day an adventurous farmer will take up residence here.
Automated Depot
A complex automated center for the distribution of packages throughout this area. Once an item is delivered there the sorting process is so complex that even the processing drones would struggle to track it.
Automated Frostline Condensate Separation Rig
This automated facility is geared towards separating resources collected from the Ice Dwarf's environs into usable chemical fractions.
Automated Frostline Vapor Condensation Rig
This automated facility is geared towards condensing the wispy vapors surrounding this Ice Dwarf into useful resources.
Avatar Wreck
These are the remnants of the Avatar-class titan piloted by CYVOK of Ascendant Frontier. It was destroyed by Band of Brothers in the war between the two alliances. The event marked the destruction of the first capsuleer owned titan in existence.
Avatar Wreck
Barbican Hive
Dwarfing the majestic enclave in size, the scale of this Hive sends shivers of awe into all those who bear witness to its grandeur. Its walls stand defiant against the harsh black vacuum. Its structure, testament to the unfathomable technological prowess of the Sleeper race. Cold, sharp edges seem to tear at the very fabric of space, distorting reality around it. One can only cower in fear at the thought of what a construction of this magnitudes purpose could be.
Barghest Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Barren Asteroid
Battle of Fort Kavad Monument
This monument marks the Battle of Fort Kavad, where the Minmatar people finally drove the invaders from their stars and secured their home worlds. To the eternal memory of all those who died here for the freedom of the Tribes of Matar.
Battle of Iyen-Oursta Monument
This monument marks the sacrifice of all those who died or were injured in the Battle of Iyen-Oursta. Let peace prevail and nevermore war darken these stars. The climactic battle of the Gallente-Caldari War was fought over the system of Iyen-Oursta in late BYC10. An outlying colony system that had attempted to remain neutral in what was effectively an interstellar civil war, Iyen-Oursta was viewed as strategically important by both the Gallente and Caldari. Inevitably, both sides moved to secure the system for their own and a major battle was the result. The battle is historically notable as the first battle in which capsule-controlled vessels were used in large numbers by a non-Jovian empire. Both sides were confident of victory and thus were willing to throw everything they had into the battle. The Gallente committed a huge armada of drones and their carrier vessels. The Caldari deployed their latest advanced frigates, newly-equipped with the capsule technology provided them by the Jove. The ensuing battle was the second-largest seen in New Eden to date, eclipsed in scale and destruction only by the Battle of Vak-Atioth fought between the Amarr and Jove. The Battle of Iyen-Oursta raged for a whole day, with running engagements across the system as each side attempted to strike a decisive blow. During a lapse in the action following 15 hours of constant fighting, the Caldari withdrew their remaining forces in good order, leaving the battlefield to the Gallente drone fleets. The Federation naturally claimed victory as the side retaining control of the system. The Caldari also claimed victory on the basis of inflicting considerably greater losses on the Gallente heavy vessels than their own frigate fleets had received. Strategically, while the Gallente achieved their objective, it had come at a much higher price than they had anticipated. For their part, the Caldari had counted on capsule-controlled frigates to give them a clear edge but were unable to press the advantage. Ultimately, the Caldari frigates were able to block subsequent attempts by the Gallente to mount decisive offensives, but they could not overwhelm the sheer industrial capacity of the Federation and its ability to rebuild drone fleets. With a swift victory elusive and no way to break the strategic stalemate, the Gallente-Caldari War turned into a long, distant series of skirmishes along the borders and in disputed systems. Life in core systems became focused on rebuilding the State and Federation, while maintaining enough of a war effort to satisfy patriotic sentiment on both sides. There was little thought of suing for peace and the war faded into the background, sometimes reduced to a cold stalemate, sometimes erupting in some limited border struggle. In the end, the state of war was reduced to a formality, with even the occasional raiding winding down as the core empires became focused on the foundation of CONCORD and the establishment of interstellar agreements. By YC12, it was clear to CONCORD diplomats that a peace agreement could be brokered. Six months of talks bore fruit as it became clear that neither side wished to continue the war, and certainly nobody wished to have another Battle of Iyen-Oursta. With the Treaty of Tierijev peace was signed in that other oft-disputed system, but in reality Iyen-Oursta was the system where the Gallente-Caldari War truly ended.
Battle of Ratillose Monument
This monument marks the battlefield where the brave men and women of the Federation Navy defeated a House Kador fleet attempting an unprovoked, illegal, and renegade invasion of Solitude. On November 8th YC110, Amarr Royal Heir Uriam Kador mobilized the House Kador fleet and launched a surprise attack, without Imperial sanction, against Federation Navy facilities in the Ratillose system, evidently assuming that the Gallente military would be too focused on their conflicts with the Caldari to respond with countervailing force. Contrary to his expectations, the Federation was ready to defend its borders and responded with overwhelming fleet strength to reinforce Ratillose. House Kador forces were routed into Aridia after their invasion efforts were dealt a defeat that military experts have called one of the most devastating in the modern history of New Eden. "Our strength is our diversity, our tolerance lends us unity, but injure us and you will swiftly feel the steel beneath the velvet." – Federation President Celes Aguard
With its blinking orange light, this beacon appears to be marking a point of interest, or perhaps a waypoint in a greater trail.
Bioinformatics Processing Cells
Such scans as can penetrate this structure suggest it is primarily made up of a series of interconnected cells, run through with monitoring systems and data processing networks. There is significant damage to the shielding of this facility and some conduits are sufficiently exposed to reveal that complex processing routines are still operating on vast quantities of bioinformatic data.
Black Market
Hidden from the Caldari State, the Guristas Pirates use this structure as a distribution hub to trade their ill-gotten goods. From here they sell everything they loot during raids; stolen military assets, restricted Gallente luxury goods, ration-controlled supplies, and more - all at grossly inflated prices.
Black Monolith
It's full of stars.
Blood Raider Fortress
This gigantic suprastructure is one of the military installations of the Blood Raiders pirate corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bay to receive guests.
Bowhead Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Broken Blue Crystal Asteroid
This towering asteroid seems to have suffered a tremendous impact, splitting it into multiple pieces.
Broken Metallic Crystal Asteroid
This towering asteroid seems to have suffered a tremendous impact, splitting it into multiple pieces.
Broken Orange Crystal Asteroid
This towering asteroid seems to have suffered a tremendous impact, splitting it into multiple pieces.
Brutor Firetail
The Firetail is modeled off a fighter frigate known as the Shamrock, a design used by a small, now-extinct pirate faction known as Lazari Dromitus. The blueprint found its way into the hands of Matari military forces after a raid on Lazari Dromitus's headquarters succeeded in killing its leader, thus beheading the organization and scattering its remnants to the four winds. It has since been improved upon and upgraded, and the Firetail is now a mainstay in most Republic Fleet patrols.
Brutor Hurricane
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Brutor Stabber
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.
Brutor Tempest
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Brutor Tribal Embassy
The Brutor are marked by a disciplined stoicism and deeply spiritual cast of mind that combine to project a sense of nobility around the people of this tribe. While the Brutor have a traditional mindset, they suffered great loss of cultural heritage and knowledge of their history during the Amarr occupation. To the occasional annoyance of the other tribes, the Brutor consider themselves responsible for the freedom of the entire Minmatar people and make no bones about standing on this claim for political purposes when it suits them. In particular, the Brutor are great supporters and protectors of the Starkmanir Tribe, on account of the former originating as an offshoot of the latter. The Brutor Tribe was one of the four founding tribes of the Minmatar Republic following the success of the Great Rebellion. This Brutor Tribal Embassy serves as a facility that is unarguably the territory of the Brutor within the Orbital Caravanserai complex. Here the Chief takes counsel with elders, advisors, warriors, and delegations from clans of the tribe, secure in the knowledge that opportunities for eavesdropping and subtle interference by other parties are severely curtailed.
C-J6MT A History of War Monument
Monument honoring the notorious sieges and violent battles in C-J6MT and all those involved or impacted by these events.
Caldari Arena CenterPiece
Caldari Arena MainStructure
A main structure for CA combat simulator
Caldari Arena SmallStructure
Caldari Badger Hauler
The Badger-class hauler is the main cargo-carrier for the Caldari State, particularly in long, arduous trade-runs. Its huge size and comfortable armament makes it perfectly equipped for those tasks, although the Caldari seldom let it roam alone.
Caldari Bantam Frigate
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Caldari State, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Bantam. The Bantam, a strong and sturdy craft, was originally an extremely effective mining frigate. After its redesign, the Bantam's large structure had to give way for logistics systems that ate up some of its interior room but allowed it to focus extensively on shield support for fellow vessels.
Caldari Basilisk Cruiser
Following in the time-honored Caldari spaceship design tradition, the Basilisk sports top-of-the-line on-board computer systems specially designed to facilitate shield transporting arrays, while sacrificing some of the structural strength commonly found in vessels of its class. Developer: Lai Dai Lai Dai have always favored a balanced approach to their mix of on-board systems, leading to a line-up of versatile ships but providing very little in terms of tactical specialization. With the Basilisk, their aim was to continue pushing forward the development of cutting-edge defense optimization systems while providing powerful support capability.
Caldari Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Caldari Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Caldari Blackbird Cruiser
The Blackbird is a small high-tech cruiser newly employed by the Caldari Navy. Commonly seen in fleet battles or acting as wingman, it is not intended for head-on slugfests, but rather delicate tactical situations.
Caldari Caracal Cruiser
The Caracal is a powerful vessel that specializes in missile deployment. It has excellent shield defenses, but poor armor plating. Its missile arsenal, when fully stocked, is capable of making mincemeat of almost anyone.
Caldari Carrier Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Caldari Cerberus Cruiser
No cruiser currently in existence can match the superiority of the Cerberus's onboard missile system. With a well-trained pilot jacked in, this fanged horror is capable of unleashing a hail of missiles to send even the most seasoned armor tankers running for cover. Developer: Lai Dai Moving away from their traditionally balanced all-round designs, Lai Dai have created a very specialized - and dangerous - missile boat in the Cerberus. Many have speculated that due to recent friction between Caldari megacorporations, LD may be looking to beef up their own police force with these missile-spewing monstrosities.
Caldari Charon Freighter
As the makers of the Charon, the Caldari State are generally credited with pioneering the freighter class. Recognizing the need for a massive transport vehicle as deep space installations constantly increase in number, they set about making the ultimate in efficient mass transport - and were soon followed by the other empires. Regardless, the Charon still stands out as the benchmark by which the other freighters were measured. Its massive size and titanic cargo hold are rivalled by none.
Caldari Charon Freighter
As the makers of the Charon, the Caldari State are generally credited with pioneering the freighter class. Recognizing the need for a massive transport vehicle as deep space installations constantly increase in number, they set about making the ultimate in efficient mass transport - and were soon followed by the other empires. Regardless, the Charon still stands out as the benchmark by which the other freighters were measured. Its massive size and titanic cargo hold are rivalled by none.
Caldari Charon Freighter
As the makers of the Charon, the Caldari State are generally credited with pioneering the freighter class. Recognizing the need for a massive transport vehicle as deep space installations constantly increase in number, they set about making the ultimate in efficient mass transport - and were soon followed by the other empires. Regardless, the Charon still stands out as the benchmark by which the other freighters were measured. Its massive size and titanic cargo hold are rivalled by none. (copy)
Caldari Chimera Carrier
The Chimera's design is based upon the Kairiola, a vessel holding tremendous historical significance for the Caldari. Initially a water freighter, the Kairiola was refitted in the days of the Gallente-Caldari war to act as a fighter carrier during the orbital bombardment of Caldari Prime. It was most famously flown by the legendary Admiral Yakia Tovil-Toba directly into Gallente Prime's atmosphere, where it fragmented and struck several key locations on the planet. This event, where the good Admiral gave his life, marked the culmination of a week's concentrated campaign of distraction which enabled the Caldari to evacuate their people from their besieged home planet. Where the Chimera roams, the Caldari remember.
Caldari Component Deposit Yard
Caldari Condor Frigate
The Condor is fast and agile. It has limited cargo space so it's not very suitable for trading or mining. It is best used as an assault vessel in a hit-and-run type of operations.
Caldari Cormorant Destroyer
The Cormorant is the only State-produced space vessel whose design has come from a third party. Rumors abound, of course, but the designer's identity has remained a tightly-kept secret in the State's inner circle.
Caldari Crane Hauler
Convoys are a common sight in the universe of EVE, ferrying goods from one place to another.
Caldari Drake Battlecruiser
Of the meticulous craftsmanship the Caldari are renowned for, the Drake was born. It was found beneath such a ship to rely on anything other than the time-honored combat tradition of missile fire, while the inclusion of sufficient CPU capabilities for decent electronic warfare goes without saying.
Caldari Drake Battlecruiser
Of the meticulous craftsmanship the Caldari are renowned for, the Drake was born. It was found beneath such a ship to rely on anything other than the time-honored combat tradition of missile fire, while the inclusion of sufficient CPU capabilities for decent electronic warfare goes without saying. (copy)
Caldari Dreadnought Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Caldari Eagle Cruiser
Built on the shoulders of the sturdy Moa and improving on its durability and range, the Eagle is the next generation in Caldari gunboats. Able to fire accurately and do tremendous damage at ranges considered extreme by any cruiser pilot, this powerhouse will be the bane of anyone careless enough to think himself out of its range. Developer: Ishukone Caldari starship design is showing a growing trend towards armaments effective at high ranges, and in this arena, as in others, Ishukone do not let themselves get left behind; the Eagle was intended by them as a counter to the fearsome long-range capabilities of Lai Dai's Cerberus ship.
Caldari Falcon Cruiser
Force recon ships are the cruiser-class equivalent of covert ops frigates. While not as resilient as combat recon ships, they are nonetheless able to do their job as reconnaissance vessels very effectively, due in no small part to their ability to interface with covert ops cloaking devices and set up cynosural fields for incoming capital ships. Developer: Ishukone Most of the recent designs off their assembly line have provided for a combination that the Ishukone name is becoming known for: great long-range capabilities and shield systems unmatched anywhere else.
Caldari Ferox Battlecruiser
Designed as much to look like a killing machine as to be one, the Ferox will strike fear into the heart of anyone unlucky enough to get caught in its crosshairs. With the potential for sizable armament as well as tremendous electronic warfare capability, this versatile gunboat is at home in a great number of scenarios.
Caldari Force Auxiliary Wreck
A wrecked Minokawa Force Auxiliary vessel.
Caldari Freighter Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Caldari Golem Battleship
Geared toward versatility and prolonged deployment in hostile environments, Marauders represent the cutting edge in today’s warship technology. While being thick-skinned, hard-hitting monsters on their own, they are also able to use Bastion technology. Similar in effect to capital reconfiguration technology, when activated the Bastion module provides immunity to electronic warfare and the ability to withstand enormous amounts of punishment, at the cost of being stationary. Developer: Lai Dai Lai Dai have always favored a balanced approach to their mix of on-board systems, leading to a line-up of versatile ships but providing very little in terms of tactical specialization.
Caldari Griffin Frigate
The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels.
Caldari Heron Frigate
The Heron has good computer and electronic systems, giving it the option of participating in electronic warfare. But it has relatively poor defenses and limited weaponry, so it's more commonly used for scouting and exploration.
Caldari Kestrel Frigate
The Kestrel is a heavy missile boat with a fairly large cargo space and one of the most sophisticated sensor arrays around. Interestingly enough, it has been used by both the Caldari Navy and several wealthy trade corporations as a cargo-hauling vessel. It is one of few trading vessels with good punching power, making it ideal for solo trade-runs in dangerous areas. The Kestrel was designed so that it could take up to four missile launchers but instead it can not be equipped with turret weapons nor mining lasers.
Caldari Kestrel Frigate
The Kestrel is a heavy missile boat with a fairly large cargo space and one of the most sophisticated sensor arrays around. Interestingly enough, it has been used by both the Caldari Navy and several wealthy trade corporations as a cargo-hauling vessel. It is one of few trading vessels with good punching power, making it ideal for solo trade-runs in dangerous areas. The Kestrel was designed so that it could take up to four missile launchers but instead it can not be equipped with turret weapons nor mining lasers.
Caldari Leviathan Titan
Citizens of the State, rejoice! Today, a great milestone has been achieved by our glorious leaders. A stepping stone in the grand story of our empire has been traversed. Our individual fears may be quietened; the safety of our great nation has been secured. Today, unyielding, we have walked the way of the warrior. In our hands have our fates been molded. On the Leviathan's back will our civilization be carried home and the taint of the Enemy purged from our souls. Rejoice, citizens! Victory is at hand. -Caldari State Information Bureau Pamphlet, 23248 AD
Caldari Leviathan Titan
Citizens of the State, rejoice! Today, a great milestone has been achieved by our glorious leaders. A stepping stone in the grand story of our empire has been traversed. Our individual fears may be quietened; the safety of our great nation has been secured. Today, unyielding, we have walked the way of the warrior. In our hands have our fates been molded. On the Leviathan's back will our civilization be carried home and the taint of the Enemy purged from our souls. Rejoice, citizens! Victory is at hand. -Caldari State Information Bureau Pamphlet, 23248 AD
Caldari Merlin Frigate
The Merlin is the most powerful all-out combat frigate of the Caldari. It is highly valued for its versatility in using both missiles and turrets, while its defenses are exceptionally strong for a Caldari vessel.
Caldari Minokawa Force Auxiliary
"The Amarr have decided that there's something to learn from the capsuleers when it comes to capital ships. I can't say as I disagree. I've been trying to tell the Navy this for years." - remarks by Ishukone CEO Mens Reppola on the occasion of the Amarr-Caldari Capital Warfare Summit, YC118.01.15 A well established and close co-operation between Amarr and Caldari capital warfare tacticians and naval architects all but guaranteed that the Amarr would share their conclusions on the need to alter capital warfare doctrines and accommodate such changes with updated designs and new ship concepts. The infusion of Amarr thinking on the subject of capital ship warfare served to break a long-standing impasse between doctrinal factions in the Caldari Navy's strategic command. The wisdom of learning from the example of the most experienced capital warfare pilots in New Eden was accepted and the Minokawa-class Force Auxiliary was the eventual result.
Caldari Minokawa Force Auxiliary
"The Amarr have decided that there's something to learn from the capsuleers when it comes to capital ships. I can't say as I disagree. I've been trying to tell the Navy this for years." - remarks by Ishukone CEO Mens Reppola on the occasion of the Amarr-Caldari Capital Warfare Summit, YC118.01.15 A well established and close co-operation between Amarr and Caldari capital warfare tacticians and naval architects all but guaranteed that the Amarr would share their conclusions on the need to alter capital warfare doctrines and accommodate such changes with updated designs and new ship concepts. The infusion of Amarr thinking on the subject of capital ship warfare served to break a long-standing impasse between doctrinal factions in the Caldari Navy's strategic command. The wisdom of learning from the example of the most experienced capital warfare pilots in New Eden was accepted and the Minokawa-class Force Auxiliary was the eventual result. (copy)
Caldari Moa Cruiser
The Moa was designed as an all-out combat ship, and its heavy armament allows the Moa to tackle almost anything that floats in space. In contrast to its nemesis the Thorax, the Moa is most effective at long range where its railguns and missile batteries can rain death upon foes.
Caldari Navy Defense Station
The Caldari Navy has established a number of defensive installations at key locations throughout Caldari territory, focusing on border defense and the security of the core worlds of the State. The Navy Defense Posts are designed to provide a rapid response capability while the enhanced Defense Redoubts function as fortified command bases in the heart of the Caldari State. This defense station is the core of a network of fortifications, docks, weapon systems and scanning installations making up the local Caldari Navy defense site.
Caldari Nighthawk Battlecruiser
Command ships are engineered specifically to wreak havoc on a battlefield of many. Sporting advanced command module interfaces, these vessels are more than capable of turning the tide in large engagements. Command ships represent the ultimate in Command Burst efficiency; the boosts they give their comrades in combat make them indispensable assets to any well-rounded fleet. Developer: Kaalakiota As befits one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the known world, Kaalakiota's ships are very combat focused. Favoring the traditional Caldari combat strategy, they are designed around a substantial number of weapons systems, especially missile launchers. However, they have rather weak armor and structure, relying more on shields for protection.
Caldari Onyx Cruiser
Effectively combining the trapping power of interdictors with the defensive capabilities of heavy assault cruisers, the heavy interdiction cruiser is an invaluable addition to any skirmish force, offensive or defensive. Heavy interdiction cruisers are the only ships able to use the warp disruption field generator, a module that creates a warp disruption field that moves with the origin ship wherever it goes. Developer: Kaalakiota As befits one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the known world, Kaalakiota's ships are very combat focused. Favoring the traditional Caldari combat strategy, they are designed around a substantial number of weapons systems, especially missile launchers. However, they have rather weak armor and structure, relying more on shields for protection.
Caldari Osprey Cruiser
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Caldari State the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Osprey. The Osprey originally offered excellent versatility and power for what was considered a comparably low price. After its redesign, its inbuilt mining technology - now a little creaky and long in the tooth - was gutted from the Osprey and replaced in its entirety with tech of a different type, capable of high energy and shield transfers.
Caldari Phoenix Dreadnought
In terms of Caldari design philosophy, the Phoenix is a chip off the old block. With a heavily tweaked missile interface, targeting arrays of surpassing quality and the most advanced shield systems to be found anywhere, it is considered the strongest long-range installation attacker out there. While its shield boosting actuators allow the Phoenix, when properly equipped, to withstand tremendous punishment over a short duration, its defenses are not likely to hold up against sustained attack over longer periods. With a strong supplementary force, however, few things in existence rival this vessel's pure annihilative force.
Caldari Phoenix Dreadnought
In terms of Caldari design philosophy, the Phoenix is a chip off the old block. With a heavily tweaked missile interface, targeting arrays of surpassing quality and the most advanced shield systems to be found anywhere, it is considered the strongest long-range installation attacker out there. While its shield boosting actuators allow the Phoenix, when properly equipped, to withstand tremendous punishment over a short duration, its defenses are not likely to hold up against sustained attack over longer periods. With a strong supplementary force, however, few things in existence rival this vessel's pure annihilative force. (copy)
Caldari Prime Station (Under Construction)
Caldari Raven Battleship
The Raven is the powerhouse of the Caldari Navy. With its myriad launcher slots and powerful shields, few ships can rival it in strength or majesty.
Caldari Raven Battleship
The Raven is the powerhouse of the Caldari Navy. With its myriad launcher slots and powerful shields, few ships can rival it in strength or majesty.
Caldari Raven Battleship
The Raven is the powerhouse of the Caldari Navy. With its myriad launcher slots and powerful shields, few ships can rival it in strength or majesty. (copy)
Caldari Refining Outpost
Caldari Repair Outpost
Caldari Research Outpost
A Caldari research outpost.
Caldari Rokh Battleship
Having long suffered the lack of an adequate hybrid platform, the Caldari State's capsule pilots found themselves rejoicing as the Rokh's design specs were released. A fleet vessel if ever there was one, this far-reaching and durable beast is expected to see a great deal of service on battlefields near and far.
Caldari Rokh Battleship
Having long suffered the lack of an adequate hybrid platform, the Caldari State's capsule pilots found themselves rejoicing as the Rokh's design specs were released. A fleet vessel if ever there was one, this far-reaching and durable beast is expected to see a great deal of service on battlefields near and far. (copy)
Caldari Rook Cruiser
Built to represent the last word in electronic warfare, combat recon ships have onboard facilities designed to maximize the effectiveness of electronic countermeasure modules of all kinds. Filling a role next to their class counterpart, the heavy assault cruiser, combat recon ships are the state of the art when it comes to anti-support support. They are also devastating adversaries in smaller skirmishes, possessing strong defensive capabilities in addition to their electronic superiority. Developer: Kaalakiota As befits one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the known world, Kaalakiota's ships are very combat focused. Favoring the traditional Caldari combat strategy, they are designed around a substantial number of weapons systems, especially missile launchers. However, they have rather weak armor and structure, relying more on shields for protection.
Caldari Scorpion Battleship
The first Scorpion-class battleship was launched only a couple of years ago, and those that have been built are considered to be prototypes. Little is known of its capabilities, but what has been garnered suggests that the Scorpion is crammed to the brink with sophisticated hi-tech equipment that few can match.
Caldari Scorpion Battleship
The first Scorpion-class battleship was launched only a couple of years ago, and those that have been built are considered to be prototypes. Little is known of its capabilities, but what has been garnered suggests that the Scorpion is crammed to the brink with sophisticated hi-tech equipment that few can match. (copy)
Caldari Sentry
Caldari Starbase Control Tower
At first the Caldari Control Towers were manufactured by Kaalakiota, but since they focused their efforts mostly on other, more profitable installations, they soon lost the contract and the Ishukone corporation took over the Control Towers' development and production.
Caldari State Stargate Construction
Caldari State stargate construction uses the preferred methods and materials of Caldari space industry but fundamentally uses the same core technology as all standard stargates.
Caldari State Stargate Construction
Caldari State stargate construction uses the preferred methods and materials of Caldari space industry but fundamentally uses the same core technology as all standard stargates.
Caldari Station Ruins - Flat Hulk
Caldari Station Ruins - Hook Shaped
Caldari Station Ruins - Huge & Sprawling
Caldari Station Ruins - Industry Drill
Caldari Station Ruins - Massive
Caldari Supercarrier Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Caldari Tactical Outpost
Caldari Tayra Hauler
The Tayra is an alternative version of the famous Badger, it's mostly used by the military or the mega corps for transports of goods of great value. The Tayra has a much larger cargo capacity, making it ideal for high volume hauling.
Caldari Titan Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Caldari Vulture Battlecruiser
Command ships are engineered specifically to wreak havoc on a battlefield of many. Sporting advanced command module interfaces, these vessels are more than capable of turning the tide in large engagements. Command ships represent the ultimate in Command Burst efficiency; the boosts they give their comrades in combat make them indispensable assets to any well-rounded fleet. Developer: Ishukone Most of the recent designs off their assembly line have provided for a combination that the Ishukone name is becoming known for: great long-range capabilities and shield systems unmatched anywhere else.
Caldari Widow Battleship
Black Ops battleships are designed for infiltration and espionage behind enemy lines. With the use of a jump drive and portal generator, they are capable of making a special type of jump portal usable only by covert ops vessels. This enables them to stealthily plant reconnaissance and espionage forces in enemy territory. For the final word in clandestine maneuvers, look no further. Developer: Kaalakiota As befits one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the known world, Kaalakiota's ships are very combat focused. Favoring the traditional Caldari combat strategy, they are designed around a substantial number of weapons systems, especially missile launchers. However, they have rather weak armor and structure, relying more on shields for protection.
Caldari Wyvern Carrier
The Wyvern is based on documents detailing the design of the ancient Raata empire's seafaring flagship, the Oryioni-Haru. According to historical sources the ship was traditionally taken on parade runs between the continent of Tikiona and the Muriyuke archipelago, seat of the Emperor, and represented the pride and joy of what would one day become the Caldari State. Today's starfaring version gives no ground to its legendary predecessor; with its varied applications in the vast arena of deep space, the Wyvern is likely to stand as a symbol of Caldari greatness for untold years to come.
Caldari Wyvern Carrier
The Wyvern is based on documents detailing the design of the ancient Raata empire's seafaring flagship, the Oryioni-Haru. According to historical sources the ship was traditionally taken on parade runs between the continent of Tikiona and the Muriyuke archipelago, seat of the Emperor, and represented the pride and joy of what would one day become the Caldari State. Today's starfaring version gives no ground to its legendary predecessor; with its varied applications in the vast arena of deep space, the Wyvern is likely to stand as a symbol of Caldari greatness for untold years to come.
Champions of the Federation Grand Prix YC123
This monument has been erected to honor the Capsuleers who achieved the fastest completion times in the Federation Grand Prix courses. It is inscribed with the list of top ten racers for each circuit in YC123's version of the event. Southern Route Champions: 1st - Drake Iddon 2nd - Larethyl Seshin 3rd - Lsund Ame 4th - Alex z1 5th - Stephane Turcotte 6th - Jack Alle 7th - xa666 8th - Lucian Smithers 9th - Romon Inaken 10th - Y Ashanti Eastern Route Champions: 1st - Jack Alle 2nd - Larethyl Seshin 3rd - Dread Pirate Rodgers 4th - Drake Iddon 5th - Elsebeth Rhiannon 6th - Lsund Ame 7th - Y Ashanti 8th - Alex z1 9th - BertsMoM Smasher 10th - Romon Inaken Northern Route Champions: 1st - Drake Iddon 2nd - Lsund Ame 3rd - Jack Alle 4th - xa666 5th - Elsebeth Rhiannon 6th - Larethyl Seshin 7th - Romon Inaken 8th - Alex z1 9th - Y Ashanti 10th - Kalanie Makamae
Champions of the Federation Grand Prix YC124
This monument has been erected to honor the Capsuleers who achieved the fastest completion times in the Federation Grand Prix courses. It is inscribed with the list of top ten racers for each circuit in YC124's version of the event. Northeastern Route Champions: 1st - Arwen Estalia 2nd - Larethyl Seshin 3rd - Romon Inaken 4th - Dread Pirate Rodgers 5th - Elsebeth Rhiannon 6th - Gynosi 7th - Uno Turbo 8th - Walter Islands 9th - Hatschi Bratschi 10th - VectoredT Southwestern Route Champions: 1st - Dread Pirate Rodgers 2nd - Uno Turbo 3rd - Romon Inaken 4th - Elsebeth Rhiannon 5th - Arwen Estalia 6th - Walter Islands 7th - Hatschi Bratschi 8th - Imiarr Timshae 9th - VectoredT 10th - Candi karp Federation History Route Champions: 1st - Uno Turbo 2nd - Romon Inaken 3rd - Dread Pirate Rodgers 4th - Arwen Estalia 5th - Elsebeth Rhiannon 6th - Hatschi Bratschi 7th - Walter Islands 8th - Imiarr Timshae 9th - maquinista 10th - VectoredT
China Monument
Chribba Monument
Some know him as a GalNet tools developer, others as broker of high-value transactions, others still as a passionate Veldspar enthusiast. Most know him simply as the most trusted capsuleer in New Eden. Quite possibly the most famous capsuleer alive, Chribba has been a pillar of the community for many years. He can often be found in the vicinity of Amarr flying one of his non-traditional mining ships. This statue was constructed in YC123 as a joint project between the HZO Refinery corporation and the Upwell Consortium in honor of his many contributions to the capsuleer community and the economy of New Eden. Among a crowd of immortal warlords, Chribba stands out for building his legacy through trust and peaceful industry. His success stands as a testament that there are many paths to greatness in New Eden and Capsuleers should be bold in charting their own course. "Never let anyone else dictate your goals" – Chribba
Circular Construction
This circular piece may have once been a part of something larger. Now it is derelict, spinning alone in the blackness of space.
