Salvaged Materials

Materials salvaged from destroyed starships.

Alloyed Tritanium Bar
Tritanium based alloy for use in applications requiring extremely high strength and temperature resistance. Some examples are thruster mounts or afterburner nozzles.
Armor Plates
Typical armor plating.
Artificial Neural Network
ANNs preside over a starship's various electronics subsystems and keep everything in working order, rerouting power and processing when systems are damaged or go offline.
Broken Drone Transceiver
A multifunction chip with digital modulator and oscillator utilized in drone communication hardware. This one looks broken.
Burned Logic Circuit
Autonomous field programmable holographic signal processor with embedded holographic data storage. Used in most modern computers, the ubiquitous AFPHSPEHDS is colloquially known as the "Aphid". This name leads of course to many bad puns about bugs in the system.
Capacitor Console
Capacitor consoles are a necessary component of starship capacitor units.
Charred Micro Circuit
Micro Circuits are one of the most common electronics components seen in use. This one has seen better days but could still be of some use.
Conductive Polymer
An extremely conductive synthetic compound of high molecular weight. Used in the construction of electronics.
Conductive Thermoplastic
Used to build Tech II ship upgrades.
Contaminated Lorentz Fluid
So named for its myriad electrodynamic properties, Lorentz Fluid exhibits strong conductivity with extreme resistance to heat.
Contaminated Nanite Compound
A soup of nanite assemblers typically used in armor manufacturing processes. This compound needs to go through purification before it's of use again.
Current Pump
Used to transfer energy from a ships capacitor to a laser gain medium.
Damaged Artificial Neural Network
ANNs preside over a starship's various electronics subsystems and keep everything in working order, rerouting power and processing when systems are damaged or go offline. This ANN is damaged but doesn't seem to be a total loss.
Defective Current Pump
Used to transfer energy from a ships capacitor to a laser gain medium. The mechanism on this device is in need of repair.
Drone Transceiver
Multifunction chip with digital modulator and oscillator.
Electromagnetic Metaprismatic Sheeting
A special material emerging from the cutting-edge metamaterial labs, this sheeting is able to redirect a wide range of electromagnetic energies. It is a vital element of internal and external shielding for devices employing ultra high-energy emissions in the manipulation of spatiotemporal topologies.
Encrypted ‘Istina’ Data
This research data has been locked behind a triple-encryption layer which would require a three-dimensional cipher to unlock.
Enhanced Ward Console
A control unit for Tech II shield systems.
Federal Encryption Key
A key generated by the Gallente Federation for unlocking encrypted data. Though this key is single-use, its sequencing may provide Caldari intelligence with clues as to how further keys can be generated.
Fried Interface Circuit
Interface Circuits are common building blocks of starship subsystems. This one seems a little worse for wear but might be useful for something with a little ingenuity.
Hyperbolic Metatransistor Array
A highly advanced material, critical to ultra-sensitive detectors, relying on hyperbolic anisotropic effects to convert fine changes in local electromagnetic fields to optical processing signals. The fine resolution in mapping local EM fields achieved by such sensors would generally only be of use to scientists but may have military applications.
Imperial Exploit Log
A series of errors logged as an Amarrian virus attempts a brute force attack, searching for critical exploits in its target’s code. Within the log, there are clues as to the virus' methodology. With enough logs Minmatar security forces might be able to protect against future attacks.
Impetus Console
A more advanced version of the common Thruster Console.
Insurgent Trojan Fragments
Fragments of a trojan virus programmed by Matari insurgents. The virus switched friend or foe parameters passed to the infected devices targeting system. Understanding the exact structure and design of the virus will require many fragments, but helps the Amarr to better understand how it might be countered.
Intact Armor Plates
Used to build Tech II ship upgrades.
Intact Shield Emitter
An intact shield emitter component.
Interface Circuit
Interface Circuits are common building blocks of starship subsystems.
Logic Circuit
An "Aphid" logic circuit. The nickname is derived from the unfortunate acronym of autonomous field programmable holographic signal processor with embedded holographic data storage.
Lorentz Fluid
So named for its myriad electrodynamic properties, Lorentz Fluid exhibits strong conductivity with extreme resistance to heat.
Malfunctioning Shield Emitter
This Shield Emitter, while not being totally out of commission doesn't seem to be living up to its full potential. With some tender loving care the parts could be put to good use.
Megacorp Transaction Thread
An isolated thread from a series of complex transactions carried out by an unknown Caldari megacorporation. By itself the thread is meaningless but with enough of them, the Federation could begin to establish a chain of transactions that traces the credits back to their source.
Melted Capacitor Console
A slightly damaged but still seemingly usable capacitor console. Capacitor consoles are a necessary component of starship capacitor units.
Micro Circuit
The Micro Circuit is one of the most common electronics components seen in use.
Nanite Compound
A soup of nanite assemblers typically used in armor manufacturing processes.
Power Circuit
Your average run-of-the-mill closed loop electrical network with redundant autonomous switchgear.
Power Conduit
Power Conduit runs through ships delivering energy like arteries deliver blood through a body. Large ships can have hundreds of miles of conduit.
Scorched Telemetry Processor
An expert system used in the construction of missile launchers. This one has been damaged by fire or an explosion.
Single-crystal Superalloy I-beam
An intact section of tritanium based single-crystal alloy i-beam for use in applications requiring extremely high strength and temperature resistance. Some examples are thruster mounts or afterburner nozzles.
Smashed Trigger Unit
This Thermonuclear Trigger Unit while smashed still seems to have it's nuclei containment field intact and the plasma seems to be near thermal equilibrium. It would be a shame to waste this unit just because of its cosmetic damage.
Tangled Power Conduit
Power Conduit runs through ships delivering energy like arteries deliver blood through a body. Large ships can have hundreds of miles of conduit. This conduit is tangled and knotted as it seems to have gone through some sort of catastrophe.
Telemetry Processor
An expert system used in the construction of missile launchers.
Thruster Console
The control unit for a starships thrusters.
Trigger Unit
A perfectly functioning cannon trigger unit.
Tripped Power Circuit
A closed loop electrical network with redundant autonomous switchgear. This unit has all of its breakers tripped but isn't beyond repair.
Ultraconducting Ablative Nanocable
Ultra high-power loads will typically burn out even the most advanced superconducting cables, calling for a radical solution in cases where high bursts of power are required at relatively high frequencies. Ultraconducting ablative nanocable is able to repeatedly transmit high-power loads by actively exchanging the material of the cable with an integrated pool of nanomaterial between pulses.
Ward Console
The control unit for a starships shield systems.