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Project Discovery Phase One Monument


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6,000 m
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In YC118, the Sisters of EVE launched the Project Discovery citizen science platform to the capsuleer community through the GalNet.

Beginning on YC118.03.09, Project Discovery's Phase One work was aimed at achieving a comprehensive categorization and analysis of tissue samples acquired from the Drifters since their emergence in early YC117.

Led by Professor Emma Lundberg, Chief Scientist for the SOE advanced research division, Project Discovery Phase One was particularly successful in mapping out a comprehensive protein atlas from the Drifter tissue samples collected and analyzed during the term of the project.

Project Discovery Phase One came to an end on YC119.07.11, after 16 months of highly successful work. Project Discovery Phase Two is a new Exoplanets Hunting Program and is being operated under the guidance of CONCORD's Chief of Deep Space Research, Professor Michel Mayor.

Please query the Phase One Monument's database for records of those capsuleers who were elite research contributors to Project Discovery's tissue analysis work.


Technical Note: there appears to be an open Entosis Link port on this structure.