Cloven Grey Asteroid
This towering asteroid seems to have suffered a tremendous impact, splitting it in multiple pieces.
Cloven Red Asteroid
This towering asteroid seems to have suffered a tremendous impact, splitting it in multiple pieces.
Combine TNR Meeting Venue
Combine TNR is a corporate consortium made up of an alliance between the Ishukone, Hyasyoda, and Wiyrkomi megacorporations. Also known as the "Ocean Faction", deriving from a general translation of the Caldari name for the organization – Tiuunakama Nenkanavu Rymasaikkan or "Ocean Winds Corporate Community" – this is in some ways the most surprising alliance to emerge from a general re-alignment of Caldari corporate politics in the aftermath of the Battle of Caldari Prime and the diplomatic settlement on the status of the old Caldari homeworld. With Ishukone and Hyasyoda representing a so-called "liberal" wing of Caldari corporate philosophy and Wiyrkomi having a history deeply associated with the old "patriot" faction, the pivot around which this alliance was forged appears to have been a shared approach to interstellar diplomacy and internal State politics following the slow disintegration of the old "patriot" bloc. The three megacorps are by no means uniform in their views, and Hyasyoda's own brand of Caldari "liberalism" combined with its ancient roots in Caldari family politics perhaps makes it the true bridge between the more radical Ishukone and the conservative, family-controlled Wiyrkomi. To avoid misunderstandings and inefficiencies arising from clashing interests, the Ocean Faction has established this meeting venue so that the three megacorps can better align their operations.
Comet - Dark Comet Copy
Comet - Fire Comet Copy
Comet - Gold Comet Copy
Comet - Toxic Comet Copy
Commercial Billboard
Communication Relay
Apparently a hastily converted radiation monitoring satellite, this device seems to have briefly functioned as an emergency communications relay. It shows relatively few signs of damage but seems to have been knocked out of commission by several precise energy weapon strikes to its processing cores.
CONCORD Battleship Wreck
CONCORD vessels employ advanced hull technology which allows them to maintain external integrity even after the ship has suffered complete systems failure. This is definitely one of those cases - while the hull appears intact, the rest of the ship is very clearly non-functional
CONCORD Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
CONCORD Research Battleship
CONCORD Research Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Conflux Hive
Dwarfing the majestic enclave in size, the scale of this Hive sends shivers of awe into all those who bear witness to its grandeur. Its walls stand defiant against the harsh black vacuum. Its structure, testament to the unfathomable technological prowess of the Sleeper race. Cold, sharp edges seem to tear at the very fabric of space, distorting reality around it. One can only cower in fear at the thought of what a construction of this magnitudes purpose could be.
Construction Storage Unit
This storage unit contains construction materials.
Coral Rock Formation
This mysterious rock formation seems to have once been a part of a larger asteroid made of several mineral types. After eons of drifting through space, the soft rock has crumbled away, leaving a skeleton of crystalized compounds.
CPFS Kaal Osmon
Caldari State Workers Union Day is one of the few universal holidays mandated by the Caldari Executive Panel across all regions, territories and holdings of the corporate state. The day is the highlight of the CEP's State Workers Union calendar, with its corporate affiliate workers organizations all running a variety of celebrations and events over the course of the holiday. Often extended over a weekend, the occasion is a convenient time for the CEP's "Big 8" megacorps to hold their annual State Industrial Planning Summit. One particularly popular event, watched by billions over the corporate holonet channels, is the Haadoken Summit of megacorp security forces and its associated Security Training Games. For some years now the event has been held alongside the Workers Union Day. Hyasyoda's Corporate Police Force has a reputation for severe inflexibility when enforcing corporate law. Their Workers Union Day parade fleet is led by the Leviathan-class CPFS Kaal Osmon, named for a CEO of Hyasyoda allegedly assassinated in YC98. Kaal Osmon was also the uncle of Ahtonen Osmon, the current chief executive.
Damaged Spatial Concealment Chamber
The purpose of this large structure seems to have been to cloak a section of space - section big enough to conceal a sizable site. There are indications that this structure was damaged recently, to the point where it could no longer serve its purpose. Who damaged the structure or why is impossible to tell.
Deathless Circle Elements Exchanger
This trader will accept Coalesced Elements, Element Control Data, and Element Containment Vessels and issue Deathless Circle Reward Tokens in return.
Debris - Broken Drive Unit
This massive hulk of debris seems to have once been a part of the outer hull of a battleship or station.
Debris - Broken Drive Unit
This damaged hunk of machinery could once have been a part of a powerplant or relay station.
Debris - Broken Engine
This massive hulk of debris seems to have once been a part of the outer hull of a battleship or station.
Debris - Broken Engine
This damaged hunk of machinery could once have been a part of a powerplant or relay station.
Debris - Crumpled Metal
This floating debris appears to have once been a part of an outer hull or armor, ripped apart by an explosion or asteroid impact.
Debris - Power Conduit
This space debris appears to have served as an external power conduit system on a gigantic vessel.
Debris - Power Feed
This space debris appears to have served as an external power conduit system on a gigantic vessel.
Debris - Twisted Metal
This floating debris appears to have once been a part of an outer hull or armor, ripped apart by an explosion or asteroid impact.
Depleted Asteroid Field
A long forgotten depleted asteroid field.
Depleted Station Battery
This massive battery column was probably a part of a destroyed power plant. It still surges with energy.
Dirty Bandit Shipyard
A shipyard, or garage, operated by those on the flashy side of the law (no, not the cops).
Dispatch Informational Coordinator
Broadcast receiver and quantum computing unit capable of 60-qubit per second processing, allowing it to pair live cluster-relevant locational data with federal administrative data at 73% accuracy.
Docked Mammoth
This Mammoth-class industrial is currently undergoing maintenance.
Dominix (Roden)
The Dominix is one of the old warhorses dating back to the Gallente-Caldari War. While no longer regarded as the king of the hill, it is by no means obsolete. Its formidable hulk and powerful drone arsenal means that anyone not in the largest and latest battleships will regret ever locking horns with it.
Dominix Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Drifter Battleship
CONCORD's analysis of this battleship has been hampered by its advanced hull and shielding. The propulsion system is unfamiliar but tentative theories have suggested that the vessel somehow directly interacts with the fabric of space-time while moving. The standard weapon systems of this ship appear to be semi-autonomous and effective against a range of targets. DED contact briefings suggest the free floating turrets are a secondary weapon, with an extremely dangerous primary weapon held in reserve against those this ship's commander considers a significant threat. Threat level: Critical
Drifter Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Drifter Battleship Wreck
The remains of a mighty Drifter battleship.
Drone Hive
Drone Lookout
Duvolle Gravitational Wave Observatory
This Duvolle Laboratories corporate research facility was established in the Gererique system to take advantage of close proximity to the field of miniscule black holes and weird spatial rifts known as "Trace Cosmos". Gererique has the notable distinction of being the only inhabited system that comes close enough to sections of Trace Cosmos to make the phenomena visible to the naked eye. The results of research conducted at this observatory are considered closely guarded trade secrets of Duvolle Laboratories.
Dysfunctional Solar Harvester
A huge solar harvester once linked to the nearby astro farm. It has been out of order for many years.
EDENCOM Invasions Command HQ (Yulai)
The New Eden Common Defense Initiative (EDENCOM) used a highly distributed command structure during the Triglavian Invasions of YC121-122, reflecting the nature of a military alliance relying heavily on line units drawn from the core empires of New Eden. However, the EDENCOM Invasions Command HQ (Yulai) was one of the most critical and heavily-defended command facilities due to its location at the heart of CONCORD's territory and its proximity to the diplomatic center of the New Eden cluster. Once a closely-guarded secret, the EDENCOM Invasions Command HQ (Yulai) is now a reserve command center, with operational command of ongoing EDENCOM activities shifted to even more secure and secret locations. The facility is well-remembered as part of the network of command HQs that orchestrated the successful defense of over 150 star systems, fully-fortifying over 50 systems, and preventing the Triglavian Invaders from extending their conquests beyond the "Pochven 27". Given the importance of this HQ, and the nearby EDENCOM Stellar Monitoring (Yulai) facility, it was decided to locate the EDENCOM Memorial to the Triglavian Invasions close by when the veil of secrecy was lifted after the invasions came to an end.
EDENCOM Memorial to Triglavian Invasions
This war memorial is dedicated by the New Eden Common Defense Initiative (EDENCOM) to all those lost during the Triglavian Invasions of YC121-122. To the memory of those innocents lost to the invaders and those warriors who fell in service of civilization. With determination to remember and recover the people and worlds of the Triglavian Occupied Systems: Raravoss - Vale - Sakenta Nalvula - Arvasaras - Harva Ichoriya - Senda - Angymonne Archee - Kino - Otela Otanuomi - Konola - Niarja Tunudan - Ahtila - Urhinichi Wirashoda - Nani - Komo Kaunokka - Kuharah - Ignebaener Skarkon - Ala - Krirald "The years shall not dim the memory of those who fought and died for the cause of civilization in New Eden. Nor shall time erode our will to recover what has been lost, and restore peace and security to all the worlds of our cluster." – EDENCOM Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir
EDENCOM power generator
This EDENCOM power generator facility is online, and provides power to any nearby online infrastructure.
EDENCOM Secure Relay Alpha
This is an EDENCOM Secure Relay apparently designed to receive telemetry from a local source and send it on to a remote station via an onboard fluid router. It is possible the secure data storage buffer of this facility retains some data but recovery would no doubt require a deep and highly-intrusive retrieval scan.
EDENCOM Secure Relay Beta
This is an EDENCOM Secure Relay apparently designed to receive telemetry from a local source and send it on to a remote station via an onboard fluid router. It is possible the secure data storage buffer of this facility retains some data but recovery would no doubt require a deep and highly-intrusive retrieval scan.
EDENCOM Secure Relay Gamma
This is an EDENCOM Secure Relay apparently designed to receive telemetry from a local source and send it on to a remote station via an onboard fluid router. It is possible the secure data storage buffer of this facility retains some data but recovery would no doubt require a deep and highly-intrusive retrieval scan.
EDENCOM Stellar Monitoring (Yulai)
In the course of the Triglavian Invasions YC121-122, it became evident that the Collective had a particular fascination or affinity for certain stars, and in particular those stellar bodies of the blue classifications. Given the B0 (Blue) classification of the Yulai star, it was clear that monitoring for any signs of manipulation or other activity by the Triglavian Collective was necessary to avoid catastrophe at the heart of CONCORD's territory and New Eden's diplomatic and security establishment. Constructed in secrecy and under the strictest guard measures, the EDENCOM Stellar Monitoring (Yulai) facility was one of the first locations where advanced stellar observatory technology was tested in the field and then permanently established. To ensure this vital facility was under the heaviest possible defense, the EDENCOM Invasions Command HQ (Yulai) was later constructed close to its secret anchoring location. Given the importance of this facility and the nearby Command HQ, it was decided to locate the EDENCOM Memorial to the Triglavian Invasions close by when the veil of secrecy was lifted after the invasions came to an end.
Eggheron Stargate Construction Monument
This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Gallente Federation's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below. Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Jhousetlin Zamayid 2. Bien Chao Ming 3. Bienxi Mei 4. Katon Tzash 5. Noelise 6. Irbree en Divalone 7. Caspynaere Loutte 8. Iruet Danie Vyvorant 9. Elfin Vynneve 10. Tinachan Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Solar Winds Trade Conglomerate 2. Mantrid Drones 3. Puppets Incorporated 4. Froge well 5. Academy of space-corporation Keepers of Truth
Elder War Monument
This monument marks the honor conferred by the Empress of Holy Amarr on the countless heroes of the Empire who sacrificed their lives to repel the Minmatar Elder Invasion of YC110. As imperial construction crews completed repairs of the nearby stations damaged in the attack, the monument was placed by order of Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite.
Elder War Monument ( copy )
This monument marks the honor conferred by the Empress of Holy Amarr on the countless heroes of the Empire who sacrificed their lives to repel the Minmatar Elder Invasion of YC110. As imperial construction crews completed repairs of the nearby stations damaged in the attack, the monument was placed by order of Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite. ( copy )
Elemental Base
The base of some strange artifact from long-forgotten times.
Emperor Doriam II Memorial
During his short rule, Emperor Doriam II was known as a benevolent leader to his people, a peacemaker with the neighboring empires, and a stalwart enemy of the heretical Blood Raiders. Born Doriam Kor-Azor, he was elevated to the Golden Throne thanks to the support of the capsuleers Ecliptical, BlackViper, Grikl and Kileak in the Amarr Championships of YC105. Doriam II strived to be a just leader for all the citizens of the Amarr Empire, demonstrating this commitment early in his reign by embarking on an extended tour to visit every inhabited planet within Amarr space to hear the concerns of local Holders and appear before their populace. Viewed as a sympathetic successor to Heideran VII, Emperor Doriam II continued his predecessor's irenic stance towards the Amarr Empire's neighbors, including efforts to maintain the tenuous peace with the Minmatar Republic. His primary military interventions were directed towards the Blood Raider Covenant, including a major assault on the Blood Raider strongholds within the Bleak Lands by combined forces of the Amarr Navy and capsuleer loyalists. The success of Doriam II's campaign against the Blood Raiders saw them driven from the Bleak Lands and the reassertion of imperial rule over the systems the cultists had occupied. However, this success was not to be without a price, as Doriam II was assassinated in the Imperial Palace on July 4th, YC107. While the killing was a great mystery for many years, the assassins are now believed to have been members of the "Red Chamberlain" Dochuta Karsoth's Blood Raider cultist cell. This monument was erected in YC123 by the order of Royal Heir Ersilia Kor-Azor in memory of her uncle's leadership of House Kor-Azor and the Amarr Empire.
Empress Jamyl I: Sword of the Righteous
In the moment of our greatest need, with savage enemies at the gates, Jamyl Sarum returned from the embrace of God to rescue her people from destruction in YC110. Though Royal Heir Jamyl Sarum had undertaken the Rite of Shathol'Syn following the victory of Doriam Kor-Azor's champions in the Amarr Championships of YC105, the Elder Fleet invasion of YC110 so threatened Holy Amarr that divine intervention restored her to the temporal world. Jamyl Sarum's Holy Flotilla was able to destroy the Elder Fleet with a weapon of divine power and liberate Amarr from a terrible doom. Acclaimed a divine savior by the Empire, Jamyl I was crowned Empress of Holy Amarr following the repulsion of the Minmatar Elder Fleet from the territories of the Amarr Empire. Since her untimely death and return to the embrace of God, Empress Jamyl I has also been known as "St. Jamyl the Liberator". This monument has been erected within the graveyard of broken warships above Mekhios in memory of our great liberator Empress Jamyl I, that her heroic deeds never be forgotten or allowed to diminish in the passing of the ages. "I am the Harbinger of Hope! I am the Sword of the Righteous! Unto all who hear my voice I say this: what you give to this Empire, I shall give back unto you!" – Empress Jamyl I, Coronation Speech, YC110
Enclave Debris
The remnants of this Sleeper Enclave are a stark reminder of the harshness of space.
EoM Providence Freighter
Even though characteristically last in the race to create a working prototype of new technology, the Empire's engineers spared no effort in bringing the Providence into the world. While the massive potential for profit from the capsuleer market is said to have been what eventually made the stolid Empire decide to involve themselves in the freighter business, their brainchild is by no means the runt of the litter; the Providence is one of the sturdiest freighters out there.
EoM Stolen Cyno Beacon
This stolen cynosural beacon is being used by the Equilibrium of Mankind to move their capital ships around New Eden under the noses of the core empires. It can only function within empire-controlled space because the EoM have hacked into the cyno networks of the empires and spoofed a cyno-jamming bypass registration. If this beacon is disrupted by hacking into a connected Cyno Network Spoofing Facility this beacon will cease to be a threat.
EoM Stolen Engineering Complex
The Equilibrium of Mankind have stolen or otherwise acquired this engineering complex, evidently with the intention to construct and store large numbers capital ships and support vessels for use in their plan to inflict massive destruction on the core empires. If the defenses of this site are reduced it will likely be possible for CONCORD and empire forces to destroy or seize control of this facility. However, the priority target for initial assault operations are the Rogue Capital Shipyards where active EoM dreadnoughts are supplied, repaired and made ready for assault operations.
EoM Stolen Factory Outpost
The Equilibrium of Mankind have stolen or otherwise acquired this factory outpost, and appear to be using it to construct vast quantities of equipment for the capital ships and support fleets they are using as part of their plan to inflict massive destruction on the core empires. The constant activity of its automated factory lines is testament to the investment the EoM have poured into their scheme to pit the empires against one another.
ESS Key Generator Interface
This platform provides an interface with Secure Key Generators that are used by audit and inspection staff of the Secure Commerce Commission. SCC Keyholders can pick up their assigned keys from this platform under authorization from the secure administration and audit control center located deeper within the SCC Key Storage site. Normally, no keys would be generated without the permission of the audit control staff deep within the site. However, should the site be breached, hacked, and security response forces neutralized by a sufficiently daring team, a Secure Key Generator may become accessible at this location.
EVE Travel Agency
This habitation module serves as the home base for the "EVE Travel Agency", a small independent corporation that provides tours and travel information services to explorers across New Eden. Their proximity to the New Eden system makes them a convenient stopping point for travelers making a pilgrimage to the EVE Gate. EVE Travel's GalNet blog is a must-read for all capsuleers seeking to explore New Eden's various sights.
Exotic Specimen Warehouse Wreck
Wrecked and battered, though largely intact, this station and its neighbor must originally have been sheltered in the lee of the planet to some extent. Disruption of orbital mechanics in this system make it difficult to be sure but the proximity of Thera III to the central star and the survival of recognizable station ruins requires an explanation of this kind. Some have suggested wilder theories concerning the nearby Talocan technology. The station itself seems to have functioned as a vast storehouse of materials and specimens gathered from the core of the system. Not much remains and large quantities of radioactive fullerene gas seem to have bled from the ruptured storage vessels.
Expedition Command Outpost Wreck
Scarred and scorched by devastating forces, this wrecked station apparently served as the command post for the Sanctuary expedition to Thera. Wreathed in clouds of plasma, gas and dust, the station's destruction, while not absolute, is profound and the interior has been gutted by fire and explosions.
Exploration Monument
This is a monument to Marcus Yeon and all other intrepid explorers who put their lives (and, more often than not, the lives of everyone in the neighboring vicinity) on the line for the glory of exploring the unknown.
F7-ICZ Stargate Construction Monument
This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Amarr Empire's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below. Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Gaylok 2. R0ttofix 3. Speedliner 4. Little Focker 5. Nora Maldoran 6. Hitomi Ihakana 7. Avio Yaken 8. Erdinhok 9. Ed Bassmaster 10. ianoox Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Lowsexgate to STAIN 2. Friends of Honor 3. Red Branch 4. 1 Royal Fleet Corps 5. Guardians of Parallel World
Fallen Capsuleers Memorial
This memorial to Fallen Capsuleers is the centerpiece of the cemetery originally established in orbit of the moon of Molea II by capsuleers of the EVE Cemetery corporation. Having been in place for over a decade, and in view of ongoing developments in structure technology, it increasingly became clear that a dedicated memorial structure would enhance the cemetery and help preserve it for decades more. The Upwell Consortium, at the urging of a large number of private citizens and corporations, constructed the new Fallen Capsuleers Memorial in YC122. The Fallen Capsuleers Memorial continues to support the establishment of individual memorial containers by capsuleers in the cemetery at Molea II, moon 1 . Any Secure Cargo Containers that are anchored within 200km of this structure will not automatically decay over time. This structure does not provide any special protection against intentional destruction or scooping of containers.
Federation Administrative Outpost
A standard outpost of Gallentean design.
Federation Counter-Insurgency Outpost Hub
This Federation Counter-Insurgency Outpost has been set up by the Federation Navy and Federal Defense Union to function as a central command and control hub for anti-pirate and counter-insurgency operations. Gallente forces are maintaining a strong presence while actively encouraging their loyal militia pilots to assist in the fight against the pirate insurgencies emerging in the warzone. Capsuleer members of the Federal Defense Union will be able to hand in certain items of intelligence and evidence acquired from pirate forces in exchange for suitable recompense.
Federation Grand Prix Duvolle HQ Waypoint
This tower marks a waypoint in the Southwestern Route of the Federation Grand Prix. The Southwestern Route of the Federation Grand Prix is sponsored by Duvolle Laboratories, designers of quality starships from the Taranis to the Kronos for all your blaster platform needs.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Aidonis Elabon and CONCORD
Aidonis Elabon was a president of the Gallente Federation, and to many is the greatest president the Federation has ever known. In his time the young and energetic president took the lead in bringing the empires together when, to many, it seemed the world was destined for bitter warfare for the foreseeable future. He was a driving force in intergalactic peace and was the prime catalyst behind the creation of CONCORD, during the empires' meeting at the historic Yoiul Conference. He also set in motion the peace talks between the Gallente and Caldari to end their long war, though the final peace was only signed some years after Aidonis's death. Upon his death his will called for a foundation to be set up in his name, one responsible for rewarding those persons that most upheld Aidonis's vision for peace and prosperity in the world of New Eden. Today the Aidonis Statue is an annual award bestowed by the Aidonis Foundation in recognition of individuals who have significantly advanced the cause of peace and stability throughout New Eden.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Chandeille
The Lirsautton solar system in the Everyshore region is the home of the Jin-Mei nation and people, and the capital of its respective Assembly territory. Its physical distance to Luminaire of less than 2 lightyears, the closest of any major Federation member-state, has led to Lirsautton wielding an extremely strong level of influence on Gallente affairs in all areas, to a disproportionate extent considering the relatively short amount of time since first contact. The inverse also applies, with Gallente cultural and corporate influence being stronger here than in any other Federal home system. As a result, Lirsautton is a powerhouse of economic and cultural activity moreso than the relatively distant Intaki and Mannar home systems, with the gargantuan Quafe Corporation being headquartered here. The Jin-Mei people originated from the fifth planet of Lirsautton, known as Chandeille or Tei-Su. The Jin-Mei nation signed the Federal Charter in the year BYC62 to officially join the Federation.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Federation President
The Gallente Federation is a representative democracy composed of several semi-autonomous states in a pluralistic union. The most important governmental bodies of the Federation are the three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive branch is headed by the Federation President, an elected official who is responsible for overseeing the enforcement of the Federation’s laws. They are expected to represent the Federation both domestically and internationally, and must serve equally as a legislator, a diplomat, and a national symbol. Additionally, the President is chair of the Federal Military Commission and Commander-in-Chief of the Federation armed forces. Such civilian oversight of the military is a key component in ensuring the Federation adheres to its ideals and remains a free, liberal, democratic nation. The primary office of the President is currently in the process of moving from its previous location in Ladistier to the new Federation executive capital system of Parchanier, with auxiliary offices remaining in Ladistier as well as in Parts.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Federation Senate
The Gallente Federation is a representative democracy composed of several semi-autonomous states in a pluralistic union. The most important governmental bodies of the Federation are the three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial. The Federation Senate is the primary body of the Federation’s legislative branch. The Senate is composed of 903 individual members who serve terms of five years. They are elected on a staggered cycle, with around 180 new senators coming in each year. The Senate itself is located in the Federation legislative capital of Villore.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Federation Supreme Court
The Gallente Federation is a representative democracy composed of several semi-autonomous states in a pluralistic union. The most important governmental bodies of the Federation are the three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial. The Supreme Court serves as the highest court in the Federation and is the head of the judicial branch. It comprises thirteen justices, all appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The justices serve for life, with the Chief Justice being the most senior. The Supreme Court is currently in the process of moving operations from its previous offices in Parts to the new Federation judicial capital system of Bereye, with auxiliary offices remaining in Parts as well as in Villore.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Intaki Prime
"Intaki Prime is a jewel among planets. It is tropical and filled with diverse lifeforms. We have lived and grown on this planet for time beyond measure. I was born in the town of Asaya, sitting at the base of the Akat mountain range. These mountains mark the southern end of the habitable region of the north pole. My town was hidden from the harsh sunlight in the deep valleys that intersect the mountain range. Intaki Prime is a very hot world, and both polar regions were once thick with tropical forests. The equatorial oceans are exceedingly hot, and few living things survive around the equator. The rich and varied life of Intaki Prime has been confined to the polar regions, and in constant struggle for land, food, and shelter from the environment." - Vremaja Idama The first contact between the Gallente and the Intaki was made in BYC442, 327 years before the founding of the Federation. At the time, the Intaki were technologically pre-industrial but socially and culturally advanced. Within a century, they caught up with the Gallente, mastering space travel to settle other nearby regions and holding positions in the Gallente government. Today the Intaki are one of the largest ethnicities of the Federation. Exceedingly gifted communicators, the Intaki are today very prominent among the Federal bureaucracy. Though Gallente mass culture has permeated their society to some extent, Intaki culture and philosophy remains distinct and the Intaki citizens comprise the largest portion of the "Doves" voting block that prioritizes dialogue and reconciliation over conflict.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Republic University
After the young Gallente Federation made contact with the Amarr, the plight of the Minmatar enslaved by the Amarr incited the anger of citizens across the Federation. Freedom-minded groups within the Federation were some of the earliest foreign supporters of the nascent Minmatar resistance and when the Minmatar rebellion caught fire after the battle of Vak'Atioth the Federation began to more overtly provide the Minmatar with weapons and advisers. When the Minmatar rebels successfully carved out significant territory from the reeling Amarr, the Federation quickly acknowledged the Minmatar as a sovereign state and sent experts to assist them in forming a new government, with the result that many of the newly minted Republic’s governmental institutions were modeled after the structures of the Federation, with a Republic Prime Minister, Parliament, and Justice Department mirroring the Federation's President, Senate, and Supreme court. The Republic University was one of these key early institutions that can trace its origins to the Federation. It was founded by Minmatar emigrants as a show of support for the fledgling republic shortly after its inception. The school is modeled after the University of Caille and based on the Gallentean education system.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Treaty of Tierijev
In the year YC12, after six months of bilateral talks facilitated by CONCORD, a peace accord was signed in the marginal Gallente-Caldari system of Tierijev. All senior members of the Chief Executive Panel and a large delegation of the Federation leadership met in orbit of the previously war-torn planet IV and signed the Treaty of Tierijev. The Federation agreed to acknowledge the Caldari State as a sovereign entity, with all its territorial claims intact. The sole exception was Caldari Prime, which had been a point of contention in negotiations. Eventually, the CEP voted to cede it to the Federation, viewing ending the war and opening trade with the Gallente to be more beneficial than the return of their home world. With the war over, peace parades took place across Gallente space. The Federation began to focus its efforts on interstellar trade with its three neighbors, sharing a border with all of them. It also accelerated its domestic aid and development programs, which resulted in so-called ‘boom worlds’ cropping up across the Federation. With increased relations across the cluster, funding for the Gallente military was slowly but surely reduced. No more did the planets of the Federation have to live in the shadows of war.
Federation Grand Prix History Route: Verge Vendor Colonies
During the Gallente Frontier Age, cheaper warp travel allowed for an extensive wave of colonization of new systems by settlers from major established worlds such as Intaki, Kabar, Caldari Prime, and especially Gallente Prime. Many independent colonists began to settle in an area of space which separated Gallente and Intaki territories known as the Verge (later known as Verge Vendor). The bulk of these colonists wished to escape the somewhat regulated development that was taking place around the homeworlds, desiring their own homesteads to establish. In the early years these frontier colonies largely operated outside the purview of existing authorities, with some banding together into minor interplanetary leagues and alliances. When the original Gallente Federation was formed in the year BYC115, the original signatories were the governments of Gallente Prime, Caldari Prime, Intaki Prime, Kabar (Mannar VIII), and some of the most prominent Verge Vendor colonies including those from Amygnon III, Jufvitte VI, Ellmay IV, Alentene III, and Alentene IV.
