Pakhshi Stargate Construction Monument

 Type ID59457
Volume0 m3
Mass0 kg
Capacity0 m3
Type Info
Type ID59457
Graphic ID24960
Sound ID20803
Group IDLarge Collidable Object [226]
Faction Nameminmatarbase


This monument honors the numerous capsuleers who contributed to the Minmatar Republic's construction project for this stargate in YC123. The ten individual capsuleers and five capsuleer corporations who contributed the most to this project are listed below.

Top ten individual capsuleer contributors to the construction project for this stargate:
1. Xeantuxe Vaille
2. PixyWarrior Ellecon
3. Gloobz
4. Michael Fuzzybolton
5. Maxp
6. Lara Edios
7. Ashley Parisi
8. Eleana Tomelac
9. Major Tom's Ghost
10. Onslaughtor

Top five capsuleer corporations that contributed to the construction project for this stargate:
1. Phoenix Naval Operations
2. Les Eclaireurs de Tau-Ceti
3. Stahlklang Foundation
4. KekoBan
5. Free Radical Corporation