Spectre Fleet's Modified Entosis Link

- Packaged volume:
- 10 m3
- Portion size:
- 1
Manufacturing time:1hReprocessing
- Portion size:
- 1
Basic reprocessing, not accounting for skills and other bonuses.
Type Info
- Type ID:
- 40308
- Graphic ID:
- 21099
- Icon ID:
- 21421
- Meta group ID:
- 1
- Published:
- true
- Race ID:
- 16
- Radius:
- 1 m
- Volume:
- 10 m3
This Compact variation of the standard Entosis Link was developed by the research division of the Capsuleer organization Spectre Fleet. Spectre Fleet's forces were among the earliest to research the applications of Entosis technology and were able to optimize the standard Entosis Link for lower powergrid requirements. Originally intended for internal use only, copies of the blueprint have slipped onto the black market and can now be found by those with the right underworld connections.
This mysterious device is the result of reverse-engineering salvaged Drifter technology. It appears to use ancient Jovian techniques and materials to allow more efficient mind-machine links than were thought possible in the past. The practical applications of this technology are still unclear.
This module cannot be fitted to Interceptors.
This module requires a full warm-up cycle before beginning to influence targeted structures.
Ships fitted with an Entosis Link are unable to accelerate beyond 4000m/s using their normal sub-warp engines.
Once activated, this module cannot be deactivated until it completes its current cycle.
While an Entosis Link is active, the fitted ship cannot cloak, warp, jump, or dock.
Capital ships cannot receive remote assistance while they have an Entosis Link active.
Disclaimer: The Carthum Conglomerate, as well as its registered subsidiaries and partners, accepts absolutely no legal or ethical liability for any unforeseen consequences of connecting untested Drifter-derived technology directly to the user's mind.