Project Discovery Phase Two Monument

 Type ID57625
Volume0 m3
Mass0 kg
Capacity0 m3
Type Info
Type ID57625
Graphic ID24961
Sound ID20803
Group IDLarge Collidable Object [226]
Faction Namepdexoplanets


Project Discovery Phase Two began in July of YC119, following the extremely successful protein classification work of Phase One with a new exoplanets hunting program under the guidance of CONCORD's Chief of Deep Space Research, Professor Michel Mayor.

This phase of the project marked the official transfer of the Project Discovery mantle from the Sisters of EVE to a dedicated research division within the CONCORD Assembly.

Project Discovery Phase Two advanced the search for new exoplanets significantly in its nearly three year operational lifetime, as capsuleers contributed their expertise to the analysis of stellar light curves in search of planetary transits.

Project Discovery Phase Two came to an end on YC122.06.15 and was replaced by a new Phase Three Flow Cytometry project.

Please query the Phase Two Monument's database for records of those capsuleers who were elite research contributors to Project Discovery's light curve analysis work.


Technical Note: there appears to be an open Entosis Link port on this structure.