Compressed Shining Loparite
Market group: Manufacture & Research > Materials > Raw Materials > Moon Ores > Exceptional Moon Ores
Inventory group: Asteroid > Exceptional Moon Asteroids
Ore Variations
- 0 m3
Required Skills
Asteroid unit radius:
- 600 m
- Portion size:
- 100
Output | Quantity |
Hydrocarbons | 40 |
Scandium | 40 |
Platinum | 20 |
Promethium | 44 |
Basic reprocessing, not accounting for skills and other bonuses.
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceOther
asteroidMaxRadius :
- 5,000 m3
Type Info
- Type ID:
- 62506
- Base price:
- 10.00k ISK
- Group ID:
- Exceptional Moon Asteroids
- Icon ID:
- 25183
- Market group ID:
- Exceptional Moon Ores
- Published:
- true
- Radius:
- 1 m
- Volume:
- 0.1 m3
Loparite ores carved out of moons can occasionally yield very high densities of the valuable minerals. When this happens the ore is called Shining Loparite and reprocessing such ores will yield twice the normal volume of useful material.
An exceptional ore commercially mined from moons, Loparite is highly valuable as it yields good quantities of Promethium, a vital element of many advanced materials. Loparite ores will also yield Platinum, Scandium and Hydrocarbons.
This material is compressed and a much more compact form of the original material.