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Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper

Market group: Implants & Boosters > Booster > Clone Mappers
Inventory group: Implant > Booster


The Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper is an augmentation that acts as a hub for specialized nanites that flood every part of a capsuleer's clone body. Through electro-molecular communication with the NCM hub augmentation, the nanites provide a real-time nanoscale map of the capsuleer's body.

When a capsuleer's pod is breached, the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper is able to instantly take a snapshot of the clone state and burst transmits it to an active Tactical Capsuleer Recloner in the local system. If the clone mapper finds an active recloner locally, the capsule's Transneural Echo Burning Scanner data is also redirected to the recloner.

The supply of nanites available for mapping and maintaining electro-molecular communication via the capsuleer's artificial nervous and endocrine systems is limited, and after a certain period of time an NCM augmentation will become non-functional and need to be replaced.