All Ship Equipment

Equipment modules for spaceships, including many types of weapon, electronic, engineering, armor, shield and propulsion systems

'Abatis' 100mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
'Accord' Core Compensation
When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship's warp core.
'Anguis' Ice Harvester Upgrade
Decreases the cycle time on Ice Harvester but causes them to use up more CPU.
'Aoede' Mining Laser Upgrade
Increases the yield on mining lasers, but causes them to use up more CPU.
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launcher
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
'Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
'Arquebus' Heavy Beam Laser I
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Atgeir' Explosive Disruptive Lance
The Minmatar Republic gives lip service to the standard claims of all ‘Big 4’ empires that it developed its own ‘Disruptive Lance’ technology independently but does not over-exert itself to insist on this point. The Republic Security Services have been highly active in acquiring any and all military intelligence, research, and technology specs available on the black market. The RSS as an organization rarely indulges itself in pretence that it operates above the dirtier side of the great game of empires. While the Thukker Tribe appears to have been developing an advanced dreadnought for some time, it is probable that intel from the RSS contributed significantly to the combination with new lance technology. The Minmatar Republic’s ‘Atgeir’ Explosive Disruptive Lance generates a stream of protons and energy in a beam that carries specific disruptive energy patterns at ultra-high intensities. This effect means the weapon will disrupt warp and jump drives, prevent docking guidance and tethering connections, and massively inhibit the effectiveness of external repair beams. This comes at the price of an attenuated and less focused explosive destructive effect but the tactical opportunities of the weapon are considered well worth that trade. Due to the extreme energies involved in the operation of this module, a disruptive lance can only be fired when in siege mode, and ships with this module fitted are unable to activate cloaking devices. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for 2 minutes.
'Aura' Warp Core Stabilizer I
When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship's warp core.
'Aurora Ominae' Thermal Doomsday
By using reverse-engineered Sleeper technology and advances in focused magnetic fields, this weapon emits a beam of antimatter that is capable of obliterating an entire capital ship. Notes: This weapon can only fire on ships that are capital-sized or larger. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Azmaru' Electromagnetic Disruptive Lance
Like the other ‘Big 4’ empires, the Amarr Empire claims to have independently developed ‘Disruptive Lance’ technology but almost certainly gained some insights from Caldari State research data available on the technology black market, and perhaps also from its own highly-effective espionage operations. Amarr weapons research and development programs have been operating at a fever pitch since the Triglavian invasions, and an advanced dreadnought program was obviously well underway regardless of the combination with the new lance modifications. The Empire’s ‘Azmaru’ Electromagnetic Disruptive Lance uses an EM energy beam as a carrier of specific disruptive energy patterns at ultra-high intensity in order to disrupt warp and jump drives, prevent docking guidance and tethering connections, and massively inhibit the effectiveness of external repair beams. This comes at the price of an attenuated and less focused EM destructive effect but the tactical opportunities of the weapon are considered well worth that trade. Due to the extreme energies involved in the operation of this module, a disruptive lance can only be fired when in siege mode, and ships with this module fitted are unable to activate cloaking devices. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for 2 minutes.
'Bailey' 1600mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
'Balefire' Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
'Ballista' Tachyon Beam Laser I
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Barbican' 800mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
'Barrage' Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
'Basic' Capacitor Flux Coil
Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage.
'Basic' Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
'Basic' Capacitor Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
'Basic' Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
'Basic' Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
'Basic' EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Expanded Cargohold
Increases cargo hold capacity at the expense of maximum velocity and hull strength.
'Basic' Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Inertial Stabilizers
Improves ship handling and maneuverability. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Layered Coating
This coating is composed of several layers, effectively increasing the armor hit points.
'Basic' Layered Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the layered armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the integrity of the coating layers, effectively increasing the armor hit points even further.
'Basic' Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Nanofiber Internal Structure
Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship's velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Overdrive Injector System
This unit increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
'Basic' Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
'Basic' Reinforced Bulkheads
Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.
'Basic' Shield Flux Coil
Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
'Basic' Shield Power Relay
Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.
'Basic' Signal Amplifier
Augments the sensor and electronics suite of the fitted ship. Benefits include additional locked targets, increased maximum target acquisition range, faster locking speed, and increased sensor strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Basic' Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Bastion' 400mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
'Beatnik' Small Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
'Bootleg' Remote Sensor Booster
Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions, boost their targeting range and improve their sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Bribe' Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Cactus' Modified Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Carpo' Mining Laser Upgrade
Increases the yield on mining lasers, but causes them to use up more CPU.
'Cartel' Power Diagnostic System I
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
'Catapult' Mega Beam Laser I
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Censer' Medium Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
'Chainmail' 200mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
'Chivalry' Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
'Citadella' 100mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
'Cold Wind' Kinetic Reaper
Through weapons technology agreements long maintained in the mutual interests of the Caldari State and Amarr Empire, the ‘Reaper’ device created by the Amarr’s weapons scientists was soon passed on to the Caldari, for a suitable quid pro quo, and the State modified the specific energy output so as to produce their own favored kinetic effect at the impact point. In an allusion to Caldari mythology, the weapon was designated ‘Cold Wind’ for the powerful animistic spirit that was said to cut down trees and soldiers alike when it blew at its fiercest. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Corporate' Light Electron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Crop' Gas Cloud Scoop
Originally invented and supplied by the pirate organizations of New Eden, the 'Crop' and ‘Plow' Gas Cloud Scoops once stood as the most advanced pieces of gas harvesting equipment available. Although they did not offer any improvement in their harvesting yield, the CPU reduction was valued by many who otherwise struggled to fit a full rack of scoops to cruiser-class vessels. This one small improvement set the two scoops above the standard, Tech I variant for many years. All that changed however when new, stable wormholes began proliferating across the cluster. As soon as the wormholes were discovered, so too, were the giant gas cloud pockets within the unknown systems they linked to. In a single day, the demand for Tech II Gas Cloud Scoop exploded. Research projects were hastily established and grants hurriedly thrown out to the most promising firms pursuing a redesign. It was only a few days before a breakthrough was made, and the mighty ‘Crop' and ‘Plow' variants soon took second place to a superior Tech II counterpart that vastly increased the harvesting yield.
'Crossbow' Focused Medium Beam Laser I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Crucible' Small Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
'Dealer' Light Ion Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Delineative' Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
'Desert Heat' Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
'Deuce' Co-Processor I
Increases CPU output.
'Distributor' Guidance Disruptor
Disrupts the effective range and precision of missiles fired by the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Divine Harvest' Electromagnetic Reaper
The Amarr Empire’s crash program of capital ship development included an intense effort to reverse-engineer recovered Drifter technology. While falling short of a full understanding of the weapons used by the inscrutable Drifters, the research did bear fruit in a new form of directed energy beam that weapons scientists began calling the ‘Reaper’. The Imperial Navy designated the device ‘Divine Harvest’ but the tag stuck to this weapon type when, inevitably, other empires acquired the basic concept and developed their own variations. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Dyad' Co-Processor I
Increases CPU output.
'Enterprise' Remote Tracking Computer
Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Executive' Remote Sensor Dampener
Reduces the range and speed of a targeted ship's sensors. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Felon' Ion Blaster Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Firewall' Signal Amplifier
Augments the sensor and electronics suite of the fitted ship. Benefits include additional locked targets, increased maximum target acquisition range, faster locking speed, and increased sensor strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Full Duplex' Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Gallows' Light Missile Launcher
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
'Gambler' Ladar ECM
Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems such as those found on Minmatar and Angel Cartel ships.
'Gauntlet' Small Focused Beam Laser I
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Geiravor' Explosive Lance
The Republic Security Services were so concerned by reports of major advances in directed and focused capital energy weapons development in the other empires that they recommended a covert acquisition program to Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor. In contrast to this aggressive approach, the Sanmatar tasked the Republic Justice Department to use its considerable contacts with the Gallente Federation to overcome the hesitancy created by past tensions and border encounters between the two empires. As a result of this open policy, President Jacus Roden directed the Federation Navy to share its ‘Lance’ technology with the Republic Fleet and the ‘Geiravor’ Explosive Lance variant was quickly developed. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Ghost' Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
'Gjallarhorn' Explosive Doomsday
Righteous fury given form, this weapon system rains a firestorm of unmatched raw destruction upon its target. Notes: This weapon can only fire on ships that are capital-sized or larger. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Glycerine' Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Gorget' Small Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
'Greaves' Medium Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
'Guillotine' Thermal Reaper
Gallente Federation intelligence agencies were not slow in responding to the massive efforts of the Amarr Empire to develop capital ships and weapons fit to meet the threat of the Drifters, and any other emergent threats that might use similar weapons and battle doctrines. Consequently, the Federation Navy soon acquired the basic principles of the ‘Reaper’ beam technology and developed their own thermal energy variation. This weapon was designated ‘Guillotine’ in reference to the bladed execution weapon once used by the Gallente Federation’s homeworld precursor, the Garoun Empire. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Halberd' Mega Pulse Laser I
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Halcyon' Core Equalizer I
When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship's warp core.
'Harmony' Small Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
'Harness' Medium Capacitor Booster I
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
'Hauberk' Large Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
'Heist' Radar ECM
Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against the Radar systems incorporated into ships built by the Amarr, Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation and Triglavian Collective.
'High Noon' Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Holy Destiny' Electromagnetic Lance
While the Amarr Empire had first developed the ‘Reaper’ directed energy device, the Gallente were the first to modify the concept into a focused, static energy beam they called a ‘Lance’. In truth, the Amarr had not entirely cracked the problem of holding this particular form of pseudo-stable energy on a single point before the Gallente came up with a method of focusing the beam reliably. The Amarr were quite taken with the solution the Federation had developed and at once produced their own electromagnetic variation codenamed ‘Holy Destiny’. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Hooligan' Heavy Ion Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Hustler' Heavy Neutron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Inception' Target Painter
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and hit. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Ingenii' Ice Harvester Upgrade
Decreases the cycle time on Ice Harvester but causes them to use up more CPU.
'Interruptive' Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
'Investor' Tracking Disruptor I
Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Iron Pike' Kinetic Lance
The Caldari Navy’s weapons scientists were slightly puzzled that their Amarr allies had not created a simplified, focused version of the ‘Reaper’ before the Federation but attributed this to the legendarily methodical and cautious approach of imperial scientists. There was some truth to this, as the Amarr had simply not yet managed to hold the beam reliably on a single target point. The State managed to independently solve the problem of holding a focused beam of the pseudo-stable energy and the modifications necessary to create the ‘Iron Pike’ Kinetic Lance were soon made. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Jormungandr' Explosive Reaper
While the Minmatar Republic took a relaxed attitude to the initial Drifter incursions, particularly as these entities appeared focused on the Republic’s Amarr foes, the Minmatar military were extremely interested in developments in capital ship technology and weapons. Through one means or another the necessary acquisitions of data and exemplar technologies were made and the Minmatar developed an explosive energy variation of the ‘Reaper’ directed beam technology that the Amarr had first developed. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Joust' Heavy Pulse Laser I
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Judgment' Electromagnetic Doomsday
The ultimate expression of God's Divine wrath, this weapon projects a beam of the Lord's holy light, designed to put sinners in their proper place. Notes: This weapon can only fire on ships that are capital-sized or larger. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Kindred' Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Knight' Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
'Lance' Medium EMP Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
'Limos' Cruise Launcher I
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
'Limos' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
'Limos' Rocket Launcher I
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
'Longbow' Small Focused Pulse Laser I
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Love' Medium Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
'Mace' Dual Light Beam Laser I
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
'Mafia' Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Malkuth' Cruise Launcher I
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
'Malkuth' Heavy Missile Launcher I
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
'Malkuth' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
'Malkuth' Rocket Launcher I
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
'Marketeer' Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Marshall' Magnetometric ECM
Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectiveness of enemy sensors. Very effective against the Magnetometric-based sensors used by Gallente, Serpentis, ORE and SoE ships.
'Meditation' Medium Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
'Micro' Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
'Micro' Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
'Monopoly' Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Moonshine' Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Motte' Capacitor Power Relay I
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
'Natura' Warp Core Stabilizer I
When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship's warp core.
'Noose' Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
'Nugget' Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
'Oblivion' Kinetic Doomsday
Using a targeting and tracking control system more advanced than any other in existence, this weapon launches and controls a storm of missile fire capable of neutralizing almost any target. Notes: This weapon can only fire on ships that are capital-sized or larger. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Page' Capacitor Flux Coil I
Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage.
'Palisade' Cap Recharger I
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
'Peace' Large Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
'Phalarica' Thermal Lance
The Gallente Federation was the first of the other empires to acquire the ‘Reaper’ directed energy beam technology developed principally by the Amarr Empire. Seeing an opportunity to modify the device into a powerful variant focused along a specific target line, the Federation’s weapon labs came up with a capital level ‘Thermal Lance’ that they dubbed the ‘Phalarica’. The Amarr were quick to see the potential and, after analyzing the focusing method used by the Gallente, quickly created their own variant of the weapon, followed swiftly by the other empires. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
'Pickaxe' Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
'Pickpocket' EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Pike' Small EMP Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
'Pilfer' Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Plough' Heavy Capacitor Booster I
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
'Plow' Gas Cloud Scoop
Originally invented and supplied by the pirate organizations of New Eden, the 'Crop' and ‘Plow' Gas Cloud Scoops once stood as the most advanced pieces of gas harvesting equipment available. Although they did not offer any improvement in their harvesting yield, the CPU reduction was valued by many who otherwise struggled to fit a full rack of scoops to cruiser-class vessels. This one small improvement set the two scoops above the standard, Tech I variant for many years. All that changed however when new, stable wormholes began proliferating across the cluster. As soon as the wormholes were discovered, so too, were the giant gas cloud pockets within the unknown systems they linked to. In a single day, the demand for Tech II Gas Cloud Scoop exploded. Research projects were hastily established and grants hurriedly thrown out to the most promising firms pursuing a redesign. It was only a few days before a breakthrough was made, and the mighty ‘Crop' and ‘Plow' variants soon took second place to a superior Tech II counterpart that vastly increased the harvesting yield.
'Plunderer' Gravimetric ECM
Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems such as those found on Caldari, Guristas and Mordu's Legion ships.
'Poacher' EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
'Portcullis' Reactor Control Unit I
Boosts power core output.
'Posse' Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
'Prospector' EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Protest' Large Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
'Racket' Light Neutron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Radical' Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
'Recusant' Hostile Targeting Array I
Targets any hostile ship within range on activation. Grants a +2 bonus to max targets when online.
'Repose' Core Compensation
When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship's warp core.
'Saddle' Small Capacitor Booster I
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
'Sarissa' Thermal Disruptive Lance
The Gallente Federation follows the other ‘Big 4’ empires in claiming that it independently developed its ‘Disruptive Lance’ technology but no doubt obtained a great deal of useful material from black market sources trading in stole Caldari State capital research program data. Federation military-industrial efforts have been strongly focused on upgrading and expanding their already impressive capital ship fleets, perhaps to the exclusion of other areas such as Stellar Transmuter technology, and an advanced dreadnought development program was certainly already in progress. The Federation’s ‘Sarissa’ Thermal Disruptive Lance emits a supercharged plasma energy beam as a carrier of specific disruptive energy patterns at ultra-high intensity and will disrupt warp and jump drives, prevent docking guidance and tethering connections, and massively inhibit the effectiveness of external repair beams. This comes at the price of an attenuated and less focused thermal destructive effect but the tactical opportunities of the weapon are considered well worth that trade. Due to the extreme energies involved in the operation of this module, a disruptive lance can only be fired when in siege mode, and ships with this module fitted are unable to activate cloaking devices. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for 2 minutes.
'Seed' Micro Capacitor Booster I
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
'Shady' Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Slither' Heavy Electron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Smokescreen' Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
A very specialized piece of technology, the covert ops cloak is designed for use in tandem with specific covert ops vessels. Although it could theoretically work on other ships, its spatial distortion field is so unstable that trying to compensate for its fluctuations will overwhelm non-specialized computing hardware. Note: This particular module is advanced enough that it allows a ship to warp while cloaked. However, fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
'Snake Eyes' Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
'Squire' Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
'Steel Yari' Kinetic Disruptive Lance
Although each of the ‘Big 4’ empires claims to have independently developed ‘Disruptive Lance’ technology, it appears likely that the Caldari were the first to combine research into wider use of lance weapons with the advanced technology of ‘Lancer Dreadnoughts’. The severe breach of security caused by the Guristas espionage ring that penetrated State capital ship research and development is believed to have given the other empires vital insights and accelerated their own advanced dreadnought programs. Nevertheless, the ‘Steel Yari’ Kinetic Disruptive Lance is a major achievement for State military science. The breakthrough of using a graviton energy beam as a carrier of specific disruptive energy patterns at ultra-high intensity means the weapon will disrupt warp and jump drives, prevent docking guidance and tethering connections, and massively inhibit the effectiveness of external repair beams. This comes at the price of an attenuated and less focused kinetic destructive effect but the tactical opportunities of the weapon are considered well worth that trade. Due to the extreme energies involved in the operation of this module, a disruptive lance can only be fired when in siege mode, and ships with this module fitted are unable to activate cloaking devices. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for 2 minutes.
'Stoic' Core Equalizer I
When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship's warp core.
'Swindler' Electron Blaster Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Thurifer' Large Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
'Trebuchet' Heat Sink I
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Underhand' Neutron Blaster Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
'Undertaker' Heavy Missile Launcher
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
'Warhammer' Large EMP Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
'Whiskey' Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
'Wild' Miner I
Basic mining laser. Extracts common ore quickly, but has difficulty with the more rare types.
10000MN Afterburner I
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
10000MN Afterburner II
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
10000MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
10000MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
100mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
100mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
100mm Steel Plates I
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
100mm Steel Plates II
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
100MN Afterburner I
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
100MN Afterburner II
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
100MN Analog Booster Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
10MN Afterburner I
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
10MN Afterburner II
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
10MN Analog Booster Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
1200mm Artillery Cannon I
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1200mm Artillery Cannon II
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
1200mm Heavy 'Jolt' Artillery I
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1200mm Heavy Carbine Howitzer I
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1200mm Heavy Gallium Cannon
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1200mm Heavy Prototype Artillery
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1200mm Heavy Prototype Siege Cannon
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
125mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
125mm Carbide Railgun I
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
125mm Compressed Coil Gun I
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
125mm Gatling AutoCannon I
This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II
This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
125mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
125mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
125mm Light Gallium Machine Gun
This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
125mm Light Prototype Automatic Cannon
This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
125mm Prototype Gauss Gun
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
125mm Railgun I
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
125mm Railgun II
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
1400mm 'Jolt' Artillery I
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1400mm 'Scout' Artillery I
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1400mm Carbine Howitzer I
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1400mm Gallium Cannon
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1400mm Howitzer Artillery I
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
150mm 'Musket' Railgun
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
150mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
150mm Carbide Railgun I
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
150mm Compressed Coil Gun I
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
150mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
A simple but effective close combat autocannon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
150mm Light AutoCannon I
A simple but effective close combat autocannon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
150mm Light AutoCannon II
A simple but effective close combat autocannon. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
150mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
A simple but effective close combat autocannon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
150mm Light Gallium Machine Gun
A simple but effective close combat autocannon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
150mm Light Prototype Automatic Cannon
A simple but effective close combat autocannon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
150mm Prototype Gauss Gun
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
150mm Railgun I
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
150mm Railgun II
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
1600mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
1600mm Steel Plates I
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
1600mm Steel Plates II
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
1MN Afterburner I
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
1MN Afterburner II
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
1MN Analog Booster Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
1MN Civilian Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
200mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
200mm AutoCannon I
A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
200mm AutoCannon II
The 200mm is a powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
200mm Carbide Railgun I
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
200mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
200mm Light 'Jolt' Autocannon I
A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
200mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
200mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I
A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
200mm Light Gallium Machine Gun
A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
200mm Light Prototype Automatic Cannon
A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
200mm Railgun I
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
200mm Railgun II
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
200mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
200mm Steel Plates I
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
200mm Steel Plates II
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
220mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
This autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
220mm Medium Carbine Repeating Cannon I
This autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
220mm Medium Gallium Machine Gun
This autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
220mm Medium Prototype Automatic Cannon
This autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I
The 220mm multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
The 220mm multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
25000mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and Microwarpdrives. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
25000mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and Microwarpdrives. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
25000mm Steel Plates I
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and Microwarpdrives. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
25000mm Steel Plates II
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and Microwarpdrives. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
250mm 'Flintlock' Railgun
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
250mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
250mm Carbide Railgun I
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
250mm Compressed Coil Gun I
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
250mm Light 'Jolt' Artillery I
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
250mm Light Artillery Cannon I
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
250mm Light Artillery Cannon II
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
250mm Light Gallium Cannon
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
250mm Light Prototype Siege Cannon
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
250mm Railgun I
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
250mm Railgun II
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
280mm 'Jolt' Artillery I
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
280mm 'Scout' Artillery I
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
280mm Carbine Howitzer I
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
280mm Gallium Cannon
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
280mm Howitzer Artillery I
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
280mm Howitzer Artillery II
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
280mm Prototype Siege Cannon
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
350mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
350mm Carbide Railgun I
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
350mm Compressed Coil Gun I
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
350mm Prototype Gauss Gun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
350mm Railgun I
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
350mm Railgun II
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
400mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
400mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
400mm Steel Plates I
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
400mm Steel Plates II
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
41F Veiled Targeting Unit
Uses advanced gravitational and visual targeting to identify threats. Allows target lock without alerting the ship to a possible threat.