Federation Grand Prix Hurtoken Waypoint
This tower marks a waypoint in the Northeastern Route of the Federation Grand Prix. The Northeastern Route of the Federation Grand Prix is sponsored by the Quafe Company, producers of New Eden's most popular beverages. Quafe: In the Heat of the Moment.
Federation Grand Prix Nafomeh Waypoint
This tower marks a waypoint in the Southwestern Route of the Federation Grand Prix. The Southwestern Route of the Federation Grand Prix is sponsored by Duvolle Laboratories, designers of quality starships from the Taranis to the Kronos for all your blaster platform needs.
Federation Grand Prix Niyabainen Waypoint
This tower marks a waypoint in the Northeastern Route of the Federation Grand Prix. The Northeastern Route of the Federation Grand Prix is sponsored by the Quafe Company, producers of New Eden's most popular beverages. Quafe: In the Heat of the Moment.
Federation Grand Prix Odatrik Waypoint
This tower marks a waypoint in the Northeastern Route of the Federation Grand Prix. The Northeastern Route of the Federation Grand Prix is sponsored by the Quafe Company, producers of New Eden's most popular beverages. Quafe: In the Heat of the Moment.
Federation Grand Prix Quafe HQ Waypoint
This tower marks a waypoint in the Northeastern Route of the Federation Grand Prix. The Northeastern Route of the Federation Grand Prix is sponsored by the Quafe Company, producers of New Eden's most popular beverages. Quafe: In the Heat of the Moment.
Federation Grand Prix Turba Waypoint
This tower marks a waypoint in the Southwestern Route of the Federation Grand Prix. The Southwestern Route of the Federation Grand Prix is sponsored by Duvolle Laboratories, designers of quality starships from the Taranis to the Kronos for all your blaster platform needs.
Federation Navy Infrastructure Hub
This structure serves as the central command post for this system. Whoever controls this Infrastructure Hub can exert system-wide military control. This infrastructure hub is firmly under the control of the Federation Navy in the aftermath of a massive Federal military deployment into Placid on November 8th YC124.
Federation Navy Security Station
The Federation Navy has been charged to further enhance the security of Gallente core territories and to that end has established security checkpoints and command installations at strategic positions across the Federation. Security checkpoints allow for monitoring of traffic and early detection of threats, while providing some response capability. Security command installations provide these functions while being capable of operating as a military command center in the event of an invasion or other emergency. This Federation Navy Security Station is the central control point of the network of defenses, docks, and monitoring devices that makes up this security site.
Federation Navy Security Station
The Federation Navy has been charged to further enhance the security of Gallente core territories and to that end has established security checkpoints and command installations at strategic positions across the Federation. Security checkpoints allow for monitoring of traffic and early detection of threats, while providing some response capability. Security command installations provide these functions while being capable of operating as a military command center in the event of an invasion or other emergency. This Federation Navy Security Station is the central control point of the network of defenses, docks, and monitoring devices that makes up this security site.
Federation Ore Refinery
This refinery structure has been constructed by the Gallente Federation to process Dense Moissanite deposited by loyal capsuleers and produce raw materials that can contribute to the construction of the nearby stargate. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Dense Moissanite into this structure will receive special loyalty tokens that can be sold for ISK or traded for exclusive early access to blueprint copies for the new Imicus Navy Issue and Myrmidon Navy Issue ships.
Federation Stellar Transmuter
This Federation Stellar Transmuter is the product of a hard-fought effort to acquire by any means Triglavian stellar technology and develop it into a working installation. Lacking access to both Triglavian relay technology and stellar technology, Federation efforts pioneered by loyal capsuleers focused on the latter while a parallel effort made inroads on the former. Gallente loyalists engaged in espionage, recovery operations, and market efforts to acquire the needed technology and data, with success leading to a Federation construction program. With the understanding that Triglavian transport relay technology requires the power and special resources provided by a Stellar Transmuter installation, the Federation prepared for construction of the necessary facility as they acquired the technologies. The first mature Federation Stellar Transmuter was deployed in the Gisleres system as a key element of the power and critical resource base required for operating a Federation Interstellar Shipcaster network.
Federation Stellar Transmuter Research Laboratory
This military research facility has been established by the Gallente Federation to collect and analyze Stellar Transmuter Datacores reconstructed by loyalist capsuleers using data obtained from rival empire facilities. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Stellar Transmuter Datacores into this structure will receive special Shadow War Reward Crates containing a variety of rewards including loyalty tokens which can be sold for ISK on the market at participating Gallente Stations.
Federation Transport Relay Research Laboratory
This military research facility has been established by the Gallente Federation to collect and analyze Transport Relay Datacores reconstructed by loyalist capsuleers using data obtained from rival empire facilities. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Transport Relay Datacores into this structure will receive special Shadow War Reward Crates containing a variety of rewards including loyalty tokens which can be sold for ISK on the market at participating Gallente Stations.
Finish Line Statue
Floating Stonehenge
An archaic reminder of the days of olde.
FNS Botresse
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
FNS Cevestis
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
FNS Geros
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
FNS Ingenomine
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
FNS Moscutus
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
FNS Obisus
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
FNS Tenaros
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
Forlorn Hope
This massive laboratory complex was once home to over 10,000 scientists, their staff and security personnel, working day and night to unravel the mysteries of Vitoc. Since the return of the Minmatar Elders and Otro Gariushi's bequest of Insorum to the Republic, the facility has largely fallen into disuse, but some few scientists cling on, pushing to finish what they started before they too seek more commercial roles.For the most part, research continues inside the newer biodome nearby, but a few smaller laboratories and their staff still insist on basing out of the aging titan.
Fort Knocks Wreck
First Keepstar to be anchored in New Eden, erected by Hard Knocks Citizens, destroyed on the 12th of December, YC120.
Fortified Amarr Barricade
A barricade.
Fortified Amarr Barrier
A barrier.
Fortified Amarr Battery
A small missile battery designed to repel invaders and other hazards.
Fortified Amarr Bunker
A bunker. Beware.
Fortified Amarr Cathedral
This impressive structure operates as a place for religious practice and the throne of a high ranking member within the clergy.
Fortified Amarr Chapel
This decorated structure serves as a place for religious practice.
Fortified Amarr Commercial Station Ruins
Fortified Amarr Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Amarr Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Amarr Fence
A fence.
Fortified Amarr Industrial Station
Amarr Industrial Station.
Fortified Amarr Junction
A junction.
Fortified Amarr Lookout
A lookout post, constructed so that its inhabitants may have a better look at the vast expanses of space and whatever wonders they may hold.
Fortified Amarr Mining Station Ruins
Fortified Amarr Research Station Ruins
Fortified Amarr Wall
Walls inside deadspace complexes both serve as personal transportation lanes between structures, as well as reinforcement tubes to make sure larger structures don't drift away from each other.
Fortified Angel Barricade
A barricade.
Fortified Angel Barrier
A barrier.
Fortified Angel Battery
A battery.
Fortified Angel Bunker
Angel Bunker
Fortified Angel Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Angel Fence
A fence.
Fortified Angel Junction
A junction.
Fortified Angel Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Angel Wall
A wall.
Fortified Archon
The Archon was commissioned by the Imperial Navy to act as a personnel and fighter carrier. The order to create the ship came as part of a unilateral initative issued by Navy Command in the wake of Emperor Kor-Azor's assassination. Sporting the latest in fighter command interfacing technology and possessing characteristically strong defenses, the Archon is a powerful aid in any engagement.
Fortified Asteroid Colony
Highly vulnerable, but economically extremely feasible, asteroid factories are one of the major boons of the expanding space industry.
Fortified Billboard
Concord Billboards keep you updated, bringing you the latest news and bounty information.
Fortified Blood Raider Barricade
A barricade.
Fortified Blood Raider Barrier
A barrier. Tune in, turn up, keep out.
Fortified Blood Raider Battery
A battery.
Fortified Blood Raider Bunker
A bunker. Beware.
Fortified Blood Raider Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Blood Raider Fence
A fence. Sheep.
Fortified Blood Raider Junction
A junction. Blind date.
Fortified Blood Raider Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Blood Raider Wall
A wall.
Fortified Bursar
Convoys are a common sight in the universe of EVE, ferrying goods from one place to another.
Fortified Caldari Barricade
A barricade.
Fortified Caldari Barrier
A barrier.
Fortified Caldari Battery
A battery.
Fortified Caldari Battletower
Fortified Caldari Bunker
A bunker. Beware.
Fortified Caldari Bunker
This structure is a tactical supply station for the Caldari State. It acts as a logistical depot for military operations throughout the system.
Fortified Caldari Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Caldari Fence
A fence.
Fortified Caldari Junction
A junction connecting two things, like A to B.
Fortified Caldari Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Caldari Station Ruins - Flat Hulk
Fortified Caldari Station Ruins - Huge & Sprawling
Fortified Caldari Wall
A wall.
Fortified Cargo Rig
This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.
Fortified Deadspace Particle Accelerator
The science allowed by zero gravity can be as mind-boggling as it is beautiful, as demonstrated by this particle accelerating superstructure.
Fortified Drone Barricade
A barricade.
Fortified Drone Barrier
A barrier.
Fortified Drone Battery
A battery.
Fortified Drone Bunker
A Drone Bunker
Fortified Drone Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Drone Fence
A fence.
Fortified Drone Junction
A junction.
Fortified Drone Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Drone Structure I
This gigantic superstructure was built by the effort of thousands of rogue drones. While the structure appears to be incomplete, its intended shape remains a mystery to the clueless carbon-based lifeforms.
Fortified Drone Structure II
This gigantic superstructure was built by the effort of thousands of rogue drones. While the structure appears to be incomplete, its intended shape remains a mystery to clueless carbon-based lifeforms.
Fortified Drone Wall
A wall.
Fortified EoM Rogue Capital Shipyard
A fortified capital shipyard, primarily being used to supply, repair and make ready operational EoM dreadnoughts for new assault operations. The EoM Rogue Capital Shipyards are priority targets for initial assault operations but the defenses of this shipyard facility must be dropped before a demolition attack is possible. Destroying the EoM defense forces should render the Rogue Capital Shipyard vulnerable.
Fortified EoM Rogue Capital Shipyard
A fortified capital shipyard, primarily being used to supply, repair and make ready operational EoM dreadnoughts for new assault operations. The EoM Rogue Capital Shipyards are priority targets for initial assault operations but the defenses of this shipyard facility must be dropped before a demolition attack is possible. Destroying the EoM defense forces should render the Rogue Capital Shipyard vulnerable.
Fortified EoM Rogue Capital Shipyard
A fortified capital shipyard, primarily being used to supply, repair and make ready operational EoM dreadnoughts for new assault operations. The EoM Rogue Capital Shipyards are priority targets for initial assault operations but the defenses of this shipyard facility must be dropped before a demolition attack is possible. Destroying the EoM defense forces should render the Rogue Capital Shipyard vulnerable.
Fortified Gallente Barricade
A barricade.
Fortified Gallente Barrier
A barrier.
Fortified Gallente Battery
A battery. Juicy.
Fortified Gallente Bunker
A Gallente Bunker
Fortified Gallente Elevator
Fortified Gallente Fence
A fence.
Fortified Gallente Industrial Station Ruins
Fortified Gallente Junction
A junction.
Fortified Gallente Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Gallente Outpost
Equally equipped for scientific observation and entertainment of all sorts, these multi-purpose structures, while not quite big enough to be classified as stations, nonetheless see quite a bit of use by both tourists and professionals.
Fortified Gallente Station Ruins - Military
Fortified Gallente Wall
A wall.
Fortified Guristas Barricade
A barricade.
Fortified Guristas Barrier
A barrier.
Fortified Guristas Battery
A battery.
Fortified Guristas Bunker
A Guristas Bunker
Fortified Guristas Control Tower
Originally designed by the Kaalakiota, the Caldari Control Tower blueprint was quickly obtained by the Guristas, through their agents within the State, to serve their own needs.
Fortified Guristas Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Guristas Fence
A fence.
Fortified Guristas Junction
A junction.
Fortified Guristas Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Guristas Wall
A wall.
Fortified Hulk
The Hulk is the largest craft in the second generation of mining vessels created by the ORE Syndicate. Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining modules. They are also far more resilient, better able to handle the dangers of deep space. The Hulk is, bar none, the most efficient mining vessel available.
Fortified Large EM Forcefield
An antimatter generator powered by tachyonic crystals, creating a perfect defensive circle of electro-magnetic radiance.
Fortified Minmatar Barricade
A barricade. No, it's not a snake.
Fortified Minmatar Barrier
A barrier. Tune in, turn up, keep out.
Fortified Minmatar Battery
A battery. Juicy.
Fortified Minmatar Bunker
A bunker. Beware.
Fortified Minmatar Commercial Station Ruins
Fortified Minmatar Elevator
An elevator. Going down?
Fortified Minmatar Fence
A fence. Sheep.
Fortified Minmatar Grandstand
This structure provides seating and viewing platforms for large numbers of those Minmatar, and others, who wish to view the Liberation Games up close. While drink and food is largely limited to the offerings of Thukker ale stands and Vherokior barbecue pits, the structure is well protected against any who might wish to disrupt proceedings.
Fortified Minmatar Junction
A junction. Blind date.
Fortified Minmatar Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Minmatar Mining Station Ruins
Fortified Minmatar Station
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Fortified Minmatar Trade Station Ruins
Fortified Minmatar Viewing Lounge
This structure provides more comfortable viewing of the Liberation Games than the grandstands can offer, and caters to the elite of the clans and tribes, and their honored guests. Such a venue offers traditional Minmatar cuisine alongside more luxurious fare, such as Hanging long-limb roe. A particular, expensive favorite on offer is "Liberation Pudding", a baked Syrikos Hound stomach stuffed with curried goat, walnuts and dried fruits. Substantial fortifications protect the dignitaries from intrusion or attack by outraged members of the Syrikos Hound Breeders Association.
Fortified Minmatar Wall
A wall. Go figure.
Fortified Orca
The Orca was developed as a joint venture between Outer Ring Excavations and Deep Core Mining Inc as a vessel to help meet the demands of New Eden's industry and provide a flexible platform from which mining operations can be more easily managed. The Orca uses much of the technology developed by ORE for the Rorqual and integrated with the latest advancements from Deep Core Mining research division has developed a vessel which offers a diverse role to all sizes of operations and needs.
Fortified Partially Constructed Megathron
This Megathron battleship is partially complete, with decks and inner-hull systems exposed to the cold of surrounding space.
Fortified Partially Constructed Roden Megathron
Fortified Roden Shipyard
Fortified Sansha Barricade
A barricade.
Fortified Sansha Barrier
A barrier.
Fortified Sansha Battery
A battery.
Fortified Sansha Bunker
A Sansha Bunker
Fortified Sansha Deadspace Outpost I
Containing an inner habitation core surrounded by an outer shell filled with a curious fluid, the purpose of which remains unclear, this outpost is no doubt the brain-child of some nameless True Slave engineer.
Fortified Sansha Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Sansha Fence
A fence.
Fortified Sansha Junction
A junction.
Fortified Sansha Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Sansha Wall
A wall.
Fortified Serpentis Barricade
A barricade. No, it's not a snake.
Fortified Serpentis Barrier
A barrier. Tune in, turn up, keep out.
Fortified Serpentis Battery
A battery. Juicy.
Fortified Serpentis Bunker
A bunker. Beware.
Fortified Serpentis Elevator
An elevator.
Fortified Serpentis Fence
A fence. Sheep.
Fortified Serpentis Junction
A junction. Blind date.
Fortified Serpentis Lookout
A lookout. Look out.
Fortified Serpentis Wall
A wall. Go figure.
Fortified Shipyard
Large construction tasks can be undertaken at this shipyard.
Fortified Smuggler Stargate
The old smuggling route gates were built by a coalition of Minmatar rebels and various pirate factions as a means to travel quickly and discreetly between the outer regions of space. They are favored by many to whom Empire Space is too high-profile and wish to keep a good distance from the vigilant fleet commanders of CONCORD.
Fortified Starbase Auxiliary Power Array
These arrays provide considerable added power output, allowing for an increased number of deployable structures in the starbase's field of operation.
Fortified Starbase Capital Shipyard
A large hangar structure with divisional compartments, for easy separation and storage of materials and modules.
Fortified Starbase Explosion Dampening Array
Boosts the control tower's shield resistance against explosive damage.
Fortified Starbase Hangar
A stand-alone deep-space construction designed to allow pilots to dock and refit their ships on the fly.
Fortified Starbase Shield Generator
Smaller confined shield generators with their own access restrictions can be deployed outside the Control Tower's defense perimeter. This allows for lesser security areas around the Starbase, for purposes of storage or pickup.
Fortizar Citadel
Conceived as a good balance of capability and investment in the Upwell Consortium's Citadel range of space stations, the Fortizar has been designed for large-scale operations in space, such as providing a well-equipped home for large corporations and small alliances, or as a border or trade post for larger alliances. The Fortizar has been built with new spaceship tethering technology as standard, and will readily accommodate most ships, including freighters and even capital ships, in its internal docking bays. While the docks are unable to service 'supercapital' level vessels, the defensive capabilities of the Fortizar are considerably enhanced in lower security star systems with the ability to mount area effect weapons.
Fortizar Wreck
The smoldering remains of a Fortizar class citadel.
Frozen Corpse
A human corpse.
Gala Barricade
Gala Barrier
Gala Bunker
Gala Coatroom
Gala Elevator
Gala Fence
Gala Junction
Gala Lookout
Gala Wall
Gallente Atron Frigate
The Atron is a hard nugget with an advanced power conduit system, but little space for cargo. Although it is a good harvester when it comes to mining, its main ability is as a combat vessel.
Gallente Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Gallente Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Gallente Biodome Station Ruins
Ruins of a Gallentean station.
Gallente Brutix Battlecruiser
One of the most ferocious war vessels to ever spring from Gallente starship design, the Brutix is a behemoth in every sense of the word. When this hard-hitting monster appears, the battlefield takes notice.
Gallente Brutix Battlecruiser
One of the most ferocious war vessels to ever spring from Gallente starship design, the Brutix is a behemoth in every sense of the word. When this hard-hitting monster appears, the battlefield takes notice.
Gallente Carrier Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Gallente Catalyst Destroyer
Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, the Catalyst is touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms out there. Faced with its top-of-the-line tracking equipment, not many can argue.
Gallente Celestis Cruiser
The Celestis cruiser is a versatile ship which can be employed in a myriad of roles, making it handy for small corporations with a limited number of ships. True to Gallente style the Celestis is especially deadly in close quarters combat due to its advanced targeting systems.
Gallente Commercial Station Ruins
Ruins of a Gallentean station.
Gallente Component Deposit Yard
Gallente Disc Station Ruins
Gallente Dominix Battleship
The Dominix is one of the old warhorses dating back to the Gallente-Caldari War. While no longer regarded as the king of the hill, it is by no means obsolete. Its formidable hulk and powerful drone arsenal means that anyone not in the largest and latest battleships will regret ever locking horns with it.
Gallente Dominix Battleship
A Dominix-class battleship.
Gallente Dominix Battleship
The Dominix is one of the old warhorses dating back to the Gallente-Caldari War. While no longer regarded as the king of the hill, it is by no means obsolete. Its formidable hulk and powerful drone arsenal means that anyone not in the largest and latest battleships will regret ever locking horns with it.
Gallente Dreadnought Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Gallente Erebus Titan
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
Gallente Erebus Titan
From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void's gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse
Gallente Exequror Cruiser
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Gallente Federation the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Exequoror. The Exequror was a heavy cargo cruiser originally strong enough to defend itself against raiding frigates, though it lacked prowess in heavier combat situations. After its redesign, it had some of that bulk - and, necessarily, some of that strength - yanked out and replaced with the capability to help others in heavy combat situations, in particular those who needed armor repairs.
Gallente Fathom Station Ruins
Gallente Fathom Station Ruins
Gallente Federation Stargate Construction
Gallente Federation stargate construction uses the preferred methods and materials of Gallente space industrial corporations but essentially uses the core technology used by all standard stargates.
Gallente Federation Stargate Construction
Gallente Federation stargate construction uses the preferred methods and materials of Gallente space industrial corporations but essentially uses the core technology used by all standard stargates.
Gallente Federation Stargate Construction
Gallente Federation stargate construction uses the preferred methods and materials of Gallente space industrial corporations but essentially uses the core technology used by all standard stargates.
Gallente Force Auxiliary Wreck
A wrecked Ninazu Force Auxiliary vessel.
Gallente Freighter Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Gallente Hyperion Battleship
Recognizing the necessity for a blaster platform to round out their high-end arsenal, the Federation Navy brought in top-level talent to work on the Hyperion. The result: one of the most lethal and versatile gunboats ever to take to the dark skies.
Gallente Hyperion Battleship
Recognizing the necessity for a blaster platform to round out their high-end arsenal, the Federation Navy brought in top-level talent to work on the Hyperion. The result: one of the most lethal and versatile gunboats ever to take to the dark skies.
Gallente Imicus Frigate
The Imicus is a slow but hard-shelled frigate, ideal for any type of scouting activity. Used by merchant, miner and combat groups, the Imicus is usually relied upon as the operation's eyes and ears when traversing low security sectors.
Gallente Incursus Frigate
The Incursus is commonly found spearheading Gallentean military operations. Its speed and surprising strength make it excellent for skirmishing duties. Incursus-class ships move together in groups and can quickly and effectively gang up on ships many times their size and overwhelm them. In recent years the Incursus has increasingly found its way into the hands of pirates, who love its aggressive appearance.
Gallente Incursus Frigate
The Incursus is commonly found spearheading Gallentean military operations. Its speed and surprising strength make it excellent for skirmishing duties. Incursus-class ships move together in groups and can quickly and effectively gang up on ships many times their size and overwhelm them. In recent years the Incursus has increasingly found its way into the hands of pirates, who love its aggressive appearance.
Gallente Industrial Station Ruins
Gallente Iteron Mark I Hauler
The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it's cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.
Gallente Iteron Mark II Hauler
The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it's cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.
Gallente Iteron Mark III Hauler
The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it's cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.
Gallente Iteron Mark IV Hauler
The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it's cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.
Gallente Iteron Mark V Hauler
The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it's cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.
Gallente Logistics Station
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Gallente Maulus Frigate
ThThe Maulus is a high-tech vessel, specialized for electronic warfare. It is particularly valued in fleet warfare due to its optimization for sensor dampening technology.
Gallente Megathron Battleship
The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.
Gallente Megathron Battleship
The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.
Gallente Megathron Battleship
The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.
Gallente Military Station Ruins
Gallente Moros Dreadnought
Of all the dreadnoughts currently in existence, the versatile Moros possesses perhaps the greatest capacity to fend off smaller hostiles by itself while concentrating on its primary capital target. By virtue of its protean array of point defense capabilities - including a drone bay capable of fielding vast amounts of drones to safeguard the behemoth - the Moros is single-handedly capable of turning the tide in a fleet battle.
Gallente Moros Dreadnought
Of all the dreadnoughts currently in existence, the versatile Moros possesses perhaps the greatest capacity to fend off smaller hostiles by itself while concentrating on its primary capital target. By virtue of its protean array of point defense capabilities - including a drone bay capable of fielding vast amounts of drones to safeguard the behemoth - the Moros is single-handedly capable of turning the tide in a fleet battle.
Gallente Myrmidon Battlecruiser
Worried that their hot-shot pilots would burn brightly in their eagerness to engage the enemy, the Federation Navy created a ship that encourages caution over foolhardiness. A hardier version of its counterpart, the Myrmidon is a ship designed to persist in battle. Its numerous medium and high slots allow it to slowly bulldoze its way through the opposition, while its massive drone space ensures that no enemy is left unscathed.
Gallente Navitas Frigate
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Gallente Federation, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Navitas. The Navitas had been a solid mining vessel that had seen wide use by independent excavators, along with being one of the best ships available for budding traders and even for much-maligned scavengers. After its redesign, its long-range scanners and sturdy outer shell gave way entirely for remote repairing capabilities, moving the Navitas away from the calming buzz of mining lasers and into the roar of battle.
Gallente Ninazu Force Auxiliary
"It is imperative that our Federation Navy capital ship fleets remain a match for any threat that may be posed by hostile entities or aggressive powers. To that end, let me assure the peoples of the Gallente Federation that I have issued the appropriate executive directives to our military and intelligence apparatus. Naturally these directives will be subject to democratic oversight in the best traditions of our Federation." - Gallente President Jacus Roden, Address to the Peoples of the Federation, YC118.01.21 Military experts within the Gallente Federation were not slow in recognizing the significance of the agreements made between the Empire and State at the Amarr-Caldari Capital Warfare Summit of January YC118. The military-industrial complex of the Federation was more than equal to the task of implementing the necessary changes to existing designs in line with the concepts inspired by capsuleer capital warfare practice. The Federal Intelligence Office additionally recommended that the Gallente build a Force Auxiliary capital of their own to maintain parity with the Amarr-Caldari alliance. The resulting crash development program created the Ninazu-class Force Auxiliary.
Gallente Ninazu Force Auxiliary
"It is imperative that our Federation Navy capital ship fleets remain a match for any threat that may be posed by hostile entities or aggressive powers. To that end, let me assure the peoples of the Gallente Federation that I have issued the appropriate executive directives to our military and intelligence apparatus. Naturally these directives will be subject to democratic oversight in the best traditions of our Federation." - Gallente President Jacus Roden, Address to the Peoples of the Federation, YC118.01.21 Military experts within the Gallente Federation were not slow in recognizing the significance of the agreements made between the Empire and State at the Amarr-Caldari Capital Warfare Summit of January YC118. The military-industrial complex of the Federation was more than equal to the task of implementing the necessary changes to existing designs in line with the concepts inspired by capsuleer capital warfare practice. The Federal Intelligence Office additionally recommended that the Gallente build a Force Auxiliary capital of their own to maintain parity with the Amarr-Caldari alliance. The resulting crash development program created the Ninazu-class Force Auxiliary.
Gallente Nyx Carrier
The Nyx is a gigantic homage to a figure much loved in Gallente society. The ship's design is based on the scepter of Doule dos Rouvenor III, the king who, during his peaceful 36-year reign, was credited with laying the foundation for the technologically and socially progressive ideologies which have pervaded Gallente thought in the millennia since. Indeed, the Nyx itself is emblematic of the Gallenteans' love for progress; packed to the ergonomic brim with the latest in cutting-edge advancements, it is a proud reminder of the things that make the Federation what it is.
Gallente Nyx Carrier
The Nyx is a gigantic homage to a figure much loved in Gallente society. The ship's design is based on the scepter of Doule dos Rouvenor III, the king who, during his peaceful 36-year reign, was credited with laying the foundation for the technologically and socially progressive ideologies which have pervaded Gallente thought in the millennia since. Indeed, the Nyx itself is emblematic of the Gallenteans' love for progress; packed to the ergonomic brim with the latest in cutting-edge advancements, it is a proud reminder of the things that make the Federation what it is.
Gallente Obelisk Freighter
The Obelisk was designed by the Federation in response to the Caldari State's Charon freighter. Possessing similar characteristics but placing a greater emphasis on resilience, this massive juggernaut represents the latest, and arguably finest, step in Gallente transport technology.
Gallente Obelisk Freighter
The Obelisk was designed by the Federation in response to the Caldari State's Charon freighter. Possessing similar characteristics but placing a greater emphasis on resilience, this massive juggernaut represents the latest, and arguably finest, step in Gallente transport technology.
Gallente Obelisk Freighter
The Obelisk was designed by the Federation in response to the Caldari State's Charon freighter. Possessing similar characteristics but placing a greater emphasis on resilience, this massive juggernaut represents the latest, and arguably finest, step in Gallente transport technology.
Gallente Occator Hauler
Roden Shipyards Deep space transports are designed with the depths of lawless space in mind. Possessing defensive capabilities far in excess of standard industrial ships, they provide great protection for whatever cargo is being transported in their massive holds. They are, however, some of the slowest ships to be found floating through space.
Gallente Outpost
A standard outpost of Gallentean design.
Gallente Passenger Liner Wreckage
This ship has seen better days. Parts of it are missing, looking as though the ship was torn apart. There are no signs of life inside, though.
Gallente Research Station Ruins
Gallente Starbase Control Tower
Gallente Control Towers are more pleasing to the eye than they are strong or powerful. They have above average electronic countermeasures, average CPU output, and decent power output compared to towers from the other races, but are quite lacking in sophisticated defenses.
Gallente Stargate
This stargate has been manufactured according to Federation design. It is not usable without the proper authorization code.
Gallente Station Factory Ruins
Gallente Supercarrier Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Gallente Talos Battlecruiser
The Talos began in YC 110 as a R&D concept by ORE. Conceived as a patrol craft for mining operations in lawless space, the Talos would have been abandoned completely were it not adopted by the Black Eagles, a black-ops branch of the Gallente government. The Black Eagles stripped the Talos of non-essential systems and bolted on battleship-class weapons, creating a quick-strike craft ideal for guerilla action. The Talos remained a military secret until YC 113, when it was introduced into wider circulation as a third tier battlecruiser. Today the Talos is manufactured by Duvolle Labs, who modified the original ORE designs to bring it in line with Gallente standards.
