Sovereignty Hub
- 10,000 m3
Ladar Sensor Strength:
- 25 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength:
- 25 points
RADAR Sensor Strength:
- 25 points
Gravimetric Sensor Strength:
- 25 points
Signature Radius:
- 4,000 m
- Blueprint:
- Sovereignty Hub Blueprint
Engineering Rig
- Source rigs:
- Portion size:
- 1
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceType Info
- Type ID:
- 32458
- Base price:
- 500.00m ISK
- Capacity:
- 10,000 m3
- Graphic ID:
- 27335
- Group ID:
- Sovereignty Hub
- Icon ID:
- 26062
- Market group ID:
- Sovereignty Hubs
- Published:
- true
- Radius:
- 45,000 m
- Sof faction name:
- upwell
- Sound ID:
- 35
- Volume:
- 60,000 m3
Developed by the Upwell Consortium, the sovereignty hub is the pinnacle of null security space management technology. With its modular upgrade infrastructure and energy capture capabilities, a sovereignty hub generates ample power to establish a claim and begin moving necessary workforce. Additionally, installing Orbital Skyhook on nearby planets allows a sovereignty hub to maintain further upgrades that can satisfy a variety of diverse needs.
To initiate a claim on a star system, deploy the sovereignty hub near a star and target it with an Entosis Link until your alliance gains full control. Only members of a valid capsuleer alliance can deploy and take control of a sovereignty hub. One hub is the maximum allowed in any star system, and they cannot be deployed in systems under non-capsuleer sovereignty or in wormhole space.