425mm 'Popper' Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
425mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
425mm AutoCannon I
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
425mm AutoCannon II
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
425mm Carbide Railgun I
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
425mm Compressed Coil Gun I
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
425mm Medium 'Jolt' Autocannon I
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
425mm Medium Carbine Repeating Cannon I
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
425mm Medium Gallium Machine Gun
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
425mm Medium Prototype Automatic Cannon
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
425mm Railgun I
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
425mm Railgun II
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
50000MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
50000MN Microwarpdrive I
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
50000MN Microwarpdrive II
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
50000MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
50000MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
500MN Digital Booster Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
500MN Microwarpdrive I
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
500MN Microwarpdrive II
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
500MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
50MN Digital Booster Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
50MN Microwarpdrive I
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
50MN Microwarpdrive II
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
5MN Digital Booster Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
5MN Microwarpdrive I
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
5MN Microwarpdrive II
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
650mm Artillery Cannon I
A powerful long-range cannon. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
650mm Artillery Cannon II
A powerful long-range cannon. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
650mm Medium 'Jolt' Artillery I
A powerful long-range cannon. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I
A powerful long-range artillery. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
650mm Medium Carbine Howitzer I
A powerful long-range artillery. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
650mm Medium Gallium Cannon
A powerful long-range artillery. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
650mm Medium Prototype Siege Cannon
A powerful long-range artillery. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
720mm 'Jolt' Artillery I
This 720mm rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
720mm 'Scout' Artillery I
This rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
720mm Carbine Howitzer I
This rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
720mm Gallium Cannon
This rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
720mm Howitzer Artillery I
This 720mm rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
This 720mm rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
720mm Prototype Siege Cannon
This rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
75mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
75mm Carbide Railgun I
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
75mm Compressed Coil Gun I
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
75mm Gatling Rail I
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
75mm Gatling Rail II
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
75mm Prototype Gauss Gun
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
800mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
800mm Heavy 'Jolt' Repeating Cannon I
A two-barreled, intermediate-range, powerful cannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
800mm Heavy 'Scout' Repeating Cannon I
An autocannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
800mm Heavy Carbine Repeating Cannon I
An autocannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
800mm Heavy Gallium Repeating Cannon
An autocannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
800mm Heavy Prototype Automatic Cannon
An autocannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
800mm Repeating Cannon I
A two-barreled, intermediate-range, powerful cannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
800mm Repeating Cannon II
A two-barreled, intermediate-range, powerful cannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
800mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
800mm Steel Plates I
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
800mm Steel Plates II
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
A-211 Enduring Guidance Disruptor
Disrupts the effective range and precision of missiles fired by the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Advanced 'Limos' Heavy Missile Bay I
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Aergia Compact Magnetometric ECM
Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectiveness of enemy sensors. Very effective against the Magnetometric-based sensors used by Gallente, Serpentis, ORE and SoE ships.
Affirmative. Modified Entosis Link
This Enduring variation of the standard Entosis Link was developed by the research division of the Capsuleer alliance Affirmative. Affirmative's forces played key parts in the first wave of research into the applications of Entosis technology and were able to optimize the standard Entosis Link for more efficient capacitor use. Originally intended for internal use only, copies of the blueprint have slipped onto the black market and can now be found by those with the right underworld connections. This mysterious device is the result of reverse-engineering salvaged Drifter technology. It appears to use ancient Jovian techniques and materials to allow more efficient mind-machine links than were thought possible in the past. The practical applications of this technology are still unclear. This module cannot be fitted to Interceptors. This module requires a full warm-up cycle before beginning to influence targeted structures. Ships fitted with an Entosis Link are unable to accelerate beyond 4000m/s using their normal sub-warp engines. Once activated, this module cannot be deactivated until it completes its current cycle. While an Entosis Link is active, the fitted ship cannot cloak, warp, jump, or dock. Capital ships cannot receive remote assistance while they have an Entosis Link active. Disclaimer: The Carthum Conglomerate, as well as its registered subsidiaries and partners, accepts absolutely no legal or ethical liability for any unforeseen consequences of connecting untested Drifter-derived technology directly to the user's mind.
Afocal Precise Dual Giga Beam Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Afocal Precise Dual Giga Pulse Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Afocal Precise Quad Mega Pulse Laser
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ahremen's Modified Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Ahremen's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Ahremen's Modified Dual Heavy Pulse Laser
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ahremen's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Ahremen's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Ahremen's Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Ahremen's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Ahremen's Modified Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ahremen's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Ahremen's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Ahremen's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ahremen's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Alfven Enduring Remote Tracking Computer
Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Alumel-Wired Enduring Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Amarr Phenomena Generator
Adapted from advanced research into natural wormhole phenomena, this module wields an Avatar's massive Radar sensor array to bend local space and affect the properties of all nearby vessels. The effects of this phenomenon impact both friendly and hostile ships, altering the entire battlefield in subtle but significant ways. Clever fleet commanders can take advantage of these effects to ensure victory, even against insurmountable odds. Affected ships receive: +30% capacitor recharge rate +10% kinetic resistances -15% EM resistances -10% velocity
AML Compact Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Ammatar Navy Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Ammatar Navy Dual Heavy Beam Laser
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Dual Heavy Pulse Laser
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Dual Light Beam Laser
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Dual Light Pulse Laser
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: gamma, infrared, microwave, multifrequency, radio, standard, ultraviolet, xray.
Ammatar Navy EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard em armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Focused Medium Beam Laser
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Focused Medium Pulse Laser
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Gatling Pulse Laser
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Heavy Beam Laser
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Ammatar Navy Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Ammatar Navy Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Ammatar Navy Heavy Pulse Laser
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Ammatar Navy Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Ammatar Navy Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Ammatar Navy Medium Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Ammatar Navy Medium EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Ammatar Navy Medium Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Ammatar Navy Medium Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Ammatar Navy Mega Beam Laser
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Micro EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Ammatar Navy Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Ammatar Navy Quad Beam Laser
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Ammatar Navy Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Ammatar Navy Small Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Ammatar Navy Small EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Ammatar Navy Small Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Ammatar Navy Small Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Ammatar Navy Small Focused Beam Laser
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Small Focused Pulse Laser
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Tachyon Beam Laser
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Ammatar Navy Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ammatar Navy Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ample Gallium Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Anode Electron Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Ion Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Light Electron Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Light Ion Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Light Neutron Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Mega Electron Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Mega Ion Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Mega Neutron Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Neutron Particle Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Scoped Dual Giga Beam Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Anode Scoped Dual Giga Pulse Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Anode Scoped Ion Siege Blaster
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Anode Scoped Quad Mega Pulse Laser
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Anode Scoped Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with neutron blaster cannons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Arbalest Compact Light Missile Launcher
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
Arbalest Compact Rapid Torpedo Launcher
Launcher for capitals intended to counter smaller combat ships such as battleships, can only be loaded with torpedoes.
Arbalest Compact XL Cruise Missile Launcher
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Arbalest Compact XL Torpedo Launcher
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Armor Command Burst I
This module can be loaded with a variety of Armor Command Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their armor defenses.
Armor Command Burst II
This module can be loaded with a variety of Armor Command Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their armor defenses. +25% bonus to the effect strength of Armor Command Burst charges launched from this module.
Assault Damage Control I
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. May be activated to grant extreme resistances to shield, armor and hull for a short period of time. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. Assault Damage Controls can only be fit to Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers.
Assault Damage Control II
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. May be activated to grant extreme resistances to shield, armor and hull for a short period of time. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. Assault Damage Controls can only be fit to Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers.
Astro-Inertial Compact Missile Guidance Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the precision and range of missiles. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Auto Targeting System I
Targets any hostile ship within range on activation. Grants a +2 bonus to ship's max targets when online.
Auto Targeting System II
Targets any hostile ship within range on activation. Grants a +3 bonus to ship's max targets when online.
Automated Targeting Unit I
Targets any hostile ship within range on activation. Grants a +2 bonus to max targets when online.
Baker Nunn Enduring Tracking Disruptor I
Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ballistic Control System I
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ballistic Control System II
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Balmer Series Compact Tracking Disruptor I
Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Bastion Module I
An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a marauder's siege abilities. Through a series of electromagnetic polarity field shifts, the bastion module diverts energy from the ship's propulsion and warp systems to lend additional power to its defensive and offensive capabilities. This results in a greatly increased rate of defensive self-sustenance and a boost to the ship's overall damage resistances. It also extends the reach of all the vessel's weapon systems and their rate of fire, allowing it to engage targets at farther ranges. As a side effect of the ionic field created by the bastion module, beneficial remote repair and capacitor transfer effects are ineffective against the fitted ship while the module is active. In addition, the lack of power to mobility subsystems means that neither standard propulsion nor warp travel are available to the ship, nor is it allowed to dock or jump until out of bastion mode. Note: Only one bastion module can be fitted to a marauder-class ship. The increased shield boosting and armor repairing gained from the bastion module is subject to a stacking penalty when used with other modules that affect the same attribute on the ship. Rapid Heavy Missile Launchers are not affected by bastion modules.
Black Eagle Drone Link Augmentor
Increases drone control range.
Bomb Launcher I
A missile launcher bay module facilitating bomb preparation, and deployment. Note: Bomb Launchers can only be equipped by Stealth Bombers and each bomber can only equip one bomb launcher. Your ship must be at the minimum velocity before you can activate this module.
Bomb Launcher II
A missile launcher bay module facilitating bomb preparation, and deployment. Note: Bomb Launchers can only be equipped by Stealth Bombers and each bomber can only equip one bomb launcher. Your ship must be at the minimum velocity before you can activate this module.
Bosonic Field Generator
The Society of Conscious Thought has long been at the forefront of making new technologies available to capsuleers but their decision to release certain types of spacetime weaponry on the open market represents a significant escalation in the level of power that the Society is willing to place in the hands of independent pilots. The Bosonic Field Generator provides a means to massively distort localized spacetime at short ranges, placing enormous stresses on any object in the affected area. In practical terms, the device is a weapon that can literally tear apart ships caught in its kill zone. Note: Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
Brokara's Modified Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Brokara's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Brokara's Modified Dual Heavy Pulse Laser
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Brokara's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Brokara's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Brokara's Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Brokara's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Brokara's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Brokara's Modified Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Brokara's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Brokara's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Brokara's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brokara's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Brynn's Modified 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Brynn's Modified 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Brynn's Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Brynn's Modified Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Brynn's Modified Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Brynn's Modified Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Brynn's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Brynn's Modified Large Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Brynn's Modified Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Brynn's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Brynn's Modified Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Brynn's Modified Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Burst Jammer I
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Burst Jammer II
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
BZ-5 Scoped Gravimetric ECM
Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems such as those found on Caldari, Guristas and Mordu's Legion ships.
C-IR Compact Guidance Disruptor
Disrupts the effective range and precision of missiles fired by the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
C3-A 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Ballistic Control System
The C3-A 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Ballistic Control System is a special modification of the standard ballistic control system to include command, control and communications firmware that will enhance drones alongside missiles. The saying 'hivaa saitsuo' is an old phrase from Caldari history meaning 'good hunting', and often used as a means of wishing someone luck in military circles.
C3-X 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Ballistic Control System
The C3-X 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Ballistic Control System is a highly experimental modification of the standard ballistic control system to include command, control and communications firmware that will enhance drones alongside missiles. The saying 'hivaa saitsuo' is an old phrase from Caldari history meaning 'good hunting', and often used as a means of wishing someone luck in military circles.
Caldari Navy 125mm Railgun
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy 150mm Railgun
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy 200mm Railgun
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy 250mm Railgun
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy 75mm Railgun
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Caldari Navy Cloaking Device
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Caldari Navy Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Caldari Navy Dual 150mm Railgun
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Caldari Navy EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Caldari Navy EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Caldari Navy Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Caldari Navy Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Caldari Navy Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Caldari Navy Heavy Missile Launcher
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
Caldari Navy Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Caldari Navy Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Caldari Navy Large Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Caldari Navy Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Caldari Navy Light Missile Launcher
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
Caldari Navy Medium Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Caldari Navy Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Caldari Navy Medium Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Caldari Navy Micro Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Caldari Navy Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Caldari Navy Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Caldari Navy Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Caldari Navy Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
Caldari Navy Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.
Caldari Navy Small Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Caldari Navy Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Caldari Navy Small Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Caldari Navy Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Caldari Navy Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Caldari Navy Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Caldari Navy Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Caldari Navy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Caldari Navy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Caldari Navy X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Caldari Phenomena Generator
Adapted from advanced research into natural wormhole phenomena, this module wields a Leviathan's massive Gravimetric sensor array to bend local space and affect the properties of all nearby vessels. The effects of this phenomenon impact both friendly and hostile ships, altering the entire battlefield in subtle but significant ways. Clever fleet commanders can take advantage of these effects to ensure victory, even against insurmountable odds. Affected ships receive: +30% shield hitpoints +10% EM resistances -15% kinetic resistances -10% remote armor repairer effectiveness
Cap Recharger I
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Cap Recharger II
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Capacitor Flux Coil I
Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage.
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage.
Capacitor Power Relay I
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Capacitor Power Relay II
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Capital ACM Compact Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Ancillary Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. The module can optionally use Nanite Repair Paste to increase repair effectiveness. Deactivating the module while it has no Nanite Repair Paste loaded starts reloading, if there is Nanite Repair Paste available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Nanite Repair Paste as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module. May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. The module can optionally use Nanite Repair Paste to increase repair effectiveness. Deactivating the module while it has no Nanite Repair Paste loaded starts reloading, if there is Nanite Repair Paste available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Nanite Repair Paste as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module. May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Ancillary Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 3200 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module. May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Ancillary Shield Booster
Provides a quick boost in shield strength. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 3200 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module. May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Armor Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Asteroid Ore Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested asteroid ore by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Capital Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital C-5L Compact Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Cap Battery I
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Cap Battery II
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Capacitor Booster I
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Capacitor Booster II
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Clarity Ward Enduring Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Coaxial Compact Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Emergency Hull Energizer I
Specialized damage control module that utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and electromagnetic molecular hull reinforcers to resist damage to the core structure of your ship. Burns out after a single use. Note: Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital Emergency Hull Energizer II
Specialized damage control module that utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and electromagnetic molecular hull reinforcers to resist damage to the core structure of your ship. Burns out after a single use. Note: Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital Energy Neutralizer I
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Energy Neutralizer II
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Energy Nosferatu I
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital Energy Nosferatu II
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Flex Armor Hardener I
Flex Armor Hardeners contain advanced nanite membranes capable of being reprogrammed mid-flight using swappable scripts. When unscripted this module provides resistances to all four damage types, and when loaded with a script it provides greatly enhanced resistance to one specific damage type. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Capital Flex Armor Hardener II
Flex Armor Hardeners contain advanced nanite membranes capable of being reprogrammed mid-flight using swappable scripts. When unscripted this module provides resistances to all four damage types, and when loaded with a script it provides greatly enhanced resistance to one specific damage type. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Capital Flex Shield Hardener I
Flex Shield Hardeners use powerful but bulky resonance coils to project a constructive interference pattern across a ship's shields. These patterns can increase shield resistances against all damage types, or to provide increased protection against one specific damage type with the aid of swappable scripts. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Capital Flex Shield Hardener II
Flex Shield Hardeners use powerful but bulky resonance coils to project a constructive interference pattern across a ship's shields. These patterns can increase shield resistances against all damage types, or to provide increased protection against one specific damage type with the aid of swappable scripts. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital Gas Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested gas cloud resources by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Capital Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Hull Repairer I
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Hull Repairer II
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital I-a Enduring Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital I-ax Enduring Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital I-b Enduring Hull Repairer
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Ice Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested ice resources by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Capital IEF Compact Hull Repairer
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Implacable Compact Emergency Hull Energizer
Specialized damage control module that utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and electromagnetic molecular hull reinforcers to resist damage to the core structure of your ship. Burns out after a single use. Note: Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital Indefatigable Enduring Emergency Hull Energizer
Specialized damage control module that utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and electromagnetic molecular hull reinforcers to resist damage to the core structure of your ship. Burns out after a single use. Note: Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Industrial Core I
An electronic interface designed to facilitate the deployment of the Rorqual into its industrial configuration. Whilst in the deployed configuration, energy from the Rorqual's engines is channeled into incredible shield defenses, improved mining foreman bursts and significantly enhanced mining drone coordination. Deployed Rorquals also gain the ability to activate capital compressor modules, enabling compression of ice, gas, asteroid ore, moon ore, and Mercoxit ore. Benefits of using this module alongside other modules that affect the same attributes will be subject to diminishing returns. Note: Can only be fitted to the Rorqual industrial capital ship.
Capital Industrial Core II
An electronic interface designed to facilitate the deployment of the Rorqual into its industrial configuration. Whilst in the deployed configuration, energy from the Rorqual's engines is channeled into incredible shield defenses, improved mining foreman bursts and significantly enhanced mining drone coordination. Deployed Rorquals also gain the ability to activate capital compressor modules, enabling compression of ice, gas, asteroid ore, moon ore, and Mercoxit ore. Benefits of using this module alongside other modules that affect the same attributes will be subject to diminishing returns. Note: Can only be fitted to the Rorqual industrial capital ship.
Capital Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Capital Mercoxit Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested Mercoxit ore by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Capital Micro Jump Drive
The Capital Micro Jump Drive is a specialized Carrier module that spools up, then jumps the ship forward 250km in the direction it is facing. Upon arrival, the ship maintains its direction and velocity. Warp scramblers can be used to disrupt the module. Spool up time is reduced by the skill Micro Jump Drive Operation. The Micro Jump Drive was developed by Duvolle Laboratories Advanced Manifold Theory Unit. The drive was conceived of by the late Avagher Xarasier, the genius behind several ground-breaking innovations of that era.
Capital Micro Jump Field Generator
This module spools up and then teleports the user and up to 50 nearby non-capital ships along with all drones, fighters, probes and bombs 250km in the direction the ship is facing. This module will also move up to 4 additional capital ships, even those with active effects that would otherwise prevent their movement. All ships teleported will retain their movement direction and velocity in the new location. Note: The micro jump field only affects capsuleer-piloted ships. The number of capital ships moved is counted separately from the non-capital ships.
Capital Moon Ore Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested moon ore by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Capital Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Remote Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Remote Armor Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter I
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Remote Hull Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Remote Hull Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Remote Shield Booster I
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Remote Shield Booster II
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Shield Booster I
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Shield Booster II
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Shield Extender I
Increases the maximum strength of the shield. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Shield Extender II
Increases the maximum strength of the shield. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Solace Scoped Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Capital Tractor Beam I
By manipulating gravity fields, this module can pull cargo containers towards the ship. Note: This tractor beam can only be fitted on the Rorqual ORE Capital Ship.
Capital Tractor Beam II
By manipulating gravity fields, this module can pull cargo containers towards the ship. Note: This tractor beam can only be fitted on the Rorqual ORE Capital Ship.
Carbide Compact Dual 1000mm Railgun
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Carbide Compact Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Carbine Compact Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Cargo Scanner I
Scans the cargo hold of another ship.
Cargo Scanner II
Scans the cargo hold of another ship.
Centii A-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii A-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii A-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii A-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centii A-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Centii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Centii A-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii B-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii B-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii B-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii B-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii B-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centii B-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Centii B-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Centii B-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii C-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii C-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii C-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii C-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centii C-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centii C-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Centii C-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Centii C-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum A-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centum A-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Centum A-Type Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Centum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum B-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum B-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centum B-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Centum B-Type Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Centum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum C-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centum C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Centum C-Type Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Centum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus A-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus A-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centus A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus B-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus B-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centus B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus C-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus C-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centus C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus X-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Centus X-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Centus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cetus Scoped Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Chelm's Modified Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Chelm's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Chelm's Modified Dual Heavy Beam Laser
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Chelm's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Chelm's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Chelm's Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Chelm's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Chelm's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Chelm's Modified Mega Beam Laser
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Chelm's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Chelm's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Chelm's Modified Tachyon Beam Laser
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Chelm's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Chelm's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Civilian Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Civilian Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Civilian EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Civilian Expanded Cargohold
Increases cargo hold capacity at the expense of maximum velocity and hull strength.