Gallente Thanatos Carrier
Sensing the need for a more moderately-priced version of the Nyx, Federation Navy authorities commissioned the design of the Thanatos. Designed to act primarily as a fighter carrier for small- to mid-scale engagements, its significant defensive capabilities and specially-fitted fighter bays make it ideal for its intended purpose.
Gallente Thorax Cruiser
The Thorax-class cruiser is the latest combat ship commissioned by the Federation. While the Thorax is a very effective ship at any range, typical of modern Gallente design philosophy it is most effective when working at extreme close range where its blasters and hordes of combat drones tear through even the toughest of enemies.
Gallente Thorax Cruiser
The Thorax-class cruiser is the latest combat ship commissioned by the Federation. While the Thorax is a very effective ship at any range, typical of modern Gallente design philosophy it is most effective when working at extreme close range where its blasters and hordes of combat drones tear through even the toughest of enemies.
Gallente Titan Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Gallente Tristan Frigate
Often nicknamed The Fat Man this nimble little frigate is mainly used by the Federation in escort duties or on short-range patrols. The Tristan has been very popular throughout Gallente space for years because of its versatility. It is rather expensive, but buyers will definitely get their money's worth, as the Tristan is one of the more powerful frigates available on the market.
Gallente Vexor Cruiser
The Vexor is a strong combat ship that is also geared to operate in a variety of other roles. The Vexor is especially useful for surveying in potentially hostile sectors as it can stay on duty for a very long time before having to return to base. Furthermore, it is well capable of defending itself against even concentrated attacks.
Gallente Vexor Cruiser
The Vexor is a strong combat ship that is also geared to operate in a variety of other roles. The Vexor is especially useful for surveying in potentially hostile sectors as it can stay on duty for a very long time before having to return to base. Furthermore, it is well capable of defending itself against even concentrated attacks.
Gallente Viator Hauler
Convoys are a common sight in the universe of EVE, ferrying goods from one place to another.
Gas Cloud 1 Copy
Gas/Storage Silo
This enormous metal silo bears many marks of meteor-hits, suggesting it's lingered here for a long time.
Ghost Ship
The mangled wreck floats motionless in space, surrounded by a field of scorched debris, leaving no hint to its form of demise.
Giant Snake-Shaped Asteroid
Fragments from an asteroid collision or a supernova, this rock formation decorates the starscape as a planetary mountain range.
Grand Tiegjon Casino High-Rollers Platform
The Grand Tiegjon Resort & Casino in Vellaine is New Eden's premier luxury gaming and relaxation destination. It is famous for its extravagant accommodations, comprehensive gambling options, and for hosting the the best selection of entertainment including serving as the primary venue for the Interstellar Mind Clash Championships! The resort and casino stretches across multiple decks of the Echelon Entertainment station at Vellaine V - Moon 4, and also includes several nearby structures including this dedicated high-rollers casino platform where New Eden's wealthiest and most discerning gaming aficionados can be found.
Grand Tiegjon Resort Mind Clash Training Facility
Mind Clash is a very popular sport throughout known space. It is as enthusiastically played in the royal court on Amarr Prime as in the gambling halls of the Caldari. The Clash Masters – the best players from around the worlds – are superstars, awed and adored equally among monied Gallente elites and Minmatar street punks. Competitors use neural implants to control digital characters that are projected as holograms in the form of fantastical creatures, monsters, and other phenomena and fight with opposing characters controlled by another puppet-master. Due to the strength of the connection between the mind and the machine, the potential psycho-trauma caused by the constant barrage on the brain can reduce a stout man to a whimpering wreck in mere moments. All the stars of the game have their own exclusive repertoire of personally trademarked illusions. This, coupled with flashy outfits and catchy nicknames, makes each of the major stars easily distinguishable to the fans. In addition to the illusions huge screens dot the arenas where duels are held, broadcasting images and information to the masses ogling the match. The Grand Tiegjon Resort & Casino at Echelon Entertainment's Vellaine V - Moon 4 station is a magnet for Mind Clash fans and competitors due to its role as the prime venue for the Interstellar Mind Clash Championships. Even when major championships are not being hosted, there is an active Mind Clash circuit and numerous conventions and exhibition matches are often being held there. This dedicated training facility provides state-of-the-art equipment for the cluster's most elite Mind Clash champions.
Guarded Amarr Classified Courier Wreck
This is the wreckage of a high-security courier vessel transporting classified Imperial Shipcaster-related secrets. Once the majority of the hostile vessels guarding this wreck are destroyed, it should be possible to recover something of value from it using salvaging equipment.
Guarded Caldari Classified Courier Wreck
This is the wreckage of a high-security courier vessel transporting classified State Shipcaster-related secrets. Once the majority of the hostile vessels guarding this wreck are destroyed, it should be possible to recover something of value from it using salvaging equipment.
Guarded Gallente Classified Courier Wreck
This is the wreckage of a high-security courier vessel transporting classified Federation Shipcaster-related secrets. Once the majority of the hostile vessels guarding this wreck are destroyed, it should be possible to recover something of value from it using salvaging equipment.
Guarded Minmatar Classified Courier Wreck
This is the wreckage of a high-security courier vessel transporting classified Republic Shipcaster-related secrets. Once the majority of the hostile vessels guarding this wreck are destroyed, it should be possible to recover something of value from it using salvaging equipment.
Guristas Hunt Coordination Hub
Guristas Laundering Facility
This Guristas Pirates facility has been set up by the insurgent forces of the Commando Guri to function as a depot to receive stolen goods and launder them on into the grey and black markets. The smuggling network of the Deathless Circle is no doubt assisting in this effort and taking a suitable cut. Capsuleer members of the Commando Guri will be able to hand in certain items acquired from corporate facilities and security forces in exchange for suitable recompense.
H4-RP4 Kyonoke Memorial Research Facility
This Keepstar was constructed by the Society of Conscious Thought to act as a research and development center for the study of the Kyonoke Plague, after a series of outbreaks across the cluster during early YC119. Widely considered by academics to be the single largest research installation in New Eden, its laboratories have hosted research projects from some of the most intelligent minds in human history. In April YC119 it hosted the Kyonoke Inquest, which saw the successful research of a cure to the Kyonoke Plague, one of the most voracious and deadly pathogens in recorded history. This breakthrough would not have been possible without the assistance of thousands of independent capsuleers who attended the inquest in order to assist with research and development. Today it remains under the administration of the Society and is maintained as a memorial to all those lost to Kyonoke, with its cutting edge research labs leased out to biotech corporations from across the cluster.
Habitation Brothel
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Casino
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Drughouse
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Pleasure Hub
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Police Dpt
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Prison
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Habitation Roadhouse
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Hall of Sacrifice
A Blood Raider Hall of Sacrifice, where the pure-blooded are prepared and drained in Sani Sabik rituals dedicated to their Red God.
HGS Matias Sobaseki
Caldari State Workers Union Day is one of the few universal holidays mandated by the Caldari Executive Panel across all regions, territories and holdings of the corporate state. The day is the highlight of the CEP's State Workers Union calendar, with its corporate affiliate workers organizations all running a variety of celebrations and events over the course of the holiday. Often extended over a weekend, the occasion is a convenient time for the CEP's "Big 8" megacorps to hold their annual State Industrial Planning Summit. One particularly popular event, watched by billions over the corporate holonet channels, is the Haadoken Summit of megacorp security forces and its associated Security Training Games. For some years now the event has been held alongside the Workers Union Day. Kaalakiota's Home Guard security force is a highly professional corporate military with many veterans of the Caldari Navy in its ranks and often scores highly. Their Workers Union Day parade fleet is led by the Leviathan-class HGS Matias Sobaseki, named for the Kaalakiota CEO who played a key role in the secession of the Caldari from the Gallente Federation.
Hillside Gambling Hall
Dice, cards, races, Splinterz, roulette for the ladies. Formal attire except for strip-kani.
Hollow Asteroid
This massive asteroid's surface is covered in gaping holes, giving way to an internal chamber. The work of miners or the winds of space and time.
Hollow Asteroid ( copy )
This massive asteroid's surface is covered in gaping holes, giving way to an internal chamber. The work of miners or the winds of space and time. ( copy )
Huge Silvery White Stalagmite
Human Farm
The human farm is for farming humans.
Hunt Silo 1
Hunt Silo 2
Hunt Silo 3
Hykkota Stargate Construction Monument
This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Caldari State's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below. Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate: 1. garhider 2. Mining Expert System 3. Ksandr Koll 4. ex3qtR 5. Vertasa Veradors 6. Elizabeth Wong 7. Momo Oishi 8. Remilia Malitia 9. VaLaR Veradors 10. Phelia Olgarus Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Absolute Order VII 2. PulaLeeroy Br 3. Adeptus Ministorum Ecclesiarchys 4. Academy of Russian Federation 5. Petrof Clan
Hyperion Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Immobile Tractor Beam
Heavy duty, fast working tractor beam. It can be aligned to pull storage depots surrounding the distant Sleeper enclave close to itself, if you manage to activate it.
Impenetrable Storage Depot
This storage depot has thick walls, making it hard to gauge its contents from afar. You need to get close to get a read on what is hidden inside.
Imperial Counter-Insurgency Outpost Hub
This Imperial Counter-Insurgency Outpost has been set up by the Imperial Navy and 24th Imperial Crusade to function as a central command and control hub for anti-pirate and counter-insurgency operations. Amarr forces are maintaining a strong presence while actively encouraging their loyal militia pilots to assist in the fight against the pirate insurgencies emerging in the warzone. Capsuleer members of the 24th Imperial Crusade will be able to hand in certain items of intelligence and evidence acquired from pirate forces in exchange for suitable recompense.
Imperial Navy Security Cordon Outpost
The Amarr Empire and Ammatar Mandate have established a number of outposts at key positions on or close to the borders with the Minmatar Republic and Great Wildlands. The Imperial Ministry of War's defensive doctrine establishes a security cordon that mixes border posts with security posts set back at key locations. This Imperial Security Cordon Outpost is the responsibility of the Imperial Navy.
Imperial Prototype Stellar Transmuter
In a development that clearly takes advantage of the Amarr Empire's control of a captured Triglavian "Dazh Porevitium Transmuter" in the Arshat system, the Amarr Empire has evidently combined pre-existing Amarr technology used for stellar energy and materials harvesting with the highly-advanced deep-interaction technology used by the Triglavian Collective. The resulting fusion of Amarr and Triglavian technology is difficult to evaluate but the Empire has taken the decision to deploy this untested capability in select star systems it occupies in the Minmatar Republic's frontier territories.
Imperial Prototype Stellar Transmuter
In a development that clearly takes advantage of the Amarr Empire's control of a captured Triglavian "Dazh Porevitium Transmuter" in the Arshat system, the Amarr Empire has evidently combined pre-existing Amarr technology used for stellar energy and materials harvesting with the highly-advanced deep-interaction technology used by the Triglavian Collective. The resulting fusion of Amarr and Triglavian technology is difficult to evaluate but the Empire has taken the decision to deploy this untested capability in select star systems it occupies in the Minmatar Republic's frontier territories.
Imperial Prototype Stellar Transmuter
In a development that clearly takes advantage of the Amarr Empire's control of a captured Triglavian "Dazh Porevitium Transmuter" in the Arshat system, the Amarr Empire has evidently combined pre-existing Amarr technology used for stellar energy and materials harvesting with the highly-advanced deep-interaction technology used by the Triglavian Collective. The resulting fusion of Amarr and Triglavian technology is difficult to evaluate but the Empire has taken the decision to deploy this untested capability in select star systems it occupies in the Minmatar Republic's frontier territories.
Imperial Stellar Transmuter
This Imperial Stellar Transmuter represents the Amarr Empire’s mature development of a technology it first acquired through its control of a captured Triglavian “Dazh Porevitium Transmuter” in the Arshat system. The Empire developed the first prototype Stellar Transmuters fusing Triglavian technology with known principles of stellar harvesting, and deployed three such prototypes in the contested warzone systems of Egmar, Turnur, and Vard. Despite setbacks such as the loss of the Turnur prototype in a catastrophic stellar event that devastated the system, and the subsequent capture of the Egmar and Vard prototypes by the Minmatar Republic, the Amarr Empire learned much from its experiments and perfected its grasp of the technology. The first mature Imperial Stellar Transmuter was deployed in the Ohide system as a key element of the power and critical resource base required for operating an Imperial Interstellar Shipcaster network.
Imperial Stellar Transmuter Research Laboratory
This advanced research facility has been established by the Amarr Empire to collect and analyze the results of experiments with Triglavian-derived prototype stellar transmuters operating within the nearby warzone. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Encrypted Stellar Research Data into this structure will receive special loyalty tokens that can be sold for ISK or traded for exclusive early access to blueprint copies for the new Magnate Navy Issue and Prophecy Navy Issue ships.
Imperial Transport Relay Research Laboratory
This military research facility has been established by the Amarr Empire to collect and analyze Transport Relay Datacores reconstructed by loyalist capsuleers using data obtained from rival empire facilities. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Transport Relay Datacores into this structure will receive special Shadow War Reward Crates containing a variety of rewards including loyalty tokens which can be sold for ISK on the market at participating Amarr Stations.
Inactive Sentry Gun
A sentry gun of Sleeper design. Currently dormant.
Indestructible Acceleration Gate
This acceleration gate has been locked down and is not usable by the general public.
Indestructible Freight Pad
This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.
Indestructible Landing Pad
This outpost has a docking pad designed to receive and process large shipments of cargo.
Indestructible Minmatar Starbase
The Matari aren't really that high-tech, preferring speed rather then firepower or involved technology. Unfortunately that doesn't apply very well to stationary objects, much to the liking of the Amarr Empire. Amarrians call it a scrapheap of epic proportions. But don't underestimate these structures. Minmatar commanders usually have the last laugh when it comes to combat.
Indestructible Radio Telescope
This huge radio telescope contains fragile but advanced sensory equipment. A structure such as this has enormous capabilities in crunching survey data from nearby systems and constellations.
Infested Lookout Ruins
Intaki Syndicate Executive Retreat Center
This luxurious retreat center has been constructed in one of the rare locations where a gap in the natural clouds of stellar dust allow a clear view of the gorgeous Cord of the Elements phenomena that separates the Syndicate region from the territory of the Gallente Federation. Operated by the Intaki Syndicate, these facilities are exclusively made available to the Syndicate station governors, their executive leadership staff, and their guests.
Irgrus Stargate Construction Monument
This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Minmatar Republic's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below. Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Fritz J Bittenfeld 2. Alexander Barthauser 3. Rosty two 4. Lesty one 5. Rosty one 6. Lesty two 7. Louis Machengo 8. Knocklock 9. Kija 10. KnightGuard Fury Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate: 1. OMFG solo Corporation 2. New First Step 3. Eden.SimpleLife 4. Endgegner. 5. KekoBan
ISS Istria Josameto
Caldari State Workers Union Day is one of the few universal holidays mandated by the Caldari Executive Panel across all regions, territories and holdings of the corporate state. The day is the highlight of the CEP's State Workers Union calendar, with its corporate affiliate workers organizations all running a variety of celebrations and events over the course of the holiday. Often extended over a weekend, the occasion is a convenient time for the CEP's "Big 8" megacorps to hold their annual State Industrial Planning Summit. One particularly popular event, watched by billions over the corporate holonet channels, is the Haadoken Summit of megacorp security forces and its associated Security Training Games. For some years now the event has been held alongside the Workers Union Day. Nugoeihuvi's Internal Security is a paramilitary force feared throughout the ruthless megacorp's territories and keenly competes for top spot in the rankings. Their Workers Union Day parade fleet is led by the Leviathan-class ISS Istria Josameto, named for a former Internal Security leader who clawed her way to the CEO spot of the NoH megacorp itself.
IWS Otro Gariushi
Caldari State Workers Union Day is one of the few universal holidays mandated by the Caldari Executive Panel across all regions, territories and holdings of the corporate state. The day is the highlight of the CEP's State Workers Union calendar, with its corporate affiliate workers organizations all running a variety of celebrations and events over the course of the holiday. Often extended over a weekend, the occasion is a convenient time for the CEP's "Big 8" megacorps to hold their annual State Industrial Planning Summit. One particularly popular event, watched by billions over the corporate holonet channels, is the Haadoken Summit of megacorp security forces and its associated Security Training Games. For some years now the event has been held alongside the Workers Union Day. Ishukone Watch has a reputation for professionalism and attracts Caldari Navy veterans who tend to align with the megacorp's liberal outlook. Their Workers Union Day parade fleet is led by the Leviathan-class IWS Otro Gariushi, named for the CEO of Ishukone who lost his life in the Malkalen Incident of YC110.05.15.
Jita 4-4 Item Trader
Journey of Katia Sae Memorial
In the unending dark of space, there are a few bright lights to which we can reliably turn for guidance and inspiration. Katia Sae is one such beacon, a shining example of what we can all aspire towards. She exemplifies the attitude of a true explorer: friendly to all in her travels, neutral and never initiating aggression, and very, very hard to catch. She began her quest to explore all of New Eden starting from Saisio III on December 1 of YC111 and came full circle back to Saisio on March 9 of YC121 after having explored every known-space and wormhole system that can be reached – all without a single ship loss. May Katia Sae’s epic journey be remembered forevermore by all who travel into the furthest reaches of New Eden and the fathomless depths of Anoikis. Every star is one of her footprints, and every heavenly body tells the tale: "Katia Sae was here." The Journey of Katia Sae Memorial, raised by the Achura Stargazers Society, in association with Signal Cartel
Jove Corpse
A Jovian corpse.
Jove Corpse
A Jovian corpse.
Jove Corpse
A Jovian corpse.
Jove Corpse
A Jovian corpse.
Jove Corpse
A Jovian corpse.
Jove Corpse
A Jovian corpse.
Jove Frigate Wreck
This cluster of wreckage debris is all that remains of a small Jove Empire frigate destroyed during the Battle of Vak'Atioth.
Jove Observatory
CONCORD's analysis has revealed only scant and confusing information about this structure. Surveys of the damaged areas of the structure reveal a series of clearly powerful but functionally mysterious elements. The structure is undoubtedly Jove in origin but it is hard to determine its exact age given the advanced nature of the materials and construction. Regardless of its age, it is safe to say the structure surpasses anything we have previously seen.
Jove Observatory
CONCORD's analysis has revealed only scant and confusing information about this structure. Surveys of the damaged areas of the structure reveal a series of clearly powerful but functionally mysterious elements. The structure is undoubtedly Jove in origin but it is hard to determine its exact age given the advanced nature of the materials and construction. Regardless of its age, it is safe to say the structure surpasses anything we have previously seen.
Jove Observatory
CONCORD's analysis has revealed only scant and confusing information about this structure. Surveys of the damaged areas of the structure reveal a series of clearly powerful but functionally mysterious elements. The structure is undoubtedly Jove in origin but it is hard to determine its exact age given the advanced nature of the materials and construction. Regardless of its age, it is safe to say the structure surpasses anything we have previously seen.
Jove Observatory
CONCORD's analysis has revealed only scant and confusing information about this structure. Surveys of the damaged areas of the structure reveal a series of clearly powerful but functionally mysterious elements. The structure is undoubtedly Jove in origin but it is hard to determine its exact age given the advanced nature of the materials and construction. Regardless of its age, it is safe to say the structure surpasses anything we have previously seen.
Jove Observatory
CONCORD's analysis has revealed only scant and confusing information about this structure. Surveys of the damaged areas of the structure reveal a series of clearly powerful but functionally mysterious elements. The structure is undoubtedly Jove in origin but it is hard to determine its exact age given the advanced nature of the materials and construction. Regardless of its age, it is safe to say the structure surpasses anything we have previously seen.
Jove Observatory
CONCORD's analysis has revealed only scant and confusing information about this structure. Surveys of the damaged areas of the structure reveal a series of clearly powerful but functionally mysterious elements. The structure is undoubtedly Jove in origin but it is hard to determine its exact age given the advanced nature of the materials and construction. Regardless of its age, it is safe to say the structure surpasses anything we have previously seen.
Jove Research Outpost Wreckage
This decaying wreckage is the remains of the Jove Research outpost that was the only known Jove presence in the Atioth system before the Amarr attack that lead to the famous Battle of Vak'Atioth. Although the outpost survived that battle unscathed, it was abandoned by the Jove soon after the battle as they withdrew from systems bordering the Jove regions. Ultimately, the Jove severed all gate connections between the Jove Empire and the rest of New Eden. Outposts such as this one were left to gradually disintegrate as their integrity maintenance systems broke down, leading to so-called "nanorot", while pirates and other occasional opportunists braved erratic defense mechanisms to plunder the abandoned facilities.
JSL Partnership Co-ordination Bureau
The JSL Partnership is a corporate consortium that represents the alliance between the powerful Kaalakiota and Sukuuvestaa megacorporations. Also known as the "Mountain Faction", deriving from a general translation of the Caldari name for the organization – Jastokuaskaanonen Saikkan Luovhaikya or "Storm Peaks Policy Trust" – the alliance is at times uneasy given past rivalries but as a grouping of the two largest and most powerful megacorps in the Caldari State it is a partnership that holds the balance of power in the fractious world of Caldari corporate politics. As the Mountain Faction brings a powerful player in the space and military technology fields in KK together with SuVee's control of vast swathes of planetary and colonial territory throughout the State, it can hardly be ignored by the other "Big 8" megacorps and their own factional groupings. Both these megacorps see the security and stability of the State as paramount to their interests. The other corporate factions are only too well aware that if the Mountain Faction were to side with their opponents it would severely impact their operations. The need to co-ordinate their operations, and their emphasis on maintaining general stability within the State, has led KK and SuVee to establish this co-ordination bureau for the JSL Partnership.
Jump Gate Wreckage
Kabar Terraforming HQ
This station is the dedicated headquarters of the Kabar (Mannar VIII) Terraforming Initiative's operations established to oversee the next phase of the "remedial terraforming" efforts aimed at repairing the devastated biosphere of the planet. President Celes Aguard made Federation backing of this effort a key priority for her administration. Kabar is the original home world of the Mannar people, a founder member of the Gallente Federation that has continued to be a vital part of the democratic interstellar polity. In BYC24, Kabar was struck by an ecological catastrophe that led to total collapse of the biosphere, eventually rendering the planet barren and barely capable of supporting life. The Mannar call this event the "Doa dea Kabar". While the event is loosely known as the "Destruction of Mannar" in the Federation and beyond, the name the Mannar give it renders more accurately as "Death of the Heart" or "Destruction of Home". As a result of this disaster, the bulk of the Mannar population was settled on Leremblompes II, a world that they call "Mannar Seginde". The nature of the ecological catastrophe has been the subject of much speculation and controversy. The essence of the matter was the sudden mass extinction of a keystone genus of insects vital to the ecology of the planet. The insects were apparently struck by a plague that rapidly destroyed their populations, leaving vast numbers of plant and animal species dependent on the insects bereft. Despite the efforts of scientists, the plague was not cured and the insects could not be successfully cloned or otherwise replaced. The entire global ecosystem unraveled and the biosphere began to collapse. The cause of the plague and dramatic global ecosystem collapse is unknown. Fingers were pointed at rival planetary states for a time, but outside sabotage became the main theory, with many Mannar and others in the Federation going so far as to openly blame their Caldari State enemies. This theory drove many Mannar to enlist with the Federation Navy in order to strike back through fighting in the ongoing Gallente-Caldari War. Ultimately, nothing was ever proven and the trigger for the extinction and ecological collapse remains a mystery.
Kabar Terraforming Logistics Station
This station is the primary logistics and transfer operations facility for the Kabar (Mannar VIII) Terraforming Initiative. Massive amounts of equipment, materials, and large teams of scientists and planetary engineers are constantly moving back and forth. The station has also increased the level of support that the Federation is able to give to the subterranean settlements of Mannar that remained on Kabar after the mass evacuations. While necessarily limited in number, the underground cities and arcologies of Kabar have endured and contribute significantly to the terraforming project. CONCORD has continued to support the Federation's efforts to progress the terraforming of Kabar, following the Joint Federation-CONCORD Ecological Surveying and Joint Exploratory Terraforming Missions. The SCC supports transport and communications efforts with generous material aid and costs subsidies, while the various science and engineering divisions of CONCORD's vast apparatus are also involved in the logistics of terraforming Kabar.
Kabar Terraforming Science Facility
This facility contains the core science programs directed at analyzing the current status of Kabar (Mannar VIII), designing and planning remedial terraforming elements, and running extensive simulations and live testing operations. The terraforming of a barren planet is a massive, lengthy undertaking but the Kabar project is complicated by the history of a pre-existing biosphere and the remnants of life that are capable of surviving on the devastated world. Some Federation scientists have theorized that Kabar was itself the product of an ancient terraforming project that may have resulted in a too finely balanced ecosystem, fragile and prone to sudden collapse if critical elements should be removed. Some have noted the curious happenstance of an outer planet circling a very hot star developing any kind of complex ecosystem. While this idea remains controversial, the concept has informed the efforts to use terraforming to repair Kabar, with much focus on establishing a robust and flexible ecosystem in the planning.
Karin Midular: Ray of Matar
Born into slavery yet marked for greatness, Karin Midular, the Ray of Matar, lived and died as a symbol for all Minmatar of their culture, history and place in the universe as a people. Karin Midular was born to parents living in slavery under the Amarr but was smuggled as a baby out of the Amarr Empire, to be raised by the Sebiestor Tribe she was identified as belonging to. Unable to escape themselves, Karin's parents had not known their clans and no records provided a clue on Matar. Nevertheless, Karin was raised on the steppes of the Mikramurka, heartland of the Sebiestor, in the city of Mithuris. It was when Karin came of age that her destiny became clear as more than merely a liberated orphan. As with most youth of the Mikramurka clans, Karin took part in a Voluval Ritual close by the Crystal Steppe. It was at this rite that she received the rare, venerated "Ray of Matar" mark, made doubly auspicious by its location under her left eye. Following this event, Karin joined the Midular Clan out of respect for Vormar Midular, her essence instructor. Eventually, a career in politics beckoned, with Karin Midular convinced that lasting interstellar peace was essential to the future of the Minmatar. She began by campaigning for an end to the Vindication Wars with the Ammatar Mandate but found herself stymied by entrenched political positions in the Republic Parliament. Midular then set out to assemble a political bloc around her and by YC97 had become Chief of the Sebiestor Tribe, having gained the near unanimous support of the federated clans of the huge tribe. Her status as a Tribal Chief provided a large platform from which to run for office as Prime Minister of the Republic. Though she did not win office immediately, the growing appetite for peace after the long years of the Vindication Wars peaked during the brutal Battle of Tears in YC102. In the election that year Karin Midular was elected Prime Minister by a landslide, with even many of the militant Brutor and Krusual sickened by the bloodshed. Her first act as Prime Minister was to announce an end to hostilities with the Ammatar Mandate, and her first years saw her as a wildly popular and successful leader of a Republic focused on trade, diplomacy and rebuilding after long years of conflict. For all her political acumen and technical insight, however, even Karin Midular did not foresee the extent to which the licensing of independent capsuleers in YC105 would shake New Eden. By YC106, Midular felt secure enough to confront the still powerful militarist elements in Minmatar society and moved to ban the wearing or display of the Khumaak ceremonial weapon, or symbols depicting it, by government officials or members of the armed forces. The proposals elicited a harsh counter-reaction from the Krusual Tribe's leadership and considerable protest among the people. The Republic Security Services were moved to intervene in the security of tribal gathering halls, an ambiguous move by a powerful force often at odds with Midular. An even more powerful political player moved into the spotlight at this time as Maleatu Shakor took the opportunity to establish his trademark belligerance in the popular mind. While a compromise was eventually brokered, the Khumaak episode was a political disaster that began a slow decline in the fortunes of Prime Minister Midular. The economy of the Republic began to falter in YC107, with many Minmatar increasingly emigrating to the Gallente Federation. Worse yet was the mutiny and rebellion of the Defiants, led by Captain Karishal Muritor in YC108. Backed by increasingly powerful Minmatar capsuleers, Muritor was a hero to many when he was killed in YC109 during an abortive truce meeting with Republic Fleet forces. The revelation that Midular had given the order to stop him by any means was another political catastrophe and militant Minmatar capsuleers were in the forefront of campaigning for her downfall from that time on. The news that Midular was in secret negotiations with the Ammatar Mandate was leaked at the worst possible time, and a wave of terrorist attacks threatened to destabilize the Republic. The final days of the Midular government in YC110 were marked by the shocking secession of Skarkon system under the apparently popular rule of the Angel Cartel. In the midst of attempts to resolve this crisis, the news that survivors of the Starkmanir Tribe had been found in the Ammatar Mandate broke. Worse yet was a motion of no confidence proposed by Maleatu Shakor. The final blow was news of a Minmatar-Thukker fleet headed by Keitan Yun threatening CONCORD. Parliament descended into chaos as Midular attempted to call for new elections. In an apparent coup attempt, Midular herself was almost assassinated by Amarr agents, saved only by the actions of a clandestine force that had begun eliminating Amarr infiltrators and Minmatar collaborators. The government of Karin Midular collapsed as a counter-coup launched by Keitan Yun and Maleatu Shakor ushered in emergency rule by a temporary military junta. Despite events, Karin Midular was still Sebiestor Chief and the Ray of Matar, and in her post-government years regained a significant degree of political influence as a counter-balance to the militarist factions and security forces. The new Tribal Republic created by Prime Minister and then Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor was not to her taste but the Ray worked tirelessly to bring out the constructive and creative virtues of Minmatar culture. Ever a believer in diplomacy, Chief Midular often visited other nations of New Eden in her neverending search for lasting peace. It was on one such trip in YC115 that Karin Midular was to meet her fate. A lone gunman detonated explosives and opened fire at a Federal Tribes cultural event attended by Midular in Caille on Gallente Prime. Among the 58 dead and 304 wounded was Karin Midular. Gravely wounded, Midular was transferred to the Republic for treatment but could not be saved. Apparently eschewing a clone backup for personal reasons, Karin Midular, the last living Ray of Matar, died on YC115.03.07. In accordance with Sebiestor tradition, Chief Karin Midular's body was returned to the Mikramurka in a sky burial at the Place of Silence outside Mithuris. The life of Karin Midular leaves a lasting legacy of principle and courage on behalf of the Minmatar people. She faced fate and the future as a Ray of Matar should and we all may learn from her example. This memorial is established by order of the Tribal Council of Matar, YC123.
