Ariel Rin for CSM19

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Standup Conduit Generator I


The Standup Conduit Generator is a service module that enables the creation and maintenance of stable spatial conduits connected to another similar device within range. When linked with another active conduit generator within 5 light years, this module allows the passage of starships safely across the intervening distance safely and instantly. Jumping through this connection requires the consumption of large volumes of Liquid Ozone fuel in addition to the standard hourly fuel block consumption of the active service module. This Liquid Ozone fuel consumption changes depending on the mass of the jumping ship and the distance traveled. The Ozone consumption formula is: Units of Ozone Consumed = (Ship Mass in kg) x (Jump Distance in LY) x 0.000003 + 50 This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains a sovereignty hub with the Deprecated Advanced Logistics Network upgrade active. This service module is automatically included built-in to every Upwell Ansiblex Jump Gate, and cannot be removed from that structure. Standup is a proprietary system that uses a Structure Autonomous Nanoassembly Device (Upwell) containing integrated template software, a nanoassembler array and sufficient nanomass to enable the construction of a variety of service modules, structure modules and structure rigs when inserted into the appropriate slots on a structure built with Upwell technology.