Civilian Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Civilian Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Civilian Miner
Common, low technology mining laser adapted for use with capsuleer technology. Works well for extracting common ore, but has great difficulty with higher end ores. Without suitable skills and the use of specialized ships and modules, this mining laser will not be able to extract ore from Dark Ochre, Spodumain, Crokite, Bistot, or Arkonor asteroids, or any Common, Uncommon, Rare or Exceptional moon asteroids.
Civilian Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Civilian Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Civilian Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Civilian Warp Disruptor
Warp Disruptors are used to disrupt a target ship's navigation computer, which prevents it from warping.These specially-designed Civilian variants are not strong enough to be used in live combat and are sufficient for instructional purposes only.
Clone Vat Bay I
When activated, the Clone Vat Bay allows for the capital ship to receive transneural brain scan data from a capsule-mounted scanner into one of the bay's clones, effectively turning the ship into a mobile clone station. Note: In order to be able to clone to your ship, a pilot must have a working clone already installed in the vessel. In addition, the power required to safely and accurately receive and transmit transneural scanner data is diverted from the ship's engines; therefore, when the Clone Vat Bay is activated, the capital ship becomes unable to move. Disruption from this power transfer also prevents docking in Upwell structures while the module is active, although tethering can continue as usual. Can only be fit on Titans and Capital Industrial Ships.
Clutch Restrained Warp Disruption Field Generator
The field generator projects a warp disruption sphere centered upon the ship for its entire duration. The field prevents any warping or jump drive activation within its area of effect. The generator has several effects upon the parent ship whilst active. It increases its signature radius and also prevents any friendly remote effects from being rendered to the parent ship. This module's effect can be modified with scripts. When scripted it prevents capital class ships from using stargates (excluding Jump Freighters, Freighters and the Orca). Note: Can only be fitted to the Heavy Interdiction Cruisers.
Co-Processor I
Increases CPU output.
Co-Processor II
Increases CPU output.
Coadjunct Scoped Remote Sensor Booster
Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions, boost their targeting range and improve their sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Carbine Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Compact EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Compact Entropic Radiation Sink
Entropic Disintegrators generate a considerable amount of radiation when firing and this must be contained in order to avoid a dangerous build up. Bringing online additional Entropic Radiation Sinks allows the weapons to be fired at higher levels of energy and more rapidly, considerably increasing their damage potential. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Compact Interdiction Nullifier
Temporarily nullifies the effects of warp disrupt probes and mobile warp disruptors when activated before entering warp. This module ceases to function when a Burst Jammer module or Higgs Anchor rig are fit.
Compact Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Compact Layered Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the layered armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the integrity of the coating layers, effectively increasing the armor hit points even further.
Compact Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Compact Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compact Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Compact Vorton Tuning System I
Fine-tuning of the Arcing Vorton Projector's energy waveforms greatly assists in reducing the waste energy discharges during firing. This has the benefit of boosting damage output and reducing ablation of the ultraconducting nanocabling. The calculations involved are complex but a supplementary Vorton Tuning System provides additional computing capacity. Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of Vorton Projectors. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Compressed Enduring Dual 1000mm Railgun
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Compulsive Scoped Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
CONCORD 25000mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and Microwarpdrives. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
CONCORD Capital Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
CONCORD Capital Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
CONCORD Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
CONCORD Capital Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
CONCORD Capital Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
CONCORD Capital Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
CONCORD Dual 1000mm Railgun
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
CONCORD Dual Giga Beam Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
CONCORD Dual Giga Pulse Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
CONCORD Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
CONCORD Ion Siege Blaster
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
CONCORD Modified Cloaking Device
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
CONCORD Modified Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
CONCORD Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
CONCORD Warp Disruption Field Generator
The field generator projects a warp disruption sphere centered upon the ship for its entire duration. The field prevents any warping or jump drive activation within its area of effect. The generator has several effects upon the parent ship whilst active. It increases its signature radius and also prevents any friendly remote effects from being rendered to the parent ship. This module's effect can be modified with scripts. When scripted it prevents capital class ships from using stargates (excluding Jump Freighters, Freighters and the Orca). Note: Can only be fitted to the Heavy Interdiction Cruisers.
CONCORD XL Cruise Missile Launcher
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
CONCORD XL Torpedo Launcher
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Consortium Capital Tractor Beam
By manipulating gravity fields, this module can pull cargo containers towards the ship. Note: This tractor beam can only be fitted on the Rorqual ORE Capital Ship.
Consortium Small Tractor Beam
By manipulating gravity fields, this module can pull cargo containers towards the ship.
Consortium Vorton Tuning system
Fine-tuning of the Arcing Vorton Projector's energy waveforms greatly assists in reducing the waste energy discharges during firing. This has the benefit of boosting damage output and reducing ablation of the ultraconducting nanocabling. The calculations involved are complex but a supplementary Vorton Tuning System provides additional computing capacity. Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of Vorton Projectors. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Copasetic Compact Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core A-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Core A-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Core A-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core A-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Core A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core B-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Core B-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Core B-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core B-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Core B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core C-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Core C-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Core C-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core C-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Core C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core Probe Launcher I
Launcher for Core Scanner Probes, which are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures in space. Note: Only one probe launcher can be fitted per ship.
Core Probe Launcher II
Launcher for Core Scanner Probes, which are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures in space. Note: Only one probe launcher can be fitted per ship. 5% bonus to strength of scan probes.
Core X-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Core X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Note: Battleship class module.
Core X-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Core X-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Core X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli A-Type 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Coreli A-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli A-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli A-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli A-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Coreli A-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Coreli A-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli B-Type 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Coreli B-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Coreli B-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli B-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli B-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli B-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli B-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Coreli B-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Coreli B-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli C-Type 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Coreli C-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Coreli C-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli C-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli C-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli C-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Coreli C-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Coreli C-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Coreli C-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum A-Type 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Corelum A-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Corelum A-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corelum A-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Corelum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum B-Type 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Corelum B-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Corelum B-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum B-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corelum B-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Corelum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum C-Type 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Corelum C-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Corelum C-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corelum C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Corelum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corelum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Cormack's Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Note: Battleship class module.
Cormack's Modified Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Cormack's Modified Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Cormack's Modified Electron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Cormack's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Ion Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Cormack's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Cormack's Modified Large Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Cormack's Modified Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Neutron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Cormack's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Cormack's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Cormack's Modified Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cormack's Modified Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii A-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii A-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii A-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii A-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii A-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpii A-Type Small Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpii A-Type Small Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Corpii A-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii B-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii B-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii B-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii B-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii B-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpii B-Type Small Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpii B-Type Small Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpii B-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Corpii B-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii C-Type EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii C-Type Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii C-Type Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii C-Type Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpii C-Type Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpii C-Type Small Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpii C-Type Small Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpii C-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Corpii C-Type Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum A-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum A-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum A-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpum A-Type Medium Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpum A-Type Medium Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpum A-Type Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Corpum A-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum A-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum B-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum B-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum B-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum B-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpum B-Type Medium Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpum B-Type Medium Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpum B-Type Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Corpum B-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum B-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum C-Type EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum C-Type Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum C-Type Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpum C-Type Medium Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpum C-Type Medium Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpum C-Type Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Corpum C-Type Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpum C-Type Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus A-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus A-Type Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpus A-Type Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpus A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus A-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpus A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus B-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus B-Type Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpus B-Type Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpus B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus B-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpus B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus C-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus C-Type Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpus C-Type Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpus C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus C-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpus C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus X-Type EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus X-Type Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Corpus X-Type Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Corpus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Corpus X-Type Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Corpus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Covert Cynosural Field Generator I
Generates an undetectable cynosural field which only Black Ops jump drives can lock on to. Note: Can only be fitted to Black Ops, Blockade Runners, Covert Ops, Etana, Prospect, Stealth Bombers and Force Recon Ships, as well as Strategic Cruisers equipped with Covert Reconfiguration Subsystems.
Covert Jump Portal Generator I
A piece of machinery designed to allow a black ops vessel to create a bridge between systems without the use of a stargate, allowing its companion vessels to travel across vast tracts of space to join it on the battlefield. Note: Can only be fitted to Black Ops. Jump Portal Generators use the same isotopes as your ship's jump drive to jump other ships through the portal. You will need sufficient fuel in your holds in order to allow ships in your fleet to use the jump portal when it is activated.
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
A very specialized piece of technology, the covert ops cloak is designed for use in tandem with specific covert ops vessels. Although it could theoretically work on other ships, its spatial distortion field is so unstable that trying to compensate for its fluctuations will overwhelm non-specialized computing hardware. Note: This particular module is advanced enough that it allows a ship to warp while cloaked. However, fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Crosslink Compact Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Cruise Missile Launcher I
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Cruise Missile Launcher II
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Cynosural Field Generator I
Generates a cynosural field for advanced ship jump drives to lock on to. Note: Can only be fit by Force Recon Ships and Black Ops.
CZ-4 Compact Gravimetric ECM
Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems such as those found on Caldari, Guristas and Mordu's Legion ships.
Damage Control I
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Damage Control II
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Dark Blood 25000mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and Microwarpdrives. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dark Blood Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Dark Blood Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Dark Blood Capital Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dark Blood Capital Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dark Blood Capital Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dark Blood Capital Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dark Blood Capital Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Dark Blood Capital Flex Armor Hardener
Flex Armor Hardeners contain advanced nanite membranes capable of being reprogrammed mid-flight using swappable scripts. When unscripted this module provides resistances to all four damage types, and when loaded with a script it provides greatly enhanced resistance to one specific damage type. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Capital Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dark Blood Dual Giga Beam Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Dark Blood Dual Giga Pulse Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Dark Blood Dual Heavy Beam Laser
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Dual Heavy Pulse Laser
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Dual Light Beam Laser
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Dual Light Pulse Laser
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Focused Medium Beam Laser
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Focused Medium Pulse Laser
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Gatling Pulse Laser
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Heavy Beam Laser
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Dark Blood Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Dark Blood Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Dark Blood Heavy Pulse Laser
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Dark Blood Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Dark Blood Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Dark Blood Medium Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Dark Blood Medium EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Dark Blood Medium Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Dark Blood Medium Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Dark Blood Mega Beam Laser
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Micro EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Dark Blood Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Dark Blood Quad Beam Laser
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Quad Mega Pulse Laser
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Dark Blood Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Dark Blood Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Dark Blood Small Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Dark Blood Small EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Dark Blood Small Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Dark Blood Small Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Dark Blood Small Focused Beam Laser
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Small Focused Pulse Laser
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Dark Blood Tachyon Beam Laser
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dark Blood Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dark Blood Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Dark Blood Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Data Analyzer I
A Hacking system used to override electronic security systems, potentially providing access to valuable data or items. Note: Due to recently discovered branch prediction vulnerabilities in certain Upwell Consortium Recursive Computing Modules this analyzer may also be used to collect sensitive information concerning reinforcement periods of Upwell Structures.
Data Analyzer II
A Hacking system used to override electronic security systems, potentially providing access to valuable data or items. Note: Due to recently discovered branch prediction vulnerabilities in certain Upwell Consortium Recursive Computing Modules this analyzer may also be used to collect sensitive information concerning reinforcement periods of Upwell Structures.
DDO Scoped Tracking Disruptor I
Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Deep Core Mining Laser I
A basic mining laser for deep core mining ore such as mercoxit. Very inefficient but does get the job done ... eventually
Defender Launcher I
A Kaalakiota designed integrated launcher and sensor platform. Capable of detecting incoming threats, and on command, launching a Defender™ kill vehicle to intercept it. Note: Can only be fit to destroyer class hulls.
Deluge Enduring Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Denny Enduring Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination 10000MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Domination 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Domination 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Domination 1200mm Artillery
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 125mm Autocannon
This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 1400mm Howitzer Artillery
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 150mm Autocannon
A simple but effective close combat autocannon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boosts to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Domination 200mm Autocannon
A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 220mm Autocannon
This autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 250mm Artillery
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 280mm Howitzer Artillery
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 425mm Autocannon
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 50000MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Domination 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Domination 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Domination 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Domination 650mm Artillery
A powerful long-range artillery. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 720mm Howitzer Artillery
This rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination 800mm Repeating Cannon
An autocannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Capital Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Domination Capital Flex Shield Hardener
Flex Shield Hardeners use powerful but bulky resonance coils to project a constructive interference pattern across a ship's shields. These patterns can increase shield resistances against all damage types, or to provide increased protection against one specific damage type with the aid of swappable scripts. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Capital Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Domination Capital Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Domination Capital Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Domination Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Domination Dual 180mm Autocannon
This autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination Dual 425mm Autocannon
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Domination EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Domination Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Domination Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Domination Heavy Missile Launcher
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
Domination Heavy Stasis Grappler
Stasis Grapplers reduce the maximum speed of a target ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down. This slowing effect is strongest at very close ranges, and diminishes as range increases. Heavy Stasis Grapplers require a very stable base platform, and therefore may only be fitted to Battleships and Capital Ships.
Domination Heavy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Domination Heavy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Domination Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Domination Inertial Stabilizers
Improves ship handling and maneuverability. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Domination Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Domination Large Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Domination Large Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Domination Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Domination Light Missile Launcher
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
Domination Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Domination Medium Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Domination Medium Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Domination Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Domination Micro Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Domination Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Domination Nanofiber Structure
Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship's velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Overdrive Injector
This monster unit vastly increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
Domination Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Domination Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Domination Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Domination Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
Domination Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Signature Radius Suppressor
This device uses a variety of emissions suppression and masking methods to reduce the overall signature radius of a ship observable by enemy sensors and represented in targeting computer algorithms. Signature radius suppression has the advantage of increasing the time to lock of enemy targeting sensors, while also reducing incoming damage from almost all weapon systems by confounding enemy firing solutions and proximity detonators. This device operates in both passive and active modes, providing a small benefit through passive emissions reduction and a dramatically enhanced benefit in active masking mode.
Domination Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Domination Small Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Domination Small Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Domination Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Domination Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Domination Target Painter
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and hit. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Domination Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Domination Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Domination Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Domination Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Domination X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Draclira's Modified Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Draclira's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Draclira's Modified Dual Heavy Beam Laser
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Draclira's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Draclira's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Draclira's Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Draclira's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Draclira's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Draclira's Modified Mega Beam Laser
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Draclira's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Draclira's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Draclira's Modified Tachyon Beam Laser
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Draclira's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Draclira's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas 125mm Railgun
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas 150mm Railgun
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas 200mm Railgun
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas 250mm Railgun
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas 75mm Railgun
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid ammo types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas Capital Flex Shield Hardener
Flex Shield Hardeners use powerful but bulky resonance coils to project a constructive interference pattern across a ship's shields. These patterns can increase shield resistances against all damage types, or to provide increased protection against one specific damage type with the aid of swappable scripts. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas Capital Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dread Guristas Capital Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dread Guristas Capital Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dread Guristas Cloaking Device
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference..
Dread Guristas Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Dread Guristas Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Dread Guristas Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas Dual 150mm Railgun
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dread Guristas EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Dread Guristas Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Dread Guristas Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Dread Guristas Heavy Missile Launcher
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
Dread Guristas Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Dread Guristas Large Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Dread Guristas Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Dread Guristas Light Missile Launcher
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
Dread Guristas Medium Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Dread Guristas Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Dread Guristas Micro Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Dread Guristas Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Dread Guristas Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Dread Guristas Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Dread Guristas Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Dread Guristas Rapid Torpedo Launcher
Launcher for capitals intended to counter smaller combat ships such as battleships, can only be loaded with torpedoes.
Dread Guristas Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
Dread Guristas Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas Shield Flux Coil
Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Dread Guristas Signature Radius Suppressor
This device uses a variety of emissions suppression and masking methods to reduce the overall signature radius of a ship observable by enemy sensors and represented in targeting computer algorithms. Signature radius suppression has the advantage of increasing the time to lock of enemy targeting sensors, while also reducing incoming damage from almost all weapon systems by confounding enemy firing solutions and proximity detonators. This device operates in both passive and active modes, providing a small benefit through passive emissions reduction and a dramatically enhanced benefit in active masking mode.
Dread Guristas Small Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Dread Guristas Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Dread Guristas Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Dread Guristas Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dread Guristas Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Dread Guristas Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Dread Guristas Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Dread Guristas Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Dread Guristas X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Dread Guristas XL Cruise Missile Launcher
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Dread Guristas XL Torpedo Launcher
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Drone Damage Amplifier I
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Drone Damage Amplifier II
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Drone Link Augmentor I
Increases drone control range.
Drone Link Augmentor II
Increases drone control range.
Drone Navigation Computer I
Increases microwarpdrive speed of drones. Increases the speed of fighters. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Drone Navigation Computer II
Increases microwarpdrive speed of drones. Increases the speed of fighters. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Dual 1000mm Railgun I
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 1000mm Railgun II
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
Dual 150mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 150mm Carbide Railgun I
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 150mm Compressed Coil Gun I
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 150mm Prototype Gauss Gun
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 150mm Railgun I
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 150mm Railgun II
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
Dual 180mm 'Scout' Autocannon I
This autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 180mm AutoCannon I
This dual 180mm autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 180mm AutoCannon II
This dual 180mm autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Dual 180mm Carbine Repeating Cannon I
This autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 180mm Gallium Machine Gun
This autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 180mm Prototype Automatic Cannon
This autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 250mm 'Scout' Accelerator Cannon
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 250mm Carbide Railgun I
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 250mm Compressed Coil Gun I
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 250mm Prototype Gauss Gun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 250mm Railgun I
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Dual 250mm Railgun II
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
Dual 425mm 'Scout' Autocannon I
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 425mm AutoCannon I
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 425mm AutoCannon II
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Dual 425mm Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 425mm Gallium Machine Gun
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 425mm Prototype Automatic Cannon
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 650mm 'Scout' Repeating Cannon I
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 650mm Carbine Repeating Cannon I
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 650mm Gallium Repeating Cannon
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 650mm Prototype Automatic Cannon
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon I
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon II
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Dual Afocal Heavy Maser I
This heavy beam energy weapon uses two separate maser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Afocal Light Maser I
This light beam energy weapon uses two separate maser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Afocal Pulse Maser I
This light pulse energy weapon uses two separate maser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Anode Heavy Particle Stream I
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Anode Light Particle Stream I
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Anode Pulse Particle Stream I
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Giga Beam Laser I
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Giga Beam Laser II
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Dual Giga Pulse Laser I
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Giga Pulse Laser II
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Dual Heavy Afocal Pulse Maser I
This heavy pulse energy weapon uses two separate maser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Heavy Anode Pulse Particle Stream I
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Heavy Beam Laser I
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Heavy Beam Laser II
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Dual Heavy Modal Pulse Laser I
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser I
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Dual Light Beam Laser I
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Light Beam Laser II
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Dual Light Pulse Laser I
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Light Pulse Laser II
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Dual Modal Heavy Laser I
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Modal Light Laser I
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Modal Pulse Laser I
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Modulated Heavy Energy Beam I
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Modulated Light Energy Beam I
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Dual Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
ECM Jammer Burst Projector
Emits an area-of-effect electronic burst, centered on the designated target, which has a chance to momentarily disrupt the target locks of any ship within range. Note: Only Supercarriers can fit modules of this type. Only one module of this type can be fit per Supercarrier.
EFFA Compact Assault Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. May be activated to grant extreme resistances to shield, armor and hull for a short period of time. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. Assault Damage Controls can only be fit to Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers.
Elara Restrained Mining Laser Upgrade
Increases the yield on mining lasers, but causes them to use up more CPU.
Electron Blaster Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Electron Blaster Cannon II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
EM Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EM Armor Hardener II
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EM Coating I
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EM Coating II
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EM Energized Membrane I
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EM Energized Membrane II
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EM Shield Amplifier I
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EM Shield Amplifier II
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EM Shield Hardener I
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
EM Shield Hardener II
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Enduring EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Enduring Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Enduring Interdiction Nullifier
Temporarily nullifies the effects of warp disrupt probes and mobile warp disruptors when activated before entering warp. This module ceases to function when a Burst Jammer module or Higgs Anchor rig are fit.
Enduring Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Enduring Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Enduring Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Energy Neutralization Burst Projector
Emits an area-of-effect burst, centered on the designated location. The burst neutralizes a portion of the energy in affected ships' capacitor. Note: Only Supercarriers can fit modules of this type. Only one module of this type can be fit per Supercarrier.
Enfeebling Scoped Ladar ECM
Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems such as those found on Minmatar and Angel Cartel ships.
Entosis Link I
This mysterious device is the result of reverse-engineering salvaged Drifter technology. It appears to use ancient Jovian techniques and materials to allow more efficient mind-machine links than were thought possible in the past. The practical applications of this technology are still unclear. This module cannot be fitted to Interceptors. This module requires a full warm-up cycle before beginning to influence targeted structures. Ships fitted with an Entosis Link are unable to accelerate beyond 4000m/s using their normal sub-warp engines. Once activated, this module cannot be deactivated until it completes its current cycle. While an Entosis Link is active, the fitted ship cannot cloak, warp, jump, or dock. Capital ships cannot receive remote assistance while they have an Entosis Link active. Disclaimer: The Carthum Conglomerate, as well as its registered subsidiaries and partners, accepts absolutely no legal or ethical liability for any unforeseen consequences of connecting untested Drifter-derived technology directly to the user's mind.