Karishal Muritor Memorial Statue
Although officially considered a hero by today's Tribal Republic, Captain Karishal Muritor was condemned as a mutineer and rebel by the Parliamentary Republic that constituted the old government of the Minmatar. Muritor's rebellion and formation of the Defiants was to set him on a path to his death at the hands of a Minmatar Republic fleet, followed by his elevation as a symbol for Minmatar freedom fighters everywhere. Since the establishment of a Tribal Republic by Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor, the memory of Muritor has been completely rehabilitated. His acts of mutiny and rebellion are considered totally justified in light of the infiltration of the Parliamentary Republic by Amarr agents, and the events of the Starkmanir rediscovery and Minmatar Invasion of the Amarr Empire. In mid YC108, the Defiants were founded by Captain Karishal Muritor following a mutiny he led against the Republic Fleet, stealing several capital ships and their support fleet from their moorings. Having grown tired and disillusioned with the leadership of the Republic Fleet, its admiralty subordinate to a government he considered passive and too ready to appease the Amarr, Muritor had decided to take matters into his own hands. He gathered a cadre of like-minded officers and enlisted personnel around him and carried out a stunning coup, stealing a Hel-class supercarrier and a pair of Nidhoggur-class carriers. Muritor had been finally spurred to action by the threat he saw from a resurgent Amarr military in the Bleak Lands region, following their comprehensive victory over the Blood Raiders and stationing of large naval forces in a border region now fully under Amarr control. His Defiants group used their stolen ships and considerable skills to launch a campaign against the Amarr in the Bleaks that would be condemned by both Empire and Republic as "terrorism". By the end of YC108, the Defiants had sown chaos across Amarr holdings throughout the region, destroying infrastructure and liberating slaves. The climax came with an all out attack on an Amarr battlestation in which the Defiants were joined by capsuleer freedom fighters. The Amarr Empire chose to blame the Minmatar Republic for the activities of the Defiants, suggesting dire consequences if the rebels were not stopped. While the Republic dismissed the Amarr accusations, the wish to maintain the peace won out over all other considerations. A Republic Fleet taskforce was assembled on the orders of Prime Minister Karin Midular, while Admiral Kanth Filmir extended an offer of truce to Muritor in early YC109. Accepting the offer, Captain Muritor met with Admiral Filmir in Auga system, in orbit of the tenth planet on the first day of February. Despite the urgings of Filmir, Muritor refused to give himself up, prompting the Republic Fleet Admiral to order in his taskforce. As the Defiants and capsuleer allies fought against Republic Fleet ships, Muritor declared he would not have Minmatar fight one another. Moments later his ship and capsule were destroyed amidst a hail of fire. The Republic Fleet withdrew while the Defiants scattered and Muritor's body was retrieved by capsuleers of the Ushra'Khan freedom fighter alliance. It was later confirmed that the order to stop Muritor by any means had been issued by Prime Minister Midular, causing a storm of protest that culminated in the resignation of Admiral Filmir and a considerable loss of authority for the Midular government. Ultimately, Captain Karishal Muritor has come to be seen within the Minmatar Republic as farsighted in his recognition of the reality that compromise with the Amarr Empire's expansionist ambitions is a trap the Minmatar cannot afford to fall into. His actions may be seen as precipitate and rash by some but his cause is one the majority of Minmatar recognise as just. This memorial to the life of Captain Karishal Muritor is established by order of the Chief and Elders of the Brutor Tribe, YC123
Keepstar Wreck
The smoldering remains of a Keepstar class citadel.
Kenninck Stargate Construction Monument
This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Gallente Federation's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below. Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Scott Renton 2. Kurgen Bergerberg 3. Kuruk Arnook 4. Clementine Lafleur 5. Jayla May 6. Deleila SilverBlood Vampirum 7. MantelGlobalIndustries 8. Jarlath Dubhlaoich 9. Hagen Crendraven 10. Elecon Amatin Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Aideron Robotics 2. Nadire Security Consultants 3. Malevelon Roe Industries 4. ISK.Industries 5. Edge Of Infinity
Kor-Azor EVE Gate Research Facility
This station acts as the central hub for House Kor-Azor's research efforts in the New Eden system. House Kor-Azor has long been keen to bulwark and expand its power and influence within the Amarr Empire, relying heavily on its policies of diplomacy, trade, and scientific exchange beyond the borders of its realms and the Empire itself. Royal Heir Ersilia Kor-Azor has re-emphasized this approach since her accession to the Kor-Azor title, and the house has successfully enhanced its contacts and co-operation with external entities. House Kor-Azor control over the division of the Genesis Region containing the New Eden system and the obvious scientific value of studying the EVE Gate wormhole remnant has led it to co-operate with the Sisters of EVE. Even so, House Kor-Azor maintains a careful watch over SOE activities, mindful that Ministry of Internal Order paladins attached to the site are keeping everything that goes on here under their own close scrutiny.
Krusual Firetail
The Firetail is modeled off a fighter frigate known as the Shamrock, a design used by a small, now-extinct pirate faction known as Lazari Dromitus. The blueprint found its way into the hands of Matari military forces after a raid on Lazari Dromitus's headquarters succeeded in killing its leader, thus beheading the organization and scattering its remnants to the four winds. It has since been improved upon and upgraded, and the Firetail is now a mainstay in most Republic Fleet patrols.
Krusual Hurricane
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Krusual Stabber
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.
Krusual Tempest
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Krusual Tribal Embassy
Pride is a common Minmatar trait, but the Krusual are wont to take it to extraordinary lengths. They rarely lose an opportunity to remind the other tribes that they alone managed to maintain strongholds in the mountainous Tronhadar region of Matar during the Amarr occupation. It is certainly remarkable that in all the long years of the occupation, the Amarr were unable to once and for all crush Krusual resistance. Their ability to hold onto a certain amount of independence during the occupation resulted in the Krusual retaining more of their pre-conquest culture than any other tribe, and their underground bases played an important role in sheltering some Vherokior mystics. The Krusual Tribe was one of the four founding tribes of the Minmatar Republic following the success of the Great Rebellion. This Krusual Tribal Embassy serves as a facility that is unarguably the territory of the Krusual within the Orbital Caravanserai complex. Here the Chief takes counsel with elders, advisors, operatives, and delegations from clans of the tribe, secure in the knowledge that opportunities for eavesdropping and subtle interference by other parties are severely curtailed.
Landfall Kutuoto Miru Orbital Center
The Landfall Kutuoto Miru Orbital Center is a facility dedicated to the teaching and practice of the various techniques of mind and body used in the Caldari Way. The term "Kutuoto Miru" can loosely be translated as "mind tool" but, in context of the Caldari Way, more properly signifies an entire set of practical disciplines used by those seeking to maximize focus, equanimity, and mental fortitude. The practice of Kutuoto Miru within the Caldari Way has expanded from an ancient core to include numerous sub-disciplines of mind and body, including martial forms. The Landfall Kutuoto Miru Orbital Center is maintained by the Chief Executive Panel using the discretionary funding available to it through State service charges and its longstanding investments in the Caldari banking system. Recent expansion and upgrades have considerably expanded the communications capacity of the facility, and all eight ruling megacorporations have established their own Kutuoto Miru educational broadcasting units on the orbital center. As a center for Caldari Wayist practice, the facility is closely linked to the Landfall Shrine on New Caldari Prime. The Landfall Shrine is the largest Wayist shrine in Caldari space, surrounded by expansive parklands around which the major metropolis of Landfall City sprawls. The shrine is primarily a place for the veneration of ancestor spirits, and is of prime importance to the Caldari people. Built on the landing site of the first Kaalakiota colony ship to reach the planet more than 350 years ago, Landfall Shrine is a vast complex of gardens, pavilions, and temples. A necropolis contains the tombs of more than 12,000 heroes of the Caldari State. It is the only shrine which is supported through a national endowment, and most Caldari, even those who are not Wayists, make at least one trip to the site during their lifetime.
LDPS Saki Orluusa
Caldari State Workers Union Day is one of the few universal holidays mandated by the Caldari Executive Panel across all regions, territories and holdings of the corporate state. The day is the highlight of the CEP's State Workers Union calendar, with its corporate affiliate workers organizations all running a variety of celebrations and events over the course of the holiday. Often extended over a weekend, the occasion is a convenient time for the CEP's "Big 8" megacorps to hold their annual State Industrial Planning Summit. One particularly popular event, watched by billions over the corporate holonet channels, is the Haadoken Summit of megacorp security forces and its associated Security Training Games. For some years now the event has been held alongside the Workers Union Day. Lai Dai Protection Service is a highly-capable force noted for ruthlessly defending and advancing the interests of its parent megacorporation. Their Workers Union Day parade fleet is led by the Leviathan-class LDPS Saki Orluusa, named for a former CEO of the Lai Dai megacorporation notable for promoting trading relations between his megacorp, the Amarr Empire and the Khanid Kingdom.
Leviathan Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
LGS Kolvil's Dream
The Leisure Group is one of the most prominent Minmatar corporations taking part in the renovation and expansion of Jita 4-4, with its extensive links in the entertainment and gaming world of great use to the PKN Interstellar consortium. The LGS Kolvil's Dream is the parade flagship for the Leisure Group's participation in the Jita 4-4 expansion celebrations, taking its name from major Leisure Group shareholder Kolvil Eifyr.
Listening Post
Low-Tech Solar Harvester
An archaic reminder of the days of olde.
Machariel Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Maelstrom Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Magnetic Double-Capped Bubble
This construction recharges the shields on ships within range.
Malkalen Attack Memorial
On May 15th YC110, the Ishukone corporation headquarters station was attacked by the treacherous Gallente Admiral Alexander Noir, who crashed his Nyx-class supercarrier into the station killing over 421,000 people including Ishukone CEO Otro Gariushi. This brutal act of terror interrupted the peaceful Malkalen Economic Summit and drove the Caldari State and Gallente Federation into violent conflict. Thanks to the diligence of Ishukone corporation employees, the unity and support of the Caldari State, and the assistance of numerous capsuleers who participated in relief efforts, this station has since been fully repaired and once again stands as a bustling hub of commerce, industry, and innovation serving the Lonetrek region. This memorial has been erected to honor the memory of all of the Malkalen residents killed on that day, and as as reminder that the dedication and ingenuity of the Caldari will forever enable them to stand tall against all those who wish to tear them down.
Massacres at M2-XFE Monument
This monument honors the thousands of capsuleers that participated in the series of cataclysmic battles over a Keepstar-class Citadel in late YC122 and early YC123. At the time these battles represented the largest and bloodiest clashes in the history of New Eden. In YC122, the southern and western nullsec regions of New Eden were shaken by the massive conflict between the capsuleer coalitions popularly known as "The Imperium" and "PAPI". By the end of YC122 the primary front of the war was the Delve region, with PAPI coalition forces invading the capital region of the Imperium. In October of that year clashes over an attempted PAPI beachhead in FWST-8 broke the record for the largest battle in New Eden history, a record that was destined to broken again less than three months later. By the end of December the fighting in Delve was focused on the system of M2-XFE, where an Imperium Keepstar came under sustained attack from PAPI forces. The first massive clash occurred over the Keepstar's armor timer on December 30th and 31st YC122 with a combined 5,158 pilots fighting in the system at its peak. Supercapital fleets from both sides traded blows relatively evenly as ships exploded all around the Citadel. When the dust settled from this first battle, 3,404 capsuleer ships including 257 titans and a combined value of over 29 trillion ISK had been destroyed. The second battle of M2-XFE a few days later saw even more capsuleers attempt to join the fray, leading to an infamous result. On January 3rd YC123 a record 6,739 pilots entered the system, and several thousand more attempted to join the fighting. This unprecedented number of warp-capable starships in close proximity led to unpredictable spacetime anomalies as the universe itself seemed to strain under the stress of the battle. The anomalies played havoc on all ship systems within M2, but the defending forces of the Imperium coalition were in a better position to weather the storm as they had arrived on location earlier then the PAPI fleets and therefore they did not need to make use of jump drives and stargates during the period of greatest disruption. The result of this second battle was a significant victory for the defending forces, as the attackers faced significant disruption to the operation of their jump drives into the crowded system. Many attacking ships were destroyed as they entered the system, and many more were trapped in the system by the forces of the Imperium. The Keepstar had been saved for a time. In the weeks following the second battle of M2-XFE, Imperium fleets anchored mobile warp disruptors and patrolled relentlessly to keep as many PAPI supercapitals as possible trapped in the system as fighting raged on across the Delve region, taking advantage of the strategic advantage provided by the trapping of so many hostile vessels. Several smaller clashes occurred over operations to rescue some of the trapped supercapital vessels, and the coalitions also continued to fight over other structures in the system. On January 27th YC123, PAPI were able to free a portion of their trapped pilots after a battle that saw nearly 450 Capitals and 6 Titans-class hulls destroyed. On February 1st YC123, PAPI forces were victorious in a battle that stretched across the NJU-QV constellation and involved thousands of capsuleers, giving them control of M2-XFE's Infrastructure Hub. PAPI then began to slowly lay the groundwork to activate their own Tenebrex Cyno Jammer structure which would give them the ability to disrupt Imperium reinforcements to the system. On March 7th YC123 the PAPI Cyno Jammer structure came online and the Imperium retreated the bulk of their forces from the system, freeing the remaining trapped PAPI capital ships. Finally on March 12th YC123 the M2-XFE Keepstar that had been the original focal point of all this bloodshed was destroyed by PAPI forces. All in all, the fighting within M2-XFE in late YC122 and early YC123 led to the destruction of more 20,000 capsuleer vessels including over 450 titan-class starships. The first battle of M2-XFE broke the New Eden record for the most value destroyed in a single battle, and the second battle broke FWST-8's record for the battle with the most capsuleer ships within a system at one time. The Keepstar was eventually destroyed after over two months of brutal fighting, and the forces of the Imperium regrouped at their nearby capital system of 1DQ1-A. At the time that this monument was erected, the greater war between PAPI and the Imperium was raging on and only time would tell how the conflict would eventually be resolved.
Massive Debris
Unidentified debris on a massive scale. Sensors indicate multiple severe power surges emanating throughout.
Massive Debris
Unidentified debris on a massive scale. Sensors indicate multiple severe power surges emanating throughout.
Massive Debris
Unidentified debris on a massive scale. Sensors indicate multiple severe power surges emanating throughout.
Massive Debris
Unidentified debris on a massive scale. Sensors indicate multiple severe power surges emanating throughout.
Massive Debris
Unidentified debris on a massive scale. Sensors indicate multiple severe power surges emanating throughout.
Matyrhan Lakat-Hro
Surviving markings on the wreck of this Hel-class supercarrier identify it as the Matyrhan Lakat-Hro. In many places symbols of the Thukker Tribe are present along with numerous caravan markings that appear to confirm a link to the lost Lakat-Hro Great Caravan. The presence of such a vessel in the Thera system has drawn attention to the Thukker contingent working with the Sanctuary here but no comment on the matter has been forthcoming from either party. Early delvers into the wreck's scorched interior soon discovered that all data storage devices had been carefully purged and destructively irradiated.
Mechanized Sorting Office
Waterfall flow sorting facility that uses automated mechanical processes to sort federal packages.
Megathron (Roden)
The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.
Megathron Bow
This Megathron bow section functioned as designed, tearing cleanly away from the rest of the hull under sustained fire
Megathron Hull
This Megathron hull has weathered significant damage, with most major protrusions ripped away. Distress beacons still function within the wreckage, but it seems unlikely that any pockets of atmosphere remain
Megathron Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Meltwater-Snowball Exchanger
This facility is operating a part of a Yoiul Festival campaign that is part aimed at gathering valuable stocks of pure snow meltwater and part aimed at promoting the holiday festival by providing Festival Launcher compatible snowballs. For a given quantity of melted snowballs, the facility will crystallize a portion and supply a Yoiul Festival Snowball while retaining a large cut of the valuable pure water.
Mined Out Asteroid Field
This asteroid field has long been mined out of all useful minerals and resources but it is still used as a flight and drill testing range by the Minmatar Mining Corporation's Testing Center.
Miniball hax
Minmatar Battlecruiser Tornado
Minmatar Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Minmatar Battleship Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Minmatar Bellicose Cruiser
Being a highly versatile class of Minmatar ships, the Bellicose has been used as a combat juggernaut as well as a support ship for wings of frigates. While not quite in the league of newer navy cruisers, the Bellicose is still a very solid ship for most purposes, especially in terms of long range combat.
Minmatar Border Security Outpost
Republic Fleet border security outposts have been placed in proximity to key stargates along the borders of the Minmatar Republic. These outposts are heavily fortified and are garrisoned by rapid response forces ready to enforce the security of the Republic's borders.
Minmatar Breacher Frigate
The Breacher's structure is little more than a fragile scrapheap, but the ship's missile launcher hardpoints and superior sensors have placed it among the most valued Minmatar frigates when it comes to long range combat.
Minmatar Burst Frigate
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Minmatar Republic, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Burst. The Burst had been a small and fast cargo vessel. This all changed after the redesign, when the Burst found its small-time mining capabilities curtailed in lieu of logistics systems that moved its focus to shield support for friendly vessels.
Minmatar Carrier Wreck
The wreck of a Minmatar Hel carrier vessel.
Minmatar Carrier Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Minmatar Commercial Station Ruins
Minmatar Component Deposit Yard
Minmatar Cyclone Battlecruiser
The Cyclone was created in order to meet the increasing demand for a vessel capable of providing muscle for frigate detachments while remaining more mobile than a battleship. To this end, the Cyclone's seven high-power slots and powerful thrusters have proved ideal.
Minmatar Destroyer Talwar
Minmatar Dreadnought Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Minmatar Fenrir Freighter
Third in line to jump on the freighter bandwagon, the Republic decided early in the design process to focus on a balance between all ship systems. True to form, their creation is comparatively lightweight - though lightweight is certainly not a term easily applicable to this giant.
Minmatar Fenrir Freighter
Third in line to jump on the freighter bandwagon, the Republic decided early in the design process to focus on a balance between all ship systems. True to form, their creation is comparatively lightweight - though lightweight is certainly not a term easily applicable to this giant.
Minmatar Force Auxiliary Wreck
A wrecked Lif Force Auxiliary vessel.
Minmatar Freighter Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Minmatar General Station Ruins
Minmatar Hel Carrier
Inspired by a vicious scissor-toothed shark indigenous to old-world Matar, the Hel is widely viewed as a sign of a Republic out for blood. Since the beginning of its development it has remained a project cloaked in secrecy, with precious few people aware of its progress and its capabilities, and its formal unveiling has come as a defiant slap in the face to many who formerly believed the Matari incapable of working at this scale of starship design. Whatever comprises the soil of its roots, though, one thing is clear: from no-frills living quarters to grim, unadorned aesthetic, this ferocious behemoth has been designed for one purpose and one purpose only. ”Imagine a swarm of deadly hornets pouring from the devil's mouth. Now imagine they have autocannons.” -Unknown Hel designer
Minmatar Hel Carrier
Inspired by a vicious scissor-toothed shark indigenous to old-world Matar, the Hel is widely viewed as a sign of a Republic out for blood. Since the beginning of its development it has remained a project cloaked in secrecy, with precious few people aware of its progress and its capabilities, and its formal unveiling has come as a defiant slap in the face to many who formerly believed the Matari incapable of working at this scale of starship design. Whatever comprises the soil of its roots, though, one thing is clear: from no-frills living quarters to grim, unadorned aesthetic, this ferocious behemoth has been designed for one purpose and one purpose only. ”Imagine a swarm of deadly hornets pouring from the devil's mouth. Now imagine they have autocannons.” -Unknown Hel designer
Minmatar Hoarder Hauler
The Hoarder is the second in line of the Minmatar haulers, it's not as strong as the Mammoth but its cargo space is very large for its price. It's perfect for operation in peaceful areas or when it has strong escort.
Minmatar Hurricane Battlecruiser
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Minmatar Hurricane Battlecruiser
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Minmatar Industry Station Ruins
Minmatar Lif Force Auxiliary
"I sometimes think it would have been a good thing if all the Brutor on the General Staff had been at Colelie back in '15. That might have made up for the whole farce." - remarks attributed to a Sebiestor naval architect on the occasion of Valklear General Khassan Triat's call for new siege capitals to be developed in testimony before the Tribal Council's Inquiry into Capital Ship Doctrines, YC118.02.07 The Republic Fleet were slow to follow the other naval powers along the new path of capital warfare inspired by capsuleer combat experience in the many wars of the Outer Regions of New Eden. In large part this was due to a flaring up of the old debate between the firepower- and maneuver-oriented generals of the Brutor dominated military circles and the logistics- and fighter-oriented Sebiestor fleet tactician and technologist circles. After much chest-beating, and due in no small part to the intervention of Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor, the arguments of the Sebiestor won out and the Lif-class Force Auxiliary was commissioned over the objections of the Brutor military elite.
Minmatar Lif Force Auxiliary
"I sometimes think it would have been a good thing if all the Brutor on the General Staff had been at Colelie back in '15. That might have made up for the whole farce." - remarks attributed to a Sebiestor naval architect on the occasion of Valklear General Khassan Triat's call for new siege capitals to be developed in testimony before the Tribal Council's Inquiry into Capital Ship Doctrines, YC118.02.07 The Republic Fleet were slow to follow the other naval powers along the new path of capital warfare inspired by capsuleer combat experience in the many wars of the Outer Regions of New Eden. In large part this was due to a flaring up of the old debate between the firepower- and maneuver-oriented generals of the Brutor dominated military circles and the logistics- and fighter-oriented Sebiestor fleet tactician and technologist circles. After much chest-beating, and due in no small part to the intervention of Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor, the arguments of the Sebiestor won out and the Lif-class Force Auxiliary was commissioned over the objections of the Brutor military elite.
Minmatar Maelstrom Battleship
With the Maelstrom, versatility is the name of the game. Its defensive capabilities make it ideally suited for small raid groups or solo work, while its 8 turret hardpoints present opportunities for untold carnage on the fleet battlefield.
Minmatar Maelstrom Battleship
With the Maelstrom, versatility is the name of the game. Its defensive capabilities make it ideally suited for small raid groups or solo work, while its 8 turret hardpoints present opportunities for untold carnage on the fleet battlefield.
Minmatar Mammoth Hauler
The Mammoth is the biggest and the strongest hauler of the Minmatar Republic. It was designed with aid from the Gallente Federation, making the Mammoth both large and powerful yet also nimble and technologically advanced. A very good buy.
Minmatar Military Station Ruins
Minmatar Mining Corporation Testing HQ
This is the headquarters of the Minmatar Mining Corporation's Testing Division and the primary facility of the testing center located at this old asteroid belt. The Minmatar Mining Corporation is a key player in the economy of the Minmatar Republic, providing vast quantities of material to the military and heavy industries. The need to continually enhance mining, processing and transport technology keeps the testing center very busy. The Minmatar Mining Corporation is the only Minmatar corporation still in existence that can trace its foundation to before the conquest of the old Minmatar Empire's territory by the Amarr Empire. The corporation managed to stay in business during the Amarr occupation only because it was useful. Now it is useful to the Minmatar, providing the raw materials to build fleets and equipment to defend the Republic against the Amarr Empire, and all other threats to the Minmatar people.
Minmatar Mining Station Ruins
Minmatar Naglfar Dreadnought
The Naglfar is based on a Matari design believed to date back to the earliest annals of antiquity. While the exact evolution of memes informing its figure is unclear, the same distinctive vertical monolith form has shown up time and time again in the wind-scattered remnants of Matari legend. Boasting an impressive versatility in firepower options, the Naglfar is capable of holding its own against opponents of all sizes and shapes. While its defenses don't go to extremes as herculean as those of its counterparts, the uniformity of resilience - coupled with the sheer amount of devastation it can dish out - make this beast an invaluable addition to any fleet.
Minmatar Naglfar Dreadnought
The Naglfar is based on a Matari design believed to date back to the earliest annals of antiquity. While the exact evolution of memes informing its figure is unclear, the same distinctive vertical monolith form has shown up time and time again in the wind-scattered remnants of Matari legend. Boasting an impressive versatility in firepower options, the Naglfar is capable of holding its own against opponents of all sizes and shapes. While its defenses don't go to extremes as herculean as those of its counterparts, the uniformity of resilience - coupled with the sheer amount of devastation it can dish out - make this beast an invaluable addition to any fleet.
Minmatar Nidhoggur Carrier
Essentially a pared-down version of its big brother the Hel, the Nidhoggur nonetheless displays the same austerity of vision evident in its sibling. Quite purposefully created for nothing less than all-out warfare, and quite comfortable with that fact, the Nidhoggur will no doubt find itself a mainstay on many a battlefield.
Minmatar Probe Frigate
The Probe is large compared to most Minmatar frigates and is considered a good scout and cargo-runner. Uncharacteristically for a Minmatar ship, its hard outer coating makes it difficult to destroy, while the limited weapon hardpoints force it to rely on fighter assistance if engaged in combat.
Minmatar Ragnarok Titan
"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Minmatar Ragnarok Titan
"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Minmatar Refining Outpost
A Minmatar refinery outpost.
Minmatar Repair Outpost
Minmatar Research Station Ruins
Minmatar Rifter Frigate
The Rifter is a very powerful combat frigate and can easily tackle the best frigates out there. It has gone through many radical design phases since its inauguration during the Minmatar Rebellion. The Rifter has a wide variety of offensive capabilities, making it an unpredictable and deadly adversary.
Minmatar Rupture Cruiser
The Rupture is slow for a Minmatar ship, but it more than makes up for it in power. The Rupture has superior firepower and is used by the Minmatar Republic both to defend space stations and other stationary objects and as part of massive attack formations.
Minmatar Rupture Cruiser
The Rupture is slow for a Minmatar ship, but it more than makes up for it in power. The Rupture has superior firepower and is used by the Minmatar Republic both to defend space stations and other stationary objects and as part of massive attack formations.
Minmatar Scythe Cruiser
In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Minmatar Republic the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Scythe. The Scythe-class cruiser remains the oldest Minmatar ship still in use. It has seen many battles and is an integrated part in Minmatar tales and heritage. With its redesign, past firmware upgrades for mining output were tossed out entirely in favor of two new separate systems that focused on shield transporting and logistics drones respectively.
Minmatar Service Outpost Structure
A service outpost for Minmatar traders and travelers.
Minmatar Slasher Frigate
The Slasher is cheap, but versatile. It's been manufactured en masse, making it one of the most common vessels in Minmatar space. The Slasher is extremely fast, with decent armaments, and is popular amongst budding pirates and smugglers.
Minmatar Stabber Cruiser
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.
Minmatar Stabber Cruiser ( copy )
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space. ( copy )
Minmatar Strategic Cruiser Loki
Minmatar Supercarrier Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Minmatar Tactical Outpost
Minmatar Tempest Battleship
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Minmatar Tempest Battleship
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Minmatar Tempest Battleship
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Minmatar Thrasher Destroyer
Engineered as a supplement to its big brother the Cyclone, the Thrasher's tremendous turret capabilities and advanced tracking computers allow it to protect its larger counterpart from smaller, faster menaces.
Minmatar Titan Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Minmatar Trade Station Ruins
Minmatar Trade Station Ruins - Large
Minmatar Typhoon Battleship
Much praised by its proponents and much maligned by its detractors, the Typhoon-class battleship has always been one of the most hotly debated spacefaring vessels around. Its distinguishing aspect - and the source of most of the controversy - is its sheer versatility, variously seen as either a lack of design focus or a deliberate freedom for pilot modification.
Minmatar Typhoon Battleship
Much praised by its proponents and much maligned by its detractors, the Typhoon-class battleship has always been one of the most hotly debated spacefaring vessels around. Its distinguishing aspect - and the source of most of the controversy - is its sheer versatility, variously seen as either a lack of design focus or a deliberate freedom for pilot modification.
Minmatar Vigil Frigate
The Vigil is an unusual Minmatar ship, serving both as a long range scout as well as an electronic warfare platform. It is fast and agile, allowing it to keep the distance needed to avoid enemy fire while making use of jammers or other electronic gadgets.
