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Federation Grand Prix History Route: Verge Vendor Colonies


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6,000 m
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During the Gallente Frontier Age, cheaper warp travel allowed for an extensive wave of colonization of new systems by settlers from major established worlds such as Intaki, Kabar, Caldari Prime, and especially Gallente Prime. Many independent colonists began to settle in an area of space which separated Gallente and Intaki territories known as the Verge (later known as Verge Vendor). The bulk of these colonists wished to escape the somewhat regulated development that was taking place around the homeworlds, desiring their own homesteads to establish. In the early years these frontier colonies largely operated outside the purview of existing authorities, with some banding together into minor interplanetary leagues and alliances.

When the original Gallente Federation was formed in the year BYC115, the original signatories were the governments of Gallente Prime, Caldari Prime, Intaki Prime, Kabar (Mannar VIII), and some of the most prominent Verge Vendor colonies including those from Amygnon III, Jufvitte VI, Ellmay IV, Alentene III, and Alentene IV.