Entosis Link II
This mysterious device is the result of reverse-engineering salvaged Drifter technology. It appears to use ancient Jovian techniques and materials to allow more efficient mind-machine links than were thought possible in the past. The practical applications of this technology are still unclear. This module cannot be fitted to Interceptors. This module requires a full warm-up cycle before beginning to influence targeted structures. Ships fitted with an Entosis Link are unable to accelerate beyond 4000m/s using their normal sub-warp engines. Once activated, this module cannot be deactivated until it completes its current cycle. While an Entosis Link is active, the fitted ship cannot cloak, warp, jump, or dock. Capital ships cannot receive remote assistance while they have an Entosis Link active. Disclaimer: The Carthum Conglomerate, as well as its registered subsidiaries and partners, accepts absolutely no legal or ethical liability for any unforeseen consequences of connecting untested Drifter-derived technology directly to the user's mind.
Entropic Radiation Sink I
Entropic Disintegrators generate a considerable amount of radiation when firing and this must be contained in order to avoid a dangerous build up. Bringing online additional Entropic Radiation Sinks allows the weapons to be fired at higher levels of energy and more rapidly, considerably increasing their damage potential. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Entropic Radiation Sink II
Entropic Disintegrators generate a considerable amount of radiation when firing and this must be contained in order to avoid a dangerous build up. Bringing online additional Entropic Radiation Sinks allows the weapons to be fired at higher levels of energy and more rapidly, considerably increasing their damage potential. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser
Basic mining laser. Extracts common ore quickly, but has difficulty with the more rare types.
Estamel's Modified 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Estamel's Modified 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Estamel's Modified Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Estamel's Modified Cloaking Device
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Estamel's Modified Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Estamel's Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Estamel's Modified Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Estamel's Modified EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Estamel's Modified EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Estamel's Modified Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Estamel's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Estamel's Modified Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Estamel's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Estamel's Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Estamel's Modified Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Estamel's Modified Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Estamel's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Estamel's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Estamel's Modified Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Estamel's Modified Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Estamel's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Estamel's Modified Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Estamel's Modified X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Expanded Cargohold I
Increases cargo hold capacity at the expense of maximum velocity and hull strength.
Expanded Cargohold II
Increases cargo hold capacity at the expense of maximum velocity and hull strength.
Expanded Probe Launcher I
Launcher for Core Scanner Probes and Combat Scanner Probes. Core Scanner Probes are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures in space. Combat Scanner Probes are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures, starships, structures and drones. Note: Only one scan probe launcher can be fitted per ship.
Expanded Probe Launcher II
Launcher for Core Scanner Probes and Combat Scanner Probes. Core Scanner Probes are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures in space. Combat Scanner Probes are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures, starships, structures and drones. Note: Only one scan probe launcher can be fitted per ship. 5% bonus to strength of scan probes.
Experimental Enduring EM Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Experimental Enduring Explosive Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Experimental Enduring Kinetic Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Experimental Enduring Thermal Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Experimental Hyperspatial Accelerator
This unit increases warp speed and acceleration. No more than three Hyperspatial Accelerators can be fit to one ship.
Experimental Jump Drive Economizer
This unit decreases the isotope fuel requirements of starship jump drives. Can only be fitted to Jump Freighters and Rorquals. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Experimental SV-2000 Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Experimental XT-2800 Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Experimental ZW-4100 Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Explosive Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Explosive Armor Hardener II
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Explosive Coating I
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Explosive Coating II
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Explosive Energized Membrane I
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Explosive Energized Membrane II
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Explosive Shield Amplifier I
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Explosive Shield Amplifier II
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Explosive Shield Hardener I
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Explosive Shield Hardener II
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Extruded Compact Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
F-12 Enduring Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
F-23 Compact Remote Sensor Booster
Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions, boost their targeting range and improve their sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
F-293 Scoped Remote Tracking Computer
Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
F-89 Compact Signal Amplifier
Augments the maximum target acquisition range, locking speed and sensor strength of a ship. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
F-90 Compact Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Federation Navy 100mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Federation Navy 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Federation Navy 125mm Railgun
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy 150mm Railgun
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Federation Navy 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Federation Navy 200mm Railgun
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy 200mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Federation Navy 250mm Railgun
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy 400mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Federation Navy 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Federation Navy 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Federation Navy 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Federation Navy 75mm Railgun
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy 800mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Federation Navy Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Drone Navigation Computer
Increases microwarpdrive speed of drones. Increases the speed of fighters. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Dual 150mm Railgun
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Electron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Heavy Electron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Heavy Ion Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Heavy Neutron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Ion Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Federation Navy Large Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Federation Navy Light Electron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Light Ion Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Light Neutron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Federation Navy Medium Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Federation Navy Micro Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Federation Navy Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Neutron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Remote Tracking Computer
Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Federation Navy Small Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Federation Navy Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Federation Navy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Federation Navy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
FFR Enduring Assault Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. May be activated to grant extreme resistances to shield, armor and hull for a short period of time. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. Assault Damage Controls can only be fit to Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers.
Fighter Support Unit I
A combination of additional fighter hangar support drones, fighter power transmitters and advanced sensor support, the Fighter Support Unit assist all areas of fighter operation. Note: Can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarriers. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship or fighter squadron will be penalized.
Fighter Support Unit II
A combination of additional fighter hangar support drones, fighter power transmitters and advanced sensor support, the Fighter Support Unit assist all areas of fighter operation. Note: Can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarriers. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship or fighter squadron will be penalized.
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Focused Afocal Medium Maser I
A high-powered, concentrated energy weapon designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
A high-powered, concentrated energy weapon designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Anode Medium Particle Stream I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Anode Pulse Particle Stream I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Medium Beam Laser I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Medium Beam Laser II
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Focused Medium Pulse Laser I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Focused Modal Medium Laser I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Modal Pulse Laser I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Modulated Medium Energy Beam I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Focused Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Fourier Compact Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Frigoris Restrained Ice Harvester Upgrade
Decreases the cycle time on Ice Harvester but causes them to use up more CPU.
Frostline 'Clavicula' Integrated Analyzer
As this multi-use analyzer has both fully integrated archaeology and hacking systems, it can be used to both analyze ancient ruins and bypass electronic security systems. Whilst comparatively weaker than its more specialized counterparts, its combined functionality provides the user with an increased flexibility when it comes to fitting. Note: Due to recently discovered branch prediction vulnerabilities in certain Upwell Consortium Recursive Computing Modules this analyzer may also be used to collect sensitive information concerning reinforcement periods of Upwell Structures.
Frostline 'Omnivore' Harvester Upgrade
Developed by the industrious engineers of ORE's Frostline division, this harvester upgrade is able to increase the efficiency of modules designed to harvest ore and ice materials but at the expense of the higher efficiency that can be achieved by material specific harvester upgrades.
FZ-3a Enduring Gravimetric ECM
Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems such as those found on Caldari, Guristas and Mordu's Legion ships.
Gallente Mining Laser
Basic mining laser. Extracts common ore quickly, but has difficulty with the more rare types.
Gallente Phenomena Generator
Adapted from advanced research into natural wormhole phenomena, this module wields an Erebus' massive Magnetometric sensor array to bend local space and affect the properties of all nearby vessels. The effects of this phenomenon impact both friendly and hostile ships, altering the entire battlefield in subtle but significant ways. Clever fleet commanders can take advantage of these effects to ensure victory, even against insurmountable odds. Affected ships receive: +30% armor hitpoints +10% explosive resistances -15% thermal resistances -10% remote shield booster effectiveness
Gallium Ample Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Gallium Ample Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Gas Cloud Harvester I
Ever-increasing demand for the products derived from gas cloud resources finally drove yet another breakthrough in gas harvesting technology, with the old scoop tech's integrated tractor beam and gas conversion systems massively overhauled to include broad-sweep beams and high-efficiency, multiplexed catalytic conversion arrays. The large increase in the size of the installed hardware and the power requirements of the equipment has meant that only larger ships can be contemplated as platforms for the new Gas Cloud Harvesters. Given these demands and the advantages of using dedicated mining ships, the practical module designs were soon specialized for use on mining barges and exhumers. When the first interstellar Gas Clouds were discovered, they proved particularly challenging for industrialists to extract raw materials from. Many methods were tried, and although successful acquisition was always guaranteed, there was a need for much greater efficiency. It was not until the mining industry returned to long-abandoned projects that a solution was found. Since that time, gas harvesting technology has slowly moved forward, giving birth to new industries and economies in the process.
Gas Cloud Harvester II
Ever-increasing demand for the products derived from gas cloud resources finally drove yet another breakthrough in gas harvesting technology, with the old scoop tech's integrated tractor beam and gas conversion systems massively overhauled to include broad-sweep beams and high-efficiency, multiplexed catalytic conversion arrays. The large increase in the size of the installed hardware and the power requirements of the equipment has meant that only larger ships can be contemplated as platforms for the new Gas Cloud Harvesters. Given these demands and the advantages of using dedicated mining ships, the practical module designs were soon specialized for use on mining barges and exhumers. With development of the first practical Gas Cloud Harvesters for mining barges, it was only a matter of time before the benefits of advanced components and the efficiencies made possible using morphite alloys led to upgraded modules. The Gas Cloud Harvester II provides a major performance improvement at the cost of increased power requirements and some residue byproducts.
Gas Cloud Scoop I
The core technology employed by Gas Scoops dates back centuries, to a time when the extraction of material in space was still a growing industry. Originally, asteroid miners had seen the tractor beams and in-space catalytic conversions used by today's Gas Scoops as a promising new method for extracting spaceborne ore. After many unsuccessful research projects and years of fruitless experiments however, the industry decided to return its focus to laser technology, which was eventually mastered to a level that has sustained the mining profession to this day. When the first interstellar Gas Clouds were discovered, they proved particularly challenging for industrialists to extract raw materials from. Many methods were tried, and although successful acquisition was always guaranteed, there was a need for much greater efficiency. It was not until the mining industry returned to long-abandoned projects that a solution was found. Since that time, Gas harvesting technology has slowly moved forward, giving birth to new industries and economies in the process.
Gas Cloud Scoop II
The core technology employed by Gas Scoops dates back centuries, to a time when the extraction of material in space was still a growing industry. Originally, asteroid miners had seen the tractor beams and in-space catalytic conversions used by today's Gas Scoops as a promising new method for extracting spaceborne ores. After many unsuccessful research projects and years of fruitless experiments however, the industry decided to return its focus to laser technology, which was eventually mastered to a level that has sustained the mining profession to this day. When the first interstellar Gas Clouds were discovered, they proved particularly challenging for industrialists to extract raw materials from. Many methods were tried, and although successful acquisition was always guaranteed, there was a need for much greater efficiency. It was not until the mining industry returned to long-abandoned projects that a solution was found. Since that time, Gas harvesting technology has slowly moved forward, giving birth to new industries and economies in the process. Research interest picked back up in Gas harvesting technology when new, stable wormholes began proliferating across the cluster. As soon as the wormholes were discovered, so too, were the giant gas cloud pockets within the unknown systems they linked to. In a single day, the demand for Tech II Gas Cloud Scoop exploded. Research projects were hastily established and grants hurriedly thrown out to the most promising firms pursuing a redesign. It was only a few days before a breakthrough was made, and all the harvesting technology that had come before was quickly relegated to second place.
Gatling Afocal Maser I
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Gatling Anode Particle Stream I
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Gatling Modal Laser I
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Gatling Modulated Energy Beam I
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Gatling Pulse Laser I
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Gatling Pulse Laser II
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Gist A-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Gist A-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Gist A-Type EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist A-Type Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist A-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist A-Type Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gist A-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gist A-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist A-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gist B-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Gist B-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Gist B-Type EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist B-Type Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist B-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist B-Type Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gist B-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gist B-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist B-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gist C-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Gist C-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Gist C-Type EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist C-Type Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist C-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist C-Type Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gist C-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gist C-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gist X-Type 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Gist X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Note: Battleship class module.
Gist X-Type EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist X-Type Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gist X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gist X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gist X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gistii A-Type 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Gistii A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Gistii A-Type Small Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Gistii A-Type Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gistii B-Type 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Gistii B-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Gistii B-Type Small Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Gistii B-Type Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gistii C-Type 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Gistii C-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Gistii C-Type Small Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Gistii C-Type Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gistum A-Type 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Gistum A-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Gistum A-Type EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum A-Type Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum A-Type Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Gistum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gistum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gistum A-Type Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum B-Type 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Gistum B-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Gistum B-Type EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum B-Type Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum B-Type Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum B-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Gistum B-Type Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gistum B-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gistum B-Type Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum C-Type 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Gistum C-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Gistum C-Type EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum C-Type Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum C-Type Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gistum C-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Gistum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Gistum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Gistum C-Type Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gloom Enduring Radar ECM
Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against the Radar systems incorporated into ships built by the Amarr, Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation and Triglavian Collective.
Gotan's Modified 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Gotan's Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Gotan's Modified 800mm Repeating Cannon
A two-barreled, intermediate-range, powerful cannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Gotan's Modified Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gotan's Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Gotan's Modified Dual 425mm AutoCannon
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Gotan's Modified Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Gotan's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gotan's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gotan's Modified Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gotan's Modified Heavy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Gotan's Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Gotan's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gotan's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Gotan's Modified Large Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Gotan's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gotan's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Gotan's Modified Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Gotan's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gotan's Modified Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Gotan's Modified Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gravimetric ECM I
Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems such as those found on Caldari, Guristas and Mordu's Legion ships.
Gravimetric ECM II
Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems such as those found on Caldari, Guristas and Mordu's Legion ships.
Gravitational Transportation Field Oscillator
The Society of Conscious Thought has long been at the forefront of making new technologies available to capsuleers but their decision to release certain types of spacetime weaponry on the open market represents a significant escalation in the level of power that the Society is willing to place in the hands of independent pilots. The Gravitational Transportation Field Oscillator is a remarkable device that can move capsuleer vessels involuntarily through a localized wormhole created by setting up gravitational field resonances at the origin and destination target points. Note: Due to their increased mass, this module is unable to transport capital sized ships, but the residual effects of its localised wormhole will prevent them from warping for 60 seconds. Activating this module triggers a massive capacitor disruption wave that impacts ships in the immediate vicinity of the Titan, friend or foe. After firing, you will be immobile for thirty seconds and unable to dock, tether, cloak, or activate your jump drive for five minutes.
Guidance Disruptor I
Disrupts the effective range and precision of missiles fired by the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Guidance Disruptor II
Disrupts the effective range and precision of missiles fired by the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Guri Malakim Expanded Cargohold
Increases cargo hold capacity at the expense of maximum velocity and hull strength. Grants Immunity to cargo scanners
Gyrostabilizer I
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Gyrostabilizer II
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Hakim's Modified 1200mm Artillery Cannon
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Hakim's Modified 1400mm Howitzer Artillery
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Hakim's Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Hakim's Modified Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Hakim's Modified EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified Heavy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Hakim's Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Hakim's Modified Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified Large Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Hakim's Modified Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Hakim's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Hakim's Modified Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Hakim's Modified Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Hakim's Modified Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hakim's Modified X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Hakuzosu's Modified Signature Radius Suppressor
This device uses a variety of emissions suppression and masking methods to reduce the overall signature radius of a ship observable by enemy sensors and represented in targeting computer algorithms. Signature radius suppression has the advantage of increasing the time to lock of enemy targeting sensors, while also reducing incoming damage from almost all weapon systems by confounding enemy firing solutions and proximity detonators. This device operates in both passive and active modes, providing a small benefit through passive emissions reduction and a dramatically enhanced benefit in active masking mode.
Halting Compact Ladar ECM
Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems such as those found on Minmatar and Angel Cartel ships.
Heat Sink I
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Heat Sink II
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Heavy 'Brave' Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Heavy 'Moat' Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Heavy 'Vrykolakas' Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Heavy Afocal Maser I
A high-powered heavy energy weapon designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Afocal Pulse Maser I
A heavy energy weapon designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Anode Particle Stream I
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Anode Pulse Particle Stream I
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Heavy Beam Laser I
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Beam Laser II
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Heavy Capacitor Booster I
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Heavy Capacitor Booster II
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Heavy Compact Entropic Disintegrator
This medium-sized Entropic Disintegrator is normally seen in use on Triglavian cruisers or battlecruisers, which are able to handle the increased radiation and serious gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Heavy Electron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Heavy Electron Blaster II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Heavy Energy Neutralizer II
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Heavy Energy Nosferatu I
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Heavy Energy Nosferatu II
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Heavy Entropic Disintegrator I
This medium-sized Entropic Disintegrator is normally seen in use on Triglavian cruisers or battlecruisers, which are able to handle the increased radiation and serious gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Heavy Entropic Disintegrator II
This medium-sized Entropic Disintegrator is normally seen in use on Triglavian cruisers or battlecruisers, which are able to handle the increased radiation and serious gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires either standard or advanced exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, Tetryon, Mystic, and Occult.
Heavy F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Heavy Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Heavy Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Heavy Fleeting Compact Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Heavy Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Heavy Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Heavy Gunnar Compact Stasis Grappler
Stasis Grapplers reduce the maximum speed of a target ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down. This slowing effect is strongest at very close ranges, and diminishes as range increases. Heavy Stasis Grapplers require a very stable base platform, and therefore may only be fitted to Battleships and Capital Ships.
Heavy Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Heavy Initiated Compact Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Heavy Ion Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Heavy Ion Blaster II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Heavy J5 Enduring Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Heavy J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Heavy Jigoro Enduring Stasis Grappler
Stasis Grapplers reduce the maximum speed of a target ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down. This slowing effect is strongest at very close ranges, and diminishes as range increases. Heavy Stasis Grapplers require a very stable base platform, and therefore may only be fitted to Battleships and Capital Ships.
Heavy Karelin Scoped Stasis Grappler
Stasis Grapplers reduce the maximum speed of a target ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down. This slowing effect is strongest at very close ranges, and diminishes as range increases. Heavy Stasis Grapplers require a very stable base platform, and therefore may only be fitted to Battleships and Capital Ships.
Heavy Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Heavy Missile Launcher I
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
Heavy Modal Laser I
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Modal Pulse Laser I
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Modulated Energy Beam I
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Mutadaptive Compact Remote Armor Repairer
Triglavian remote armor repair equipment use mutadaptive technology to restore lost material with escalating effect over time. This is achieved using specialized armor repair mutaplasmids as nanite feedstock for the remote repair projectors. As the armor repair mutaplasmid stream is able to adapt itself in real-time to specific target ship conditions far more efficiently than standard armor repair nanites, the efficiency of armor repairing performed by the nanite stream on a given target increases over time towards a maximal repair output.
Heavy Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer I
Triglavian remote armor repair equipment use mutadaptive technology to restore lost material with escalating effect over time. This is achieved using specialized armor repair mutaplasmids as nanite feedstock for the remote repair projectors. As the armor repair mutaplasmid stream is able to adapt itself in real-time to specific target ship conditions far more efficiently than standard armor repair nanites, the efficiency of armor repairing performed by the nanite stream on a given target increases over time towards a maximal repair output.
Heavy Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer II
Triglavian remote armor repair equipment use mutadaptive technology to restore lost material with escalating effect over time. This is achieved using specialized armor repair mutaplasmids as nanite feedstock for the remote repair projectors. As the armor repair mutaplasmid stream is able to adapt itself in real-time to specific target ship conditions far more efficiently than standard armor repair nanites, the efficiency of armor repairing performed by the nanite stream on a given target increases over time towards a maximal repair output.
Heavy Mutadaptive Scoped Remote Armor Repairer
Triglavian remote armor repair equipment use mutadaptive technology to restore lost material with escalating effect over time. This is achieved using specialized armor repair mutaplasmids as nanite feedstock for the remote repair projectors. As the armor repair mutaplasmid stream is able to adapt itself in real-time to specific target ship conditions far more efficiently than standard armor repair nanites, the efficiency of armor repairing performed by the nanite stream on a given target increases over time towards a maximal repair output.
Heavy Neutron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Heavy Neutron Blaster II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Heavy Pulse Laser I
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Heavy Pulse Laser II
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Heavy Scoped Entropic Disintegrator
This medium-sized Entropic Disintegrator is normally seen in use on Triglavian cruisers or battlecruisers, which are able to handle the increased radiation and serious gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Heavy Stasis Grappler I
Stasis Grapplers reduce the maximum speed of a target ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down. This slowing effect is strongest at very close ranges, and diminishes as range increases. Heavy Stasis Grapplers require a very stable base platform, and therefore may only be fitted to Battleships and Capital Ships.
Heavy Stasis Grappler II
Stasis Grapplers reduce the maximum speed of a target ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down. This slowing effect is strongest at very close ranges, and diminishes as range increases. Heavy Stasis Grapplers require a very stable base platform, and therefore may only be fitted to Battleships and Capital Ships.