Minmatar Wreathe Hauler
The Wreathe is an old ship of the Minmatar Republic and one of the oldest ships still in usage. The design of the Wreathe is very plain, which is the main reason for its longevity, but it also makes the ship incapable of handling anything but the most mundane tasks.
Minmatar Wreathe Hauler
A Wreathe-class hauler.
Minmatar-Gallente Border Traffic Monitoring
Given the critical importance and political sensitivity of the Minmatar Republic's primary high-security border crossing to the Gallente Federation, additional border traffic monitoring has been put in place. Memories of unfortunate incidents surrounding the Bei-Colelie stargate connection are long on both sides of the Minmatar-Gallente border.
MMC Scythe Cruiser Mining Variant
The Scythe-class cruiser remains the oldest Minmatar ship still in use. It has seen many battles and is an integrated element of many Minmatar tales and the material heritage of the tribes. The Minmatar Mining Corporation retains a number of mining variants of the Scythe, despite the ship being little known as a mining vessel since the Republic Fleet, Minmatar Territorial Guards, and Tribal Militias adopted the upgraded combat support and logistics variant. Even so, the mining variant Scythe, upgunned and armored by rebel crews, has a storied history as a mainstay of the Minmatar resistance and a key ship of the Great Rebellion. Notably, despite the Minmatar Mining Corporation being riddled with collaborators during its operations under the Amarr occupation, a significant number of MMC Scythes found their way into the hands of the rebels, typically crews and all. The quiet and careful support for the resistance by a large number of MMC managers did much to rehabilitate the reputation of the corporation in the post-Rebellion period, and the heroism of those martyred when their luck ran out is marked by a memorial plaque in every station and facility owned by the corporation.
MMC Scythe Maintenance Pad
This pad has been configured as a combination maintenance, testing and display facility for old mining variants of the Scythe cruiser design. The Minmatar Mining Corporation has retained a significant number of mining variant Scythes in inventory despite its extensive use of vastly more efficient mining barges and exhumers.
MMC Storage and Preservation Facility
This facility is used to store and preserve samples of all the technology developed or used by the Minmatar Mining Corporation over the long centuries of its existence. A number of very old pieces of Minmatar technology are kept here, making the facility a magnet for Minmatar scholars keen to reconstruct the material culture of the old Minmatar Empire.
MMC Testing Center Observation Platform
This structure is an observation platform used by engineers, scientists, and other staff of the Minmatar Mining Corporation Testing Center. On occasions where demonstrations of new technology or enhanced ship designs are underway the platform is often thronged with visitors.
MMC Testing Center Visitors Facility
This facility is used to quarter visitors to the Testing Center and contains a number of subsidiary conference, trading, and research exchange areas. The facility also contains a section providing a historical overview of the Minmatar Mining Corporation. The displays in the historical section tend to emphasize the role of the MMC in supplying ships to the Minmatar resistance and the elimination of collaborators during the Great Rebellion.
Mobile Shipping Unit
A container with internal transportation mechanism. Used for quick shipments of low-volume items.
Mordu's Markguard
This cruiser has been assigned by Mordu's Legion to protect assets of the Outer Ring Excavations corporation. Any threat to ORE facilities or Legion vessels will be met with deadly force.
Mordu's Oathsword
This frigate has been assigned by Mordu's Legion to protect assets of the Outer Ring Excavations corporation. Any threat to ORE facilities or Legion vessels will be met with deadly force.
Mordu's Warmark
This battleship has been assigned by Mordu's Legion to protect assets of the Outer Ring Excavations corporation. Any threat to ORE facilities or Legion vessels will be met with deadly force.
Motain's Modified Quantum Flux Generator
The Angel Cartel have long been among the leaders of research into wormholes and Anoikis, likely viewing the exploration of wormhole space as a natural extension of the extremely fruitful archaeological endeavors that provided them with the reverse-engineered Jove technology used in their advanced combat starships. Although they have often found themselves a few steps behind their rivals in Sansha's Nation in the race for mastery of wormhole technology, the engineers of the Salvation Angels do enjoy access to some of the most advanced wormhole research in New Eden, and their maps of ever-changing connections within Anoikis are almost as detailed as those maintained by capsuleers. The Cartel's mastery of wormhole technology provides numerous benefits for their wide-ranging criminal activities, including access to a lucrative black market trade in Sleeper artifacts, remote hiding places for high value research and data storage sites, and the use of Anoikis for smuggling routes away from the eyes of any empire authorities. One of the more frivolous side-benefits of this work has been the establishment of exclusive VIP festive venues within Anoikis during the annual Guardian's Gala celebration with their Serpentis allies. Authorities have suspected for years that these VIP parties across the near-entirety of wormhole space could only be feasible if the Angel and Serpentis forces had access to some form of wormhole manipulation technology other than that available to the empires and capsuleer corporations. This conspicuous infrastructure hub houses a heavily-modified Quantum Flux Generator upgrade that has been developed by Motain Tesschye and his team of engineers within the Salvation Angels. It appears to be much more powerful than the standard-issue Quantum Flux Generators available on the open market and is likely responsible for the temporarily increased prevalence of wormhole connections within the Heaven and Phoenix constellations.
Multi-purpose Pad
A platform designed to launch missiles similar to sentry guns.
Mysterious Probe
Despite its familiar construction, this ancient probe is made from materials and electronics unlike anything you've ever seen in New Eden. It floats silently through space, seemingly dormant.
Naglfar Upper Half
The upper half of this mighty Naglfar-class dreadnaught has sustained considerable damage to its starboard batteries. A few intermittent signals which might be signs of life deep inside can still be detected, but there's no easy way to cut through the mangled wreckage and find out
Naglfar Wreck
The remains of a destroyed Naglfar
Narcotics Lab
A Narcotics Lab set up by Serpentis to harvest and process illegal substances from the clouds at this location.
Navka Overmind Sobor Coalescence
In form this structure is much like many rogue drone hives found throughout New Eden, however the signals traffic detectable as emanating from this bizarre edifice is quite different in structure and apparent content to the many varieties of communication known to be used by "wild" rogue drones. Much of the broadcast data is indecipherable but a regularly repeated fragment of coherent data appears to be a designation for the hive structure, translating as "Navka Overmind Sobor Coalescence" when compared to known Triglavian communication formats. The startling implication of the evidence, not least the nearby presence of the Veles Clade Automata Semiosis Sobornost facility, is that this hive structure is actually a key center for Veles Clade's efforts at converting or even recruiting advanced rogue drone intelligences to their collective.
Ndoria Mining Hub
The moons of the planet Ndoria, in the system of Uplingur, have long been a focus for tensions between the Minmatar Republic and the Ammatar Mandate, a satellite state of the greater Amarr Empire. Uplingur is located on the border of Minmatar and Ammatar space, and for many years was claimed by both governments. With both Republic and Mandate focused on the security of key systems during the long Vindication Wars, neither were willing to go beyond mere words and assert their claims in substance. This changed in YC104, two years after the cessation of hostilities between the Republic and Mandate, when military and logistical support from the Amarr Empire enabled the Ammatar to assert control of the system. Seizing this opportunity, the Mandate-based Nefantar Miner Association moved into Uplingur in force and began constructing infrastructure to exploit Uplingur's rich resources. The 22 moons of the planet Ndoria contained huge deposits of several highly valuable minerals and had been coveted for years by all the empires. The main surface deposits of valuable resources on Ndoria's moons had long since been depleted by rampant and uncontrolled mineral harvesting operations conducted by competing mining expeditions from both the Republic and Mandate, during the decades of contested system control. To access the remaining valuable deposits deep beneath the moon surfaces required the stability of permanent infrastructure, and the NMA drilled massive mining shafts into the moons. These extensive works allowed the Mandate's miners to harvest minerals that were inaccessible to temporary surface miners and later capsuleer orbital moon mining operations. This fortified mining hub facility was constructed by the Nefantar Miner Association to serve as the central collection and processing center for ores collected from mining installations spread across Ndoria's moons. It has since expanded to serve NMA's resource harvesting operations all across the Hevaka constellation.
Nefantar Firetail
The Firetail is modeled off a fighter frigate known as the Shamrock, a design used by a small, now-extinct pirate faction known as Lazari Dromitus. The blueprint found its way into the hands of Matari military forces after a raid on Lazari Dromitus's headquarters succeeded in killing its leader, thus beheading the organization and scattering its remnants to the four winds. It has since been improved upon and upgraded, and the Firetail is now a mainstay in most Republic Fleet patrols.
Nefantar Hurricane
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Nefantar Stabber
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.
Nefantar Tempest
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Nefantar Tribal Embassy
The Nefantar Tribe played a notorious role during the Amarr Empire's occupation of the Minmatar home worlds as collaborators who actively assisted in the enslavement of other tribes by the Amarr. When the Great Rebellion succeeded in driving the Amarr from the Minmatar Regions, the Amarr subsequently set up the Nefantar in a puppet state called the Ammatar Mandate. Unbeknownst to anyone else, certain Ammatar elites had hidden a large number of Starkmanir survivors from the Amarr within the Mandate. After the discovery of the Starkmanir led to a Minmatar invasion in YC110, the Nefantar conspirators and their families led a mass defection back to the Minmatar Republic, assisting in the recovery of the Starkmanir. Today, the Nefantar tribe has been restored as one of the Seven Tribes of Matar. This Nefantar Tribal Embassy serves as a facility that is unarguably the territory of the Nefantar within the Orbital Caravanserai complex. Here the Chief takes counsel with elders, advisors, diplomats, and delegations from clans of the tribe, secure in the knowledge that opportunities for eavesdropping and subtle interference by other parties are severely curtailed.
Nestor Battleship Wreck
This SOE battleship has been destroyed beyond repair. No life signs are present on board.
Nestor Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Nightmare Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Noctis Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive industrials.
Order of St. Tetrimon Fortress Monastery
This heavily fortified monastery serves as a regional chapterhouse for the Order of St. Tetrimon in Domain. As a major base for this powerful religious and military order, it is defended by fanatical followers of the Tetrimon's radical scriptural, theocratic, and militarist doctrines. The construction of this fortress monastery within the Thebeka system was made possible by Royal Heir Arim Ardishapur who sees the Tetrimon as valuable allies on the politically conservative and religiously militant side of the struggle for the future of the Amarr Empire. Order of St. Tetrimon military forces were involved in putting down a number of slave rebellions in Ardishapur domains, including a major uprising in the Thebeka system. The construction of this fortress monastery in the system marks that service and underlines the political alliance between House Ardishapur and the Order. Although the monastery is officially sanctioned by the local Ardishapur authorities, many observers have noted the Order's choice to construct their facility at the very outer reaches of the Thebeka system, far from the populated inner planets and public space stations. This choice of location is viewed as a clear signal that the Order of St. Tetrimon continues to see itself standing apart from the temporal politics of the Empire, with its mission distinct, deeply spiritual, and remaining fully inspired by the example of St. Tetrimon. The Order was founded in 21460 AD in the name of St. Tetrimon, an Ardishapur noble who assassinated his grandfather the Emperor Zaragram II, in response to the increasingly megalomaniac and heretical actions of the "Mad Emperor". The Order of St. Tetrimon was tasked by the Council of Apostles with the role of preserving the original Amarr Scriptures and purging all apocryphal and non-canon texts, which included the majority of Zaragram II’s decrees. This mission later brought the Order into tension with the dominant powers of the Amarr Empire during the era of the "Moral Reforms" that began in 21875 AD. This tension grew until 22762 AD, when the Order of St. Tetrimon was officially suppressed by the Imperial authorities. Surviving members of the Order fled to the Khanid Kingdom where they received political protection. During this time in exile, the Order of St. Tetrimon worked to increase their martial strength and increased their militarism to ensure that they would be able to defend their beliefs if another conflict erupted. This served them well when the Minmatar Rebellion began in 23216 AD. The Order reached an agreement with Emperor Heideran VII as Amarr forces were overstretched by the spreading rebellion. The Order would be allowed to once again travel through the Empire freely in return for assistance against Minmatar forces. In subsequent decades, ships flying Tetrimon colours became much feared by the young Republic Fleet for their fearless attacks and the suicidal fury shown by their pilots. During the remaining reign of Heideran VII the Tetrimon were left untouched, on the understanding that they would not attempt to undermine Emperor's authority. The agreement did not survive under Heideran's successor Doriam II, a ruler with liberal views and a history of releasing slaves. Increasing conflict with the Theology Council during Doriam II's YC105-107 reign led to the Order of St. Tetrimon being suppressed once more following a political struggle that involved several Royal Houses and even capsuleers. Returning to their secluded fastnesses in the Khanid Kingdom and beyond, the Order remained relatively quiescent during the Karsoth Interregnum, building its strength and continuing its mission. Following the Elder Fleet Invasion of the Amarr Empire in YC110, and the return and coronation of Empress Jamyl I, the Order of St. Tetrimon welcomed the new Amarr ruler and pledged its continuing fealty to the Holy Amarr Empire. Upon the death of Empress Jamyl I in YC117, the Order returned to the Empire as a neutral arbiter and guardian of the Imperial Succession process, in an Empire that had become deeply factionalized and corrupted by "Red Chamberlain" Dochuta Karsoth's rule. During the rule of Empress Catiz I, the fortunes of the Order of St. Tetrimon have continued to improve. Under the leadership of Grand Master Khemon Dulsur an-Tetrimon, the Order has established a role as a force useful for seeking out and suppressing rebellion and heresy. Increasing conflict across New Eden has revitalized the "Religious Reclaimer" tendency among the Amarr Empire's powerful nobility and brought support for the Order. Militant and conservative houses such as the Ardishapur and Sarum have forged cordial relations with the Tetrimon, in an Amarr Empire with royal houses, powerful ministries, and religious factions carefully balanced against one another by a relatively new Empress.
ORE Capital Ship Rorqual Wreckage
The remains of a destroyed ship.
ORE HISC-99 Ice Refinery
As a key member of the Upwell Consortium, the Outer Ring Excavations (ORE) corporation has been keen to locate and exploit hidden reserves of rare ice containing valuable and rare deposits of Hyper-Isomorphic Strontium Clathrates (HISC). This rare, highly symmetrical, complex yet compact form of Strontium Clathrates is hard to extract and process but has high utility and value in the space industries. Much like standard Strontium Clathrates, HISC can be used to power structure defense systems and forcefields but with greater efficiency and theoretically much greater resistance to incoming damage. Due to the rarity of the ice variants containing HISC (such as Geodesic Krystallos and Supersymmetrical Gelidus), and the extreme difficulty of processing the dense and molecularly complex ices into useful fuel, ORE has set up special central ice repository and refinery facilities in convenient ice fields. These facilities send out ice mining expeditions to seek more of the rare, fleeting fields of ice that contain the HISC-bearing ice variants and bring the raw materials back to the Ice Refinery for processing into the highly useful and extremely valuable HISC-99 fuel. To attain 99% purity, the raw HISC ices are cracked and refined in a special facility that pumps the high-value HISC-99 into special storage tanks. The Ice Refinery controls a number of special Automated HISC-99 Tankers which ferry the refined fuel from the refinery to a remote spaceship loading dock under strict computer control. This safety precaution is designed to prevent any accidents involving spaceships that might lead to the catastrophic liberation of the tremendous amounts of energy that HISC-99 can unleash.
ORE Technologies Applied Research Center
This structure is one of several major research and development facilities used by Outer Ring Excavations and its subsidiaries to remain on the forefront of resource extraction and processing technology. The advancements developed and refined in this center and the surrounding testing yard are then transferred to ORE facilities across the region for mass production and distribution. Until recently, the location of this testing yard had been kept confidential as a trade secret by ORE and the Upwell Consortium to guard against industrial espionage by rival mining corporations. Unfortunately, such secrecy proved completely insufficient to prevent a recent attack and theft orchestrated by the Angel Cartel, and Upwell's leadership decided to stop shielding the deadspace signature of this facility and instead focus their resources on increased numbers of armed guards from Mordu's Legion.
Osnirdottir Memorial
A small and humble memorial to the work of the late scientist Dr. Mishkala Osnirdottir, whose life was most likely lost when an experiment with the Tachyon Bombardment Array went horribly wrong. Others, however, theorize that she was not killed, but relocated, or in some way altered on a quantum level by the barrage of antimatter. The memorial gardens features great trees contorted into elegant shapes with tungsten scaffolds and the doctor's favourite bloom, Ulfurtar - a small parasitic plant with delicate silvery flowers, noted for the soft, almost furred quality of its petals. In many Sebiestor clans, the blossom is believed to symbolise both dreams and memories and the atmosphere of the gardens is rich with both for those that tend it still.
Outgoing Storage Bin
Storage facility for outgoing packages after sorting but prior to re-sorting.
Outpost/Disc - Spiky & Pulsating
This construction dampens all damage inflicted to ships within range.
Pakhshi Stargate Construction Monument
This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Minmatar Republic's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below. Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Xeantuxe Vaille 2. PixyWarrior Ellecon 3. Gloobz 4. Michael Fuzzybolton 5. Maxp 6. Lara Edios 7. Ashley Parisi 8. Eleana Tomelac 9. Major Tom's Ghost 10. Onslaughtor Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Phoenix Naval Operations 2. Les Eclaireurs de Tau-Ceti 3. Stahlklang Foundation 4. KekoBan 5. Free Radical Corporation
Pandemic Legion - Winners of Alliance Tournament VI
Constructed in honor of the capsuleers of Pandemic Legion who fought and defeated their opponents, in a series of gruelling and murderous fights, to claim their place as winners of the sixth round of the great Alliance Tournament. Pandemic Legion can truly claim to be among the true elite, the best of the best.
Paradise Club
Note: Gala patrons should present their ticket and deposit at check in to receive their Gala Surprise Gift from the Angel Cartel. The Paradise Club is the center of the Guardian's Gala YC121 celebrations. As elite attendees you will be pampered and entertained by a legion of servants, dancers, chefs, sommeliers, pharma-vendors, gladiators, robot comedians (a big hit in the Syndicate this year), performing loons, hired ranters, poets, fighting bantam cocks and so many, many more dazzling delights. The Serpentis Corporation spares no expense in welcoming partners and clients, one and all, to the Guardian's Gala! WARNING: Anyone found on station without an invitation will be made to run the cyber-slaver hound gauntlet. (Hounds provided by kind donation of Zashev Human Resources Extraction Services.)
Paradise Club
Note: Gala patrons should present their ticket and deposit at check in to receive their Gala Surprise Gift from the Angel Cartel. The Paradise Club is the center of the Guardian's Gala YC121 celebrations. As elite attendees you will be pampered and entertained by a legion of servants, dancers, chefs, sommeliers, pharma-vendors, gladiators, robot comedians (a big hit in the Syndicate this year), performing loons, hired ranters, poets, fighting bantam cocks and so many, many more dazzling delights. The Serpentis Corporation spares no expense in welcoming partners and clients, one and all, to the Guardian's Gala! WARNING: Anyone found on station without an invitation will be made to run the cyber-slaver hound gauntlet. (Hounds provided by kind donation of Zashev Human Resources Extraction Services.)
Particle Acceleration Superstructure
Whatever purpose this structure once served, it is utterly useless now. Only a few bits of the array's hull survived the explosion that tore it apart.
Pashanai Bombing Monument
This monument honors the thousands of martyrs who lost their lives in the brutal terrorist attack against this station in YC112, including esteemed high officials of both the Ministry of War and the Theology Council. These dedicated servants of the Empire were slain by a cowardly bombing orchestrated by the so-called "Bloody Hands of Matar" terrorist organization. Let this monument and the fully repaired Ministry of War station stand as testaments to the resilience of the Holy Amarr Empire and as a commitment to bring the Empress's justice to all those who would seek to harm the Empire and its subjects.
PKN Interstellar Executive Retreat
PKN Interstellar is a corporate consortium made up of an alliance between the CBD, Lai Dai, and Nugoeihuvi megacorporations. Also known as the "Forest Faction", deriving from a general translation of the Caldari name for the organization – Pikotsaunen Kaatso Nuijaa or "Dark Forest Business Club" – this corporate alliance seems in retrospect almost a natural evolution of the paths each of the member megacorps have taken in their history. The disintegration of the old "patriot" bloc inevitably led to a political realignment, with the three megas of the Forest Faction being swift to recognise that their fortunes aligned with one another far more than any of the other "Big 8" megacorps. The Lai Dai megacorporation is unquestionably the most powerful player in the Forest Faction, with its enormous industrial capacity, cutting-edge research programs, and vast network of interstellar connections, but the quiet, steady flow of goods facilitated by CBD's enormous import/export fleet, and the soft power of the media and entertainment king NOH cannot be underestimated. PKN Interstellar has gone so far as to welcome a number of foreign corporations into the fold of its consortium, with the likes of Khanid Works, Quafe, and Trust Partners affiliated with this industrial and commercial grouping. To facilitate its many ventures across corporate and interstellar lines and borders, the Forest Faction has established this executive retreat, where guests and partners from across New Eden can discuss business opportunities in comfort and security.
PKNS Golden Apple
PKN Interstellar's parade flagship is the PKNS Golden Apple, named in reference to old Caldari legends of plucking riches in the form of a magical golden apple from deep in the forests of Caldari Prime. This is apt given the founding group formed by an alliance of CBD, Lai Dai and NOH has the full name of "Pikotsaunen Kaatso Nuijaa", or "Dark Forest Business Club".
Planetary Colonization Office Wreck
Perhaps the saddest testament to the shattered dreams of the expedition to Thera, this wrecked station seems to have been established as a coordinating center for the colonization of the planet it orbits. As Thera VIII is shattered and wracked by titanic quakes, such an effort would seem improbable unless the shattering happened relatively recently. While the damage to this station is extensive and very little survives, there are large storage areas containing bins of rock samples that apparently originated from a geologically stable barren or temperate planet.
Plasma Chamber Debris
These are the remains of a plasma chamber, used to store large quantities of volatile materials. The destruction of the chamber has released the hazardous materials into the surrounding space.
Pleasure Cruiser
Pleasure Hub
A pleasure house of questionable honor. Whether it's outrageous, dirty, lethal or just merely illegal, you're bound to find it here.
Plinth Caldari Placeholder
Plinth Minmatar Placeholder
Plinth Upwell Placeholder
Pochven Conduit Gate (Inactive)
Though it is currently inactive, this Triglavian structure is of a type designed to function as a permanent transfer conduit between star systems in the constructed Triglavian region of Pochven. Triglavian Space is made up of systems "woven" together by the Triglavians into an artificial arrangement defined by the Pochven Conduit Loop. Access to Pochven Conduit Gates is determined by the level of standing a capsuleer has with the Triglavian Collective and requirements may vary depending on the type of system into which the Conduit Gate leads. As with most Triglavian technology, the power for this device is drawn from harnessed space-time singularities. As the conduit clearly uses an array of three such singularities, the energy requirements must be considerable.
POUS Tuviio Kishbin
Caldari State Workers Union Day is one of the few universal holidays mandated by the Caldari Executive Panel across all regions, territories and holdings of the corporate state. The day is the highlight of the CEP's State Workers Union calendar, with its corporate affiliate workers organizations all running a variety of celebrations and events over the course of the holiday. Often extended over a weekend, the occasion is a convenient time for the CEP's "Big 8" megacorps to hold their annual State Industrial Planning Summit. One particularly popular event, watched by billions over the corporate holonet channels, is the Haadoken Summit of megacorp security forces and its associated Security Training Games. For some years now the event has been held alongside the Workers Union Day. Sukuuvestaa's Peace and Order Unit is a well-known and rather grim presence throughout the Caldari State due to the extensive land holdings of their parent megacorp. Their Workers Union Day parade fleet is led by the Leviathan-class POUS Tuviio Kishbin, named for a former CEO of Sukuuvestaa noted for expanding the corporation's wealth through acquisition of rare minerals.
Preserved Amarr Battleship Wreck
This wrecked Amarr battleship has been preserved as a monument to the Minmatar victory over the Amarr at Fort Kavad.
Preserved Amarr Battleship Wreck
This wrecked Amarr battleship has been preserved as a monument to the Minmatar victory over the Amarr at Fort Kavad.
Preserved Amarr Defense Post
A disabled Amarr defense post that once served as part of the formidable defenses of Fort Kavad. It has been preserved as a monument to the Minmatar victory over the Amarr.
Preserved Amarr Outpost Platform
Preserved Caldari Outpost Platform
Preserved Gallente Outpost Platform
Preserved Minmatar Battleship Wreck
This wrecked Minmatar battleship has been preserved as a monument to the Minmatar victory over the Amarr at Fort Kavad.
Preserved Minmatar Battleship Wreck
This wrecked Minmatar battleship has been preserved as a monument to the Minmatar victory over the Amarr at Fort Kavad.
Preserved Minmatar Outpost Platform
Primae Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive industrials.
Professor Science
Project Discovery Phase One Monument
In YC118, the Sisters of EVE launched the Project Discovery citizen science platform to the capsuleer community through the GalNet. Beginning on YC118.03.09, Project Discovery's Phase One work was aimed at achieving a comprehensive categorization and analysis of tissue samples acquired from the Drifters since their emergence in early YC117. Led by Professor Emma Lundberg, Chief Scientist for the SOE advanced research division, Project Discovery Phase One was particularly successful in mapping out a comprehensive protein atlas from the Drifter tissue samples collected and analyzed during the term of the project. Project Discovery Phase One came to an end on YC119.07.11, after 16 months of highly successful work. Project Discovery Phase Two is a new Exoplanets Hunting Program and is being operated under the guidance of CONCORD's Chief of Deep Space Research, Professor Michel Mayor. Please query the Phase One Monument's database for records of those capsuleers who were elite research contributors to Project Discovery's tissue analysis work. --- Technical Note: there appears to be an open Entosis Link port on this structure.
Project Discovery Phase Three Monument
Project Discovery Phase Two Monument
Project Discovery Phase Two began in July of YC119, following the extremely successful protein classification work of Phase One with a new exoplanets hunting program under the guidance of CONCORD's Chief of Deep Space Research, Professor Michel Mayor. This phase of the project marked the official transfer of the Project Discovery mantle from the Sisters of EVE to a dedicated research division within the CONCORD Assembly. Project Discovery Phase Two advanced the search for new exoplanets significantly in its nearly three year operational lifetime, as capsuleers contributed their expertise to the analysis of stellar light curves in search of planetary transits. Project Discovery Phase Two came to an end on YC122.06.15 and was replaced by a new Phase Three Flow Cytometry project. Please query the Phase Two Monument's database for records of those capsuleers who were elite research contributors to Project Discovery's light curve analysis work. --- Technical Note: there appears to be an open Entosis Link port on this structure.
Protest Monument
This was once a memorial to the winners of a riddle contest sponsored by late entrepreneur Ruevo Aram. After standing proud for half a decade, it was destroyed in late YC113 by capsuleers who were staging a mass uprising against an intolerable status quo of intergalactic affairs. Today, the ruins of this once-great work of art stand as a testament to the fact that change is the universe's only constant.
Proximity Triggered Wave Spawner
Pulsating Power Generator
Pulsating Sensor
QA ProximityNotifier (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
This doesn't exist.
QA underConstruction LCO completed (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
This doesn't exist.
QA underConstruction LCO in progress (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
This doesn't exist.
QA underConstruction LCO in progress CANTAKE (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
This doesn't exist.
QCS Heat of the Moment
Quafe Company is a valued and vital contributor to the success of PKN Interstellar's massive effort to expand Jita 4-4 and further entrench its position as the trading capital of New Eden. As the only Gallente megacorporation with full corporate status in the Caldari State, and with major presence in both the Amarr Empire and Minmatar Republic, Quafe is the ideal partner for the PKN consortium. The QCS Heat of the Moment is participating in the Jita 4-4 expansion celebrations as Quafe's parade flagship, an extension of the vessel's standard role as a roving diplomatic venue.
Raided Jove Observatory
This previously hidden ancient Jove observatory is being raided by pirates of the Guri Malakim group and its structure has clearly been highly disrupted by their technology raiding operations. While the precise purpose of the joint Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates organization’s survey expedition is unclear, the prospect of them gaining insights into Jovian technology is a sufficient threat that entities such as CONCORD and the SoCT are determined to disrupt their activities.
Raven Hull
While the wings and bow have been sheared off this Raven-class battleship, the central hull structure has lived up to Caldari engineering standards and remained intact. Any remaining crew will likely have evacuated or perished by now.
Raven Wing
This piece of wreckage is the starboard wing of a Raven-class battleship, sheared off at the root. Where the rest of the ship ended up is anyone's guess.
Raven Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Redoubt Hive
Dwarfing the majestic enclave in size, the scale of this Hive sends shivers of awe into all those who bear witness to its grandeur. Its walls stand defiant against the harsh black vacuum. Its structure, testament to the unfathomable technological prowess of the Sleeper race. Cold, sharp edges seem to tear at the very fabric of space, distorting reality around it. One can only cower in fear at the thought of what a construction of this magnitudes purpose could be.
Repatriation Center
As Caldari living outside the State heed the order to return, they bring with them many corporate assets. Those assets must be processed, and this center was built for just that purpose.
