Compressed Dense Polycrase
Market group: Trade Goods > Industrial Goods
Inventory group: Commodity > Miscellaneous
Ore Variations
- 0 m3
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceOther
Type Info
- Type ID:
- 79785
- Base price:
- 1.00k ISK
- Group ID:
- Miscellaneous
- Icon ID:
- 3319
- Market group ID:
- Industrial Goods
- Published:
- true
- Radius:
- 1 m
- Volume:
- 0.001 m3
This dense variant of Polycrase ore is especially prized by engineers for use in large-scale construction projects. Recent advances in system-wide ore scanning technology has enabled the interested parties such as the Caldari State and Outer Ring Excavations to detect hidden asteroid clusters containing this ore.
This material is compressed and a much more compact form of the original material. Polycrase requires extremely specialized equipment to reprocess and is therefore generally not useful for capsuleer industry, however rumors have suggested that Deathless Custodians corporation is willing to purchase this compressed ore in their Zarzakh stronghold.