Heavy Warp Disruptor I
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Heavy Warp Disruptor II
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Heavy Warp Scrambler I
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Heavy Warp Scrambler II
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Hermes Compact Fighter Support Unit
A combination of additional fighter hangar support drones, fighter power transmitters and advanced sensor support, the Fighter Support Unit assist all areas of fighter operation. Note: Can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarriers. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship or fighter squadron will be penalized.
Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon I
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon II
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Highstroke Scoped Guidance Disruptor
Disrupts the effective range and precision of missiles fired by the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hostile Target Acquisition I
Targets any hostile ship within range on activation. Grants a +2 bonus to max targets when online.
Hypnos Compact Signal Distortion Amplifier I
Magnifies the operational ability of regular ECM target jammers, making them stronger and giving them greater reach. Works only with regular ECMs, not ECM Bursts. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Hypnos Scoped Magnetometric ECM
Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectiveness of enemy sensors. Very effective against the Magnetometric-based sensors used by Gallente, Serpentis, ORE and SoE ships.
Ice Harvester I
A unit used to extract valuable materials from ice asteroids. Used on Mining barges and Exhumers.
Ice Harvester II
A unit used to extract valuable materials from ice asteroids. Used on Mining barges and Exhumers.
Ice Harvester Upgrade I
Decreases the cycle time on Ice Harvester but causes them to use up more CPU.
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Decreases the cycle time on Ice Harvester but causes them to use up more CPU.
Ice Mining Laser I
A unit used to extract valuable materials from ice asteroids. Used on Expedition Frigates.
Ice Mining Laser II
A unit used to extract valuable materials from ice asteroids. Used on Expedition Frigates.
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Imperial Navy 100mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Imperial Navy 200mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Imperial Navy 400mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Imperial Navy 800mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Imperial Navy Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Imperial Navy Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Imperial Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Dual Heavy Beam Laser
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Dual Heavy Pulse Laser
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Dual Light Beam Laser
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Dual Light Pulse Laser
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Focused Medium Beam Laser
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Focused Medium Pulse Laser
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Gatling Pulse Laser
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Heavy Beam Laser
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Imperial Navy Heavy Pulse Laser
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Imperial Navy Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Imperial Navy Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Imperial Navy Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Imperial Navy Medium Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Imperial Navy Medium EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Imperial Navy Medium Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Imperial Navy Medium Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Imperial Navy Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Imperial Navy Mega Beam Laser
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Micro EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Imperial Navy Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Quad Beam Laser
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Imperial Navy Small Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Imperial Navy Small EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Imperial Navy Small Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Imperial Navy Small Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Imperial Navy Small Focused Beam Laser
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Small Focused Pulse Laser
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Imperial Navy Tachyon Beam Laser
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Imperial Navy Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Imperial Navy Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Improved 'Guise' Cloaking Device II
An Improved Cloaking device based on the Crielere Labs prototype. It performs better and allows for faster movement while cloaked. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Improved Cloaking Device II
An Improved Cloaking device based on the Crielere Labs prototype. It performs better and allows for faster movement while cloaked. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Indirect Target Acquisition I
Uses advanced gravitational and visual targeting to identify threats. Allows target lock without alerting the ship to a possible threat.
Induced Compact Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Industrial Cynosural Field Generator
Generates a cynosural field for jump drives to lock on to as their target destination. Industrial Cynosural Fields are specifically attuned to support the jump drives of Jump Freighters and the Rorqual.
Industrial Jump Portal Generator I
A piece of machinery that allows an industrial capital ship to create a bridge between systems without the use of a stargate, allowing its companion vessels to travel across vast tracts of space to join it on the battlefield. Note: Can only be fitted to Rorqual. Jump Portal Generators use the same isotopes as your ship's jump drive to jump other ships through the portal. You will need sufficient fuel in your holds in order to allow ships in your fleet to use the jump portal when it is activated.
Inertial Stabilizers I
Improves ship handling and maneuverability. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Inertial Stabilizers II
Improves ship handling and maneuverability. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Information Command Burst I
This module can be loaded with a variety of Information Command Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their sensor and electronic warfare capabilities.
Information Command Burst II
This module can be loaded with a variety of Information Command Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their sensor and electronic warfare capabilities. +25% bonus to the effect strength of Information Command Burst charges launched from this module.
Initiated Compact Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Initiated Compact Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Initiated Enduring Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Interdiction Nullifier I
Temporarily nullifies the effects of warp disrupt probes and mobile warp disruptors when activated before entering warp. This module ceases to function when a Burst Jammer module or Higgs Anchor rig are fit.
Interdiction Nullifier II
Temporarily nullifies the effects of warp disrupt probes and mobile warp disruptors when activated before entering warp. This module ceases to function when a Burst Jammer module or Higgs Anchor rig are fit.
Interdiction Sphere Launcher I
Built for use with interdictor-class vessels, this launcher produces a warp disruption sphere capable of pulling passing vessels out of warp. Limited to one per ship.
Ion Blaster Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Ion Blaster Cannon II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Ion Siege Blaster I
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Ion Siege Blaster II
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
J5 Enduring Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Jump Portal Generator I
A piece of machinery designed to allow a capital vessel to create a bridge between systems without the use of a stargate, allowing its companion vessels to travel across vast tracts of space to join it on the battlefield. Note: Can only be fitted to Titans. Jump Portal Generators use the same isotopes as your ship's jump drive to jump other ships through the portal. You will need sufficient fuel in your holds in order to allow ships in your fleet to use the jump portal when it is activated. You will still require Strontium Clathrates to activate this module and enable bridging operations.
Kaatara's Custom Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kaatara's Custom Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kaikka's Modified 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Kaikka's Modified 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Kaikka's Modified Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kaikka's Modified Cloaking Device
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Kaikka's Modified Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Kaikka's Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Kaikka's Modified Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Kaikka's Modified EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kaikka's Modified EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Kaikka's Modified Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kaikka's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Kaikka's Modified Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kaikka's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Kaikka's Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Kaikka's Modified Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Kaikka's Modified Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Kaikka's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Kaikka's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Kaikka's Modified Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kaikka's Modified Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kaikka's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Kaikka's Modified Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Kaikka's Modified X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Kapteyn Compact Sensor Dampener
Reduces the range and speed of a targeted ship's sensors. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kasiha's Modified Vorton Tuning System
Fine-tuning of the Arcing Vorton Projector's energy waveforms greatly assists in reducing the waste energy discharges during firing. This has the benefit of boosting damage output and reducing ablation of the ultraconducting nanocabling. The calculations involved are complex but a supplementary Vorton Tuning System provides additional computing capacity. Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of Vorton Projectors. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Khanid Navy Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Khanid Navy Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Khanid Navy EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Khanid Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Khanid Navy Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Khanid Navy Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Khanid Navy Medium EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Khanid Navy Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
Khanid Navy Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Khanid Navy Small EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Khanid Navy Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Khanid Navy Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Khanid Navy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Khanid Navy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Kinetic Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kinetic Armor Hardener II
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kinetic Coating I
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kinetic Coating II
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kinetic Energized Membrane I
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kinetic Energized Membrane II
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kinetic Shield Amplifier I
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kinetic Shield Amplifier II
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Kinetic Shield Hardener I
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Kinetic Shield Hardener II
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance
Ladar ECM I
Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems such as those found on Minmatar and Angel Cartel ships.
Ladar ECM II
Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems such as those found on Minmatar and Angel Cartel ships.
Languid Enduring Ladar ECM
Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems such as those found on Minmatar and Angel Cartel ships.
Large 'Hope' Hull Reconstructor I
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Large 'Integrative' Hull Repair Unit
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Large 'Notos' Explosive Charge I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Large 'Outlaw' Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Large 'Sheriff' Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Large 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Large ACM Compact Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Large Ancillary Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. The module can optionally use Nanite Repair Paste to increase repair effectiveness. Deactivating the module while it has no Nanite Repair Paste loaded starts reloading, if there is Nanite Repair Paste available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Nanite Repair Paste as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds.
Large Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. The module can optionally use Nanite Repair Paste to increase repair effectiveness. Deactivating the module while it has no Nanite Repair Paste loaded starts reloading, if there is Nanite Repair Paste available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Nanite Repair Paste as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Large Ancillary Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 150 and 200 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Large Ancillary Shield Booster
Provides a quick boost in shield strength. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 150 and 200 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Large Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Large Armor Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Large Asteroid Ore Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested asteroid ore by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Large Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Large Automated Structural Restoration
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Large Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Large Cap Battery I
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Large Cap Battery II
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Large Clarity Ward Enduring Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Large Coaxial Compact Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Large Compact Vorton Projector
Large Vorton Projectors are designed to work with large-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Large Consortium Vorton Projector
Large Vorton Projectors are designed to work with large-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Large Degenerative Concussion Bomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Large EMP Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Large EMP Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Large Gas Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested gas cloud resources by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Large Graviton Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Large Graviton Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Large Hull Repairer I
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Large Hull Repairer II
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Large I-a Enduring Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Large I-ax Enduring Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Large I-b Polarized Structural Regenerator
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Large Ice Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested ice resources by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Large Industrial Core I
An electronic interface designed to facilitate the deployment of the Orca into its industrial configuration. Whilst in the deployed configuration, energy from the Orca's engines is channeled into incredible shield defenses, improved mining foreman bursts and significantly enhanced mining drone coordination. Deployed Orcas also gain the ability to activate large compressor modules, enabling compression of ice, gas, asteroid ore, moon ore, and Mercoxit ore. Benefits of using this module alongside other modules that affect the same attributes will be subject to diminishing returns. Note: Can only be fitted to the Orca industrial command ship.
Large Industrial Core II
An electronic interface designed to facilitate the deployment of the Orca into its industrial configuration. Whilst in the deployed configuration, energy from the Orca's engines is channeled into incredible shield defenses, improved mining foreman bursts and significantly enhanced mining drone coordination. Deployed Orcas also gain the ability to activate large compressor modules, enabling compression of ice, gas, asteroid ore, moon ore, and Mercoxit ore. Benefits of using this module alongside other modules that affect the same attributes will be subject to diminishing returns. Note: Can only be fitted to the Orca industrial command ship.
Large Inefficient Hull Repair Unit
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Large Mercoxit Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested Mercoxit ore by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Large Micro Jump Drive
The Micro Jump Drive is a module that spools up, then jumps the ship forward 100km in the direction it is facing. Upon arrival, the ship maintains its direction and velocity. Warp scramblers can be used to disrupt the module. Spool up time is reduced by the skill Micro Jump Drive Operation. The Micro Jump Drive was developed by Duvolle Laboratories Advanced Manifold Theory Unit. The drive was conceived by the late Avagher Xarasier, the genius behind several ground-breaking innovations of that era.
Large Moon Ore Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested moon ore by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Large Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Large Plasma Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Large Plasma Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Large Proton Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Large Proton Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Large Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Large Remote Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Large Remote Armor Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter I
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Large Remote Hull Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.
Large Remote Hull Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.
Large Remote Shield Booster I
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Large Remote Shield Booster II
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Large Rudimentary Concussion Bomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Large S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Large Scoped Vorton Projector
Large Vorton Projectors are designed to work with large-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Large Shield Booster I
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Large Shield Booster II
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Large Shield Extender I
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Large Shield Extender II
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Large Solace Scoped Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Large Vorton Projector I
Large Vorton Projectors are designed to work with large-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Large Vorton Projector II
Large Vorton Projectors are designed to work with large-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Large YF-12a Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Layered Coating I
This coating is composed of several layers, effectively increasing the armor hit points.
Layered Coating II
This coating is composed of several layers, effectively increasing the armor hit points.
Layered Energized Membrane I
An enhanced version of the layered armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the integrity of the coating layers, effectively increasing the armor hit points even further.
Layered Energized Membrane II
An enhanced version of the layered armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the integrity of the coating layers, effectively increasing the armor hit points even further.
Legion Gravimetric ECM
Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems such as those found on Caldari, Guristas and Mordu's Legion ships.
Legion Ladar ECM
Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems such as those found on Minmatar and Angel Cartel ships.
Legion Magnetometric ECM
Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectiveness of enemy sensors. Very effective against the Magnetometric-based sensors used by Gallente, Serpentis, ORE and SoE ships.
Legion Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Legion Radar ECM
Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against the Radar systems incorporated into ships built by the Amarr, Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation and Triglavian Collective.
LFT Enduring Sensor Dampener
Reduces the range and speed of a targeted ship's sensors. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Ligature Integrated Analyzer
As this multi-use analyzer has both fully integrated archaeology and hacking systems, it can be used to both analyze ancient ruins and bypass electronic security systems. Whilst comparatively weaker than its more specialized counterparts, its combined functionality provides the user with an increased flexibility when it comes to fitting. Note: Due to recently discovered branch prediction vulnerabilities in certain Upwell Consortium Recursive Computing Modules this analyzer may also be used to collect sensitive information concerning reinforcement periods of Upwell Structures.
Light Compact Entropic Disintegrator
This small Entropic Disintegrator is typically seen in use on Triglavian frigates and destroyers, which are able to handle the relatively minimal radiation and gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Light Electron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Light Electron Blaster II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Light Entropic Disintegrator I
This small Entropic Disintegrator is typically seen in use on Triglavian frigates and destroyers, which are able to handle the relatively minimal radiation and gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Light Entropic Disintegrator II
This small Entropic Disintegrator is typically seen in use on Triglavian frigates and destroyers, which are able to handle the relatively minimal radiation and gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires either standard or advanced exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, Tetryon, Mystic, and Occult.
Light Ion Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Light Ion Blaster II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Light Missile Launcher I
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
Light Missile Launcher II
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
Light Neutron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Light Neutron Blaster II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Light Scoped Entropic Disintegrator
This small Entropic Disintegrator is typically seen in use on Triglavian frigates and destroyers, which are able to handle the relatively minimal radiation and gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Limited 'Limos' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Limited 'Limos' Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Limited 'Limos' Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Limited Electron Blaster Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Electron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Expanded 'Archiver' Cargo
Increases cargo hold capacity at the expense of maximum velocity and hull strength.
Limited Hyperspatial Accelerator
This unit increases warp speed and acceleration. No more than three Hyperspatial Accelerators can be fit to one ship.
Limited Ion Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Jump Drive Economizer
This unit decreases the isotope fuel requirements of starship jump drives. Can only be fitted to Jump Freighters and Rorquals. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Limited Light Electron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Light Neutron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Mega Ion Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Mega Neutron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Neutron Blaster I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Precise Ion Siege Blaster
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Limited Precise Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with neutron blaster cannons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Linked Enduring Remote Sensor Booster
Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions, boost their targeting range and improve their sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
M-36 Enduring Warp Disruption Field Generator
The field generator projects a warp disruption sphere centered upon the ship for its entire duration. The field prevents any warping or jump drive activation within its area of effect. The generator has several effects upon the parent ship whilst active. It increases its signature radius and also prevents any friendly remote effects from being rendered to the parent ship. This module's effect can be modified with scripts. When scripted it prevents capital class ships from using stargates (excluding Jump Freighters, Freighters and the Orca). Note: Can only be fitted to the Heavy Interdiction Cruisers.
M51 Benefactor Compact Shield Recharger
Improves the recharge rate of the shield.
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Magnetometric ECM I
Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectiveness of enemy sensors. Very effective against the Magnetometric-based sensors used by Gallente, Serpentis, ORE and SoE ships.
Magnetometric ECM II
Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectiveness of enemy sensors. Very effective against the Magnetometric-based sensors used by Gallente, Serpentis, ORE and SoE ships.
Makur's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Makur's Modified Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Makur's Modified Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Mark I Compact Capacitor Flux Coil
Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage.
Mark I Compact Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Mark I Compact Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Mark I Compact Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Mark I Compact Reinforced Bulkheads
Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.
Mark I Compact Shield Flux Coil
Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Mark I Compact Shield Power Relay
Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.
Medium 'Canyon' Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Medium 'Ditch' Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Medium 'Gattotte' Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Medium 'Hope' Hull Reconstructor I
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Medium 'Integrative' Hull Repair Unit
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Medium 'Lone Ranger' Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Medium 'Notos' Explosive Charge I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium 'Strigoi' Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Medium 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium ACM Compact Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Medium Ancillary Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. The module can optionally use Nanite Repair Paste to increase repair effectiveness. Deactivating the module while it has no Nanite Repair Paste loaded starts reloading, if there is Nanite Repair Paste available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Nanite Repair Paste as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Medium Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. The module can optionally use Nanite Repair Paste to increase repair effectiveness. Deactivating the module while it has no Nanite Repair Paste loaded starts reloading, if there is Nanite Repair Paste available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Nanite Repair Paste as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Medium Ancillary Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 50, 75 and 100 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster
Provides a quick boost in shield strength. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 50, 75 and 100 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Medium Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Medium Armor Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Medium Asteroid Ore Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested asteroid ore by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Medium Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Medium Automated Structural Restoration
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Medium C5-L Compact Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Medium Cap Battery I
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Medium Cap Battery II
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Medium Capacitor Booster I
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Medium Capacitor Booster II
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Medium Clarity Ward Enduring Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Medium Coaxial Compact Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Medium Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Medium Compact Vorton Projector
Medium Vorton Projectors are designed to work with medium-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Medium Consortium Vorton Projector
Medium Vorton Projectors are designed to work with medium-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Medium Degenerative Concussion Bomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium EMP Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium EMP Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium Energy Neutralizer I
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Medium Energy Nosferatu I
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Medium Energy Nosferatu II
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Medium F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Medium Gas Compressor I
This module uses ORE's latest materials compression technology to enable compression of harvested gas cloud resources by a ship operating with an industrial core. Compressors are also equipped with powerful computer arrays and logistics firmware that can interface with other ships in mining fleets. These features allow for high-efficiency fleet logistics co-ordination, permitting rapid transfer, cargo-handling, and compression of materials across the fleet. Activation of a compressor requires any ship using it to have an active industrial core.
Medium Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Medium Graviton Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium Graviton Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Medium Hull Repairer I
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Medium Hull Repairer II
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Medium I-a Enduring Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Medium I-ax Enduring Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Medium I-b Polarized Structural Regenerator
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Medium Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Medium Industrial Core I
An electronic interface designed to facilitate the deployment of the Porpoise into its industrial configuration. Whilst in the deployed configuration, energy from the Porpoise's engines is channeled into incredible shield defenses, improved mining foreman bursts and significantly enhanced mining drone coordination. Deployed Porpoises also gain the ability to activate medium compressor modules, enabling compression of gas and asteroid ore. Benefits of using this module alongside other modules that affect the same attributes will be subject to diminishing returns. Note: Can only be fitted to the Porpoise industrial command ship.
Medium Industrial Core II
An electronic interface designed to facilitate the deployment of the Porpoise into its industrial configuration. Whilst in the deployed configuration, energy from the Porpoise's engines is channeled into incredible shield defenses, improved mining foreman bursts and significantly enhanced mining drone coordination. Deployed Porpoises also gain the ability to activate medium compressor modules, enabling compression of gas and asteroid ore. Benefits of using this module alongside other modules that affect the same attributes will be subject to diminishing returns. Note: Can only be fitted to the Porpoise industrial command ship.
Medium Inefficient Hull Repair Unit
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Medium Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Medium Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Medium Micro Jump Drive
The Micro Jump Drive is a module that spools up, then jumps the ship forward 100km in the direction it is facing. Upon arrival, the ship maintains its direction and velocity. Warp scramblers can be used to disrupt the module. Spool up time is reduced by the skill Micro Jump Drive Operation. The Micro Jump Drive was developed by Duvolle Laboratories Advanced Manifold Theory Unit. The drive was conceived by the late Avagher Xarasier, the genius behind several ground-breaking innovations of that era.
Medium Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Medium Plasma Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium Plasma Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium Proton Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium Proton Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Medium Remote Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Medium Remote Armor Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter I
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Medium Remote Hull Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.
Medium Remote Hull Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.
Medium Remote Shield Booster I
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Medium Remote Shield Booster II
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Medium Rudimentary Concussion Bomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Medium S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Medium Scoped Vorton Projector
Medium Vorton Projectors are designed to work with medium-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Medium Shield Booster I
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Medium Shield Booster II
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Medium Shield Extender I
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Medium Shield Extender II
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Medium Solace Scoped Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Medium Vorton Projector I
Medium Vorton Projectors are designed to work with medium-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Medium Vorton Projector II
Medium Vorton Projectors are designed to work with medium-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Medium YF-12a Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Mega Afocal Maser I
A super-heavy beam energy weapon designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Afocal Pulse Maser I
A super-heavy pulse energy weapon designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Anode Particle Stream I
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Anode Pulse Particle Stream I
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Beam Laser I
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Beam Laser II
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Mega Modal Laser I
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Modal Pulse Laser I
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Pulse Laser I
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Mega Pulse Laser II
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Micro 'Notos' Explosive Charge I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Supplements the main Power core providing more power.
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Supplements the main Power core providing more power.