Reptile Pit Control Tower
The Reptile Pit Shipyard is one of the primary facilities used by the Guristas Pirates to refit many of their ship designs. Whether it be nimble Worm frigates, flexible Gila cruisers, or formidable Rattlesnake battleships, the Reptile Pit sees that all Guristas ship types are maintained and upgraded. Conscious of the need for security and the threat from CONCORD taskforces, Caldari State reprisals, or mercenary raiders, Korako Kosakami, AKA "The Rabbit", turned his considerable technical skills to laying out a scheme for a shipyard that could rapidly be packed up and moved to a new location periodically. As such, the Reptile Pit Shipyard seems to wander around the Venal region, never lingering too long in one spot. The central control tower provides the main overwatch function for the shipyard, alerting the Guristas to any intruders and assessing whether or not they are threats to their ship fitting operations. Whenever threat indications are too high, the Reptile Pit crews begin the process of packing up and shipping out to a new hiding place.
Republic Counter-Insurgency Outpost Hub
This Republic Counter-Insurgency Outpost has been set up by the Republic Fleet and Tribal Liberation Force to function as a central command and control hub for anti-pirate and counter-insurgency operations. Minmatar forces are maintaining a strong presence while actively encouraging their loyal militia pilots to assist in the fight against the pirate insurgencies emerging in the warzone. Capsuleer members of the Tribal Liberation Force will be able to hand in certain items of intelligence and evidence acquired from pirate forces in exchange for suitable recompense.
Republic Stellar Transmuter
This Republic Stellar Transmuter is the culmination of the Minmatar Republic’s successful development of a technology it seized from the Amarr Empire in the conflict over Imperial Prototype Stellar Transmuters in the warzone systems of Egmar and Vard. With the Minmatar system of Turnur devastated by a stellar catastrophe triggered by a runaway Prototype Stellar Transmuter, the Republic’s forces put a priority on capturing, holding and deactivating the Egmar and Vard installations. With the vital efforts of the Tribal Liberation Force militia, the Republic Fleet captured and decommissioned the installations in Egmar and Vard. From these captured transmuters, the Republic was able to develop its own fusion of Minmatar and Triglavian technology. The first mature Republic Stellar Transmuter was deployed in the Barkrik system as a key element of the power and critical resource base required for operating a Republic Interstellar Shipcaster network.
Republic Stellar Transmuter Research Laboratory
This advanced research facility has been established by the Minmatar Republic to collect and analyze the results of experiments with Triglavian-derived prototype stellar transmuters operating within the nearby warzone. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Encrypted Stellar Research Data into this structure will receive special loyalty tokens that can be sold for ISK or traded for exclusive early access to blueprint copies for the new Probe Fleet Issue and Cyclone Fleet Issue ships.
Republic Transport Relay Research Laboratory
This military research facility has been established by the Minmatar Republic to collect and analyze Transport Relay Datacores reconstructed by loyalist capsuleers using data obtained from rival empire facilities. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Transport Relay Datacores into this structure will receive special Shadow War Reward Crates containing a variety of rewards including loyalty tokens which can be sold for ISK on the market at participating Minmatar Stations.
Reschard V Disaster Memorial
This monument serves to remember all those who died in the Reschard V Disaster. Let not the death of this world be forgotten as we build the Gallente Federation. In YC108, the planet of Reschard V was suddenly hit with an electromagnetic doomsday weapon attack. The massive explosion enveloped a huge volume of atmosphere and saturated an entire hemisphere in deadly radiation. The explosive injection of enormous quantities of energy into the atmosphere resulted in global megastorms that raged around the planet. Together with the explosive effects and radiation, the devastating storms killed nearly 90% of surface life, with human survival estimated at one in fifty-thousand. While it was clear from telemetry that some kind of doomsday weapon had been deployed in the upper atmosphere by a capital ship, it took an investigation headed by CONCORD many months to uncover clear evidence that the Equilibrium of Mankind (EOM) had been behind the attack. The apocalyptic, genocidal cult had used an Avatar-class Titan fitted with an old-style, unrestrained radiative doomsday device. CONCORD did not widely release this information, hoping to prevent a mass panic, but the conclusions slowly leaked and formed the basis of rumors that were quietly acknowledged as true. The fate of the EOM's Avatar remained a mystery subject to much speculation until May YC123, when it was used by Equilibrium agent and Khanid warlord Alar Chakaid to bombard the planet Kahah III with a modified directed-energy weapon of the newer type. Although it was destroyed over Kahah III, CONCORD analysts have suggested that scans of the EOM Avatar indicate significant repairs to the frontal sections of the massive vessel. Some have speculated that feedback effects from firing a heavily-modified old-style doomsday close to a planetary atmosphere could have destroyed the weapon and severely damaged the Titan. The Reschard V Disaster was considered a huge failure both of territorial security and disaster response on the Federation's part. The Sisters of EVE played a major role in the early rescue efforts but by the time substantial Federation resources arrived at the remote low-security system it was far too late for most inhabitants of the planet. Independent capsuleers proved themselves to be both angels of mercy and demons of destruction, as some supported relief efforts, while others actually hunted and destroyed relief convoys. Later search and rescue operations were to recover some 2,000 survivors from deep subterranean caves. Those lucky few beat odds that tens of millions of other Reschard colonists were unable to overcome. The Gallente Federation's lackluster response to a monumental humanitarian crisis on the edge of its domains was noted by many planets around its periphery, and the Reschard V incident surely contributed to a growing political movement demanding more equable treatment for the outer regions of the Gallente polity. This powerful current in the politics of the Federation was ultimately a major factor in the election of President Celes Aguard in YC122.
Residential Habitation Module
The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.
Revenant Wreckage
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
RFS Brecin Utulf
Brecin Utulf was the leader of a Nefantar revolt that took place during the early years of the Amarr occupation of Minmatar star systems. The conflicts between rebel Nefantar and those loyal to Amarr, who became the "Ammatar", were among the most brutal of the long and bloody "Vindication Wars" between the Minmatar and the Ammatar. "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
RFS Drupar Maak
Drupar Maak was a Starkmanir and personal slave of Arkon Ardishapur on Arzad II, also known as Starkman Prime. Drupar Maak assassinated Arkon, the head of House Ardishapur, with the latter's own scepter of authority, sparking the Starkmanir Rebellion. This revolt was brutally suppressed by Arkon's heir, Idonis Ardishapur. The scepter became known as the "Hand of Maak" and is the origin of the Khumaak symbol of Minmatar rebellion. "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
RFS Jormal Kehok
Jormal Kehok was a noted and highly-decorated Thukker anti-pirate commander, most famous for the relief of Konora following the attempted occupation of the system by renegade Angel Cartel fighters. Kehok was later assassinated, most likely by Cartel operatives, and is considered a hero of the Thukker Tribe. Persistent conspiracy theories continue to swirl around the circumstances of his death. "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
RFS Karin Midular
Chief Karin Midular of the Sebiestor Tribe had many distinctions during her life, with all of New Eden aware of her rising to become Prime Minister and leader of the parliamentary Minmatar Republic. To most Minmatar, and certainly many Sebiestor, she was first and foremost the Ray of Matar, a leader of great destiny offering hope to all the Tribes. The assassination of Karin Midular in YC115 was a deeply shocking event and she is considered a martyr by most Sebiestor. "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor
A legendary figure in the lore of the Brutor Tribe, Maiori Kul-Brutor is believed to have been either the first woman to set foot on Kulheim (Pator VII), or the Chief of the Kul-Brutor Clan that sponsored an effort by the old Minmatar Empire to terraform and colonize the planet. The Great Clan of Kul-Brutor was dispersed by the events of the Amarr Conquest and Kulheim remains a barren world today. "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
RFS Oskla Shakim
Oskla Shakim is attested by Krusual Tribe records to have been one of the great "Shakim Warlords", a military leader of the powerful Shakim Clan. During the Amarr occupation of Matar, the Shakim were among those Krusual clans successfully retaining their independence in many hidden and heavily fortified mountain fastnesses in the Upper Tronhadar Valley region. "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
RFS Shara Osali
Shara Osali, known as "Mother Osali" to most Vherokior, is the traditional discoverer of a number of Vherokior herbal and medicinal tea blends. Venerated in a number of mythical tales, Mother Osali's rescue of a Voluval shaman from the jaws of a Jade Coast monitor using a soup ladle is a particularly popular story. Shara "Lizardbane" Osali's legendary "Yetamo Pot Pie" is much discussed but very rarely served. "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Ripped Superstructure
This enormous part of a stellar construct carries a melancholic atmosphere.
Rock - Infested by Rogue Drones
This block of rock and girders seems to be infested with independant artificial life.
Rock Formation - Branched & Twisted
A huge branching rock formation.
Roden Station
This facility bears the red color scheme particular to Roden Shipyards.
Rohk Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Ruined Monument
An archaic reminder of the days of olde.
Ruined Neon Sign
This billboard seems to have been destroyed in some long forgotten skirmish.
Ruins of Fort Kavad
The preserved ruins of Fort Kavad loom over the battlefield where the Minmatar struck the final blow that would secure their territories and allow their fledgling Republic to rise to its full height in relative peace. Named after an ancient lord of the Ardishapur Family, Fort Kavad sat at the center of the Ortner Redoubt, the last major toehold of the Amarr Empire in Minmatar space at the end of the Great Rebellion. The position guarded the core of the Ammatar Mandate the Amarr had set up as a defensive buffer but more critically was within striking distance of the Minmatar heartlands. Despite the chaos that the Great Rebellion had sowed across the Empire for several years, many Amarr lords were unwilling to settle for defeat at the hands of their erstwhile slaves. In BYC17, a militant faction at the Imperial Court promoted a plan to use Fort Kavad as a springboard for a counter-offensive that would regain the lost territories. A demoralized and confused Emperor Heideran VII, possibly afflicted by an attack of the Turit Disease he suffered with, allowed the militants to proceed with their plan. As Amarr forces built up at Fort Kavad, the Minmatar became aware of the plan and knew that an opportunity to strike a decisive blow was at hand. The Battle of the Golgothan Fields had robbed the Amarr of much of their capital ship strength, forcing them to concentrate battleship squadrons at Fort Kavad. Minmatar rebel forces from across their hard-won territories assembled and launched a pre-emptive strike in numbers that would overwhelm the defenses of Fort Kavad and catch the assembling Amarr fleets by surprise. With Fort Kavad's defenses crippled and entire battleship squadrons destroyed or disabled, the Amarr were in disarray but refused to retreat knowing well the penalty they would face at the hands of their fanatical lords. Many commanders launched suicidal counter-attacks and some broke past the Minmatar assault in an apparent attempt to mount the counter-offensive they had planned. At high cost in ships, including precious battleships, the Minmatar prevailed and wiped out the scattered Amarr taskforce. The news of the defeat at Fort Kavad roused Emperor Heideran's erratic anger and the militant faction at court suffered accordingly for their fatal underestimation of the Minmatar. Once the Emperor had seen to the security of the Ammatar Mandate, he once again lapsed into seclusion, having ordered no further military adventures on pain of death and the enslavement of all relatives of any lord foolish enough to defy the orders. For the Minmatar, the Battle of Fort Kavad was a famous victory that eliminated the danger of a counter-offensive by the Amarr Empire. In the relative peace the Minmatar fighters had bought with their blood, the Minmatar Republic was established and its defenses secured. Amarr warlords knew better than to openly defy the Emperor's peace but inevitably the means for militant Amarr and Minmatar to strike at one another was found in the bitter Vindication Wars that would be fought through and against the puppet state of the Ammatar Mandate.
Sail Charger
This construction uses electromagnetic conductors to harvest solar power from the system's sun.
Saminer Stargate Construction Monument
This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Amarr Empire's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below. Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Gya Kulo 2. Shira Bebrauskas 3. Artemis Seksiukas 4. Alphacatron 5. Ganasyu 6. tokoroten 0010 7. Princess Sairan 8. Cooliris 9. Guren no Tsuki 10. Johan Pendersen Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate: 1. Funda 2. This Was The Way 3. Bugatti Alpha 4. Alphacatron Offshore Industries 5. Null to dust miner corporation
Sanctuary EVE Gate Research Facility
This station acts as the central hub for the Sisters of EVE's research efforts in the New Eden system. The Sisters of EVE consider the EVE Gate wormhole remnant an important subject of both scientific study and religious faith. They believe the EVE Gate to be a gift from God, and that it is the divine will they study it thoroughly and unlock its secrets. The Sisters maintain that God resides at the other side of the EVE Gate, guiding and protecting his followers from within the domain it guards. The SOE are careful to emphasize the scientific nature of their research and avoid discussing their religious beliefs openly within the shared facilities, lest they embarrass their Kor-Azor hosts or be accused of illegal proselytizing by their enemies within the Amarr Empire.
Sansha Cynosural Field
A cynosural field, also known colloquially as a "cyno", is a cosmic anomaly that acts as a pseudo-gravity well. With the correct calibration information, interstellar jump drives can lock onto the field and create a portal into the destination system.
Sansha Logistics Control Array
This array is responsible for determining friend or foe status for local remote logistics facilities. Although formidable, a capsuleer should be able to subvert the sophisticated electronics within.
Sansha Remote Logistics Station
This station repairs local Sansha fleets as they come under fire. Although almost entirely self-contained, friend or foe identification is handled by the Logistics Control Arrays, which are separated from the station to minimize risk of unauthorized overrides.
Sansha Starbase Control Tower
The Sansha Control Tower is a heavily modified and enhanced starbase structure utilizing the latest frontier design techniques to increase its defenses and efficiency. Although the majority of the internal components are based on modified Amarr technology, Sansha control towers have always exhibited traits incorporated from all over the cluster. Ever since their massive YC112 abduction raids in the Balle system, Sansha control towers have begun displaying more and more traits reminiscent of Gallente designs. This has led some observers to speculate that the Nation made significant use of the Center for Advanced Studies engineers they captured in that operation.
Sansha Station Ruins
Sansha's Battletower
This gigantic war station is one of the military installations of Sansha's slumbering nation. It is known to be able to hold a massive number of Sansha vessels, but strange whispers hint at darker things than mere warfare going on underneath its jagged exterior.
Scanner Sentry - Rapid Pulse
SCC Encounter Surveillance Administration
CONCORD has centralized the Encounter Surveillance System program under the authority of the Secure Commerce Commission. ESS installations have been placed in star systems eligible for enhanced bounty programs by the SCC. Once operated on a freelancer basis by individual empires, the ESS program was re-organized under SCC control to improve efficiency, and combat corruption and financial crimes by pirate groups. SCC Encounter Surveillance Administration facilities are the main information gathering and collating centers for the Surveillance Quadrant for which they have responsibility. These facilities process and store vast quantities of financial and contractual information pertaining to the SCC bounty program. This information is then made available to the Audit Control center within a Secure Key Storage site.
SCC Encounter Surveillance Audit Control
CONCORD has centralized the Encounter Surveillance System program under the authority of the Secure Commerce Commission. ESS installations have been placed in star systems eligible for enhanced bounty programs by the SCC. Once operated on a freelancer basis by individual empires, the ESS program was re-organized under SCC control to improve efficiency, and combat corruption and financial crimes by pirate groups. Encounter Surveillance Audit Control facilities are the main bases for SCC Keyholders, the senior officials of the SCC who carry out audits of the bounty system reserves and who are authorized to make inspections and transfers of Encrypted Bounty Bonds. These facilities are based outside and at a remote distance from the Surveillance Quadrant they are responsible for auditing.
Scorpion Lower Hull
This piece of wreckage is part of the lower hull of a Scorpion-class battleship. This area is mainly given over to ship systems, so loss of life resulting from the multiple hull breaches should have been comparatively minimal
Scorpion Masthead
The masthead section of Scorpion-class battleships contains a large amount of sensitive equipment that would be of great interest to rival empires. In this case, though, it's clear that the damage inflicted means whatever's inside would only be of interest to scrap dealers
Scorpion Upper Hull
Containing a large number of crew battle stations, the damage to this section of Scorpion superstructure must have entailed a huge loss of life
Scorpion Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Sebiestor Firetail
The Firetail is modeled off a fighter frigate known as the Shamrock, a design used by a small, now-extinct pirate faction known as Lazari Dromitus. The blueprint found its way into the hands of Matari military forces after a raid on Lazari Dromitus's headquarters succeeded in killing its leader, thus beheading the organization and scattering its remnants to the four winds. It has since been improved upon and upgraded, and the Firetail is now a mainstay in most Republic Fleet patrols.
Sebiestor Hurricane
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Sebiestor Stabber
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.
Sebiestor Tempest
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Sebiestor Tribal Embassy
With a culture emphasizing the virtues of patience, contemplation, and practical skill, the Sebiestor are known far and wide as engineers and inventors. The Sebiestor reputation for tinkering with any kind of technology is well deserved, and this excellence in engineering naturally propelled the Sebiestor to the fore during the period when the old Minmatar Empire pushed into space. During the Amarr occupation, the Sebiestor did much to hold what remained of Minmatar society together with their skill at maintaining or adapting technology. The Sebiestor Tribe was one of the four founding tribes of the Minmatar Republic following the success of the Great Rebellion. This Sebiestor Tribal Embassy serves as a facility that is unarguably the territory of the Sebiestor within the Orbital Caravanserai complex. Here the Chief takes counsel with elders, advisors, industrialists, and delegations from member clans of the tribe, secure in the knowledge that opportunities for eavesdropping and subtle interference by other parties are severely curtailed.
Secure Databank Wreck
This once functional databank has been destroyed beyond repair. The cause of destruction is unknown.
Secure Info Shard Wreck
This once functional info shard has been destroyed beyond repair. The cause of destruction is unknown.
Sentinel Hive
Dwarfing the majestic enclave in size, the scale of this Hive sends shivers of awe into all those who bear witness to its grandeur. Its walls stand defiant against the harsh black vacuum. Its structure, testament to the unfathomable technological prowess of the Sleeper race. Cold, sharp edges seem to tear at the very fabric of space, distorting reality around it. One can only cower in fear at the thought of what a construction of this magnitudes purpose could be.
Serpentis Fortress
This gigantic station is one of the Serpentis military installations and a black jewel of the alliance between The Guardian Angels and The Serpentis Corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.
Serpentis Research Facility
This research facility is use by the Serpentis to conduct dangerous and secretive experiments.
Serpentis Slave Transport
A Serpentis cargo ship loaded with people.
Serpentis Station
This gigantic station is one of the Serpentis military installations and a black jewel of the alliance between The Guardian Angels and The Serpentis Corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.
Serpentis Stronghold
This gigantic station is one of the Serpentis military installations and a black jewel of the alliance between The Guardian Angels and The Serpentis Corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.
Sharded Rock
Fragments from an asteroid collision or a supernova, this rock formation decorates the starscape as a planetary mountain range.
Sheared Rock Formation
Sisters of EVE Astero
A Sisters of EVE Astero frigate.
Sisters of EVE Nestor
A Sisters of EVE Nestor battleship.
Sisters of EVE Stratios
A Sisters of EVE Stratios cruiser.
This banner has been placed as a mark of ownership by a corporation invested in the surrounding asteroids.
This banner has been placed as a mark of ownership by a corporation invested in the surrounding asteroids.
This banner has been placed as a mark of ownership by a corporation invested in the surrounding asteroids.
This banner has been placed as a mark of ownership by a corporation invested in the surrounding asteroids.
This banner has been placed as a mark of ownership by a corporation invested in the surrounding asteroids.
This banner has been placed as a mark of ownership by a corporation invested in the surrounding asteroids.
Sleeper Canopic
The structure of this device suggests that it is designed to preserve a singular occupant for an undefined period of time.
Sleeper Canopic
The structure of this device suggests that it is designed to preserve a singular occupant for an undefined period of time.
Sleeper Canopic
The structure of this device suggests that it is designed to preserve a singular occupant for an undefined period of time.
Sleeper Drone Hangar
Clearly built to serve the needs of the Sleeper's automated defense drones, this ominous structure functions as one of their central docking points. Despite its age, the facility shows few signs of decay, suggesting that it is perhaps maintained by its residents.
Sleeper Enclave
Imposing in its majesty, this giant dome stands as a testament to the technological might of the ancient Sleeper race. Even millennia old, the innumerable electronics systems within are still comparable to contemporary technology, in some cases even exceeding it. The distinctive hub-like design of this particular structure suggests that it operated as some kind of central data nexus, a shining capital amongst a digital metropolis. Although entirely functional and intact, the only signs of life within are electrical currents and the eerily constant transfers of data.
Sleeper Engineering Station
This enigmatic structure appears to house numerous engineering subsystems. An outer defense system is still online, shielding the installation from any hostile actions. Inside the facility there is a maze of data networks tangled amongst the cables and conduits that sustain them.
Sleeper Interlink Hub
Distinctively Sleeper in design, this structure operates as an information hub, linking up various data sources with one another. An extraordinarily resilient superstructure guards the flow of information inside from any disruption.
Sleeper Large Advanced Wreck
Sleeper linkage structure
This is a Sleeper linkage structure
Sleeper Multiplex Forwarder
The Sleeper Multiplex Forwarder was built as a massive router for transferring electronic data between various Sleeper facilities. Although enclosed in super-resilient metal alloys, the size of the data cables suggests that it is capable of transmitting extraordinary amounts of information.
Sleeper Preservation Conduit
Tiny windows looking out into space offer a glimpse past this structure's impressive armor plating and through to the strange sights within. Barely visible in the dim light are rows upon rows of small chambers, stretching out endlessly inside the darkened hallways of this mammoth conduit. A myriad of connective wires interlace with giant pipelines, feeding into every area of the facility. Although they can be seen coiling up through the foundations, the compounds they are ferrying remain a mystery. A strange electronic interference emanates from deep within, pulsing randomly every few seconds.
Sleeper Thermoelectric Converter
Despite countless years in space, this structure appears to be entirely functional. A brief analysis of the technology inside reveals that it operates as some kind of central power source for other Sleeper facilities. Faint seams in the rigid armor suggest it may even house a docking port to power the Sleeper's automated drones.
Sleeper Vessel
Small and Sharded Rock
Fragments from an asteroid collision or a supernova, this rock formation decorates the starscape as a planetary mountain range.
Small Armory
This small armory has a thick layer of reinforced tritanium and a customized shield module for deflecting incoming fire.
Small Asteroid w/Drone-tech
This massive hulk of rock appears to be infested with rogue drones.
Small Rock
Fragments from an asteroid collision or a supernova, this rock formation decorates the starscape as a planetary mountain range.
Smoldering Archive Ruins
These are the remains of a majestic Archive structure, containing untold riches and knowledge. It now lies in ruins, emitting dangerous materials into space around it. It is impossible to determine from the outside if anything of value remains, though the dormant Archive worker machines inside might be able to eject whatever is left. They will have to be activated first, though.
Snake Shaped Asteroid
Fragments from an asteroid collision or a supernova, this rock formation decorates the starscape as a planetary mountain range.
SoCT Azbel Research Station
SoCT Retrievals Repository
The Society of Conscious Thought is engaged in a search for previously hidden Jove ruins, observatories, and other sites of interest involving the mysterious and vanished Jove Empire. The SoCT’s search efforts have acquired new urgency given the activities of the Guri Malakim group of Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates, a joint criminal enterprise that is clearly aimed at uncovering the secrets of the Jove. This station is serving as a retrievals repository where Society surveyors and archaeologists can pool their finds and organize the data and materials for further analysis.
SoCT Survey Outpost
The Society of Conscious Thought has adapted the standard CONCORD observatory design for search and survey purposes using its own highly-advanced technology. The SoCT is engaged in a search for previously hidden Jove ruins, observatories, and other sites of interest involving the mysterious and vanished Jove Empire. The SoCT’s search efforts have acquired new urgency given the activities of the Guri Malakim group of Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates, a joint criminal enterprise that is clearly aimed at uncovering the secrets of the Jove.
Solray Aligned Power Terminal
The Solray Power Terminal now seems to be in working order. The erratic outlet of energy seems to be lessening. You should be able to move close to this structure now, but use extreme care.
Solray Unaligned Power Terminal
The Solray Power Terminal is intended to use solar power to generate energy, by gathering solar power from nearby Solray Alignment Units. However, it seems the alignment units are not working properly, causing the Solray Power Terminal to flare its energy erratically into space around it. This makes it extremely hazardous to move close to.
Spaceshuttle Wreck
The mangled wreck floats motionless in space, surrounded with a field of scorched debris.
Spatial Rift
A natural phenomena that rumour says will hurtle those that come too close to faraway places. Wary travelers stay away from them as some that have ventured too close have never been seen again.
Spatial Rift
Superficially similar to natural phenomena observed throughout space, this spatial rift appears to be artificially generated by a Talocan static gate array. Observations have shown that large quantities of dangerous gamma radiation and x-rays are pouring out of the rift. If this tear in space-time leads anywhere it is likely to be very inhospitable.
SPS Laril Hyykoda
Caldari State Workers Union Day is one of the few universal holidays mandated by the Caldari Executive Panel across all regions, territories and holdings of the corporate state. The day is the highlight of the CEP's State Workers Union calendar, with its corporate affiliate workers organizations all running a variety of celebrations and events over the course of the holiday. Often extended over a weekend, the occasion is a convenient time for the CEP's "Big 8" megacorps to hold their annual State Industrial Planning Summit. One particularly popular event, watched by billions over the corporate holonet channels, is the Haadoken Summit of megacorp security forces and its associated Security Training Games. For some years now the event has been held alongside the Workers Union Day. CBD's Spacelane Patrol have a rather buccaneering reputation for daring space operations and opting for high-risk solutions to security incidents. Their Workers Union Day parade fleet is led by the Leviathan-class SPS Laril Hyykoda, named for a Spacelane Patrol Strike Commander made famous through her starring role in "Spacelane Protectors", a holonet series following the exploits of her unit.
SPS Structure
Stable Wormhole
This wormhole appears to be relatively new. For the time being, it is stable, though excessive traffic and time will eventually cause it to vanish.
Stargate - Caldari
This stargate is currently only usable from the other end.
Stargate - Gallente
This stargate has been manufactured according to Federation design. It is not usable without the proper authorization code.
Stargate - Minmatar
This stargate has been manufactured according to Republic design. It is not usable without the proper authorization code.
Starkmanir Firetail
The Firetail is modeled off a fighter frigate known as the Shamrock, a design used by a small, now-extinct pirate faction known as Lazari Dromitus. The blueprint found its way into the hands of Matari military forces after a raid on Lazari Dromitus's headquarters succeeded in killing its leader, thus beheading the organization and scattering its remnants to the four winds. It has since been improved upon and upgraded, and the Firetail is now a mainstay in most Republic Fleet patrols.
Starkmanir Hurricane
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Starkmanir Stabber
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.
Starkmanir Tempest
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Starkmanir Tribal Embassy
Subjected to an Amarr campaign of annihilation, the Starkmanir Tribe was considered lost for centuries until the discovery in YC110 of a viable surviving population hidden by Nefantar elites on Halturzhan, the sixth planet of Jarizza in the Ammatar Mandate. The discovery spurred a Minmatar fleet into an invasion of Amarr territories with a view to recovering the Starkmanir and as many other enslaved Minmatar as possible. The vast majority of surviving Starkmanir were successfully recovered, evacuated to the Minmatar Republic, and settled on lands set aside for them by the larger tribes. The Starkmanir tribe is also notable for being the mother tribe of two splinter clans that went on to become major tribes in their own right: the Brutor and the Vherokior. This Starkmanir Tribal Embassy serves as a facility that is unarguably the territory of the Starkmanir within the Orbital Caravanserai complex. Here the Chief takes counsel with elders, advisors, scholars, and delegations from clans of the tribe, secure in the knowledge that opportunities for eavesdropping and subtle interference by other parties are severely curtailed.
State Counter-Insurgency Outpost Hub
This State Counter-Insurgency Outpost has been set up by the Caldari Navy and State Protectorate to function as a central command and control hub for anti-pirate and counter-insurgency operations. Caldari forces are maintaining a strong presence while actively encouraging their loyal militia pilots to assist in the fight against the pirate insurgencies emerging in the warzone. Capsuleer members of the State Protectorate will be able to hand in certain items of intelligence and evidence acquired from pirate forces in exchange for suitable recompense.
State Ore Refinery
This refinery structure has been constructed by the Caldari State to process Dense Polycrase deposited by loyal capsuleers and produce raw materials that can contribute to the construction of the nearby stargate. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Dense Polycrase into this structure will receive special loyalty tokens that can be sold for ISK or traded for exclusive early access to blueprint copies for the new Heron Navy Issue and Ferox Navy Issue ships.
State Relay Research Laboratory
This military research laboratory has been established by the Caldari State to collect, analyze and decrypt any technology or data recovered from captured Triglavian Relay facilities uncovered in the Athounon system within the Placid region warzone. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Triglavian Encrypted Relay Data into this structure will receive special loyalty tokens that can be sold for ISK or traded for exclusive early access to blueprint copies for the new Heron Navy Issue and Ferox Navy Issue ships.
State Stellar Transmuter
This State Stellar Transmuter is the result of a highly-successful technology acquisition and research program carried out by the Caldari State with the assistance of its capsuleers. Although the Caldari lacked the access to Triglavian stellar technology available to the Amarr Empire and Minmatar Republic, through a mix of statecraft, espionage, and market forces, the State was able to rapidly acquire the necessary technology and data to complete its own research efforts. Following the successful campaign to acquire this technology, and with the State’s understanding of Triglavian transport relay technology also assured, the Caldari embarked on an effort to construct the necessary infrastructure for an Interstellar Shipcaster. The first mature State Stellar Transmuter was deployed in the Elonaya system as a key element of the power and critical resource base required for operating a State Interstellar Shipcaster network.
