Type Bonuses
Role Bonuses
- 10 % bonus in gas decompression efficiency
- 25 % reduction in Reprocessing and Reaction Service Module fuel consumption
- 25 % reduction in time requirements for reaction jobs
- 20 % bonus to the rate of fire and capacitor consumption of Standup Burst Projectors and Guided Bomb Launchers
- This structure can operate Reaction Service Modules
- This structure can operate Moon Drill Service Modules and engage in moon mining when deployed at a designated Moon Mining Beacon
- While this structure has at least one online service module it enters full power mode and will gain increased shield and armor hitpoints and an extra reinforcement cycle.
- This structure requires a Tatara Upwell Quantum Core to be installed for anchoring to complete
- Mass:
- 10,000,000,000 kg
- Packaged volume:
- 80,000 m3
- Portion size:
- 1
Structure Hitpoints:
- 14,400,000 HP
- 0 m3
- 80,000 m3
- 10,000,000,000 kg
- 45,000 m
Capacitor Warfare Resistance:
- 99.999%
Weapon Disruption Resistance:
- 99.999%
Stasis Webifier Resistance:
- 99.999%
Capacitor Warfare Resistance:
- 99.999%
- 0 m3
Powergrid Output:
- 2,200,000 MW
CPU Output:
- 29,000 tf
High Slots:
- 5
Medium Slots:
- 4
Low Slots:
- 3
Rig Slots:
- 3
Rig Slots:
- 3
Rig Size:
- large
- 400 points
Player Structure
Maximum tethering range:
- 10,000 m
Shield Damage Limit (per second):
- 18,000,000 HP
Armor Damage Limit (per second):
- 15,000 HP
Structure Damage Limit (per second):
- 15,000 HP
- -25 %
Maximum Targeting Range:
- 380,000 m
Ladar Sensor Strength:
- 500 points
Magnetometric Sensor Strength:
- 500 points
RADAR Sensor Strength:
- 500 points
Gravimetric Sensor Strength:
- 500 points
Signature Radius:
- 100,000 m
Scan Resolution:
- 40 mm
Fighter Hangar Capacity:
- 300,000 m3
Capacitor Capacity:
- 300,000 GJ
Capacitor Recharge time:
- 1h 36m
Shield Capacity:
- 4,500,000 HP
Shield recharge time:
- 11574d 1h 46m 39.999s
Armor Hitpoints:
- 3,600,000 HP
Structure Hitpoints:
- 14,400,000 HP
- Can be fitted with:
- Standup Guided Bomb Launcher I
- Can be fitted with:
- Standup Guided Bomb Launcher II
- Can be fitted with:
- Standup Market Hub I
- Can be fitted with:
- Standup Point Defense Battery I
- Can be fitted with:
- Standup Gravitational Transportation Field Oscillator
- Can be fitted with:
- Standup Remote Beacon Burst Projector
- Can be fitted with:
- Standup Point Defense Battery II
- Blueprint:
- Tatara Blueprint
Engineering Rig
- Source rigs:
- Portion size:
- 1
Adam4Eve Material InfluenceOther
- 0 GJ
- 1
- 0
Theoretical Maximum Targeting Range:
- 490,000 m
- true
Sensor Warfare Resistance:
- 99.999%
Remote Logistics Impedance:
- 99.999%
ECM Resistance:
- 99.999%
Maximum cargo deposit range:
- 10,000 m
DPS threshold to pause shield repair:
- 1,500 HP
DPS threshold to pause armor repair:
- 1,500 HP
DPS threshold to pause hull repair:
- 1,500 HP
Type Info
- Type ID:
- 35836
- Graphic ID:
- 21451
- Group ID:
- Refinery
- Market group ID:
- Refineries
- Published:
- true
- Radius:
- 45,000 m
- Sof faction name:
- upwell-refinery
- Sound ID:
- 20745
- Volume:
- 80,000 m3
“Oh yeah, I was at C0T-77 when the fusion reactor went critical and blew the side out of the Crown Seven mineworks. We got more promethium out of the debris field in a day than in a month of drilling. I guess it got someone to thinking.” – Ramon Fulcan, veteran moon-mining engineer
The Tatara Refinery is a large-sized structure from the Upwell Consortium and specialized for moon-mining and reaction-based industrial operations. The Tatara is the heavy-duty, extended operations refinery in the Upwell Consortium’s line of industrial structures, and is able to use Upwell's Standup Service modules, allowing flexibility and customization of its functions.
This dedicated extraction and refining structure also provides access to Upwell’s L-Set line of rigs designed to improve productivity and optimization of various aspects of chemical reaction and moon-mining operations. The Tatara has docking facilities for subcapital ships, freighters, and capital industrial ships.
The Moon Drill Service Module can only be installed if the Refinery is deployed on the eligible moon mining position.