Micro Degenerative Concussion Bomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro EMP Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro EMP Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro Graviton Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro Graviton Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro Jump Field Generator
This module spools up and then teleports the user and up to 24 nearby ships along with all drones, fighters, probes and bombs 100km in the direction the ship is facing. All ships teleported will retain their movement direction and velocity in the new location. Note: The micro jump field only affects capsuleer-piloted ships and will not move certain ship types, including; Capital Ships, Freighters, and the Orca.
Micro Plasma Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro Plasma Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro Proton Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro Proton Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro Remote Shield Booster II
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Micro Rudimentary Concussion Bomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Micro YF-12a Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Miner I
Basic mining laser. Extracts common ore quickly, but has difficulty with the more rare types.
Miner II
Has an improved technology beam, making the extraction process more efficient. Useful for extracting all but the rarest ore.
Mining Foreman Burst I
This module can be loaded with a variety of Mining Foreman Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their mining capabilities.
Mining Foreman Burst II
This module can be loaded with a variety of Mining Foreman Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their mining capabilities. +25% bonus to the effect strength of Mining Foreman Burst charges launched from this module.
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Increases the yield on mining lasers, but causes them to use up more CPU.
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Increases the yield on mining lasers, but causes them to use up more CPU.
Minmatar Phenomena Generator
Adapted from advanced research into natural wormhole phenomena, this module wields a Ragnarok's massive Ladar sensor array to bend local space and affect the properties of all nearby vessels. The effects of this phenomenon impact both friendly and hostile ships, altering the entire battlefield in subtle but significant ways. Clever fleet commanders can take advantage of these effects to ensure victory, even against insurmountable odds. Affected ships receive: -30% signature radius +10% thermal resistances -15% explosive resistances -10% hybrid turret and energy turret optimal range
Missile Guidance Computer I
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the precision and range of missiles. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Missile Guidance Computer II
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the precision and range of missiles. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Missile Guidance Enhancer I
Enhances the range and improves the precision of missiles. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Enhances the range and improves the precision of missiles. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Mizuro's Modified 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Mizuro's Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Mizuro's Modified 800mm Repeating Cannon
A two-barreled, intermediate-range, powerful cannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Mizuro's Modified Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Mizuro's Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Mizuro's Modified Dual 425mm AutoCannon
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Mizuro's Modified Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Mizuro's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Mizuro's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Mizuro's Modified Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Mizuro's Modified Heavy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Mizuro's Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Mizuro's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Mizuro's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Mizuro's Modified Large Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Mizuro's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Mizuro's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Mizuro's Modified Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Mizuro's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Mizuro's Modified Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Mizuro's Modified Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
ML-3 Scoped Survey Scanner
Scans the composition of asteroids, ice and gas clouds.
ML-EKP 'Polybolos' Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, modified by Mordu's Legion to enhance kill probability of missiles against faster targets.
Modal Electron Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Enduring Dual Giga Beam Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Modal Enduring Dual Giga Pulse Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Modal Enduring Ion Siege Blaster
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Enduring Quad Mega Pulse Laser
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Modal Enduring Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with neutron blaster cannons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Ion Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Light Electron Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Light Ion Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Light Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Mega Electron Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Mega Ion Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modal Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Modulated Compact Dual Giga Beam Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Modulated Compact Dual Giga Pulse Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Modulated Compact Quad Mega Pulse Laser
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Modulated Deep Core Miner II
The modulated deep core miner is a technological marvel that combines the capacities of the commonly used Miner II with that of the deep core mining laser. Using a modular mining crystal system, it can be altered on the fly for maximum efficiency. It's important to remember, however, that without the proper crystals this unit is only marginally useful for mining mercoxit, and highly inefficient for most anything else.
Modulated Deep Core Strip Miner II
The modulated deep core miner is a technological marvel that combines the capacities of the commonly used Miner II with that of the deep core mining laser. Using a modular mining crystal system, it can be altered on the fly for maximum efficiency. Can only be fit to Mining Barges and Exhumers.
Modulated Strip Miner II
The Modulated Strip Miner II uses many of the same crystal frequency modulation technologies as the Modulated Deep Core Miner II, except it lacks the deep core mining capacity of its smaller sibling. Can only be fit to Mining Barges and Exhumers. Uses mining crystals. Cannot fit a mercoxit mining crystal.
Morpheus Enduring Magnetometric ECM
Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectiveness of enemy sensors. Very effective against the Magnetometric-based sensors used by Gallente, Serpentis, ORE and SoE ships.
Multispectral ECM I
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Multispectral ECM II
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Multispectrum Coating I
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Multispectrum Coating II
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Multispectrum Energized Membrane I
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Multispectrum Shield Hardener I
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
N-1 Neon Type Rocket Bay
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
N-JM Compact Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Naiyon's Modified Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship's velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship's velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Navy Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Supplements the main Power core providing more power.
Networked Sensor Array
An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a carrier's sensors. By redirecting power from offensive electronic warfare systems and warp drive, the networked sensor array greatly enhances the resolution of ship's targeting arrays, and the sensor strength of the ship and its fighter squadrons. Note: This module can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarrier class ships.
Neutron Blaster Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Noir. Modified Entosis Link
This Restrained variation of the standard Entosis Link was developed by the research division of the Capsuleer mercenary corporation Noir. Noir's forces played key parts in the first wave of research into the applications of Entosis technology and were able to optimize the standard Entosis Link for higher velocity operation. Originally intended for internal use only, copies of the blueprint have slipped onto the black market and can now be found by those with the right underworld connections. This mysterious device is the result of reverse-engineering salvaged Drifter technology. It appears to use ancient Jovian techniques and materials to allow more efficient mind-machine links than were thought possible in the past. The practical applications of this technology are still unclear. This module cannot be fitted to Interceptors. This module requires a full warm-up cycle before beginning to influence targeted structures. Ships fitted with a Restrained Entosis Link are unable to accelerate beyond 4200m/s using their normal sub-warp engines. Once activated, this module cannot be deactivated until it completes its current cycle. While an Entosis Link is active, the fitted ship cannot cloak, warp, jump, or dock. Capital ships cannot receive remote assistance while they have an Entosis Link active. Disclaimer: The Carthum Conglomerate, as well as its registered subsidiaries and partners, accepts absolutely no legal or ethical liability for any unforeseen consequences of connecting untested Drifter-derived technology directly to the user's mind.
OE-5200 Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer I
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Omnidirectional Tracking Link I
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Optical Compact Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
ORE Deep Core Mining Laser
A basic mining laser for deep core mining ore such as mercoxit. Very inefficient but does get the job done ... eventually
ORE Expanded Cargohold
Increases cargo hold capacity at the expense of maximum velocity and hull strength.
ORE Gas Cloud Harvester
Ever-increasing demand for the products derived from gas cloud resources finally drove yet another breakthrough in gas harvesting technology, with the old scoop tech's integrated tractor beam and gas conversion systems massively overhauled to include broad-sweep beams and high-efficiency, multiplexed catalytic conversion arrays. The large increase in the size of the installed hardware and the power requirements of the equipment has meant that only larger ships can be contemplated as platforms for the new Gas Cloud Harvesters. Given these demands and the advantages of using dedicated mining ships, the practical module designs were soon specialized for use on mining barges and exhumers. The specialist engineers and scientists of Outer Ring Development took the basic technology of barge-operated Gas Cloud Harvesters and massively improved the efficiency of the units to produce the ORE Gas Cloud Harvester. CONCORD's AG12 technology monitoring section believes ORE's staff were significantly assisted by the collaboration of Intaki Syndicate engineers working within the Upwell Consortium partnership. CONCORD is concerned that illegal booster manufacturing and smuggling may increase due to the development of such enhanced gas harvesting technology.
ORE Ice Harvester
A unit used to extract valuable materials from ice asteroids. Used on Mining barges and Exhumers.
ORE Ice Mining Laser
A unit used to extract valuable materials from ice asteroids. Used on Expedition Frigates.
ORE Miner
Basic mining laser. Extracts common ore quickly, but has difficulty with the more rare types.
ORE Reinforced Bulkheads
Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.
ORE Strip Miner
A bulk ore extractor designed for use on Mining Barges and Exhumers.
Overdrive Injector System I
This monster unit vastly increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Overdrive Injector System II
This monster unit vastly increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
P-S Compact Remote Tracking Computer
Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pandemic SPHERE Modified Entosis Link
This Scoped variation of the standard Entosis Link was developed by the research division of the Capsuleer alliance Pandemic Legion. Pandemic Legion's forces have always been at the forefront of research into the applications of Entosis technology and were able to optimize the standard Entosis Link for longer range operation. Originally intended for internal use only, copies of the blueprint have slipped onto the black market and can now be found by those with the right underworld connections. This mysterious device is the result of reverse-engineering salvaged Drifter technology. It appears to use ancient Jovian techniques and materials to allow more efficient mind-machine links than were thought possible in the past. The practical applications of this technology are still unclear. This module cannot be fitted to Interceptors. This module requires a full warm-up cycle before beginning to influence targeted structures. Ships fitted with an Entosis Link are unable to accelerate beyond 4000m/s using their normal sub-warp engines. Once activated, this module cannot be deactivated until it completes its current cycle. While an Entosis Link is active, the fitted ship cannot cloak, warp, jump, or dock. Capital ships cannot receive remote assistance while they have an Entosis Link active. Disclaimer: The Carthum Conglomerate, as well as its registered subsidiaries and partners, accepts absolutely no legal or ethical liability for any unforeseen consequences of connecting untested Drifter-derived technology directly to the user's mind.
Parallel Enduring Target Painter
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and hit. This upgraded version of the basic target painter uses patented Parallel Weapon Navigation Transmitter technology to minimize capacitor energy consumption during operation. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser
Basic mining laser. Extracts common ore quickly, but has difficulty with the more rare types.
Passive Targeter I
Uses advanced gravitational and visual targeting to identify threats. Allows target lock without alerting the ship to a possible threat.
Passive Targeter II
Uses advanced gravitational and visual targeting to identify threats. Allows target lock without alerting the ship to a possible threat.
Passive Targeting Array I
Uses advanced gravitational and visual targeting to identify threats. Allows target lock without alerting the ship to a possible threat.
Peripheral Compact Target Painter
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and hit. This upgraded version of the basic target painter uses patented Peripheral Weapon Navigation Diameter technology to reduce CPU requirements. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Perun Heavy Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer
Triglavian remote armor repair equipment use mutadaptive technology to restore lost material with escalating effect over time. This is achieved using specialized armor repair mutaplasmids as nanite feedstock for the remote repair projectors. As the armor repair mutaplasmid stream is able to adapt itself in real-time to specific target ship conditions far more efficiently than standard armor repair nanites, the efficiency of armor repairing performed by the nanite stream on a given target increases over time towards a maximal repair output.
Phased Muon Scoped Sensor Dampener
Reduces the range and speed of a targeted ship's sensors. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Phased Scoped Target Painter
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and hit. This upgraded version of the basic target painter uses the famous Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron technology to significantly boost optimal range. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Photonic Upgraded Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Pitfall Compact Warp Disruption Field Generator
The field generator projects a warp disruption sphere centered upon the ship for its entire duration. The field prevents any warping or jump drive activation within its area of effect. The generator has several effects upon the parent ship whilst active. It increases its signature radius and also prevents any friendly remote effects from being rendered to the parent ship. This module's effect can be modified with scripts. When scripted it prevents capital class ships from using stargates (excluding Jump Freighters, Freighters and the Orca). Note: Can only be fitted to the Heavy Interdiction Cruisers.
Pith A-Type EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith A-Type Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith A-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith A-Type Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pith A-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pith A-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith A-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pith B-Type EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith B-Type Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith B-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith B-Type Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pith B-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pith B-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith B-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pith C-Type EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith C-Type Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith C-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith C-Type Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pith C-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pith C-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith X-Type Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith X-Type Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pith X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pith X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pithi A-Type Small Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Pithi A-Type Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pithi B-Type Small Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Pithi B-Type Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pithi C-Type Small Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Pithi C-Type Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pithum A-Type EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum A-Type Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum A-Type Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pithum A-Type Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum B-Type EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum B-Type Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum B-Type Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum B-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Pithum B-Type Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pithum B-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pithum B-Type Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum C-Type EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum C-Type Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum C-Type Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Pithum C-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Pithum C-Type Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Pithum C-Type Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
PL-0 Scoped Cargo Scanner
Scans the cargo hold of another ship.
Polarized 200mm AutoCannon
The 200mm is a powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Polarized 425mm AutoCannon
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Polarized 800mm Repeating Cannon
A two-barreled, intermediate-range, powerful cannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Polarized Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted.
Polarized Heavy Neutron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Polarized Heavy Pulse Laser
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Polarized Light Neutron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Polarized Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Polarized Neutron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Polarized Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted.
Polarized Small Focused Pulse Laser
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Polarized Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships. Polarized weapons offer extremely good primary stats, but come with the cost of completely negating all resistances on a ship if fitted.
Power Diagnostic System I
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Power Diagnostic System II
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Pro-Nav Compact Missile Guidance Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the precision of missiles. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized
Prototype 'Arbalest' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Prototype 'Arbalest' Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Prototype 'Poncho' Cloaking Device I
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Prototype Cloaking Device I
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Prototype Compact EM Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Prototype Compact Explosive Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Prototype Compact Kinetic Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Prototype Compact Thermal Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Prototype Hyperspatial Accelerator
This unit increases warp speed and acceleration. No more than three Hyperspatial Accelerators can be fit to one ship.
Prototype Jump Drive Economizer
This unit decreases the isotope fuel requirements of starship jump drives. Can only be fitted to Jump Freighters and Rorquals. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Prototype Precise Dual 1000mm Railgun
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Prototype Precise Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Prototype Precise Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Prototype Precise Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core
Adapted from technology originally released with Citadels, the Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core is the result of Upwell's tireless research into advanced shielding. This powerful module allows a Rorqual to make itself and industrial fleetmates nearly invulnerable for a short time. Due to the immense stresses involved in the sustained shield pulse, the Rorqual must have an active target lock on an ore or ice asteroid when activating this module. This module burns out completely after a single activation and will need to be repaired to be used in the future. The effect from this module applies to subcapital mining and hauling ships in the same fleet as the activating Rorqual. Does not apply to other Rorquals. Affected ships gain incredible shield resistances, but lose the ability to deal damage, cloak, warp, dock, tether, or jump. Other effects include increased mass, decreased velocity and decreased scan resolution.
Purloined Sansha Data Analyzer
CONCORD has acquired untold numbers of these devices from destroyed Sansha vessels during recent raids. The modules have the appearance of standard data analyzers, but when connected to the systems of a suitably modified ship, they exhibit significantly enhanced capabilities.Official DED reports on the devices' internal workings cite "inconclusive results", but CONCORD has nevertheless opted to distribute these modules to capsuleers in the hope that they might be useful in the fight against Kuvakei's minions. Note: Due to recently discovered branch prediction vulnerabilities in certain Upwell Consortium Recursive Computing Modules this analyzer may also be used to collect sensitive information concerning reinforcement periods of Upwell Structures.
QA Tactical Capsuleer Recloner
The Tactical Capsuleer Recloner allows pilots of capsules destroyed in the local system to reclone at a supercarrier equipped with an active recloner. To overcome the limitations of standard capsuleer cloning, particularly the need to pre-install compatible clone blanks at a cloning location, the system relies on capsuleers using a special augmentation: the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper. The Tactical Capsuleer Recloner uses rapid nanosculpting technology to tailor default clone blanks to individual capsuleers using data received from the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper augmentation. Capsuleers with clone mappers installed are therefore able to reclone at an active Tactical Capsuleer Recloner in the local system. While the recloning bay is the heart of the TCR facility, it also contains industrial nanofabs capable of flash-fabricating capsules, together with launch tubes that will rapidly deliver the recloned capsuleer to their new ship.
Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery I
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery II
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.
Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon I
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon II
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.
Quad Afocal Light Maser I
Uses four light maser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Quad Anode Light Particle Stream I
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Quad Light Beam Laser I
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Quad Light Beam Laser II
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Quad Mega Pulse Laser I
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Quad Mega Pulse Laser II
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Quad Modal Light Laser I
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Quad Modulated Light Energy Beam I
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Radar ECM I
Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against the Radar systems incorporated into ships built by the Amarr, Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation and Triglavian Collective.
Radar ECM II
Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against the Radar systems incorporated into ships built by the Amarr, Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation and Triglavian Collective.
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher II
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Rapid Light Missile Launcher I
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular and advanced light missiles.
Rapid Torpedo Launcher I
Launcher for capitals intended to counter smaller combat ships such as battleships, can only be loaded with torpedoes.
Rapid Torpedo Launcher II
Launcher for capitals intended to counter smaller combat ships such as battleships, can only be loaded with torpedoes.
Rash Compact Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Raysere's Modified Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Raysere's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Raysere's Modified Dual Heavy Beam Laser
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Raysere's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Raysere's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Raysere's Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Raysere's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Raysere's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Raysere's Modified Mega Beam Laser
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Raysere's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Raysere's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Raysere's Modified Tachyon Beam Laser
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Raysere's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Raysere's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Reactive Armor Hardener
The Reactive Armor Hardener possesses an advanced nano membrane that reacts to armor layer damage by shifting between resistances over time. This makes it able to align its defenses against whichever incoming damage types are prevalent. The module spreads 60% resistance over the four damage types, starting at 15% in each. Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. Prototype Inferno Module.
Reactor Control Unit I
Boosts power core output.
Reactor Control Unit II
Boosts power core output.
Regulated Compact Ion Siege Blaster
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Compact Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with neutron blaster cannons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Electron Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Ion Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Light Electron Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Light Ion Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Light Neutron Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Mega Electron Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Mega Ion Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Mega Neutron Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Regulated Neutron Phase Cannon I
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Reinforced Bulkheads I
Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.
Relic Analyzer I
An archaeology system used to analyze and search ancient ruins, potentially revealing valuable items for collection. Note: Due to recently discovered branch prediction vulnerabilities in certain Upwell Consortium Recursive Computing Modules this analyzer may also be used to collect sensitive information concerning reinforcement periods of Upwell Structures.
Relic Analyzer II
An archaeology system used to analyze and search ancient ruins, potentially revealing valuable items for collection. Note: Due to recently discovered branch prediction vulnerabilities in certain Upwell Consortium Recursive Computing Modules this analyzer may also be used to collect sensitive information concerning reinforcement periods of Upwell Structures.
Remote Sensor Booster I
Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions, boost their targeting range and improve their sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Remote Sensor Booster II
Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions, boost their targeting range and improve their sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Remote Sensor Dampener I
Reduces the range and speed of a targeted ship's sensors. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Remote Sensor Dampener II
Reduces the range and speed of a targeted ship's sensors. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Remote Tracking Computer I
Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Remote Tracking Computer II
Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Republic Fleet 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Republic Fleet 1200mm Artillery
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 125mm Autocannon
This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 1400mm Howitzer Artillery
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 150mm Autocannon
A simple but effective close combat autocannon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Republic Fleet 200mm Autocannon
A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 220mm Autocannon
This autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 250mm Artillery
This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 280mm Howitzer Artillery
Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 425mm Autocannon
The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Republic Fleet 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Republic Fleet 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Republic Fleet 650mm Artillery
A powerful long-range artillery. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 720mm Howitzer Artillery
This rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet 800mm Repeating Cannon
An autocannon capable of causing tremendous damage. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Republic Fleet Dual 180mm Autocannon
This autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet Dual 425mm Autocannon
Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon
Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Republic Fleet EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Republic Fleet Heavy Missile Launcher
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
Republic Fleet Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Republic Fleet Large Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Republic Fleet Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Republic Fleet Light Missile Launcher
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
Republic Fleet Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Republic Fleet Medium Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Republic Fleet Medium Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Republic Fleet Micro Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Republic Fleet Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Nanofiber Structure
Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship's velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Overdrive Injector
This monster unit vastly increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Republic Fleet Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Republic Fleet Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
Republic Fleet Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Shield Recharger
Improves the recharge rate of the shield.
Republic Fleet Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Republic Fleet Small Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Republic Fleet Small Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Republic Fleet Small Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Republic Fleet Small Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Republic Fleet Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Republic Fleet Target Painter
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and hit. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Republic Fleet Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Republic Fleet Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Republic Fleet X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Responsive Auto-Targeting System I
Targets any hostile ship within range on activation. Grants a +2 bonus to max targets when online.
Rocket Launcher I
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
Rocket Launcher II
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
Salvager I
A specialized scanner used to detect salvageable items in ship wrecks.
Salvager II
A specialized scanner used to detect salvageable items in ship wrecks.
Scan Acquisition Array I
Reduces the scan time of scan probes. Only one Scan Acquisition Array module can be fitted at max.
Scan Acquisition Array II
Reduces the scan time of scan probes. Only one Scan Acquisition Array module can be fitted at max.
Scan Pinpointing Array I
Reduces the scan deviation when scanning with scan probes. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules or rigs that affect the same attribute on the ship will result in diminishing returns.