State Stellar Transmuter Research Laboratory
This military research facility has been established by the Caldari State to collect and analyze Stellar Transmuter Datacores reconstructed by loyalist capsuleers using data obtained from rival empire facilities. Capsuleers who deposit stacks of Stellar Transmuter Datacores into this structure will receive special Shadow War Reward Crates containing a variety of rewards including loyalty tokens which can be sold for ISK on the market at participating Caldari Stations.
Statehood Incarnate Monument
The Guristas erected this monument years ago, in direct mockery of the massive State-funded public works programs, beautification initiatives, and patriotic displays seen throughout Caldari space. Dubbing this monument, “Statehood Incarnate,” the entire area is a mockery of the sacred, the glorification of the profane, littered with the true ideals of the Gurista pirates: abject nihilism.
Station - Caldari
Docking into this Caldari station without proper authorization has been prohibited.
Storage Warehouse
These huge spacebound facilities are used to stock anything from ammunitions to agricultural supplies.
Surveyed Jove Observatory
This previously hidden ancient Jove observatory is being surveyed by pirates of the Guri Malakim group and its structure has evidently been somewhat disturbed by their delving. While the precise purpose of the joint Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates organization’s survey expedition is unclear, the prospect of them gaining insights into Jovian technology is a sufficient threat that entities such as CONCORD and the SoCT are determined to disrupt their activities.
Svarog Clade Orbital Shipyards
Svarog Clade has gained a reputation for a warlike attitude to the universe that appears extreme even by the standards of the Triglavian Collective. The Svarog occupation of Skarkon II, with ongoing warfare involving Minmatar resistance fighters, warclone mercenaries, and incursions from other clades, has only amplified that reputation. However, it is also clear that this most implacably brutal of Triglavian clades is determined to extract maximum value in resources from the planets it has conquered. To that end, seemingly making a virtue of pragmatism from stubborn ruthlessness, the Svarog have constructed a massive orbital shipbuilding complex over Skarkon II. Construction of their own variants of the powerful Zirnitra-class dreadnought in orbit of war-torn Skarkon II, using resources taken from the surface of the so-called "Snake Pit of New Eden", is an arrogant statement of power that is almost emblematic of Svarog Clade's apparent world-view.
Talocan Coupling Array
The long capsules in the coupling array offer no hints as to their purpose. Archaeologists conjecture that the Array contained escape vessels, food bins, fuel resources or equipment for punishment. Some theories purport that all of the above are true.
Talocan Disruption Tower
The Talocan disruption tower is the most mysterious of the Talocan structures. Although certainly a part of the Talocan station, its hinges and propulsion systems imply ready removal from stations, but the peaks and points are unlike any current weapon grouping or turret structure. The tower appears as more of a mechanical syringe than a defense turret, but that may be just speculation. Regardless of the theories, the disruption tower is an unsettling relic of the Talocans.
Talocan Embarkment Destroyer
This Talocan ship wreckage drifts in space with surprising grace and efficiency. Even completely offline and abandoned, the embarkment destroyer appears to have been created for just this function, or at least for survival across vast stretches of unknown space for extended periods of time. Despite its incapacitated status, the wreckage looks sturdy enough to be rebuilt; perhaps its appearance is merely a ruse, a trap set long ago by a dead civilization. Regardless, caution is recommended.
Talocan Engineering Station
This is a Talocan engineering station
Talocan Exchange Depot
Amidst the ruins of this Talocan outpost, the exchange depot looms, its presence foreboding. Judging from the wreckage inside, the depot was either used for imprisonment or cultural exchange; eerily, there seems to be very little difference between the two. Whatever its purpose, this structure is rather prevalent among the outposts, displaying its importance in Talocan society.
Talocan Extraction Silo
This towering structure contains all the basic elements of a regular silo: cavernous storage areas, thick walls, extensive ventilation, etc. Based on the scans of this silo, however, the silo's previous contents are unknown. The residue from inside reveals nothing known in modern times, or even odd genetic combinations. Whatever its contents, the silo emits an unfamiliar – and uneasy – presence.
Talocan Observation Dome
Large windows and telescoping turrets peer out into the surrounding darkness. The Talocan observation dome always appears to be staring, despite the absence of its original occupants.
Talocan Outpost Conduit
Narrow tubes and electrical wiring fill the outpost conduit. Equal parts electrical artery and linking structure, the interior of this connecting structure is in disrepair, but it's polyferrous hull keeps the ravages of space and time at bay.
Talocan Outpost Core
Centuries of emptiness have left this Talocan outpost's central hub in disarray, but the chambers and corridors inside portray a busy (if very spartan) existence. Advanced technology mingles with rustic repairs and patchwork assemblages. Some of the technology is ancient and very rudimentary in design, harkening back to cultures long gone, yet with hints of familiarity.
Talocan Outpost Hub
Though large in design, this structure is sparsely adorned, with only a few antechambers and docking platforms inside. Speculation among historians suggests that this outpost hub was capable of immediate and easy disconnection from the Talocan outpost in case of attack, but there hasn't been a scholarly consensus about this.
Talocan Polestar
The central piece of this Talocan station is the Polestar, the nerve center of the complex and the heart of Talocan survival. Though dilapidated and unusable, the Polestar's outer hull holds many propulsion jets and mini-generators, implying its use as a self-sufficient structure with independent capabilities. From the burn marks around the propulsion thrusters, this Polestar has been jettisoned many times as a necessary structure for a migrant culture.
Talocan Reactor Spire
Centuries of emptiness have left this Talocan outpost's central hub in disarray, but the chambers and corridors inside portray a busy (if very spartan) existence. Advanced technology mingles with rustic repairs and patchwork assemblages. Some of the technology is ancient and very rudimentary in design, harkening back to cultures long gone, yet with hints of familiarity.
Talocan Static Gate
This standing structure shares many similar aspects with modern acceleration gates. Whispers among Talocan lore-keepers tell of the Talocan's firm grasp of astronautical engineering, and this gate may offer some insight into this ancient race's knowledge.
Talocan Wreckage
This appears to be the much-mangled remains of a Talocan vessel. It's too damaged to recover anything useful from
Tempest Lower Sail
As is common with Minmatar designs, this Tempest battleship has fragmented into multiple sections under heavy fire. This lower section appears largely inert, with only a few arcing connectors showing any signs of activity
Tempest Midsection
As is common with Minmatar designs, this Tempest battleship has fragmented into multiple sections under heavy fire. This midsection seems to have taken the brunt of the damage in this case
Tempest Stern
As is common with Minmatar designs, this Tempest battleship has fragmented into multiple sections under heavy fire. The sparking power relays at the forward end of this drive section suggest there is still some life in the main reactors, but the radiation readings indicate that this was probably not a good thing for any surviving crew.
Tempest Upper Sail
As is common with Minmatar designs, this Tempest battleship has fragmented into multiple sections under heavy fire. A few red lights still blink forlornly within the bridge section, but the corpses drifting inside make clear that there are no other signs of life on board
Tempest Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
TES Aritcio the Redeemed
Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Aritcio Kor-Azor effectively had two lives in his time as head of House Kor-Azor. The first consisted of his capricious and brutal reign of terror over the Kor-Azor demesne, only curtailed when his depredations on commoners and vassal nobles alike led to severe action by the Order of the Speakers of Truth. His "second life" was marked by many acts of generosity and tolerance as head of House Kor-Azor. His personal selection of Lady Ersilia Kor-Azor as successor was in recognition of her great skill as a diplomat and administrator.
TES Bountiful Blessings
The Tash-Murkon Family is a major Amarr participant in the PKN Interstellar consortium directly, and through the Tash-Murkon Investment Bank and its major shareholding in the Nurtura corporation. The TES Bountiful Blessings is the parade flagship for the Tash-Murkon Family celebration but is actually a support ship of the Nurtura corporation's extensive logistics fleet, participating at the direct order of Lord Tunir Tash-Murkon.
TES Catiz of Tash-Murkon
Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite is now considered the head of the Emperor Family, and strictly no longer a member of House Tash-Murkon. Nevertheless, it is a point of pride for the Tash-Murkon that within a relatively short time of their elevation to Royal Family status they have provided an Empress of Holy Amarr. It is particularly notable that House Tash-Murkon has a strong Udorian lineage which they do not seek to conceal. As a result, Empress Catiz I is the first occupant of the Throne of Amarr known to have uncontested Udorian ancestry.
TES Garkeh of the Marches
Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. King Garkeh Khanid II's decision to bring the Khanid Kingdom once more under the greater Amarr Empire's dominion led to his being considered a Royal Heir upon the death of Empress Jamyl I. His death was followed by a declaration by King Farokh Khanid III that his predecessor be known as "St. Garkeh of the True Vigil on the Khanid Marches". A gigantic Grand Basilica is being constructed on Khanid Prime V in the memory of "Garkeh of the Marches".
TES Jamyl the Liberator
Empress Jamyl I has been venerated as a saint of the Amarr faith since her death at as the result of a Drifter attack in YC117. It is normal for occupants of the throne of Amarr to be considered major saints once they pass on, particularly as emperors are considered living prophets of the faith. Not all are venerated with the degree of fervor attached to the memory of Empress Jamyl I. Popularly known as "St. Jamyl the Liberator" for her "divine return" in order to repel a Minmatar invasion of core Amarr worlds in YC110, some Jamylite cults carry their worship of her so far that it treads into heretical territory.
TES Merimeth the Serene
Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Merimeth Sarum was forced to wait a long time for confirmation of his status as head of House Sarum due to the circumstances of Jamyl Sarum's "first death" and the corrupted court politics of the Karsoth Interregnum. His short reign as official Royal Heir of House Sarum is perhaps most significant for his support for Lord Arrach Sarum as his designated successor.
TES Uriam of Fiery Heart
Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Uriam Kador was well-known as a man of deep passions that made him a rather impulsive leader of House Kador. Uriam's most notorious act was to order an incursion into the Gallente Federation by the Kador Fleet in late YC110. The ensuing military disaster and its aftermath greatly diminished the prestige of House Kador, though it has been restored in large part by the efforts of his successor, Lady Hamideh Kador.
TES Yonis the Pious
Royal Heirs that commit ritual suicide in accordance with the Rite of Shathol'Syn are considered to have sacrificed their lives for the Amarr faith in order to usher in the reign of a new emperor. Such lords and ladies of the Great Houses of the Amarr Empire attain a saintly status by their sacrifice. Royal Heir Yonis Ardishapur was noted throughout his life for considerable piety, tastes approaching the ascetic, and a great concern to spread the Amarr faith and improve the lives of the faithful. Yonis Ardishapur's development of the Ammatar Mandate is considered his greatest achievement by House Ardishapur and is being continued by Lord Arim Ardishapur.
Test Asteroid 1
Test Asteroid 2
TEST Beacon
With it's blinking red light, this beacon appears to be marking a point of interest, or perhaps a waypoint in a greater trail.
TEST Beacon ( copy )
With it's blinking red light, this beacon appears to be marking a point of interest, or perhaps a waypoint in a greater trail. ( copy )
TEST Beacon (Capture Point)
With it's blinking red light, this beacon appears to be marking a point of interest, or perhaps a waypoint in a greater trail. ( copy )
Testing Facilities Wreck
Apparently set up to study nearby Talocan technology, this station has been buckled and broken by numerous impacts, possibly from material thrown up from the devastated planet below. The array of Talocan static gates nearby is eerily intact and seems to be functional to some degree.
The Eternal Flame
Built by the government shortly after the formation of the Minmatar Republic, the massive sculpture called "The Eternal Flame" is meant to symbolize the everlasting passion and resilient spirit of the Minmatar people. In particular, it has come to stand for the determination of the Minmatar to remain free and liberate all of their people from slavery. The Eternal Flame was constructed at some distance from Matar, evidently upon the remains of an old asteroid colony of some kind. Persistent rumor and speculation suggests this was an ancient Minmatar Empire station that once orbited Matar but the evidence for this romantic suggestion is scarce. Such remains as have been discovered at the core of the foundation asteroid are a mix of Minmatar and Amarr technology, and suggest it was established during the occupation period. Some have claimed it was actually a pirate base though most prefer to believe it was a secret rebel outpost. Perhaps such distinctions are moot when considering the times in which it was apparently used.
The Ruins of Old Traumark
The Old Traumark Installation was formerly a massive fortress guarding the southern space territories of the vastly rich Tash-Murkon royal family. At its height it represented the proudest moment in the history of the Tash-Murkon and a symbol of their commitment to progress and development. Yet that proud moment came and went, for the fortress, once thought to be impregnable, fell into the hands of Sansha's Nation Over the subsequent years several attempts were made to recapture and renovate the installation, however each attempt was stymied by the entrenched Sansha forces. The close proximity to Stain allowed Nation reinforcements to arrive with little warning, and the stations themselves were riddled with booby traps and infested by numerous cybernetically-augmented True Slave soldiers. After these failed attempts to recapture the ruins, the pragmatic Tash-Murkons eventually changed their approach and chose to build a new Traumark Installation at a nearby location. Now two versions of the great southern fortress exist just a short warp away from each other: a bright shining facility that represents the best of Amarr progress and might, and the ruined fortification that serves as an ever-present reminder of that might's limits.
The Solitaire
A ghost ship of enormous proportions, this Ragnarok-class Titan should be at the core of a Minmatar strike force or planetary defense, yet here it floats in silence. Its hull is airtight, yet all useful technology has been meticulously stripped from it, including weapons systems, propulsion, and electronics. There is no trace of its crew, despite all of its escape pods being present.
The Terminus Stream
The material being ejected from this wormhole consists of hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, iron, and other materials usually only found in those states and frequency on terrestrial planets.
The Traumark Installation
The Traumark Installation is a massive fortress complex that stands as a sentinel overlooking the southern reaches of the Amarr Empire and the border between the Empire and Sansha's Nation. The history of this installation tells a story of pride, folly, and resurgence for the vastly rich Tash-Murkon royal family. The original Traumark Installation was constructed by the Tash-Murkon family during the first optimistic century following their elevation to the top echelons of power within the Amarr Empire after the Khanid Rebellion. It was designed to defend the southernmost point of the Tash-Murkon royal territory and to attract attention as a symbol of the family's commitment to progress and development. The old Traumark Installation stood for over two hundred years as a shining symbol of Tash-Murkon wealth and might. Yet that proud moment came and went as the fortress, once thought to be impregnable, fell into the hands of Sansha's Nation during the Nation's first great resurgence in YC105. All efforts to retake the installation failed, and the infested ruins stood for over a decade as a thorn in the side of the proud but humbled Tash-Murkons. Eventually the pragmatic Tash-Murkons decided to take a different approach and instead of recapturing the Sansha-infested ruins of Old Traumark they began constructing a new Traumark Installation at a new location not far from the previous site. Royal Heir Tunir Tash-Murkon and his advisors shrewdly took advantage of an influx of surplus equipment available to the empires with the reduction in the intensity of the EDENCOM/Triglavian conflict in YC123. Using the equipment and resources they had acquired, the Tash-Murkon Family was able to build the new Traumark Installation well below projected budgets. Additionally, the influence of the Tash-Murkon with Empress Catiz I, and their successful lobbying for a new stargate to Stain region, ensured that their new fortress would be a short warp away from the Empire's newly-constructed link between Samnier and F7-ICZ. The new installation serves both as a defensive bulwark against Sansha intrusion into Amarr space, and as a hub for the Tash-Murkon family's military, exploration, and resource gathering expeditions into Stain.
Theology Council Listening Post
This outpost does not respond to any communication attempts, however it appears to be actively maintained and staffed.
Thukker Firetail
The Firetail is modeled off a fighter frigate known as the Shamrock, a design used by a small, now-extinct pirate faction known as Lazari Dromitus. The blueprint found its way into the hands of Matari military forces after a raid on Lazari Dromitus's headquarters succeeded in killing its leader, thus beheading the organization and scattering its remnants to the four winds. It has since been improved upon and upgraded, and the Firetail is now a mainstay in most Republic Fleet patrols.
Thukker Hurricane
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Thukker Market
Thukker caravans travel all throughout the great wildlands, then visit wider Republic space to trade a wide variety of valuable resources and strange curiosities. This caravan contains a chaotic market where all comers may trade in often less than legitimate goods.
Thukker Stabber
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.
Thukker Tempest
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Thukker Tribal Embassy
According to what remains of the historical records of the Minmatar, the Thukker tribe had always been a nomadic people, journeying back and forth across Matar in large caravans. The development of the old Minmatar Empire appears to have done little to inhibit the wandering of the Thukker. Indeed, the Great Caravanserai itself was constructed by the Thukker long ago to serve as a major junction in their network of routes and caravanserais. The Amarr found the Thukker intractable and many escaped to remote areas of space, forming the nucleus of the later culture of Great Caravans. The Thukker were notable fighters in the Great Rebellion but declined to join in the founding of the Republic. The wanderering Thukker Tribe officially joined the Republic in YC111, maintaining full autonomy of their Great Wildlands region but once more uniting the Minmatar as seven tribes. This Thukker Tribal Embassy serves as a facility that is unarguably the territory of the Thukker within the Orbital Caravanserai complex. Here the Chief takes counsel with elders, advisors, navigators, and delegations from the caravans of the tribe, secure in the knowledge that opportunities for eavesdropping and subtle interference by other parties are severely curtailed.
Tiny Rock
Fragments from an asteroid collision or a supernova, this rock formation decorates the starscape as a planetary mountain range.
Titanomachy Monument
This monument serves to honor the 74 capsuleers who sacrificed their Titan-class starships in the Battle of B-R5RB. It was conceived of and funded by an informal coalition of the Tritanium miners of New Eden. Aerallo Aiyashia Morgan Anna Valerios Anndy's Wife Aphillo Arwyon Bjoern Brother Justice bushy2 Chango Atacama Chris baileyy Clam Spunj Cyclon Darth Jahib DaStampede DeathMarshellKerensky Devix Sorax Djabra'il Dziubusia Enoch Dagor Flow Befort Gumba Smith Hermaphrodiety I'm Harmless Jebsar Jirad TiSalver Kaede Yamaguchi Killerhound La Sannel Lady GoodLeather Lord Thraakath Maggy Lycander Mandrake Seriya Margido Masc Suiza Melony814 Mhyn Teregone Mijstor Jedann MoTiOnXml Murkk Myadra Myal Terego Needa3 Rawnar Imtari Red Violence Ristano Robbie Boozecruise Royal Bliss Ryan Coolness Sala Cameron Selaik Seleucus Sharkith ShinjiKonai Shrike Smirnoff snutt Sorrows Shadow Sort Dragon SpaceRangerJoe Steph D'reux Takra Tarithell The Kan TIXOHJI Trinitrous Varak Silvertone Vince Draken von Schreck Wrath of Achilles xeneon XoJIoD Z Man Zungen
Tour Shuttle
Tribal Council Orbital Caravanserai
The Tribal Council is the collective head of state of the Minmatar Republic. The council is made up of the chiefs of the Seven Tribes of Minmatar and is chaired by the Sanmatar. While each tribe is substantially sovereign unto itself, the Tribal Council in practice wields enormous executive power by the common consent of the tribes. The traditional leadership role of Sanmatar functions as a mediator with no formal vote in the Council, but the holder of this office can be given emergency powers and is typically delegated command of the Republic's armed forces by the tribes. The formal meeting place of the Tribal Council is the Great Caravanserai in the Eyniletti Plains of Matar. However, the Tribal Council often meets remotely or at other convenient locations. The "Orbital Caravanserai" was established to provide a meeting place and transit station for chiefs, appointed deputies, and others attending Tribal Council meetings. The Tribal Council's secure FTL communications are now routed through this fortified location and it readily facilitates remote participation by holopresence. The facility is also used by delegations from Minmatar clans and circles, ambassadors from other empires and states, and corporate executives seeking the ear of the Council.
Triglavian Battleship Wreckage
The remains of a destroyed Leshak-class battleship.
Triglavian Dreadnought Zirnitra Wreckage
The remains of a destroyed ship.
True Creations Pool of Radiance Research Lab
This Sansha's Nation facility appears to have been constructed within the 6QBH-S system in order to study the spectacular crystal-clouds of the nearby Pool of Radiance phenomena. The Nation jealously guards its secrets, and intruders to this location have been known to come under fire from True Creations forces immediately.
Typhoon Wreck
This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive battlehips. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Unidentified Sleeper Device
Unidentified Sleeper Device
Unidentified Sleeper Device
Unidentified Sleeper Device
Unidentified Structure
There's nothing in our databanks that matches this structure.
Unidentified Structure
There's nothing in our databanks that matches this structure.
Unidentified Wormhole
There's nothing in our databanks that matches this wormhole.
Unidentified Wreckage
There's no telling what this used to be; now though it's definitely scrap
Unidentified Wreckage
This wreckage is part of the debris left over from the Battle of Fort Kavad. It remains largely untouched out of respect for the dead of the Battle of Fort Kavad.
Unknown object
An unknown object.
Unstable Wormhole
Your sensors show readings off the chart when you aim them at this peculiar phenomenon. From what little information you can gather you surmise that a stabilizing mechanism of some sort is needed for it to be safe to venture through the wormhole. But the readings also seem to indicate that this wormhole might not be a totally random natural phenomenon, but rather something that was created. When or by whom is impossible to tell and where it leads is an even bigger mystery.
Upwell Applied Gravitation Research Center
This structure is home to an advanced Upwell Consortium research and development project connected to the prototype structure being constructed nearby. Upwell has requested capsuleer assistance in collecting rogue drone components to aid them in this project. They are offering reward crates containing loyalty tokens and a chance to receive blueprints for advanced Upwell Consortium tractor beam technology to capsuleers who contribute these rogue drone components.
Upwell Consortium Prototype Structure
The latest marvel from the Upwell Consortium.
Upwell Production Facility Wreck
The smoldering remains of an Raitaru class engineering complex.
Upwell Research Complex Wreck
The smoldering remains of an Azbel class engineering complex.
Urlen II Provist Riots Memorial
On YC110.06.10, as news broke of the invasion of the Gallente Federation's Luminaire system and assault on Caldari Prime by State forces, anti-Gallente rioting spread across the Caldari State. While most incidents resulted in relatively few casualties, the riots in the underground industrial colonies of Urlen II resulted in the deaths of at least 1,000 State citizens, the vast majority of whom were members of the ethnic Gallente communities on that world. At the time, conflicting reports included the claim that Gallente partisans had risen up on Urlen II in reaction to the invasion of Luminaire. In the chaos of YC110, with open warfare between the empires of New Eden, the true nature of the riots remained obscure for years. Further investigations were only carried out by order of the Chief Executive Panel following the fall from power of Tibus Heth and his Caldari Providence Directorate or "Provist" regime in YC115. Despite attempts at a cover up by the Provist regime, it became amply clear from evidence and testimony that the Urlen II riots, like others at the time, had been instigated by Provist paramilitaries and their terrorist allies in the Templis Dragonaurs movement. While the enormity of Tibus Heth's crimes against the Caldari State went far beyond the tragedy of Urlen II, in the course of reasserting the old corporate system, the megacorporations of the CEP were concerned to emphasize that the ethnic persecution and terrorism against citizens of the Caldari State practised by the Provists would not be tolerated. To that end, the CEP published the results of the investigation for all citizens to read and commissioned a memorial to those who lost their lives in the Urlen II Provist Riots. In memory of those State citizens who lost their lives in the tragedy of Urlen II at the hands of terrorists directed by the outlaw and criminal Tibus Heth. Let us never again forget that the Caldari State is for all who live by the corporate ideal and follow the Caldari Way. – Chief Executive Panel of the Caldari State
Veles Clade Automata Semiosis Sobornost
This rather enigmatic Triglavian facility broadcasts an identifier beacon that includes a designation translated as "Automata Semiosis Sobornost" together with standard data symbology indicating Veles Clade ownership. As the structure is located within the constellation of the Pochven region designated as "Krai Veles", this is not surprising. Perhaps more surprising for those unfamiliar with the peculiarities of Veles Clade, is the apparent activity of establishing some kind of understanding and relationship with rogue drones present in Pochven. Convocation of the Troika of the Vodya Subclade of Veles Clade divined purpose for the deviant automata in the flow of Vyraj. The Koschoi of Vodya made a casting that the winnowing of the clades would be served by turning poshlost to sobornost. The Navka of Vodya gave this noema profound reverse-time sense and grounded the metaxy. The Narodnya of Vodya accepted the volition and merge-consented with the Koschoi and Navka of Troika Vodya. In this scribing is the working of the flow revealed as law. – Partial translation of Triglavian data signals transmitted regularly from Veles Clade Automata Semiosis Sobornost
Vherokior Firetail
The Firetail is modeled off a fighter frigate known as the Shamrock, a design used by a small, now-extinct pirate faction known as Lazari Dromitus. The blueprint found its way into the hands of Matari military forces after a raid on Lazari Dromitus's headquarters succeeded in killing its leader, thus beheading the organization and scattering its remnants to the four winds. It has since been improved upon and upgraded, and the Firetail is now a mainstay in most Republic Fleet patrols.
Vherokior Hurricane
The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
Vherokior Stabber
The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.
Vherokior Tempest
The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet's key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.
Vherokior Tribal Embassy
Vherokior are disinclined to engage in great collective efforts, and their various clans are rather loosely grouped under the tribal chief’s authority. Indeed, the clans themselves hold nominal authority in many cases, with the family being by far the most important social unit to the individual Vherokior. These families are traditionally matriarchal in structure, though the aftermath of the Amarrian occupation has disrupted this pattern somewhat, as with so many other aspects of Minmatar tribal culture. Most Vherokior have long-abandoned the ancient nomadism of their tribe but the Vherokior mystics are the guardians of the Voluval Ritual and travel immense distances in this role. The Vherokior Tribe was one of the four founding tribes of Minmatar Republic following the success of the Great Rebellion. This Vherokior Tribal Embassy serves as a facility that is unarguably the territory of the Vherokior within the Orbital Caravanserai complex. Here the Chief takes counsel with elders, advisors, family heads, and delegations from clans of the tribe, secure in the knowledge that opportunities for eavesdropping and subtle interference by other parties are severely curtailed.
Vidette Hive
Dwarfing the majestic enclave in size, the scale of this Hive sends shivers of awe into all those who bear witness to its grandeur. Its walls stand defiant against the harsh black vacuum. Its structure, testament to the unfathomable technological prowess of the Sleeper race. Cold, sharp edges seem to tear at the very fabric of space, distorting reality around it. One can only cower in fear at the thought of what a construction of this magnitudes purpose could be.
Violent Wormhole
Though the wormhole seems stable, the exotic radicals pouring from the tear imply that using it would be catastrophic.
Walkway Debris
A fragment of a larger structure, this walkway's self-luminescent halls are silently running out of energy. What remains of the rest of the structure is unknown, only that it must have been subject to a cataclysmic force, powerful enough to rip apart nanoreinforced station steel.
Warning Sign
WPCS Tyunaul Seituoda
Caldari State Workers Union Day is one of the few universal holidays mandated by the Caldari Executive Panel across all regions, territories and holdings of the corporate state. The day is the highlight of the CEP's State Workers Union calendar, with its corporate affiliate workers organizations all running a variety of celebrations and events over the course of the holiday. Often extended over a weekend, the occasion is a convenient time for the CEP's "Big 8" megacorps to hold their annual State Industrial Planning Summit. One particularly popular event, watched by billions over the corporate holonet channels, is the Haadoken Summit of megacorp security forces and its associated Security Training Games. For some years now the event has been held alongside the Workers Union Day. While the Seituoda clan that control Wiyrkomi prize patriotism, the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps has acquired a rather unfortunate reputation for bungling operations. Their Workers Union Day parade fleet is led by the Leviathan-class WPCS Tyunaul Seituoda, the man who engineered the rise of Wiyrkomi to leading megacorporation status and widely considered a founding father of the Caldari State.
Wrecked Amarr Structure
The remains of an Amarr structure.
Wrecked Archon
One doesn't need to be an insurance inspector to know that this ship is a write-off. The huge holes in the superstructure are a dead giveaway.
Wrecked Battleship
This used to be a battleship of some description, although time has clearly not been kind to it - its original form is now completely unidentifiable.
Wrecked Battleship
Wrecked Battleship
Wrecked Caldari Structure
The ruins of a Caldari structure.
Wrecked Cruiser
A proud spacefaring vessel reduced to a pile of generic scrap. Not exactly what the captain was hoping would happen, but that's life for you.
Wrecked Dreadnought
Wrecked Frigate
A small crumpled tangle of structural beams and fragments of electronics is all that remains of this frigate
Wrecked Gallente Structure
The ruins of a Gallente structure.
Wrecked Minmatar Structure
The ruins of a Minmatar structure.
Wrecked Prospector Ship
Wrecked Revelation
This Revelation has seen better days, generally the ones in which it was still in one piece.
Wrecked Storage Depot
This storage depot has been completely wrecked, with nothing of value remaining. It is hard to tell whether the depot was destroyed by nearby explosions or through savage scavenging. Probably a bit of both.
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