Skybreaker Bluestar Defenders SKIN
Inventory group: SKINs > Permanent SKIN
- Packaged volume:
- 0.01 m3
- Portion size:
- 1
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceType Info
- Type ID:
- 55984
- Group ID:
- Permanent SKIN
- Market group ID:
- Meta group ID:
- 17
- Published:
- true
- Race ID:
- 1
- Radius:
- 1 m
- Volume:
- 0.01 m3
Intended for use in combat against the Triglavian invaders, EDENCOM's new line of ships was commissioned from the Upwell Consortium to take advantage of Arcing Vorton Projector weapons technology. As the Triglavian Collective is known to be focusing considerable effort on capturing systems with a blue primary star, there has been a concern to reassure the inhabitants of such systems that EDENCOM will defend them. The "Bluestar Defenders" are a unit of ships including Thunderchild, Stormbringer, and Skybreaker vessels with a livery that reflects their special role. EDENCOM's Office of Propaganda has made the unit's colors available as a promotional nanocoating to support the campaign to defend blue star systems from Triglavian invasion.