Scan Pinpointing Array II
Reduces the scan deviation when scanning with scan probes. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules or rigs that affect the same attribute on the ship will result in diminishing returns.
Scan Rangefinding Array I
Increases the scan strength when scanning with scan probes. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules or rigs that affect the same attribute on the ship will result in diminishing returns.
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Increases the scan strength when scanning with scan probes. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules or rigs that affect the same attribute on the ship will result in diminishing returns.
Scout Scoped Dual 1000mm Railgun
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Scout Scoped Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Scout Scoped Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Scout Scoped Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Selynne's Modified Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Selynne's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Selynne's Modified Dual Heavy Beam Laser
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Selynne's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Selynne's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Selynne's Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Selynne's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Selynne's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Selynne's Modified Mega Beam Laser
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Selynne's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Selynne's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Selynne's Modified Tachyon Beam Laser
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Selynne's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Selynne's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sensor Booster I
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sensor Booster II
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sensor Dampening Burst Projector
Emits an area-of-effect burst, centered on the designated location. The burst reduces the range and speed of affected ships' sensors. Note: Only Supercarriers can fit modules of this type. Only one module of this type can be fit per Supercarrier.
Sentient Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Sentient Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Sentient Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sentient Drone Navigation Computer
Increases microwarpdrive speed of drones. Increases the speed of fighters. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sentient Fighter Support Unit
A combination of additional fighter hangar support drones, fighter power transmitters and advanced sensor support, the Fighter Support Unit assist all areas of fighter operation. Note: Can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarriers. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship or fighter squadron will be penalized.
Sentient Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sentient Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sentient Remote Sensor Booster
Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions, boost their targeting range and improve their sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sentient Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Sentient Signal Amplifier
Augments the sensor and electronics suite of the fitted ship. Benefits include additional locked targets, increased maximum target acquisition range, faster locking speed, and increased sensor strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Setele's Modified 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Setele's Modified 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Setele's Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Setele's Modified Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Setele's Modified Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to prevent critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be activated at a given time.
Setele's Modified Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Setele's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Setele's Modified Large Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Setele's Modified Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Setele's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Setele's Modified Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Setele's Modified Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shade Compact Radar ECM
Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against the Radar systems incorporated into ships built by the Amarr, Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation and Triglavian Collective.
Shadow Serpentis 10000MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Shadow Serpentis 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Shadow Serpentis 10MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Shadow Serpentis 125mm Railgun
The 125mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis 150mm Railgun
This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis 1MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Shadow Serpentis 200mm Railgun
The 200mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis 25000mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and Microwarpdrives. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Shadow Serpentis 250mm Railgun
Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis 50000MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Shadow Serpentis 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Shadow Serpentis 50MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Cruisers and Battlecruisers.
Shadow Serpentis 5MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers.
Shadow Serpentis 75mm Railgun
A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Assault Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. May be activated to grant extreme resistances to shield, armor and hull for a short period of time. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. Assault Damage Controls can only be fit to Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers.
Shadow Serpentis Capital Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Shadow Serpentis Capital Flex Armor Hardener
Flex Armor Hardeners contain advanced nanite membranes capable of being reprogrammed mid-flight using swappable scripts. When unscripted this module provides resistances to all four damage types, and when loaded with a script it provides greatly enhanced resistance to one specific damage type. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Capital Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Shadow Serpentis Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Shadow Serpentis Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Shadow Serpentis Dual 1000mm Railgun
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.
Shadow Serpentis Dual 150mm Railgun
This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Electron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Heavy Electron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Heavy Ion Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Heavy Neutron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Heavy Stasis Grappler
Stasis Grapplers reduce the maximum speed of a target ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down. This slowing effect is strongest at very close ranges, and diminishes as range increases. Heavy Stasis Grapplers require a very stable base platform, and therefore may only be fitted to Battleships and Capital Ships.
Shadow Serpentis Heavy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Shadow Serpentis Heavy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers
Improves ship handling and maneuverability. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Ion Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Ion Siege Blaster
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Shadow Serpentis Large Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Shadow Serpentis Light Electron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Light Ion Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Light Neutron Blaster
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Shadow Serpentis Medium Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Shadow Serpentis Micro Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Shadow Serpentis Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Neutron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Shadow Serpentis Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Shadow Serpentis Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Shadow Serpentis Remote Sensor Booster
Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions, boost their targeting range and improve their sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Remote Tracking Computer
Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Shadow Serpentis Small Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Shadow Serpentis Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Shadow Serpentis Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shadow Serpentis Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with neutron blaster cannons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
Shadow Serpentis Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Shadow Serpentis Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Shaqil's Modified Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shaqil's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Shield Boost Amplifier I
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Shield Command Burst I
This module can be loaded with a variety of Shield Command Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their shield defenses.
Shield Command Burst II
This module can be loaded with a variety of Shield Command Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their shield defenses. +25% bonus to the effect strength of Shield Command Burst charges launched from this module.
Shield Flux Coil I
Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Shield Flux Coil II
Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Shield Power Relay I
Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.
Shield Power Relay II
Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.
Shield Recharger I
Improves the recharge rate of the shield.
Shield Recharger II
Improves the recharge rate of the shield.
Ship Scanner I
Scans the target ship and provides a tactical analysis of its capabilities. The further it goes beyond scan range, the more inaccurate its results will be.
Ship Scanner II
Scans the target ship and provides a tactical analysis of its capabilities. The further it goes beyond scan range, the more inaccurate its results will be.
Siege Module I
An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a dreadnought's siege warfare abilities. Through a series of electromagnetic polarity field shifts, the siege module diverts energy from the ship's propulsion and warp systems to lend additional power to its offensive and defensive capabilities. This results in a tremendous increase in damage, as well as a greatly increased rate of defensive self-sustenance. Defensive benefits include improved self-repair and shield boosting effectiveness, as well as increased resistance to most forms of electronic warfare. As a side effect of the ionic field created by the siege module, beneficial remote repair and capacitor transfer effects are ineffective against the fitted ship while the module is active. In addition, the lack of power to locomotion systems means that neither standard propulsion nor warp travel are available to the ship nor are you allowed to dock until out of siege mode. Notes: - A siege module requires Strontium clathrates to run and operate effectively. - Bonuses to the Shield Booster amount and duration are only applied to Capital sized boosters. - Bonuses to the Armor Repairer amount and duration are only applied to Capital sized repairers. - Only one siege module can be fitted to a dreadnought class ship. The increased shield boosting and armor repairing gained from the Siege Module is subject to a stacking penalty when used with other similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship.
Siege Module II
An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a dreadnought's siege warfare abilities. Through a series of electromagnetic polarity field shifts, the siege module diverts energy from the ship's propulsion and warp systems to lend additional power to its offensive and defensive capabilities. This results in a tremendous increase in damage, as well as a greatly increased rate of defensive self-sustenance. Defensive benefits include improved self-repair and shield boosting effectiveness, as well as increased resistance to most forms of electronic warfare. As a side effect of the ionic field created by the siege module, beneficial remote repair and capacitor transfer effects are ineffective against the fitted ship while the module is active. In addition, the lack of power to locomotion systems means that neither standard propulsion nor warp travel are available to the ship nor are you allowed to dock until out of siege mode. Notes: - A siege module requires Strontium clathrates to run and operate effectively. - Bonuses to the Shield Booster amount and duration are only applied to Capital sized boosters. - Bonuses to the Armor Repairer amount and duration are only applied to Capital sized repairers. - Only one siege module can be fitted to a dreadnought class ship. The increased shield boosting and armor repairing gained from the Siege Module is subject to a stacking penalty when used with other similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship.
Signal Amplifier I
Augments the sensor and electronics suite of the fitted ship. Benefits include additional locked targets, increased maximum target acquisition range, faster locking speed, and increased sensor strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Signal Amplifier II
Augments the sensor and electronics suite of the fitted ship. Benefits include additional locked targets, increased maximum target acquisition range, faster locking speed, and increased sensor strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Signal Distortion Amplifier I
Magnifies the operational ability of regular ECM target jammers, making them stronger and giving them greater reach. Works only with regular ECMs, not ECM Bursts. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Signal Distortion Amplifier II
Magnifies the operational ability of regular ECM target jammers, making them stronger and giving them greater reach. Works only with regular ECMs, not ECM Bursts. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Signature Radius Suppressor I
This device uses a variety of emissions suppression and masking methods to reduce the overall signature radius of a ship observable by enemy sensors and represented in targeting computer algorithms. Signature radius suppression has the advantage of increasing the time to lock of enemy targeting sensors, while also reducing incoming damage from almost all weapon systems by confounding enemy firing solutions and proximity detonators. This device operates in both passive and active modes, providing a small benefit through passive emissions reduction and a dramatically enhanced benefit in active masking mode.
Single Diode Basic Mining Laser
Common, low technology mining laser. Works well for extracting common ore, but not useful for much else.
Sisters Capital Emergency Hull Energizer
Specialized damage control module that utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and electromagnetic molecular hull reinforcers to resist damage to the core structure of your ship. Burns out after a single use. Note: Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time. May only be fitted to capital ships.
Sisters Core Probe Launcher
Launcher for Core Scanner Probes, which are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures in space. Note: Only one scan probe launcher can be fitted per ship. 10% bonus to strength of scan probes.
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Launcher for Core Scanner Probes and Combat Scanner Probes. Core Scanner Probes are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures in space. Combat Scanner Probes are used to scan down Cosmic Signatures, starships, structures and drones. Note: Only one scan probe launcher can be fitted per ship. 10% bonus to strength of scan probes.
Skirmish Command Burst I
This module can be loaded with a variety of Skirmish Command Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their hit-and-run capabilities.
Skirmish Command Burst II
This module can be loaded with a variety of Skirmish Command Burst Charges to project a field of beneficial nanites over fleet members, improving their hit-and-run capabilities. +25% bonus to the effect strength of Skirmish Command Burst charges launched from this module.
Small 'Caltrop' Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Small 'Hope' Hull Reconstructor I
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Small 'Integrative' Hull Repair Unit
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Small 'Notos' Explosive Charge I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Small 'Settler' Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Small 'Siesta' Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Small 'Trapper' Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Small 'Upir' Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Small 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Small 'Wolf' Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Small ACM Compact Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship. The module can optionally use Nanite Repair Paste to increase repair effectiveness. Deactivating the module while it has no Nanite Repair Paste loaded starts reloading, if there is Nanite Repair Paste available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Nanite Repair Paste as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Small Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship. The module can optionally use Nanite Repair Paste to increase repair effectiveness. Deactivating the module while it has no Nanite Repair Paste loaded starts reloading, if there is Nanite Repair Paste available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Nanite Repair Paste as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Small Ancillary Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 25 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Small Ancillary Shield Booster
Provides a quick boost in shield strength. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
Small Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Small Armor Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Small Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Small Automated Structural Restoration
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Small Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Small C5-L Compact Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Small Cap Battery I
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Small Cap Battery II
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Small Capacitor Booster I
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Small Capacitor Booster II
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Small Clarity Ward Enduring Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Small Coaxial Compact Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Small Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Small Compact Vorton Projector
Small Vorton Projectors are designed to work with small-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Small Consortium Vorton Projector
Small Vorton Projectors are designed to work with small-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Small Degenerative Concussion Bomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Small EMP Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Small EMP Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Small Energy Neutralizer I
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Small Energy Neutralizer II
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Small Energy Nosferatu I
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Small Energy Nosferatu II
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Small F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Small F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Small Focused Afocal Maser I
A high-powered beam energy weapon. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
A high-powered pulse energy weapon. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Anode Particle Stream I
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Anode Pulse Particle Stream I
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Beam Laser I
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Beam Laser II
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Small Focused Modal Laser I
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Modal Pulse Laser I
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Modulated Energy Beam I
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Pulse Laser I
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Small Focused Pulse Laser II
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
Small Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Small Graviton Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Small Graviton Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Small Hull Repairer I
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Small Hull Repairer II
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Small I-a Enduring Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Small I-ax Enduring Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Small I-b Polarized Structural Regenerator
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Small Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Small Inefficient Hull Repair Unit
Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.
Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Small Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Small Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Small Plasma Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Small Plasma Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Small Proton Smartbomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Small Proton Smartbomb II
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Small Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Small Remote Armor Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Small Remote Armor Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter I
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.
Small Remote Hull Repairer I
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.
Small Remote Hull Repairer II
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.
Small Remote Shield Booster I
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Small Remote Shield Booster II
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Small Rudimentary Concussion Bomb I
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Small S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.
Small Scoped Vorton Projector
Small Vorton Projectors are designed to work with small-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Small Shield Booster I
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Small Shield Booster II
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Small Shield Extender I
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Small Shield Extender II
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Small Solace Scoped Remote Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.
Small Tractor Beam I
By manipulating gravity fields, this module can pull cargo containers towards the ship.
Small Tractor Beam II
By manipulating gravity fields, this module can pull cargo containers towards the ship.
Small Vorton Projector I
Small Vorton Projectors are designed to work with small-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Small Vorton Projector II
Small Vorton Projectors are designed to work with small-hull ships specially engineered to support these potent and high-energy weapons. Originally developed by the Upwell Consortium for use on Keepstar Citadels, the Arcing Vorton Projector is a product of spatiotemporal engineering and a weapon capable of striking multiple targets in rapid succession. To adapt this powerful weapon to ship hulls of any size was no easy feat and required dedicated ship designs. Even then, these weapons cannot be fired using ship capacitors alone and must use one-shot, ultra-high energy Condenser Packs as charges.
Small YF-12a Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Spectre Fleet's Modified Entosis Link
This Compact variation of the standard Entosis Link was developed by the research division of the Capsuleer organization Spectre Fleet. Spectre Fleet's forces were among the earliest to research the applications of Entosis technology and were able to optimize the standard Entosis Link for lower powergrid requirements. Originally intended for internal use only, copies of the blueprint have slipped onto the black market and can now be found by those with the right underworld connections. This mysterious device is the result of reverse-engineering salvaged Drifter technology. It appears to use ancient Jovian techniques and materials to allow more efficient mind-machine links than were thought possible in the past. The practical applications of this technology are still unclear. This module cannot be fitted to Interceptors. This module requires a full warm-up cycle before beginning to influence targeted structures. Ships fitted with an Entosis Link are unable to accelerate beyond 4000m/s using their normal sub-warp engines. Once activated, this module cannot be deactivated until it completes its current cycle. While an Entosis Link is active, the fitted ship cannot cloak, warp, jump, or dock. Capital ships cannot receive remote assistance while they have an Entosis Link active. Disclaimer: The Carthum Conglomerate, as well as its registered subsidiaries and partners, accepts absolutely no legal or ethical liability for any unforeseen consequences of connecting untested Drifter-derived technology directly to the user's mind.
Stalwart Restrained Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Stasis Webification Burst Projector
Emits an area-of-effect burst, centered on the designated location. The burst reduces the maximum speed of the affected ships. Note: Only Supercarriers can fit modules of this type. Only one module of this type can be fit per Supercarrier.
Stasis Webifier I
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Stasis Webifier II
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Strip Miner I
A bulk ore extractor designed for use on Mining Barges and Exhumers.
Emits an area-of-effect burst, centered on the designated location. The burst has a chance to momentarily disrupt the target locks of any affected ships. Note: Only Supercarriers can fit modules of this type. Only one module of this type can be fit per Supercarrier.
Suppressed Targeting System I
Uses advanced gravitational and visual targeting to identify threats. Allows target lock without alerting the ship to a possible threat.
Supratidal Compact Entropic Disintegrator
This large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian battleships, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this superheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are such that special systems are built into the ship to counteract them. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator I
This large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian battleships, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this superheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are such that special systems are built into the ship to counteract them. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator II
This large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian battleships, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this superheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are such that special systems are built into the ship to counteract them. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Supratidal Scoped Entropic Disintegrator
This large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian battleships, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this superheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are such that special systems are built into the ship to counteract them. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Survey Probe Launcher I
Launcher for Survey Probes. Survey Probes are used to analyze the material composition of moons. Note: Only one survey probe launcher can be fitted per ship.
Survey Probe Launcher II
Launcher for Survey Probes. 10% reduction to the time required for a moon survey Survey Probes are used to analyze the material composition of moons. Note: Only one survey probe launcher can be fitted per ship.
Survey Scanner I
Scans the composition of asteroids, ice and gas clouds.
Survey Scanner II
Scans the composition of asteroids, ice and gas clouds.
Syndicate 100mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Syndicate 1600mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Syndicate 200mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Syndicate 400mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Syndicate 800mm Steel Plates
Increases the maximum strength of the Armor. Penalty: Adds to your ship's mass, making it less agile and maneuverable in addition to decreasing the factor of thrust gained from speed modules like Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives.
Syndicate Cloaking Device
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Syndicate Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Syndicate Gas Cloud Scoop
The Syndicate Gas Cloud Scoop arose out of a joint research project undertaken by dozens of station owners across the region. The residents and industrialists of Syndicate appreciated, more than most, the latent potential of the underground booster industry. Although their modified scoops offered no improvements in yield, they were easier for newer pilots to fit. Their investment in more accessible harvesting technology paid off, when eventually the empires quietly reversed course and legalized the production and sale of synth boosters.
Syndicate Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Syndicate Reinforced Bulkheads
Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.
Syndicate Signal Amplifier
Augments the sensor and electronics suite of the fitted ship. Benefits include additional locked targets, increased maximum target acquisition range, faster locking speed, and increased sensor strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Synthetic Hull Conversion Inertial Stabilizers
Improves ship handling and maneuverability. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Synthetic Hull Conversion Nanofiber Structure
Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship's velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Synthetic Hull Conversion Overdrive Injector
This monster unit vastly increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Synthetic Hull Conversion Reinforced Bulkheads
Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.
Ta3 Compact Ship Scanner
Scans the target ship and provides a tactical analysis of its capabilities. The further it goes beyond scan range, the more inaccurate its results will be.
Tachyon Afocal Maser I
An ultra-heavy beam energy weapon designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Tachyon Anode Particle Stream I
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Tachyon Beam Laser I
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Tachyon Beam Laser II
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
Tachyon Modal Laser I
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Tactical Capsuleer Recloner
The Tactical Capsuleer Recloner allows pilots of capsules destroyed in the local system to reclone at a supercarrier equipped with an active recloner. To overcome the limitations of standard capsuleer cloning, particularly the need to pre-install compatible clone blanks at a cloning location, the system relies on capsuleers using a special augmentation: the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper. The Tactical Capsuleer Recloner uses rapid nanosculpting technology to tailor default clone blanks to individual capsuleers using data received from the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper augmentation. Capsuleers with clone mappers installed are therefore able to reclone at an active Tactical Capsuleer Recloner in the local system. While the recloning bay is the heart of the TCR facility, it also contains industrial nanofabs capable of flash-fabricating capsules, together with launch tubes that will rapidly deliver the recloned capsuleer to their new ship. Note: The recloning action requires material from fuel blocks stored in Supercarrier. The type of fuel block needed is specific to each Supercarrier and can be found in their attributes.
Tahron's Custom Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Tairei's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Tairei's Modified Dual Heavy Pulse Laser
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Tairei's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Tairei's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Tairei's Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Tairei's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Tairei's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Tairei's Modified Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Tairei's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Tairei's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Tairei's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tairei's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Target Illumination Burst Projector
Emits an area-of-effect burst, centered on the designated location. The burst projects an electronic "tag" on affected ships thus making them easier to target and hit. Note: Only Supercarriers can fit modules of this type. Only one module of this type can be fit per Supercarrier.
Target Painter I
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and hit. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Target Painter II
A targeting subsystem that projects an electronic "Tag" on the target thus making it easier to target and hit. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
TE-2100 Ample Light Missile Launcher
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
TE-2100 Ample Rapid Torpedo Launcher
Launcher for capitals intended to counter smaller combat ships such as battleships, can only be loaded with torpedoes.
TE-2100 Ample XL Cruise Missile Launcher
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
TE-2100 Ample XL Torpedo Launcher
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
Test Site Armor Repair
Thermal Armor Hardener I
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thermal Armor Hardener II
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thermal Coating I
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thermal Coating II
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thermal Energized Membrane I
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thermal Energized Membrane II
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thermal Shield Amplifier I
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thermal Shield Amplifier II
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thermal Shield Hardener I
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Thermal Shield Hardener II
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Thon's Modified Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thon's Modified Cloaking Device
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Thon's Modified Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Thon's Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Thon's Modified EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thon's Modified EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Thon's Modified Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thon's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Thon's Modified Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thon's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Thon's Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Thon's Modified Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Thon's Modified Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Thon's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Thon's Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Thon's Modified Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thon's Modified Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Thon's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Thon's Modified Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Thon's Modified X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Thukker Large Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Thukker Large Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Thukker Medium Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Thukker Medium Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Thukker Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Supplements the main Power core providing more power.
Thukker Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Thukker Small Cap Battery
Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.
Thukker Small Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield.
