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Emperor Doriam II Memorial


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During his short rule, Emperor Doriam II was known as a benevolent leader to his people, a peacemaker with the neighboring empires, and a stalwart enemy of the heretical Blood Raiders. Born Doriam Kor-Azor, he was elevated to the Golden Throne thanks to the support of the capsuleers Ecliptical, BlackViper, Grikl and Kileak in the Amarr Championships of YC105.

Doriam II strived to be a just leader for all the citizens of the Amarr Empire, demonstrating this commitment early in his reign by embarking on an extended tour to visit every inhabited planet within Amarr space to hear the concerns of local Holders and appear before their populace.

Viewed as a sympathetic successor to Heideran VII, Emperor Doriam II continued his predecessor's irenic stance towards the Amarr Empire's neighbors, including efforts to maintain the tenuous peace with the Minmatar Republic. His primary military interventions were directed towards the Blood Raider Covenant, including a major assault on the Blood Raider strongholds within the Bleak Lands by combined forces of the Amarr Navy and capsuleer loyalists.

The success of Doriam II's campaign against the Blood Raiders saw them driven from the Bleak Lands and the reassertion of imperial rule over the systems the cultists had occupied. However, this success was not to be without a price, as Doriam II was assassinated in the Imperial Palace on July 4th, YC107. While the killing was a great mystery for many years, the assassins are now believed to have been members of the "Red Chamberlain" Dochuta Karsoth's Blood Raider cultist cell.

This monument was erected in YC123 by the order of Royal Heir Ersilia Kor-Azor in memory of her uncle's leadership of House Kor-Azor and the Amarr Empire.