Tobias' Modified 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Tobias' Modified 1200mm Artillery Cannon
One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Tobias' Modified 1400mm Howitzer Artillery
The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. Must be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.
Tobias' Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Note: Battleship class module.
Tobias' Modified Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tobias' Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Tobias' Modified EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tobias' Modified Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tobias' Modified Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tobias' Modified Heavy Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Tobias' Modified Heavy Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Tobias' Modified Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tobias' Modified Large Proton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.
Tobias' Modified Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Tobias' Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Tobias' Modified Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tobias' Modified Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
Tobias' Modified Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tobias' Modified Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Tobias' Modified Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tobias' Modified X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Torelle's Custom Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Torpedo Launcher I
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Torpedo Launcher II
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Tracking Computer I
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tracking Computer II
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tracking Disruptor I
Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tracking Disruptor II
Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tracking Enhancer I
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tracking Enhancer II
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Triage Module I
An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a Force Auxiliary Ship's defenses and logistical abilities. Through a series of electromagnetic polarity field shifts, the triage module diverts energy from the ship's propulsion and warp systems to lend additional power to its defensive and logistical capabilities. This results in a great increase in the Force Auxiliary's ability to provide aid to members of its fleet, as well as a greatly increased rate of defensive self-sustenance. Defensive benefits include improved self-repair and shield boosting effectiveness, as well as increased resistance to most forms of electronic warfare. As a side effect of the ionic flux created by the triage module, beneficial remote repair and capacitor transfer effects are ineffective against the fitted ship while the module is active. The flux only disrupts incoming effects, however, meaning the Force Auxiliary can still provide aid to its cohorts. Sensor strength and targeting capabilities are also significantly boosted. In addition, the lack of power to locomotion systems means that neither standard propulsion nor warp travel are available to the ship, nor is the Force Auxiliary able to dock until out of triage mode. Finally, any drones currently in space will be unable to deal damage when the module is activated. Note: A triage module requires Strontium Clathrates to run and operate effectively. Only one triage module can be run at any given time, so fitting more than one has no practical use. The remote repair module bonuses are only applied to capital sized modules. The increased shield boosting and armor repairing gained from the Triage Module is subject to a stacking penalty when used with other similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship. This module can only be fit on Force Auxiliary Ships.
Triage Module II
An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a Force Auxiliary Ship's defenses and logistical abilities. Through a series of electromagnetic polarity field shifts, the triage module diverts energy from the ship's propulsion and warp systems to lend additional power to its defensive and logistical capabilities. This results in a great increase in the Force Auxiliary's ability to provide aid to members of its fleet, as well as a greatly increased rate of defensive self-sustenance. Defensive benefits include improved self-repair and shield boosting effectiveness, as well as increased resistance to most forms of electronic warfare. As a side effect of the ionic flux created by the triage module, beneficial remote repair and capacitor transfer effects are ineffective against the fitted ship while the module is active. The flux only disrupts incoming effects, however, meaning the Force Auxiliary can still provide aid to its cohorts. Sensor strength and targeting capabilities are also significantly boosted. In addition, the lack of power to locomotion systems means that neither standard propulsion nor warp travel are available to the ship, nor is the Force Auxiliary able to dock until out of triage mode. Finally, any drones currently in space will be unable to deal damage when the module is activated. Note: A triage module requires Strontium Clathrates to run and operate effectively. Only one triage module can be run at any given time, so fitting more than one has no practical use. The remote repair module bonuses are only applied to capital sized modules. The increased shield boosting and armor repairing gained from the Triage Module is subject to a stacking penalty when used with other similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship. This module can only be fit on Force Auxiliary Ships.
Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon I
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with neutron blaster cannons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with neutron blaster cannons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.
True Sansha Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
True Sansha Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
True Sansha Capital Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
True Sansha Capital Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
True Sansha Capital Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level. May only be fitted to capital ships.
True Sansha Capital Flex Shield Hardener
Flex Shield Hardeners use powerful but bulky resonance coils to project a constructive interference pattern across a ship's shields. These patterns can increase shield resistances against all damage types, or to provide increased protection against one specific damage type with the aid of swappable scripts. Note: Only one of this module type can be fitted at a time. May only be fitted to capital ships. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Capital Remote Shield Booster
Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
True Sansha Capital Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
True Sansha Capital Shield Extender
Increases the maximum strength of the shield. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
True Sansha Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
True Sansha Dual Giga Beam Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.
True Sansha Dual Giga Pulse Laser
One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
True Sansha Dual Heavy Beam Laser
This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Dual Heavy Pulse Laser
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Dual Light Beam Laser
This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Dual Light Pulse Laser
This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Focused Medium Beam Laser
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Focused Medium Pulse Laser
A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Gatling Pulse Laser
Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Heavy Assault Missile Launcher
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
True Sansha Heavy Beam Laser
A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
True Sansha Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
True Sansha Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
True Sansha Heavy Missile Launcher
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
True Sansha Heavy Pulse Laser
A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
True Sansha Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
True Sansha Light Missile Launcher
Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.
True Sansha Medium Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
True Sansha Medium Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
True Sansha Medium EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
True Sansha Medium Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
True Sansha Medium Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This is a more powerful version designed for cruiser class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
True Sansha Mega Beam Laser
A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Micro EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
True Sansha Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
True Sansha Quad Beam Laser
Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Quad Mega Pulse Laser
Three specialized high angle turrets fitted with quad-barreled weapons are designed for engaging sub-capital threats. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships. Requires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.
True Sansha Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
True Sansha Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
True Sansha Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
True Sansha Rocket Launcher
A tiny launcher that can carry a very limited supply of rockets. Not really intended as a primary weapon but rather as a cheap supplementary weapon system.
True Sansha Small Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
True Sansha Small Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
True Sansha Small EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
True Sansha Small Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
True Sansha Small Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
True Sansha Small Focused Beam Laser
A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Small Focused Pulse Laser
A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
True Sansha Tachyon Beam Laser
An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
True Sansha Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
True Sansha Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
True Sansha Warp Disruption Field Generator
The field generator projects a warp disruption sphere centered upon the ship for its entire duration. The field prevents any warping or jump drive activation within its area of effect. The generator has several effects upon the parent ship whilst active. It increases its signature radius and also prevents any friendly remote effects from being rendered to the parent ship. This module's effect can be modified with scripts. When scripted it prevents capital class ships from using stargates (excluding Jump Freighters, Freighters and the Orca). Note: Can only be fitted to the Heavy Interdiction Cruisers.
True Sansha Warp Disruptor
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
True Sansha Warp Scrambler
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Tuvan's Modified 100MN Afterburner
Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. Note: Usually fit on Battleships.
Tuvan's Modified 500MN Microwarpdrive
Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship's EM footprint. Penalty: Max capacitor reduced. Note: Battleship class module.
Tuvan's Modified Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Tuvan's Modified Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Tuvan's Modified Electron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Tuvan's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Ion Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Tuvan's Modified Large Plasma Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.
Tuvan's Modified Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Neutron Blaster Cannon
Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Tuvan's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Tuvan's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Tuvan's Modified Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard Thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Tuvan's Modified Tracking Computer
By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Type-D Restrained Capacitor Flux Coil
Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage.
Type-D Restrained Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Type-D Restrained Expanded Cargo
Increases cargo hold capacity at the expense of maximum velocity and hull strength.
Type-D Restrained Inertial Stabilizers
Improves ship handling and maneuverability. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure
Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship's velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector
This monster unit vastly increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Type-D Restrained Reinforced Bulkheads
Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.
Type-D Restrained Shield Flux Coil
Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.
Type-D Restrained Shield Power Relay
Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.
Type-E Enduring Cargo Scanner
Scans the cargo hold of another ship.
Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator I
This extra-large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian capital ships, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this ultraheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are so powerful that even the special systems built into battleships are insufficient and only capital ships can deal with the forces involved. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Umbra Scoped Radar ECM
Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against the Radar systems incorporated into ships built by the Amarr, Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation and Triglavian Collective.
Unit D-34343's Modified Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Unit D-34343's Modified Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Unit D-34343's Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit D-34343's Modified Drone Link Augmentor
Increases drone control range.
Unit D-34343's Modified Drone Navigation Computer
Increases microwarpdrive speed of drones. Increases the speed of fighters. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit D-34343's Modified Fighter Support Unit
A combination of additional fighter hangar support drones, fighter power transmitters and advanced sensor support, the Fighter Support Unit assist all areas of fighter operation. Note: Can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarriers. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship or fighter squadron will be penalized.
Unit D-34343's Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit D-34343's Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit D-34343's Modified Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit F-435454's Modified Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Unit F-435454's Modified Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Unit F-435454's Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit F-435454's Modified Drone Link Augmentor
Increases drone control range.
Unit F-435454's Modified Drone Navigation Computer
Increases microwarpdrive speed of drones. Increases the speed of fighters. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit F-435454's Modified Fighter Support Unit
A combination of additional fighter hangar support drones, fighter power transmitters and advanced sensor support, the Fighter Support Unit assist all areas of fighter operation. Note: Can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarriers. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship or fighter squadron will be penalized.
Unit F-435454's Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit F-435454's Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit F-435454's Modified Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit P-343554's Modified Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Unit P-343554's Modified Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Unit P-343554's Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit P-343554's Modified Drone Link Augmentor
Increases drone control range.
Unit P-343554's Modified Drone Navigation Computer
Increases microwarpdrive speed of drones. Increases the speed of fighters. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit P-343554's Modified Fighter Support Unit
A combination of additional fighter hangar support drones, fighter power transmitters and advanced sensor support, the Fighter Support Unit assist all areas of fighter operation. Note: Can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarriers. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship or fighter squadron will be penalized.
Unit P-343554's Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit P-343554's Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit P-343554's Modified Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit W-634's Modified Burst Jammer
Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range. Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate. Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time. Additionally, fitting a Burst Jammer module will disable interdiction nullification.
Unit W-634's Modified Damage Control
Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to mitigate the impact of critical system damage. Grants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull. Only one Damage Control can be fit at a given time.
Unit W-634's Modified Drone Damage Amplifier
The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship's drone or fighter communications net, creating a bridged processor link that allows for better real-time trajectory projections. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit W-634's Modified Drone Link Augmentor
Increases drone control range.
Unit W-634's Modified Drone Navigation Computer
Increases microwarpdrive speed of drones. Increases the speed of fighters. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit W-634's Modified Fighter Support Unit
A combination of additional fighter hangar support drones, fighter power transmitters and advanced sensor support, the Fighter Support Unit assist all areas of fighter operation. Note: Can only be fit to Carriers and Supercarriers. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship or fighter squadron will be penalized.
Unit W-634's Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer
Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of all drones. Enhances the range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit W-634's Modified Omnidirectional Tracking Link
Improves the optimal range and tracking of all drones. Improves the optimal range, falloff range, explosion radius and explosion velocity of all fighter weapons. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Unit W-634's Modified Sensor Booster
Gives an increase to targeting range, scan resolution and sensor strength. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I
A launcher intended for use on cruiser-class spacecraft. While assault launchers do not possess the sheer damage-dealing capability of regular heavy missile launchers, their blend of speed and attack power lends them application across a good range of tactical situations.
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Upgraded EM Coating I
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Upgraded Explosive Coating I
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Upgraded Kinetic Coating I
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Upgraded Layered Coating I
This coating is composed of several layers, effectively increasing the armor hit points.
Upgraded Multispectrum Coating I
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Upgraded Thermal Coating I
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vadari's Custom Gyrostabilizer
Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Veles Entropic Radiation Sink
Entropic Disintegrators generate a considerable amount of radiation when firing and this must be contained in order to avoid a dangerous build up. Bringing online additional Entropic Radiation Sinks allows the weapons to be fired at higher levels of energy and more rapidly, considerably increasing their damage potential. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Veles Heavy Entropic Disintegrator
This medium-sized Entropic Disintegrator is normally seen in use on Triglavian cruisers or battlecruisers, which are able to handle the increased radiation and serious gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Veles Light Entropic Disintegrator
This small Entropic Disintegrator is typically seen in use on Triglavian frigates and destroyers, which are able to handle the relatively minimal radiation and gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Veles Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator
This large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian battleships, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this superheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are such that special systems are built into the ship to counteract them. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Vepas' Modified 350mm Railgun
The 350mm railgun works much the same as its big brother except that it is considerably faster but also less powerful. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Vepas' Modified 425mm Railgun
This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Vepas' Modified Ballistic Control System
A computer system designed for monitoring and guiding missiles in flight, thus allowing for superior effectiveness and lethality. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vepas' Modified Cloaking Device
This prototype of an advanced cloaking mechanism was one of the last major technological breakthroughs to come out of Crielere Labs. Although it does work it is not really a finished product and has some serious drawbacks, most notably the fact that the module creates high sensor disruption while fitted and can not operate unless at minimum velocity. Note: Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use, as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference.
Vepas' Modified Co-Processor
Increases CPU output.
Vepas' Modified Cruise Missile Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Vepas' Modified Dual 250mm Railgun
This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. Requires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.
Vepas' Modified EM Shield Amplifier
Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vepas' Modified EM Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Vepas' Modified Explosive Shield Amplifier
Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vepas' Modified Explosive Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Vepas' Modified Kinetic Shield Amplifier
Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vepas' Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Vepas' Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.
Vepas' Modified Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Vepas' Modified Multispectral ECM
An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems.
Vepas' Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Vepas' Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Vepas' Modified Shield Boost Amplifier
Focuses and amplifies the efficiency of shield boosting modules. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vepas' Modified Thermal Shield Amplifier
Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vepas' Modified Thermal Shield Hardener
Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.
Vepas' Modified Torpedo Launcher
A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
Vepas' Modified X-Large Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
Vigor Compact Micro Auxiliary Power Core
Supplements the main Power core providing more power.
Vizan's Modified Cap Recharger
Increases the capacitor recharge rate.
Vizan's Modified Capacitor Power Relay
Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.
Vizan's Modified Dual Heavy Pulse Laser
This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Vizan's Modified EM Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard EM armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified EM Coating
An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified EM Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the EM armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor EM damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard explosive armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Explosive Coating
This coating is composed of an array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Explosive Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the explosive armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor explosive damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Heat Sink
Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Heavy Capacitor Booster
Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.
Vizan's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer
Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship's capacitor.
Vizan's Modified Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own. This huge unit is designed for battleship class ships. Note: A Nosferatu module will not drain your target's capacitor below your own capacitor level.
Vizan's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard kinetic armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Kinetic Coating
This coating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Kinetic Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the kinetic armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor kinetic damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Large Armor Repairer
This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.
Vizan's Modified Large EMP Smartbomb
Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.
Vizan's Modified Mega Pulse Laser
A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. Requires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.
Vizan's Modified Multispectrum Coating
This version of armor coating increases the armor protection against all types of damage, however it is less effective than coatings tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Multispectrum Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the multispectrum armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor resistance against all types of damage. It is less effective than membranes tuned against a specific damage profile. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Power Diagnostic System
Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.
Vizan's Modified Reactor Control Unit
Boosts power core output.
Vizan's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener
An enhanced version of the standard thermal armor plating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the Nanobot Plating integrity. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Thermal Coating
This coating allows for faster dispersion of heat from the area of impact. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vizan's Modified Thermal Energized Membrane
An enhanced version of the thermal armor coating. Uses advanced magnetic field generators to strengthen the effect. Grants a bonus to armor thermal damage resistance. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of hybrid turrets. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vorton Tuning System I
Fine-tuning of the Arcing Vorton Projector's energy waveforms greatly assists in reducing the waste energy discharges during firing. This has the benefit of boosting damage output and reducing ablation of the ultraconducting nanocabling. The calculations involved are complex but a supplementary Vorton Tuning System provides additional computing capacity. Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of Vorton Projectors. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Vorton Tuning System II
Fine-tuning of the Arcing Vorton Projector's energy waveforms greatly assists in reducing the waste energy discharges during firing. This has the benefit of boosting damage output and reducing ablation of the ultraconducting nanocabling. The calculations involved are complex but a supplementary Vorton Tuning System provides additional computing capacity. Grants a bonus to the firing rate and damage of Vorton Projectors. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Warp Core Stabilizer I
When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship's warp core.
Warp Core Stabilizer II
When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship's warp core.
Warp Disruption Burst Projector
Emits an area-of-effect burst, centered on the designated location. The burst disrupts the affected ships' navigation computer which prevents them from warping. Note: Only Supercarriers can fit modules of this type. Only one module of this type can be fit per Supercarrier.
Warp Disruption Field Generator I
The field generator projects a warp disruption sphere centered upon the ship for its entire duration. The field prevents any warping or jump drive activation within its area of effect. The generator has several effects upon the parent ship whilst active. It increases its signature radius and also prevents any friendly remote effects from being rendered to the parent ship. This module's effect can be modified with scripts. When scripted it prevents capital class ships from using stargates (excluding Jump Freighters, Freighters and the Orca). Note: Can only be fitted to the Heavy Interdiction Cruisers.
Warp Disruption Field Generator II
The field generator projects a warp disruption sphere centered upon the ship for its entire duration. The field prevents any warping or jump drive activation within its area of effect. The generator has several effects upon the parent ship whilst active. It increases its signature radius and also prevents any friendly remote effects from being rendered to the parent ship. This module's effect can be modified with scripts. When scripted it prevents capital class ships from using stargates (excluding Jump Freighters, Freighters and the Orca). Note: Can only be fitted to the Heavy Interdiction Cruisers.
Warp Disruptor I
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Warp Disruptor II
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer which prevents it from warping.
Warp Scrambler I
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Warp Scrambler II
Disrupts the target ship's navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.
Weapon Disruption Burst Projector
Emits an area-of-effect burst, centered on the designated location. The burst reduces the turret range and tracking speed of the affected ships. Note: Only Supercarriers can fit modules of this type. Only one module of this type can be fit per Supercarrier.
X-Large 'Locomotive' Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster
Provides a quick boost in shield strength. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship's capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold. Note: Can use Cap Booster 400 and 800 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.
X-Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
X-Large Clarity Ward Enduring Shield Booster
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
X-Large Shield Booster I
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
X-Large Shield Booster II
Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier
Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.
XL Cruise Missile Launcher I
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
XL Cruise Missile Launcher II
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
XL Torpedo Launcher I
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
XL Torpedo Launcher II
The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets. Note: May only be fitted to capital class ships.
XR-3200 Heavy Missile Bay
Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.
XT-9000 Cruise Launcher
A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.
YO-5000 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Launcher for battleships intended to counter smaller combat ships such as frigates and cruisers, can only be loaded with heavy missiles.
Zero-Point Mass Entangler
Scientists experimenting with abyssal filaments and their property of entangling with a ship's warp core to achieve a mass-energy exchange capable of moving vessels through space-time conduits were soon able to replicate different aspects of the overall effect. It was noticed that a reduction in the local effective mass of a ship could be achieved by dumping warp energy directly into the zero-point energy vacuum field. This "warp energy-mass entanglement" effect was determined to severely reduce practical ship velocities and disable warping. Scientists considered this effect important but unlikely to be of much use to anyone for practical purposes. However, engineers familiar with capsuleer exploration and colonization of Anoikis, or W-space, soon pointed out a market opportunity and a modular version of the curious device came into being.
Zeugma Integrated Analyzer
As this multi-use analyzer has both fully integrated archaeology and hacking systems, it can be used to both analyze ancient ruins and bypass electronic security systems. Whilst comparatively weaker than its more specialized counterparts, its combined functionality provides the user with an increased flexibility when it comes to fitting. Note: Due to recently discovered branch prediction vulnerabilities in certain Upwell Consortium Recursive Computing Modules this analyzer may also be used to collect sensitive information concerning reinforcement periods of Upwell Structures.
Zohar's Modified Signature Radius Suppressor
This device uses a variety of emissions suppression and masking methods to reduce the overall signature radius of a ship observable by enemy sensors and represented in targeting computer algorithms. Signature radius suppression has the advantage of increasing the time to lock of enemy targeting sensors, while also reducing incoming damage from almost all weapon systems by confounding enemy firing solutions and proximity detonators. This device operates in both passive and active modes, providing a small benefit through passive emissions reduction and a dramatically enhanced benefit in active masking mode.
Zorya's Entropic Radiation Sink
Entropic Disintegrators generate a considerable amount of radiation when firing and this must be contained in order to avoid a dangerous build up. Bringing online additional Entropic Radiation Sinks allows the weapons to be fired at higher levels of energy and more rapidly, considerably increasing their damage potential. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.
Zorya's Heavy Entropic Disintegrator
This medium-sized Entropic Disintegrator is normally seen in use on Triglavian cruisers or battlecruisers, which are able to handle the increased radiation and serious gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Zorya's Light Entropic Disintegrator
This small Entropic Disintegrator is typically seen in use on Triglavian frigates and destroyers, which are able to handle the relatively minimal radiation and gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates as a side-effect of its operation. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Zorya's Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator
This large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian battleships, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this superheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are such that special systems are built into the ship to counteract them. Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range. The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target. Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.